trocheh TOMiecttntyviil otherwhe hare no Influence tbtMircwhich his maefty: J will always have, . friendlhip and "good underftandmg .Which 1 ought to exiit between the two powers. : " Pleafe, citizen minifter, to accept, the afliirance of my nloft fincere attachments (Signed-. ' '""'".'"s ;;y-;- ' E. N. STAEL DE HOLSTEIN. CH. DELACROIX." " .- (A true cop) ) .-'' ':, '." , "; L O N D; O ; .N;: September 12. : ( r BrilliantVidoriss. A Y. I T. A L The following is a Copy of the Bulletins fent the Telegraph' to: Calais, and received there yefterday morning from H. Orhers. Head-Quarters, St. Qmers, the 41b V ' v , Compelmentary day. . ; Adjutant General Fays5, chief of the etat-ma. ' jor, to the General of Divifion Boucret. " The undermentioned news is' too fats- factory to n.e "i be eagei in fefj3Ing"it you by the fpecd'teit Ineans. . r - . n (I'm tln nTTTH UUiLili UN iLLLuaArmv. frT ' Ziftr, 3 complementary day. - "The army ot I tuly, pu'rfumg its conqueft, has beaten the enemy in fix fuccelfive battles ; taken 1600 men prifoners, 20 ltandards, 70 pieces of cannon, immenie magazines, and .. jMeagues oftt)untry,! ' ' - 1 1 he wrecks of the army,' with the Ge reral, are fur rounded by the Republican ar my. ;" - :' ."--rrr-- ', : " 7M.rnedV - CHAPPE." amps vr&si3Ie4ithisGde- I found a few moment after the General dying" I die for" the Republic, let me have time to know whether the victory is complete." He irnme d!ately.expircd. v "' -The enemv retreated toRoveredo.' I -j . Conformably to the copy, - t- fnpral nf Divifion. (Signed)- LIEBERT" BUONAPARTE, General in Chief of the Army of Italy, to the Executive Directo ry. ' Head-Quarters, at Trent , 20 Fruelt- . dor, September 6 l Citizen Directors, "The divifion of Gen. Maflena pafledthel Adige on the .16th FrucYidor, Septo, at the bridge of Golo ; following the great Ty rol road, it arrived at. Ala on the 17th (Sept. The fame day at two in the afternoon, bur Cavalry cut to pieces ths enemy's advan ced polls, and took 6 horfes from them. Gen. . Ann-ereau's divition fet out from Verona at the fame timeand proceeded to the heights,! which feparate them from the Tyrol " The d. vilion of General Vaubois fet out at the fame time from Storo. At the left of' the Lake d'Garda, his advanced' guard arri-' ved at Torgbtte, where it was joined by the brigade of Gen.' Gureule; which embarked at eto at the Lake d'Garda ; its advanced guard commanded by Gen. St.Hulaire, beat the enemy at the bridge of Scarca, and took 50 priloners. On the 17th at night General Higeoh commanding the l.ght Intantry of Ge "neral MaflVna's divifion, gave me advice that ' the enem pofieired the village of fcoravale in force ; h? inllantly received and executed the order of attack, the enemy were forced and loft '300 prifoners. "On the $th at day break, we were in front of each other. -The divifion oi the e. nemy guarded the impregnable defiles of Marco ; another divifion beyond the Adige, occupied the entrenched camp of Mori. Geo. Pigeon, with a part of the light infantry, : gamed the heights of the left of Mara Ad-jutant-gen. ofnei, at the head of the 18th demi-brigade of light mfrantrv, attacked the enemy bv rifle Bring. Gen. VitW, in a dofe column; penetrated by the high road ; the refinance of the enemy was long and bloody, at the - fame inltant Gen. Vaubois attacked the intrenched camp of Mori, after two hours vigorous fighting, the enemy every where fdl : ' k Citizen Marbois, my Aid-decamp, car ried to Gen. Dubois the orders to advance . with the firll regiment of huflars, and pur. ,fue the enemy j the General put hl-nfelf at . the head of he regt. and decided tho.alTair, but he received three balls in his body, whkh w ouhded him mof tally. One of hh U-de- ordered Gen. R ampere to pafs between the tQwn.and . the JAdige. Gen. Vidor in the mean time. eXpred . the great ftreet. .The enemy fell back,, having left a great quanti ty of lead and prifoners. In the interim Gen. Vaubois Yprce4. the entrenched camp at Mo-' ri, and purfued the enemy on the other bank of the Adise,. : It was at 6ne o'clock P. M. ,2Xbeyipyihaten' every 'here ; profited of the diuicutties 01 the country, made head a gamll us at all the defiles, and effected their retreat to Trent. We have yet taken but 3, pieces of cannon and 1 000' prifoners. " Gen." Maflena rallied all the demi-bri: gades, and gave a moment's repofe tohisdi- vilion in the mean time we reconnoitred with two femadrons of cavalry the movements of the enemy ; they rallied in front of Calli ano to cover Trent, and give time to the headj, quarters to evacuate that city. If they have, been beat en the whole day, they have before Calliano an impregnable pofi ion. The A dige neatly reaches the rnountains and forms a defile only 4b, toifes broad, clofedby a vil lage, a cafle on an eminance, and a ftrong. wall which joins the Adige to the mountains, and where the enemy had placed ther artil lery. Frefh difpofitions were neceifaryi Gen. DommartHT advanced with eight pieces of light ar tillery to commence the cannonade ; he found a good pofition from '"whence he was enabled to conimaud the defle. - "Gen. Pigeon pafled withthe light infaa try to the right ; 300 riflemen penetrated to the Jaanks , of the Adige, to commence a firing, atv(,th.ree deim-brigades in a dole column, and by battalions, with their arms flung, paf fed the defile"; the enemy overwhelmed by the lnarp hre ot.tae artillery, and toecou rag'e of the riflemen, could not refill the mafs ot our columns, and abahdened the entrance of the defile i'terror pervaded the whtle line. Our cavalry purfued them. " ' .' "7". Citizen' M-arbois,' ' my ad-de-camp, at the head of 50 huffars, wiihed to gain their van, and ftop' the whole enemy's column ;he penetrated through it,' and was himfelf fur rounded, thrown to the ground, and ound ed ; a part of the enemy 's corps marched 0 ver his body ;hehas received many wcunds, but none are mortal. The chief of brigade of the fi; ft regiment ot huffars is. killed. Ci tizen Beifliere, leeing two pieces of cannon 1 about to be carried otf, darted after them with fix guides, and took them. . ' Six or feven thoufand prifoners, 2$ pie ces of cannon, 40 waggons, 7 ftanduds, luch is tneiruitoi tnc oattic pt noverecio, one or the molt krilliant of the campaign. 1 he lofs of the enemy mull have been confiderable. " On the 19th (Sept. 5) at eight in the morning, "General Maflena entered Trent ; Wurmier quitted that city the evening be fore, to take refuge on the fide of Eatiano. General VtUbois with his diyifion, is purfu-' irg the enemy -their rear-guard was in trenched at Lov is behind the river Land, a i d guarded the paflage of the br'dge, which it was necelfary to pafs. Gen. Dalamagnenot without much trouble, pdTcd under the fire of the enemy intrenched w the village at the, head of the 2 c demi-brigade. . Gen. Murat paflol at the head of a detachment of chaf feurs to purfue the enemy. Adjutant Gen. Lctlcre with threechaflcurs, and citicn Deoux had turned the enemy and 'advanced half a leaoue. The enemy' cavalry faving thernfclvcs at full rMv wcrc a l once- checked. Adjutant letcral Letlcrc is flight?' Jy wounded. u "llic tccmy st'empted to or en a paflage ; but the 1 2 carbineers leior.dcd by three chaf feurs, crcfied the r ba)oi tts, and formed an m,i regtutte rampart. Night wa advanc. Ing. ioo were k.llcd and 3 or 400 men were made r-rifoncrJ. A Am dard of the regiment s You may expect foon a battle n.ore bloo dy and moredcciiive. . rbimrdl " BUONAPARTE.' - .0 r "my cf Italy, to the inhaBitahts ofthe