dated rrore plainly in this rneiaorial that fev veral members of the-gdvernment promote thefe alarms, and that on, tnem atone inouiu fall the refponiibility, if any difagrccable ef. ,U ? - In vim wtH thrtf fav- tn excuie uiemicnca, uwi to reftrain the people. - - ' ';;.) They will be replied to frf It was y ou who inftigated the people j;. they were but your inurnment, and it is pn you that all bur ven- frMnrp -ftiall fall." - -V - O -. " .-,t- i.. '")'' .. ' - V .i '' p A n t R y.SeMemker X,. -v- " W firR now in pofTeffiori of the molt pok tive proofs which point-out the horrible de figns of the late confpiracy of the Jacobins, and expofe to public view the-bafe planV by whxh their friends" dnd accoinplkVsIattempt ; to impofe on the people. 4I ; rijv . The executive Directory has been officially informed of acominunication being eftabliihed between' the army of thejihineand Molelle, and that of Italy r ; y . f t ' . t .'- ' : ; X'repaVations-are maBng with the greateft, aaivity in the weftern departments for a del -cent on England ; ;40,opo'iii,alrea-. dy enrolled tor that ; puf pc. ; tvery thing goes on with the utmolt zeaV and every citi-'. zen is animated with theutmoft courage, and the moft lively impatience. . : V V Recent intelueehce ' from . G ermany an- f nourices facts or great importance, i ne aui-. trian troopsi'lt is confidently , reported; ,ore every where 'disarming5- the Bavarian gam-; ions, and taking ppuemun o uk.ww , xAgctorate. 1 nus iuc iuca ui unw um;. . riT to the Houfe of Auuria's dominions is re . vived ; and it (aid tHit 'the" King of Pruffia : has confented tothc meafure, with the con-N ; dition that he ' lhall be'a-t liberty to the free Imperial cities, and join them to his own do minions. ; . . " . ' " ThekingofNapleisbuilly employed in military preparation's. Twenty battaldns and 4000 cavalry are ordered to hold them- : felves in readinefs fpr aaion. Kecruits con tinually arrive, and patriotic donation sin mo ney and horfes are every day received. General Scherer has been appointed to the command of the army ,vhich' is to enter Por tugal, and to reunite that Englifli kingdom wittvthe Spaniih . territory1. , This army , is to coniutoj i)jwu uiwi,-"-' ed its orders of departure , . Thus Spain is about to refumc Iht a:u:ient limits. "The Queen of Portugal will p;irtal.e' of the fate of the Pretender or if flis is wife will accept ofahandfome pcnlion and a lodg. bgintheEfcurial. : :v J French Republic. ARMY OF THE SAMBRE k MEUSE . The Gcneral in Chief to the Executive . Directory. - ' . Heatl-quarters, 7 FruLidor, Aug. 24 I have the honor to hjform you that frincc . , Charles arrived with a corps of 25,000 men, . formed a junction with Gen. Warterflcbeu, and on the 5th attached ' Gem Benardottc, who was at Terming before Kewmark, for the purpofe of covering my commurtications, whde arrceably to your orders I followed the army otGcn. WVrtenntben, without being able to fcrce him to engage. General Bcr nardotte gave in thetc circumfbnees new . proofs of edents and of - toumge, and, the troops under hii command fought with great inrrpnul-tv. Hut he wa oblircd to yield to i faperior force, nd thi$ General found it nev burg, to avoid being furrounded. Princt Charles in conlequence of this, ail. vanced on my rear with the greater part of the corps hlih torccdOer.. liernaruoue to fall back, an J I in my turn . ran the, rid; of being furrounded in a country where cwn. ' nmnTcatumaxxtrcmiVf difTuutf. My poli. ' ' tion and th? enemy's firce d.d not permit mc to engage without evidently riiUngthc fafc ty or uie army. I tbcrrt'ore retreated to ; Ambcrg. - In this pofition I wasfoon att::k td by Gen. Wartcrllcben in frail, and by the Archduke in Hank; I was then obliged tofallbackas far ai Sulibath, after hiving made that refinance which honor and military ' duty required. I cnmiot yrt give you the details tf " the : afiair. . I " belkte I hae ' loft no artillery , lam to leave, this place to nightl-and retire to Vendon, afterwards to . Foreheim, where I prcpofe to. concentrate ..the-army.