.it1" J. '..r.Lr.-li,3:l : .-f - -- ' J . . x cv- . h , , . . .' . ...8. :. , ''t'l r.t. V Change and communicated what had pafled j , to Mr. Neilfon, who was then walking there. . ;.V Mr." Neilspn thereupon ftepped.to iiis own houfe, and told a ;twtecftiVife what Had: i': pafled, who, in two words; encouraged him - never to return 'with any ftn of bataiefsor diflionor. He then repaired to'the artiUe- , Ty barrack, where he lurrendered hirofeh to - LordVESTMEATH. - The Earl feemed re luctant to take him into cuftody, as he faid he Ikadtoven the warrant putof his hand.'.! .Mr , fteilfoh replied, that he did not intend to be . ; ' captious, and .that he would, remain id .his ; Vcultody until it could be fent for ;upon which ' he went into the public library, belonging to the fociety for.prbmoting knowledge, where Mr. Pollock and Lord Down sue were in purfui'tof foraething, and'he gave tiiiiileir into cuftody, obferving that a i'peedy. tryai was all he wifhed for or wanted ; that he ho ped however, for the. fake of the public fen timent, .and for peace.' that he might not be, ' 'as many men of late had been, kept in ' gaol for a year'- without any trial at all. --It is to Be obfervedthat our foreman com- pofitor was taken into cuftody, and a number -of papers feized without any warrant to that - effect." V'Thfris ,-.tKe motrdirecl! attack upon the liberty of thepreis. r The private papers of feveral perfons were feized upon and fcal. " ed by William Atkinson, theconftable. Several informers acted under Mro llock" and Lord DowNSHiRE on this occaTton, fome difguifed, and fome not., : : ft is but proper to obferve- that Lord WesTMEATH, at the defire of Mr. Samp . son, did not mke his fearch, till Mr. Bill s T0 w, whofe appearance might give fome co-, lour of peace to the. transaction, came, at Mr- . Sampson's requeft. Mr. Haflet, Mr. Shan, raghan, Mr. U. Ofborne and Mr. J. Young, vere arretted;- and Mr. Ruflel furrendered himfelf, in the fame manner as Mr. Neilfon. . . had done.- v;i,, ,.-. ; - ' There cannot, upon the whole, be a ftrong. er contraft, than that between the difcreet and excellent temper and conduct of the inha- ' bitants of this peaceable and profperous town , . and that of the above mentioned attorney and lords How long hall it be thought prudent tofub'mit to this rough riding ot attorneys and lordlings 1 ! ! It cannot be doubted but thai the town will express their fentiments, - ?nd that every 1nah, of w hatevefrparty or po litical difpofition, will have manhood enough to cenfure this wantoribravado and contempt- ibleinvafion of their peace, at a time when " one honeft meafure would reftore falety and fatisfaftion to every individual. - . Such amca-: fure cannot be expected from fuch leaders But why will people who have any thing . be their dupes ? Unanimity and juftice is all that is wanted to render Ireland i'ecurc and ' happy. "7777 '7 " . . .. About half pad three, the armed proceffi on, with their prisoners, left the town We have not time to give a defcription of it fuf fice it to fay, that Mr. Pollock the attorney, conducted himlelf with -as much finunefs as -the patriotic Lord CaVtlereach,- the'difin- -tereiled Lord Down SHiRF.,'thc amiable, vir tubus and accomplifhed Earl of Westmeath did with manly courage and dignified wiC dom. In fliort,"they did that by dint of night 1 fcouting and martial attack, which no hu- - 'man ; creature , was difpofed to rcfift y and . and which the meaneft conftable in town could have done as well as, they. , Our readers muft excufe the latcnefs of this day's publication as our oiHce was block- aded for near three hours.5-- ' - -" - ' ' . - '" II ANA U, .ZcfltmUrb.1 The garrifon of Menu is making excurfi. ons as far as.Wcrilar, and that f Manhcim as far as Umftdt,and Afchaflenburg. Umltadt, fix miles from Darmftadt, has been entered by a detachment of Iroperialifts. , A warm engagement happened