m .4 9 i , L N O R T H-C A R O L I N A G A Z ET T E.' 4' t - t VOL XIj S A T U R DA NoYCMlU.' 12, 1796. . -1 THIS t)? tS PUBUSHttV - : ' nior .Safe r ffo Prlting.Qficei - NO RT H-C A R O LI N A For the Year of pur Lord. .1797, ; ' And of American Ini)e p i noi nc 1,-xxj ,-xxi i . Being the 1 ft after Leap Year. . Calculated lor the Meridian of Raleigh, 35 Deg. 54 Min. North Lat .3 Deg 36 V Min. Longitude; Weft from Philadel- ' PHI A. .'"- ' ' v' :.:-r-:'- C O N-1- E N T S. Chronological Cycles, . Solar and Lunar -eclipfes, : -Clendar,. V. ' ." '. " ' -" Remarkable days and alpeft of the weather. Kiting and letting ot the lun, ; - Phafes, rifingv louthiug, ' letting age place of tlie"ihbofl v r" Setting ot courts, t y - , , Caufes of a count ry's growing rich, Receipt, for preferving turnips from inle&s, To prcferve butter facet the whole . year, - ;;7 : jTorbitters, to prevent the fever and on difchoufjes arid ftalls under pretext of hav , mg difcovered a revolutionary plot, and of vtbe hecemty of difcoveringand feizingthe ac complices' ; ' , ..'' . ,:. When-thebhalarAes became fufficiently ftrong, hewtmld have pultheJircr and thofe deputies who are obnoxious to them to the fword, and in the midft of the general confttfyun they would hare proclaimed the a- code of 1793 n and with joy, and proclaiming the neceffity ofa new revolution and of a "purgation of the councils. -They cannot even .themfelves pre: tend after proofs .the mod cenvinpng that have been adduced, that it was not the Jaco- MM..y.Mvuivc;..piayea tms trick -jalt nij asue, Cure for froft bites, A method for prefer vingmcet frelh for whole years Ugether ' Female heroifm, -. Anecdotes, Poetry ; Character of tit. Tamimny, . The Way to grow thin, The way to grow rich, . Coins of the United States, as eftab:ifhed by .. law, : h table fliewing the value of Foreign gold Uanrin federal andftate currency, A table (hewing the value of cents, in ftate x currency, A table of iatereft, at 6 per cent Trice ONE SHILLING -, Stores will be fupplied at the rate of flullings per dozen, tV:rty.two (hillings and fix-pence, per half-gn'ifs, and three pounds rer grofs. Orders from the country (by poft or other wife) will be attended to . P 7"AR": 1 7. S, ' Slumber "13. Though they have bnly half fucceeded, thy vvSll hope neverthelels that they have perfuaded government that theroyalifts have attempted the grand irrbke fp often announc ed by Louvet, roultter, Le Jturml ksmm mes Libres, and that nothing remains but to, deliver itfelf up anew to the terrorifts TBut every thing has failed and ended in a pitiable fa-ce becauTe theie wasneither unanimity nor concert among the conlpiratoVsand Co-. chon,' the tniriilte"r of pblice, had pilwous In formation of what .was to happens ' The white colours have been planted, but fonie of thofe who planted them have been feized, and they turn out to be certain mem bers very we'l known, belonging to she re volutionary committees, panegy rifts of '-Ba-' bauf and of Drouet, and lome new friends of Louvet. - - 1 . Squ'bs and crackers have bten firtdon fe Veral quarters. But, no perfon is alarmed. One of the confpintors was killed, who was a well known terroj ift. Cithers of the fame defcription are wounded. . t ' 1 he tninifter of pnlite krows the name of ! the terrorift who engravedyfr tars de lys upon the white colours, ihey have found: in the , poffeffion of another, a. tnanifefto figtied by a pretended marquis tie canberg, declaring that all the republicans and all thofe who vo ted for the death of the king ftxuld .be maf facred. . ' ' The Jacobins, after the vl&ory, ought to fliew this mauilefto, in order to make it be believed that they had reafon to aflafllnate their adverfarics. In ' fine) every thing is quiet and tranquil, thanks to the vigilance of theminifteir of police, and to the bad ad drefoof the confpirators, who are about four hundred m number. 1 his farce tends com pletely toimmaikthe Jacobins, and to fill up the lv.ealure of their audacity. 1 he moment was not ill chofen. On the night between- the icth and 1 ith Babaut and lome of than which they afcribe to therovalifts: in order , to co-er thofe real confpiracies which the 'I erroj ifts are every day fomentingagainft the; conftitution and the public tranquility.' " . Jn line, the; partizans of a iiew infurrefti. on do not coniider themfelves as' beaten l hey have fworn thatr before the"exhirati- on of fifteen days, they will difcover at leaft two or : three roy alift conrpiracies, in order to withdraw the atttntion and indignation, of the public from Babocufand his accompli cesi. H A V. R E, Auguft 29. H E C O fit S P I R A CY. (From PerWs JoMrnJ.J, 'HE niiht before laft was devoted by the terrorllhto the mi)(l horrible con- fp'racies. ' o.ue time ago their friends and their accomplices made preparations for fecu ri.pg the fuccefs of tie r infernal fthemes, by jticelTantly acculing of royalifm and chouan ifin the'wifeft reprefentativesjof the people, the new deputies, and a multitude of good citizenidevotcdrothecomtttutioncf 170S They pretended to think that the republic vas in d-nger, and bctr- cd by thofe whofe duty it was to defend it. They endeavoured to