r SeTe&cd - w m . .1 i. . ij:r. ixtract ircm a roem, upon me aavantagsi anoau . r "advantages of Ameiira. , ; TyjTO ?n!c templei,'- venerable from are,"'; ' .Afford m fubject for th hiltoric pare j ' Noeitersujjiaint, with difficulty trac'rf , V Onitones, by mouldering time almofierBic'd And pini'lifgA- amufe the deep-read childifii ' ., .v " v'fe, -. . " ":'-".r r No pompous monuments fr knaves jef ftate, , --The riaveilers dinner malting hour beguile, M And lorce.thernoraliii to Cgli or ftnUe - No gaudewii palace with iin.j.e(tic heigh y Proudly tonfyicuous, elaimuhe diftsht f ght f' No airalcelir, angelic nymps immure 3 . " No tower flows iniulis the irjur'il po -r, -Tbel'epnd oil fuch, to U'otcpe are l-eiign'd, ;c - Vher stJPIFRSTrt iDN anvl.cPPRHiS: on join'd ' In iiinpijus match, pv&luce a inctly trew, 1 1 v -. -' ri - - j-.-.j AS Wild iirajHTHi'iis. penvu ctrew, .. ... . - Kyi lily11 uil lla 'i'wii . a uvui;ui . . ; Crolics arra Jwofd,' mum pelt and nuns -parade, Beggar? and lords,1 is' if in mafqeerade. : it HiRK,ritfUrdnWtpQV all to'ntcnl we fee,.'' JUBkncwingf'hat abroad is tcrin'd bnnui ; Exertiors cr tne ooay or tne mino,. . Are fore, the wtfh'd fof recom pence to find S ' ' And privat be'nefitijweH underftood, .;.., f Are only portions of the ge'nerat good. ' V 1 ne laws rcioumiivin toncvicu icrte, . Proteftion equally to all difpenle, 1 . t Ferocious war to Europe we refign, . -. WhereK'trigs and Prteft prcmulgaie rights divine. ; Beneficence fecures oar blifs below, And will our future paradife bettow. ? God faid to rrtan " obfei ve yourla'f to do . Always as you'd have others Jo ta you.'i,, This doflrine from above benirnlv fent. '- Form the firft mixt'.n of our government ; 1 he path to Heaven, which partial rcafon view, V Or confeience diclatet, each at will puduc?, Frotn human hand we've fnatch'd the bloody rod, . , Man for hh heart can nfwer but to God j To HIM all nations one lace b?!6n, . " And HE can only tell which leaiti wing. - T O B E S O L D, id day oi oepte.nbef , m the year ligA-Jt - the fubferiber has already been comfSfvery ; iOl n Wliot. the rjubiic tax on tne aDoveiaia v,ay viwuai u AN ECD.OT . v of d. John sov. : - Dr. , Jobnfon', in the earlicjr life of both, was on terras of intimate frieiid!liip with Mrs Brook, the author of Julia Mandeville, Sec, When this lady was about t6 accompany her huiband to Canada: the Doctor culled a few days before her dep. rt ire, to take hkjeave" of hen . On his introduction, he found her in the midft of a large circle of friends, who were aflembled for the fame purpofe. . Af ter a llort ftay, he bade her adieu, and went down flairs. In a few minutes, thelervant came to inform ' his mUlrefs that ihe was wchtedin ihs parlour. Mrs.jCrcck accord higly obeyed the iummons, and to her great furprize, fa w the doclor fitting with much compofurc in an elbow chiir."' Madam, faid he, with his ufual folemnity, I did not choofc to take fo lonrr a leave of fo old a friend with out giving her a kifs ; and as I did not think it proper to take this liberty before fo many people, I fent for you, that I might take a falute without our beingliableto any imper tinent obfervation. With great formality the doclor falutedhis female friend, ahddc par'jeri. No doubt he gov: her a fr'ten , 1y fqueczt. KOHTH CAaOLIKA, ? Craven Cetmly $ PERSON ALLY appeared before me, Francb