ycfterday in the vicinity pf Afchaflenborg, which ter minatcd to'the difadvantage cf the French. UPPER : R 1M N E; Scf!cmbcr6. Tlic theatre of war is again removing from rranconia into. the neighbourhood of the Lahn and the Rhine. Thejfrenci are en tirely retreating .towards- thole environs, a bloody action having Happened on the 3d inft.', near Wurtibourg, in which the Auftrians prov-rd, victorious, Wurtzburgand its dtpi: ielj as well js Schwehjfurth Glenhaufen c,. are. in the hands of the latter. On the 1 ft iDftV a bloody engagement happened in BavarUjin the vicinity of Ingolftadt, between the French Gen. Nauendorf, in which the 'advantage was on the fide of the Auftrians. F R A N- C K FORT, September 6- Tlie, French are now returning more pre cipitately towards the Lahn, and the environs or tne LiOwer nmnei, xnan mey naa Deiore aayancea irom tDence,-. r ranconia,, except irig a fey J frontier places, is ttow entiitly quitted by theni. A great number ofCom- miiianes . and Secretaries of the t Chancelry have been wounded by the armed peafants of Franconia. Yefterdsy a new hulpital was erected, to which, betides the One already efciftiogV'e wounded by -the" be!af.nts. Ten peafants who have either cgtti(ed-:pCFrcnchba gg:ige waggons or were found armed, wereyelter. day hanged here. -The divifions of Generals Kleber and Leiebvre retreat by way of Wetz lar towards the' Lahn and Siegen.A divili on of them is marching., towards Darmrta.dt, Groieran, and Uppenheim ; but in " this di rectioa they have the fortrefles of Mentz and' Manheim in; their ; neighbourhood,; which ' might jbring them into a dangerous filiation, j If the advancing Auftrians , are fufficiently ftrong, it is thought the French will not be J able to opppfe them on the Lahn, having loft ; a great quantity of ammunition, and having I buen obliged to leave molt ot their artillefy behind them.' General Hotzets advancing to AicafFenburg, and' another party of Auf . trians is advancing towards our city by way of. Obernburg, in the electorate of Mentz. Moft tikely our f ate will change in the courfe of 48 hours. 'It does not .appear that the French) ill be able to maintain their pofition here, , as no preparations:are making for that purpofe. VV E S E L,- September, ib.- fcbTf, has fought fafety no one nows where- and that the v hole are flying the, country in. fm all parties, the individuals of which are fliiftingas wcll as they cai for them felvcs,amidlt tHe harrafiiiiehts and perfecuti j ons of thejjatives, as well a s pf the Aultriaa . armies'.;: ,: ' ' ' -"T-" ''. ;. The following letter alfq received by the Iord Mayor from a gemlemaa v of credit at Gravefend,wus .yellerTlay7" morning f polled , up ot Lloyd's CoSVc-Kotfe r . . ' : r GrAVESESD, SePT. 20 . '. My Lord, , - ' i - Y our-Lordihip may rely on the autheri- pcity ot the iollowmg pieaimg rrews juit re ceived from fome paftetigers on board the ln dultry, captain Bridg ' , from Rotterdam, which place he left 'on ialurday lift. :rTKtyr' report that Jourdan vyas defeated on thr 1 1 ft, 22d and 23d ult'. the army of the "Sambre and theMeilfe having left ib,oco men dead up on the field, with the lofs of molt of their ar-v.: tiilery and cavalry. , '. v ." ; On the 8 th inft.'-between EhTenbreitftein . and Vctzlar, they were purfued with. a great lluughter ; and on the 9th, General Jour-: djn's advanced ' party was at Coldgne,' ;nid preparing to crofs the Meufe.' The French Genenl Bernaclotte was mortally youhdedv ' " Moreau jand Champior?etteJ have alio been defeated. Upon the whole, the French ; army hive been purfued near 300 miles,1 and ' their ldfs is crioiputed-at' 60,000 mett. t he lart accounts are that there , is' iiot a : fir. gla Frenchman left on the German fide" of the Rhine. It is reported that BuoraJ arte lias been defeated ; and what gives flrength to . report, is1, that three mails coining' from I -taly have been