Ty ,: , rolefe. . , ' ' .. --z .. " ; , Head Quarters at Erefcta, 1 3 Frufiidor, ' A'ou folicit the protection of the I rerxk rrmy. If you expeel it you rauft 1hew your- wr. felves worthy of it. - bince the ' mjouty.of you is well difpofed, compel the few malcon 1 heir omrsreous ccnauct has a tendency to - l-iir iirwirt rlif ' fnrif rir tV CalnTliti; nf . ' war. ' ; ' . . . . :"t"' ' ' , l;The fuperiority of the French arms is now mahifeit. The Emperor's minillers, bought by Engliih gold, betray that coun- ..' ntryr.barhmfortumte" error in every meafure he adopts. :-:t- " Youjviih for peace J 1 he French arc fighting for that object. We march upon your ten itory for the exprefs purpofe ot o- bliging the Court of Vienna to recede to the prayer of defolated Europe, and to liften to the entreaties ot her people ; we. come not firP u;5rVl in xjftr -.f evl-oiijnnr rvili Arm till' ' ons. Nature has pointed out the limits of France by the interfecliou of the Alps and, the Rhine, in the lame manner as (he has pla ced theTyrolefe as a line of demarcktionfor . the Houfe of Atillria. ' - " Tyroleans' ! whate'er your part eondacl; rhaye been, return to ynur habitations ab'an- -don the colours which; have been fo often diigraced, and which you are unable to de lend. " . v ' '':- . lyr are r.ovy oppofed to an holt of enemies. 1 hey are in purfuit ot a few vicliins whom - ' the cenerolity ot my couiitrvmimmands mo to fpare. : yJ- . ' We are formidahie m haft1: Knf wm of " tbp frimd.4 of thiilV vvhnmvp ik an liCi .K1 reception. . ; . ; . ' " 1 he religion, the culfoms, and the pro- . perty 01 the communes, who iubruit, Ihall be . ' ' The communes, whofe, Tyrolean inha ' . bitants have not returned on our "arrival, fhall be burnt '; the inhub.tants taken as hoi- . tages and fent to France. r ' " When a commune has Submitted, tl ie Syndics lhall be bound to celivtr, in,one hoi ir . after, a Fit of the inhabitants who are in the pay ot the Emperor, and if they lhould fule with the '1 yrolean inhabitants, their houfes . fliall be immediately burnt, and their relaiti- ons arreitcd and lent as hoftaoes to France. " lhe lyroleans1" who. lhall co operate with the free inhabitants, and are taken with, arms m their hands, fliall be inftantly (hat. , " l he generah of divilion are charged witU the llricttit execution "of this arreft. ' (Mgn.d) ' BUON'APAltTE. " t he above is an authentic copy. , , . . (big led) "A. BEKTHIER, Qcneral of Divifion, &c. Buonaparte," coaimaudcr , iu thief of tie ax P A K I S, ' September - 16. - TREATY of ALLIANCE, omssivr and defend vf, between F11ANCE& iPAIN: . -The Executive Directory of the French, Republic and his Catholic Majcfty the Kkig' of Spain animated by a wiih to ftrenjjthen the bonds of amity and gcod underilandmg, hap. pily re-eltabhlhcd between France and Spain by the treaty of peace concluded at Bafle on the 4O1 '1 hci miupr , and t he third year of die Republic (July 22, 179, have relblved to form an ollcnfivc and defenfive treaty of alli ance for whatever concerns the advantages and common defenceof the tvt 0 nations ; and they have charged withtlus important nego ciation, and have given their full powen to the under mentioned pcrfons, namely : the Executive Directory of the French Repub li; to citizen Dominique Catherine Perignon, general cf pivifion of the armies of the Re. p, b.ic, and its ambalfador to his Catholic Ma. jtlty : the King of Spain to hk Excellency Dim Nmnuel de Godoi, Prince of Peace, Duke. of Altudb &c &c. ic. .Who. tftcr j the relpeilive communication and mlian?o 01 inc.r tun powers, oave agrcea on the iou losing articles: Article 1. 1 here Hall ex'ft for ever an ofleulivc ai.d dclcalive alliasce bsttveen the 1 - , t - .

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