Lmvthorp, one of the Jufticcs afpo'ntcd trkeep the peace, in the county aforcfaid, William Dowden, butcher, and made oath on the Holy Evangelifh of Al- mighty God, that on the fourth day of September latl, between the houfes of Mrv MurJock and John Burnet's, orl'lVeat road, in the county afurcfaid, he was robbed of his pockct-boolt, which contained amongft othrr pipers, a note of hand given by John Tu tie to John Fonvcille, Efq; Guard'an to, Mr. Franks, for 22 12. and a'Jjgncd by John Stanly, Efq; to th's deponent which note he has not, yet been able to obtain, and forther this deponent fay cth rot. - WILLIAM DOWDEN. U Sworn to before mc, 7 Ocbbcr nth, 1796. J -f Francis Lowtijoju, J. P EOR the paymcntof the taxrt, agreeable to an aft of afiernbly, palfed at llaleigh, in December.,- in theyear 1794- Sundry lands entered in C?rteret county, as follows, 640. acres, entered for Richard Blackledge 400 acres entered for Thomas Blacklcdge ; 400 acres entered for William Blackledge, and 4qq acres entered' for Benjamin Black ledge.' All the above was entered by Rich ard Blackledge, on the 8th day of May, 1778, 6 tracts of 640 acres each, fdp. of 410 acres, 1 do- of 400 acres, and r.do of 420 atres, lteredbyJoe)hj febfuary, m the year T780, ard 127 tracts of .640 acres, entered fbf David Allifon, on the 2: AS peiled to pay lands to the treaurer, they will be cxpofed to pub !ic fate, fixty days after date, at Beau-, fort in Carteret county, if no one appears to paythe refpedive taxes due on the fame, before that tunc. ; ; : ' - WILLIAM THOMPSON, jnn.yZvnJ. tarieril court, O&bper i3, 1796- ; N O T I C E. IS hereby given to all whom it may conV corn, that JOHN DALY,, late of Craven county is deadr inteftate, and that the 'fub ciriber hath qualified as Adminiftrafix to the eftate of faid inteliate. 1 heretore all perforis I Who have any -legal demands againft the e- them to the fubfe'riber within the time lirnit ted by law, or they Avilfbe barred ; and all perfons indebted to laid inteliate, arc re quelled ib make immediate payment. , ' '.A ANN G' DALY, Adm'x.- -CSlohcr .:. : ' F O R SAL E, THE houfe and lots, now' occupied by Dr. WiliianrM'Clure, the lots may be had feparately oil together. Alfo one lot on broad ilrect, near the Court-Koufe, and one houfe and lot, adjoining Mr- Thomas xWBF.rn rosT-orncr, vcmer 1, 1 7ox Pft of lctitrsyerTMnhgJn the Tcjl-Gfjice qt y : lfcvlrn9 Mih'tch tj ' not taken out ih three mirths. tvUI be'lent ttheGenerd Fo.Cf-'. 0cc csfcadlztllrs. ' i JENKINS Avcritt 5 Richard Avery ; Ben' iamin Atkinfon Vrilliam Attricre - x j t. j- feph At wood. ' t ; , " Uriah BalV; Sally Erightman j; William ' & Co. Nathaniel Browi ; Nathan Bryan i John Blanks, Brice's creekv :'; ; ' ; ' 1 nomas taiteilo, care ot Joieph Orcen ; John Callaud . Samuel Cornhill ; James 1 . . c .. m 1 r; . o it 11 jonn curtis.- , . t James lv. Emery ; v-aieb Lliiot j George 4 COM s. The whole the property of Mrs. Mary Edwards.- ' -NATHAN-SMITH.- Ct7sifr 15.- v ONE HUNDRED- AXD FIFTY DOLLIRS REWARD I- I D t- ft?fc J: John Freebi dy ; Jonathan Fcliowes j ; JCa- thamel luileiv ' - '.. - y, ' C John Gooding ; Jaihes Gillefpie ; Jofef h Creea j Thomas. Gordon Bowen GortJoh M.