Sclcftcd Poctryr of JONA- From i the Paobatiomary Odes ; . th am Pindar. ' ; ' Ode xiv. ' The Dutchman and ; the Skitfle Stone jLlOV far trom Albany, among tne Dutch, A Ikipple fone is ufd to balance. weight, , (.. born : this balance is iaft fucb . ' Newsern FcrsT-OEricr, Ctlcfc u'i 706. .Lift' cj Letters remaining in the 'Pcft.Offce at Newkernt ivktch tj not takin out in three ninths, it' be Jent to the General Poft-Ofi. fice as dead letters. JENKINS Averitt ; Richard Avery 5 Ben jarain Atkihfon ? William Attmore ; Jo. leph Atwood. Uriah Bafs ; Sally Brightman ; William G. Berry ,;.;Wilfon Blount ;Arthur Brown & Co. Nathaniel Brown ; Nathan (Bryan ; jQb.aBlanks,JBr A n.itrhman who to mTI Twent every week, . With fack half nll'd with wheat, and half will Wasonce adifd a different courfe to leek - ; Double the wheat ana let the ttune alonf .' ; -"v-- ; :'U " - The hftor with wonder Hares takes off his load. Throws out tbe ttone and fills the fact with grain, ;;.! iKouallv. and tIies the road, - ' : " Du ratal two weeks mise hcblehold will main - - r ti rritt Mu'itire but a fudden thought ' - Soon turns hi.n back. Again he takes the Tack,- And emptying n ic wncu m ,, iUfcu. ' Into us place nc juippie jwrym m. Thus muttVmg f hi'i telr, as he was wont, ' If dis been right mine fader would a don'tf Good folks the moral's eafy to apply ! ' Go, ccp moibtr Britain 11 your days I Ke p her enample evtr in i our ejey; fia irw for truift ' ; Kmarkontbt Above.. In irranre theV latelv had fkippl(pf ; Thfr democrat Convennon oagiopo iej -j A weight that kept each nfwg mernb cr down " . By taking eff his head,w foimor noife. This ftone was Robefpurre's infernal crew ; Who go vei n'd Fi ance whilemocra' ic rage v Juft fuch 4 fcene the United States w. tild fhew, bhould Jacobinic fy tm curfe the age. PWide the meal, ti wifeft, cheapeft, beft r It gives to liberty a duublexhance J ; - A fintfe hof 1 machine, a peft . ' ' . Tbe fkippk prav'd a mUlilone weight to France. . . , f Gat ' U; bj ", TO-BE S O L D, FOR the payment of the taxes, agreeable to an aft of aUembly, paffed at Raleigh, in December, in the year 1794. Sundry lnds entered in Carteret county, as follows, 640 acres entered for Richard Blacklcdge ioo acres entered for Thomas Blacklcdge ; iioo' acres entered for 'VVilliam BlackleUge, and 400 acres entered lor Jienjatnm oiacK- Jedge. All the above was entered by luch a dBlacklcdge.ontheSthdayofiMay, 1778 6 tracts of 640 acres each, 1 do. of 410 acres, -1 do. of 400 acres, and. 1 do. of 420 acres, entered bv lofeoh Leech, on the cth day of February, inthe year 1780, and 127 trafts I Wallace, Shell Caftle, James B. White; t' t f 1 lire I tir.llt uri e 1 1. .ir-i e l j w 640 acres, entered lor, uavia Aimon, on 1 niuoru ; jonn u, care 01 u 'Thomas Caftetlo, care of Jofeph Green ; - Jc)hrcHJallarMi Collms ; Dr. James Cutting ; James Lar mon ; Samuel Chapman : Benjamin Coffield ; John Curtis. , " James R. Emery Caleb Elliot; George Fjverx ; John EUiotJ Capt. Richard Forbes ' Penelope Forbes ; John Freebcdyj Jonathan Fejlowes ; Ka thaniel Fuller. ' ' John Gooding ; James Gillefpie Jofeph Green ; Thomas Gordon ; Bow en Gordon ; M. Gater, carpenter. ' ' ; T 