-': x - , .. .; : . . '. ' I hope that Gen. Moreim will profit by that circumftanceand that his fuccdTes will foon call back to tle Danube the forces which t irave alien, upon me. -t - -i -(Sigiied).. . ; JOUI1DAN. : ARM Y QF THE RHI N E S: MO SELLE. 4&omiaaaaei.incli-cf ivrites thus from Aufourg, on the &th Fructidori Augult 25. Being informed that the archduke Charles had detached a corps againlt the army of the Sambre and Mciife, he dctcrmixied to make a diverlion by attacking general La Tour, encamped at Friedberg,. and palfing the Lech at a place where it was fordable. '! - The left wing palled this river firft at a ford unknown to the enemy and v which th?y had neglected to guaid. oppoiite to-Haufiet-, ten : thO Volunteers were above their middle in water, and carried their mulkets on thjir Iheads-:." The ur'rcnE wal'fo rapid; that tKs iirit who advanced were almoll entirely hur , ried away, but- were "afterwards relieved. - Our i repps iooi ppfleilron - of Kuiling; and gained the heights which lead Ottmaring, on thlett Hank Pf the enmv.' - The enemy, with their artillery and infant try covered all the river bp'poiite the centre, of the army. General Cyr began, the at.' tack by a dilcharf e' from the -artillery and rou'ifcetry1;. v, h;cU '(tawl g on that of the ene my, ' add evcrf diniVnifhing it feniibly," a' lowed the 2 1 it demi-brigade o light infan try , and the 3 1 it of the line, aod'tbe 9th regiment of huilars, u;:dcr"the command,' of Gen. Lnro che, tupafs 'at two fords to the right and kit of Letirffrtufen' which village was in. ty ftahtiy. atta-Jkcd the enemy )oi live pieces of cannon, a'la were cnaiea ivum -mc iwmi ne.:r 'the ether bvidge; which we immediately bean t j repair i:i order to pals the artillery. Ahcr foi the bridge which the enemy had'fortihed A'itn'arCUery, we attacked the politi n of Friccibrrg. The advanced cPard on the right, com. mnnded by Gen Abartucci, moved to the lctt on the road ot jviutuch, in oraer .10 cut oft that retreat. 1 he reit of the torces un der Gcntral Fcrrino marched on the er.cmyrs l ank. Gen. St. Cvr attacked the iront. ilemmcd in on all fides; lhe enemy were loon nut to the rnute. 'I he d'.vifion "of Gen. Ferrino purfued as as rihincthal. Gen. Vanduminc, at the head of the jsoth regiment of diadcurs, the 9th and I ith regiments ofhullars; ar.d apart 01 the id chad'ctlrs. purfued to near the val- leyofLaVef.; From i to Uk. prifoncrs were tr.ken . and 40 ofneers of wljom three were of fupcrior rank, . and the aid.dc-camp of Gen. Latouf ; 15 or 16'piccesof cannon, and two llandards! were alfo taken. ' . T he in fantry mnrkimcn followed the enemy with as much rapidity as thehor&Y and the fatigue only of the men and horfes, obliged them to ccafe the purfuit. t The detachment of the left wing, which was before Langenyeick, palled the Lech at a ford bpfofite the village, but it was too deep for the artillery ; fuch of the infantry ard liMit cavalry as pafled, after haying fur prizcifard taken a poll of 25 KuA'ars, who could notbcl'.cvc it pofnble to crofs by that r.iGae, marched on the road of Kcuburgto t6 Fncdhfi, 8 waggon-., and 30 h -rles, the wrcik of Gen. Latour's corps. -; ' (Signed) MOREAU. 7ttd. Ilis Serene rTIohr.frrs ;he Dule cf EIrl:- . . , , -T O - - ' '' . cnfcldr, Count Ptlatbe of the Rhine.' .frtr , na.v:ng ret ;rcd ironr Lau Jmut to J rf olitat, ent to Aclp.sth with hlsconfort and family, N A N T Z( , .v.vj - 7; ;; . Vice Admiral Villaret Joyeufc commciIs the.diviiipn likK" failed from, Breltiihe- has Vftidef his orders two Chiefs of div'riion from Kantz, Citizen Leary pnd Moiuovln ; it is ' rreiumed they w ill join the divifioh if Ri- - chefrv. A. bf.rii:c, w hich arrived here on the 20tn 1 heimiot , Ag' 43') in lbjboursjrorii T'crnmiisnAmT trvmen on board the Watipnev and de .Fori-. goeux, 2 fFreiich 4 gun iuips, 'which were ' at anchor waiting for a orcezcto enter Roche- fort, Thelhiph had left that harbour on thr . 