- Gater, carpenter. -y-'':. VJL 111! VI. 1 1-dLi. A. JJtiJ LIV.il A. A UllllUk - 1 VJX. I I1L.I ! . t - r . i . i jt Edward arris f Archibald Hervcll. ' ' Jacob Jbhnfton Jenkin Jchnfon. William Lawrence, jun. Abner Lambert ; Jofeph Lillibfidge - y : Francis Low thorp ; Henry B. Livingltpn. George Langley ; Na- than'LalHter ; George P.- Lovkk. William M'Clure ; Abijah Malbn ; John G. M add, Archibald M'Calop ; Abratn Ma- ion Upnvm Mumrord ; beorgetMafodocks ; ' Ifa'.ic Murdon ; "David Milter ; . ames Me o:i ; James ni'lutolh Sarah Miller ; John . lVi'Donald j Ilaac M'Caniion ; Thomas W Machch ; David' M-'Caul ; John, Miller, Guiliord ; Arthur M'Allifter. ; Win. M'Kin. fie ; John Bryan ; Alexander M'Collonv Abr.tr Nalh : lerennali Nclnis.- , ' s David O'Bryant. ' ; Sarah Pendleton ; Geoi'ge t'cHok ; James ' Perkins: William Packtton : John Pattrr.' , r ,t . foil. ; Tonathm Price ; Abner Pailcur : Da- vid Philips ; Edinond Perkins- " . r W ilham Rofs ; vvilham Boach. ' Hardy launders- ; Henry i"clby ; Janes Stewart ; lhomas Steele, hatter j Joieph' Sheffield r William" Smith ;. Hutchin Sylva s vii f j vim . - m g y lohn b nth. iLerittct Carteret. Kooer btres. f x aci i uiuiwd -'till wiuu v in aui aw Ltiir t - a j . ' u James Slover ; Peter Sinclair. " fi; Mrs Edward i inker ; Henry Truct, - William Tillinghaft ; William Tiiale.- , John Mark Vcrthcr. Bryan Whitheld ; Joieph WadCj John VTTAS taken from the Cabin of the floop W&llacc, Shell -Caille ; J sraes B. Wh ite V V Nancy, of New-London, lying at Mr. , William Vhitford ; John Wily, care of Ed Turr.eVs wharf, on thenightof the icth inft. ward Tinker. ' Turner's wharf, on the nightof the Captains cheft containing a fm.dl trunk with about h hundred pounds, ths Hoop's papers, and fever ul other valuable papers. One note of. James Kole, of ixew.York, tor three hundred dollars, on demand ; one not of "Robert Hunt, of fifty fix dollars, given F. X. MARTIN, P. M. TKE Tubfcribcr intends to,' leave th's 4 ilate fliortly. He rcquefts all perfons havinor any demands sgalnit him, to prefent the 20th tljy of Auull payable in two them tor payment, and pr-y thofc who are months from th date. , indebted to h'nn to difchare their refpeftive The above reward will be given to any pcrfon who will give fuch information as will enable me to - recover tne property. Othbcr 15. DANIEL P. LEE. N Saturday the 26th of November next, .J will be fold for ready money in rm!d or filver, at Stephe.iCobbi in Wayne county, two tracts of land, viz. one trait lyimr in alhcotnty, on ma'-fli fwamp, containing twelve hundred acres, add the other" in Wavne county, adjoining "the lands of Stc. rhen C4b, containing Hvc hundred acres, th,C property OX Ununu viuu i uKcn 10 1 n- titf ; a iud"nent cbtaincd in the circuit court, by Robert 1 aylor aauiit lain wood. J HANa PATTEN, D. M. Cflibrr. 1. . . . - IREDEL L's R E.V1 SAL, ALMANACKS ' . for 1797-. ; r ' FrtfiU at thi 0tf.ee. balances. '' He has on hand.an elegant akortmcnt ot Saddles, Jternels awi otntr articles cr the kind, wh.th he will d:lpole ot on reaionabic terms. . ... i '1 ' r MICLAEL GA1I.LET. I - - ....... T II I S D A Y A U E P 0 8 L I B li C D, AKD FOR S ALP." AT THE FRIKTING-OFHCE, (Sculcrm) PR1CF. 0 CENTS. . ATE W CAS E : i Dr.Tr.KMiRiD is ti:e S UPE R.I OR -C O U K T S - ' ' - OT '- ' - N O UT II-C A R 0 LTN A. V Thofc Cufef., ty crty.nir.c inrutr.ber, luvc been trcicd from the rote cf the moll rcl- rccbble law'tharaclcrs in this ftatc. "z '': NEW BERN :. . ' ' riNTfu fit FRANCOIS. X. MA II T I N.