4 - George H.att. ; Libues Hadnot ; Joel Hen W Jpieph Henry, at Mr. Elijah Simmons Edvyard Harris ; . Archibald Hervell. Jacob Johnlton ; Jenkin johnfon. vv iliiam Lawrence, jun. Abner Lambert ; Jofeph Lillibridge ; Francis Low thorp ; Henry B; Living;iton ; Geof ee Langley ; Na than Lafliter Georoe P. Lavick. William M'Clure ; Abijah Mafon; John G. M add, Archibald M'Calop ; Abram foh ; Donum Mumford v; George Maddocks j Ifaac Murdon'; David Miller ; James Me 011 ; James M'Intoih ; Sarah Miller ; John M'DonaUf ; Ilaac M'Cannon ; Thomas W. Machen -. David M'Caul t Tohn Miller. Guilford ; Arthur M'AUilter ; Wm.M'Kin John Bryan ; Alexander M'Collom. Abner Nain ; Jeremiah Nelms. David O'Bryant. . Sapah Pendleton ; George Pollok ; James .Perkins ; William Packftoii ; John Patter Ion ; Jdnathm Price ; Abner Paltcur ; Da vid Philips - Edmund Perkins William Rofs; William Koach. Hardy launders ; Henry Selby ;, James Stewart; Thomas Steele, hatter ;. Jofeph Sheffield ; William bmith ; Hutchin Svlva ; Jehu Shepard ; John Streatcr ; Giles Starr ; John Smith, fheriflfof Carteret, Roger Stores a. Hafueares Simplbn ; William blade; James Slover ; P ter .sinclair. Mrs. Edward l inker ; Henry Tuet ; William Tillinghaft ; William lifdalc Jolm Mark V erdicr. Br)-an Whitfield ; Jofeph Wade ; John NOTICE. IS hereby given to all whom it may con ccrn, that JOHN DALY, late of Craven county is. dead, tnteftate," ad tV.t the fuo- . fcriber hath qualified as AdmmUratixto the cltate 01 laid lnteltate. 1 hreiore all perlons who have any legal demands againit the e ftate of faid inteftate, are requeUed to prefenC them to the fublcriber within the time limit-" ted by law, or they will be barred ; and all perfons indebted) to faid inteltate, are re queued io make immediate payment. J F O R SALE the 2id day of Srtitember, in the year 1794 . As the fubferibef has already been com- pelled to pay the public tax on the above faid lands to the treafurer, they will be expofed to public fale,fixty days after elate, at Beau fort in Carteret county, if no one appears to pay the refpetive taxes due on the Auie, bttore tnat time ward '1 inker. F.X. MARTIN, P. M. Sentember Newbfrn District, 7 bupERioa Court or Law, S Term, i;o6 ORDERED, That the rule for the tri al of caufes depending in this i ourt. WILLIAM THOMPSON, iun. Iberhu .P 7,ewcu as loiiows t Carteret county, Oclobcr 16, 1796. The caufes, In which rrocefs wasfcrred on the defendants : In the counties of Craven and Tones, to be tried on the ad, 3d, th, and 5th days of the term : In the counties of Lenoir. Glafcow, Wavne, Johnlton, Beaufort, Pitt, Hyde and NORTH-CAROLINA, ? " Craven County $ PERSONALLY arpeated before me JL Francis Lo thorp, one of the Jufticcs arpointed to keep the peace, in the county I Carteret, on the 6th. 7th and iBthdavs : on atorefald, Villiam Dotden, burchcr, and I which days the argument docket lhall be tak. inade oath cm the Holy . Evangelifts of Al I en up t mighty God, that on the fourth day of Out of the Diftrict 1 (and the arjniment rcpicniocr tan, rxiwccn tnc nouics 01 iirs. 1 oocKei, to be taken up again) on the ninth: Murdotk and John Burnct'i. on Trent road, 1 All criminal