detained. ' This good news I humbly conceive- will prove highly agreea ble to your Lordlhip .. : . T am &c.' . -p.. -' -t I ' ""J . M ES SF.N GIE." . -Vhat portion of tnnh there may be in v4 " (Courier du Bas Rhin. V.. - Want of time and fpace prevents ns from publiliing this day the contents of our letters from Franckfort, dated the 7 th, and ofthofe from Cologne dated the 9th. Jt.Nyill iuf. fice to fay, that they agree in announcing, that the retreat of Jourdan's army is certain, and that a great number pf troops' are alrea d crolfing the Rhine. . . The Imperialifts are expected immediate ly at Franckfort. The retreat of the repub. , licans is made in a very diforderly way. Their advanced guard entered W ilbaden on the 6th. Our news from uabia announce, that Mo-, reau's army has alfo fu.tained conliderablc checks, and that two divifions were en irely hemmed in by the Aultrians in, the environs of Augdourg. H'ATM B U R G II, September 13. A letter from Brunfwick of the pth inft. dates, that the French have quitted Frank, fort, and that the Auftrians luve entered that city. , ' . . -- - 1.0 N D 0 N, Sept. 22-- The Lcydcn Ga2ette whith arrived with the mad this morning, contains no new in tclhgentc. AH the letters received from Gcr. many, however, by th fame conveyance, ns well as Dutch papers,, faid to have been re ceived in tow n in the courfe of ycfterday, re. port that Gin., Jourdan has been again dc. fc-ttd between Coblcntz and Andernach, wuhimnienfe Ibuglaer ; that Gen. Moreau has al.o fulU-ntd a defeat at Ingolftadt ; and that fb-.'diviliou of Buonaparte's army com. mended by Ginerl Md'ana, hascxr ericnttd a total t ifcat in ItV.y. Sot-je fcco-.ints arc fo extravagant as to af. fcrt,th-t Jourdan -with lo.coof histrocps, luve lurrcid. rtd to ih? Arch-DuU that the Fivruh .rua s hve not U ( that 6000 menr-t ouc jLvilion nr.drr (vci.eril Le. thefe accounts, the Public will probably learn this evening, when another' Extraordinary Gazette is expected to be publUhed ; and which, it is laid will contain the fuccefTes rei ceived in the letter to the Lord Mayor yefter day, and which had elevated the Confols, at one time this morning to 59 and one eighth, though they funk lomewhat lower after- . wards. A captain juft arrived from Rotterdam af ferts that three hundred waggons -full of French foldiers, had arrived at that place be fore he left it. ' . . The Uebe,frigate is arrived at Portfmouth with 2i fail of the Leeward Ifland convoy the reft of the fleet are hourly expected, as the whole ipo fail, were altogether fafe and well a fortnight ago. The report polled yefterdayat Lloyd's in explanation of the intelligence brought by the Andromeda, was, that Sir James Wal lace arrived at St. John's with his convoy on the tit September, and that the ma&vity of the French fquadron, after having been fo long on the Coaft, was fuppofed to proceed from the want of troops to fecond its opera tions, the fettlemects. were rather eafed from the apprehenfiens of an invafion. Mr. Dcitrich, a King's mcflenger from the Continent, arrived ycltcrd;y with difpatches from' Cart. Anftruther. He came in the Garland fngatc, on board of which is Mr Hammond. , ' Extract of a letter from Portfmouth, Sep tember 19. , , ' u This morning arrived his Majclly'i fliip Dover, Capt. Wilfon, from Halifax, Lord , Dorchellcr and Uls family came pitfiVngcrs b this vetlcL . DOST Q N, 67. io. NEWFOUNDLAND The attack on the ifland of St. John's by a French fquadron, is confirmed, by an arrival here from thence ; with the dcllruction of the hamlets on Bull's Bay and Placemia. The fleet confifting of 10 fail almolall of thel.ne ; bat not ft ppoP ed to have many troops on board ..i hat they hai not attempted the town, tf at.. John's but continue tiuifinjr oft the coaft., It was however fuprofed they ould make the attack, and v culd be rcGfted, as the if land tcutJ raife near 7CC0 tr.cn. A difpatjh i 1