16th My , bound to " the "cape f They took. . on their return an Engl lh frigate, w hich was at anchor with them. ; , i ,' AN S P AC H, Auvunii. TJ12 free Imperial cT;cs of Windllieim and We'.iVcrtburg, havcUcnur.dcd prorcciwa or the King of tfu'ilia, ottering to lubjett them Mvt 1 to Ki Mr.tcftv, GoveMiment. in con. 1 . . frnncncc of a rcfolution of the r.iagutrat ami Burgher. Hii Serene lijghnefi the Fnnce cf Iiohcn. lohn Kirthbergli, 'm the fervkc ofihe Houfe of Au.V.i. dud at the momcnuCicn he vx to take upon himhc coxnafiijfl ihjfarniy, whi;h C-i-sat V? artaillcben Vcj iolvcru:.i. . L O N.D O N, - St'pt. 8. ...... , . 1. Corrcfpondcnt at Portfmouih thei'ollow ii.g letter.. ; - v . ' . , , . 1' , Fortfmouthj Septf 7. . New- ork froin Dieppe; this vt ilcl; -ve on. tnc 3Uiau. at uieppe, contained an, ac-.: the Conditions of Peace, viz.. the celiion of .Gibraltar, andjaniaia to the Spaniards, 'and j l'ev( ral. fail of he line to them, and to reduce the Navy and Arniy im mediately to the peace eilabl'ihment. . ' ' A ret;(i t was in circulatinn at Flvmouth the day before ytlterday, that the Spanifh and . 1 renih fitcts, to the number of 34 fail of the' nnv .11 iiis. u.i . uliu Ulal Uli .j. .XJ. arrcn's IquaJron has chafed a frigate in fight ol the laid fleet. . ; - . '1 w o ol the" Morning papers : difcredit the intelligence in yefterday's Courier, refpeting the 'application of the bpanilh Ambaffadorfor a paflport. We a-; ain aflert that fuch an ap-" plicatioixhas actually been made. arid that an -embargo has been ordered to. be laid! upon SpaliiiL' ll.ips in our ports. . t ; , . Septkmbkr 2. T .-f .r .- ! 21 J Pi. '. , jciicr oj imciiigence were rcau en oatur day at the Cflke ot the Secretary ol tlie ad miralty. . Whitehall, - from vice-admiral IV aibriJe, then on the coaft of Holland j from v. hence he is cxrecled to come to Yarmouth roads very ILortly, with part of the fqua dron. ' , . A IctterVasbecn received in town from . Aomiral Gardner's f.cer, of folate a due as the lit. mil. dated iromon board the RoyJ George, at fca, by v h;ih we learn that ac counts had been received of a French corjvby having efcaped frcm Breft, bouiid to the Weft-Indies : the force which goes with this, jontd to the hippolcd flee: of Kichcry, and a third fquadron from L'Grient, is cllimat--cd at it fail cf the line j admiral Gardner' licet, on the ift. was 11 fail of the 4 frigates, and,a fire fliip, excepting reinforce ments. A cutter hultn ught difpatches, and it was imagined that tlu admiral had u no in rurl'uit of the cner.y. 1 he letter writer -.owkvcr,'does not prctti d to fpc.k with,' cither as to the ftrer.gihoftbc c ncn.v, cr cf the exact dcliination of the liii- thhrect. ' -. , : ' 1 A rcrort rrcA'aiietl on rnturdv. that forne 1 Frn'uh IhVi cf war from L'Ci ient aodBrelt Jus rot to lea, amltoundmeans tojoiti Citl- xen k'.uhcry's fiert, folongb'otkadcd itCa- dit,-whih r.ow makes a very formidable ar mament. ' srrrfMr.rR. 13. : 1 he Paris mirs which flrri7cdlui1.bhr, bring cf corXidcrablc i'ttportauc. I he htelt of them arc of thcjth mft. " Cr.e if them, the .tu der unx, a pr prrcf much tonfidcrat'.on, ihtet pofitivc'y, th;tt the Evictitive Dircr.crvhaTcdetcm.i'.ied to hi. vndc IVrtugal. General Scherer, mr-hiccr of cxpenciHC arid t.vr:, tas it 11 laid been appoir.teJ to the cimuvrlvf the Frcnchforce for thai ctitrrjTnl'e, which lito con fiftuf 2?,dro melt. It it aJlcd, thst hehis received hi faul ciizv of departure. What

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