bufinefs on the tenth. ' in the county aforefaid, he was robbed of his I All perfons, bound over or fubprxnaed to pocket-book, which contained amonctf other 1 attend in criminal nrolecution whrre the in. paper', a note of hand given by John Tu- I diclinent lias not been found, are to attend UC to jonn ronvcuic, wq; uuaruian 10 1 on tne tirlt day ot the term. T I "HHhoufe and lots',, now, occupied by r'XTTr. William M'Clure, the lots imay be hadfeparately or together. Alfo one lot on broad-ftreet near the Court-Hbufe, And ' one houfe and lot, adjoining Mr Thomas Cox's. ' ,.V-:.': vu" -.: ' The whole the property of Mrs. Mary Edwards. .. . NATHAN SMITH. ONE HUNDRED Am Ff 7T DOLLARS . REWARD! ' f WAS taken from the Cain of 'tbi floop ' Nancy, of New-London, lying at Mr. r : Turner's wharf,..on the nightof the icth inft the Captains cheft '! containing a fmall trunk "r with about Gx hundred pounds, the floop's papers, and feveral other valuable papers' One note ef Ja.mes Rofe, of NewYork for ... three hundred dollars, oh demand; one not. nf Robert Hunt, of fifty, fix dollars given1 . the 20th day of Auguit, payable in two months from the date . The above reward will be given . to anyr perfon who wjjll give fuwh in?ormation as will enable me. to recover the property , Cclober 15. DANIEL P LEE. ON Sjturday the 26th of November next,' will be fold for ready money ingpld or filver, at Stephe.i Cobbs' in Wayne county, two tracts of land, viz. one tract lying in Nafh county, on marfh- fwamp, containing' twelve hundred acres, . aud the other in Wayne county, adjoining-, the lands of Ste phen Cobb, cortaining Kve hundred acres, the property cf Benjamin Cobb : taken to fa tisfy a judgment obtained in the circuit court, j by Robert Taylor againft faid Cobb. . HANb PATTEN, D M Celebes I. 0 " A valuable rlantation tor laic ! HE fubferiber olfcrs for fale, the plan 1 -tation whereon he now lives, contain ing about one thoufand acres. It lies on Neufe river and Slocomb's creek, about fif teen miles below Newbern, and is under as good improvement as any land in the (late '1 he terms will be made eafy, and may be known by -applying to Henry Tooley, ia Newbernor . ADAM TOOLEY. Cclober 15. , . -....v ;- THIS DAY ARE PUBLISHED AND FOR SALE AT THE PRINT iNG.OFl ICE, (Nwhrn :) PRICE 50 CENTS. -A F E W C A S E S, DETERMINED IN THE S U P LKTU K C O U IV T S . or N O RT H.C A R O L I N A. Thofc Cafes, twen'ty-nine in number, have been copied from tbe notes of the molt ref pc&ablc law characters in this ftate. Mr. Ffanks, for A 22 12. and alligncdby John Stanly, Efq; to this deponent; v. Inch' note he has not yet been able to obtain an J further this deponent fayeth not. -V WILLIAM DOWDEN. Sworn to before me," Y Oflober 12th, 1796. y Frahcii LowTH0RP J. P- , ' . OBikr 15. lliofe who. are bound in cafes where the indictment is already found, are to attend on' the tenth. ' -Thitthis be the Handing order of the cc'uniil altered, and be by the Clerk ad vcrtifed accordingly. ; " By the Court A SILAS COOKE, Ck. -1 T O B E L E T, j THE (tore and dwelling houfe, lately , occupied by Mr John Se.irs. Enqulie of the Printer ,NE W B ERNl ' IINTED !Y FRANCO I S.N. MART IN.