d.vcrt the public indignation from the crime of Bubocuf, of Droct,:arjd the fuc cetTors cA Rolefpurre. Bat the virtory was flow, and they attempted the night before laft to accelerate its arrival. Favored by the darkncfs'of the night, they planted at the utcs of almoft all the new municipalities whitecolour wither Je lys, and an infeription, hng Lhr. Louis Xr'III. fll the citizens re commanded to wear the vtb'UectckaJe ; death ti the rrpuM'tcans In . the trean while, many of them ran through the ftrcct crying l ive U Ro'u In fcveral quarters they cullributcdAhitc cockades, let ' oiTcrackcrs, and. endeavored to fpreadcon. . Itcrnation. ; V - " prjobjec was obvious ; it wasto fcat. tcr alarm thrpujhout Paris, to terrify the ftoodcimens ; to collcft round them all the - 4hie vc iathc profocd of plunder, to fall un. Yefterday tvening arrived in thlHiaVbduu, an Engliih Ihip; the Uxbridge with a flag of truce ; (he has on board feveral cafes con tainbg different' objeas- of naturul hiftoryj cplleaed byD'Entrecafleaux during" hi voyage - It-will be recollecjted that this ex pedition, the object of which was to obtaia information refpecling the fate of M de Ix Peyroufe, fuppofed to be loft in the taftern feas has aftbrded proof of his difcoVeries having become the prey 6f the enemy.--Fifteen months ago, they Vere fent to" Eng land. But upon application ; from our go vernment, Great-Britaul has confented to the return of this the common nroperty ot u poiiiccu naiions. fet oft for Vendomc in ilrong carriages. 1 hey w ould haye refcucd them on the jour ney. The reft of the culprits mm: be taken there to night. They have fpared them the fat'gues of the journey.. , Louvet certainly nieantto prepare the pub-; lie mind yefterday fcr a royaliit plo by his ' grand declamation againft the Chouans in the council of five hundred but in the fright at what has palled, he has all on a fudden lolt the power both of fpeakins and thinking ; he has ltuttercd rmd remained dumb. ' 1 he reft of the Terrorift Journals have not been fo prudent. Some days ago their fur was directed againftCochon. lluycon. fidently predicted a commotion w hich wato B E L F A S T September t6i 7 This morning prefented A very iinufual ' appearance in this town.' A lar body bt cavalry appeared in arms, the artillery pa raded, and there was every appearance of war. Several great people came to town. Mr. John Pollock, attorney a tended by Lord DoWNSHlRK, Lord WESTMEATil, Lord Castlereagh, &c. Detached guards were ftationed in feverai parts of the town,. . and feveral of the inhabitants were irrefted, . under warrants finned by Mr. Jufticc Boyd,. now relident as we underftand, in Dublini bir Sampson's houfe in particular was be- fet with foldiers, and fearcficd, by virtue of t warrant, to apprehend Mr SamufX Nitt- son, for high treafon, who was at the lame moment walking publicly on change. ' Th? fearth was made by. the Earl of tYestmeath" accompanied by captain Coulstom of the artillery, and a large armed guard of horfe and foouJvlr.. Sampson aflured thefe gen tlcmcn that Mr. Neilson had been but a few minutes before at his houfe, where her had always been a welcome gUeft; and' had left it fo lately jhat he was furprifed they had notnet him on the wayr Mr Sampson faid, that his w.fe had lain In fome days be- lore, ana mignt ue aiarmcu by lucn an ap peafance. . Lord. W estm eath made the U fual apologies and fearched every room; do let, pantryi ac. m me nouie, and amonra . 1 l . 1 ii.i ... 1 nappeu, auo wiiu.ii mcy taucu ruyanim un. j me reit, tearcnea mat orivini oAMPSOS, dcr the colour of anachy j but this was on- 1 tltho' Mr. Sampson jocularly aflured him, ly ' preparing a fubtcrfuge for ihemTelves in" j 0 c waVnot, as' fome ladies are, in the habit cafe the attempt failed oiiuccefiM 1 he com I jf prirately harbourinc centlcmen. 1 motion of that night, to fpeak like Louvet, has btcii te rorilm under the colour of royi lifit It is clearly announced this morning in the Journal des Hommes Librcs. It it there laid hi advice to the people, that all the figruls are ready. Louvet tells lib friends alfo imheSeminclle, that there are etnigrants in Paris, &e. Pouhicr declared fome days a go, that there wotdJ be a change that the Cluman majority in the councils would not laft that the d.rctftory would again become terrorifts One cannot but perceive the difmay and etnbarraiTment ol tSc apologifts and friends of omc time after his depsrrarr. he return ed to fcarchthe ruyloft, and fonie other pre miflcs which we (lull not name. 4 Mr. Samp son offered to open the the band-boxes but that was politely refuled ori'the part of the noble lord ; upon whitly Mr. S.MriON a f. fured him, th-t he moft have had very ignorant advifvrsrffpefting'hotrfes atd prr Ions in Bclfaft whtnhc was directed to look either for any concealment in his hcufc, or what is, mere, when he fuppofed thst Mr. Nf.lLSON, wiiowasanhoneft and tn hor.or able man, would he found concealed in anv plaa Accordingly, when the guard .was B-bccuf who 5'ghtdayi ao were exulting t removed from the door, he went on the ,L .... r . J f .. -. ' 1 t 'i .a ; 1 .V - 1 1 h r

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