- had been fent to Admiral, Murry, who could not fend them any alliance.' Captain Girl- - der at fen fpoke a veffel 5 day s fail f d the E.r ' of Newfoundland, -and was informed by her, ;thata fleer of ten fail of the lineand two fri gates had . takn 1 Kt-. fnnAYnA : iljip and 2 frigates, under Admiral Wallace' Th? brig had difpatches for Euslarid. , i-ii i me laceit. - a Marblehead timing ichooner was fpole having paflengers from Newfoundland On boar! :.; ' . . . ' CaPL4m furtis -Irdm Halifax, about t.$ - -wwv, ins, uiai.narnirai iviurrymy t"crc witn a?74, and 4 frigates The peo ple expetfed a vifitfrom the F rench he fup-1 ; - CAPTURE OF NEUTRAL VKsSKI.S; " We have frefh inftances of the capture of neutral veffels, both bjrttie French and En g:lh; -when bound to an enemy's port. A- . 4Xivu wuiui arc uie Dng i neouoiia, captain ' Variiize, of Philadelphia, bound to Martini ' rue, carried into Bafoterrefveffel and cargo . condemned without .a trial. A brig and (loop; both from Conffecticu't, cleared out for neu tral ports, with horfes demne'd asfoonas lent in to Bafleterre and captains and men fobbed of every thing ; alio a Hoop from Charleibn, bound to Antigua. The fbip Lydia, of this port,' to Surinam" for Hamburg. er cargo condemned, with cofts of fuit, &c; She arrived here on Saturday; " N E W. Y O R K, Cr27v W A Ri ENGLAND anY SPAIN. "We were, la ft ..veiling kindly favoured wua .a naiitax paper ot the iSthmft. brought by the Britilh Packet, the Princefs of Wales1 arrived yeiterday in fe-mdays from Halifax, Containing the followin g 'V:' PKOCLAMTION. .. By Li Excellency Sir John Wentwbrth, Baronet, L. L. D. Lieutenant Governor, and Commander in Chief in and. over "his Majeity province of Nova-Scotia, and its dependencies.- .. J. WENTWORTHi .Whereas information has been communi cated to me, by his grace the Duke of Port. ianu, one oi nis iviajcuy's frmcpial Secreta ries of State, that the raoft indubitable proofs of the hoftile intentions of the Court ot pain againft Great-Britain, have determined his Iviajelly to order his naval forces in eve-y quarter of the world, not to nmrlcA Vmr fa vorable opportunity that may olfer of attack ing the fleets ofSpam," either fingly or united with thofe of France and Holland, or of lirik. ing any other blow at the polfeflions of that rrown, and alfo fign'ifyingtome hismajefty's commands, that I ihould in the molt public jiia.ujti jjuiuuic, give juch iniormation to his majcrty's fubjetts in this province, as may belt tnaSle them to prevent on the one hand any mifchief which othcrwife they might fuffer from the Spaniards,' and on the other hand, to do'their utmolt to dillrcfs and anroy them' by makingcaptures of their fiiips and by 'del'! troyinc their co;nmrrcc. ' : I hav e therefore thought fit, by and with the advice of his majclly's council, to publifli this proclamation, hereby calling on, and re quiring all hiimajefty's liege fubjeils, within lusproviceofNova Scotia and its d penden cies, totale ducriotice, and govern them (elves accordingly " " -Given under my hand and feal at arms at Halifax, this 17th day of Oftobcr, 1 796 n the 36th year oihis Majefty't reign. By his cxccllency'r command. - i;-Mr FUEKEBULKELEY. Cod Save the King. - . rillLADELplUA Ctlobcri6i Ifwe'-alTnw. the Aurtrian ofRcU account to be cxaft,' the French army,, during their whole retreat from Auguft 15 to irptembcr I, has not loft more t!ianfro:n 6 to 10,000 men n killed, wounded and pf ifomri, bdldcs' rtie ftand of co!ouri,andfcvenpicceiofartil. Uty 1 he 60 piece of heavy artillery which fell into the hands of the Auftrians atSchwc-" infdrt, wefebrricd of! by the' French rrom Nuremberg and Forcheim, in order to make ufe of them in their retrfiat as occafion mould require; I h.ey left them in ihe defiles be tween Zetland Schweinfurt, whitlv rendered the road, from Bamberg to the latter ; town impracticable, arid confequently the purfuir of the Auftrians ' impofiible.Jourdari had advanced with feven divifions of his army w'iihin ten miles of Bohemia,i and left five di yifions bathe banks of theMein & the Rhine; -Cn the 7th September thefivedivifions, led bn by . Marceau, Poncet, Hatry,. Harville and Tillehad effected' their junction', with reatfpgsrniyv amp in the vicinity bf Wetzlar and "Wifba-den;-.-- " : ... ' ' ' . . : The. army bf the North kad at the fame time advanced to the banks of the Sieg, and will form th,e corps de referve of the united forces of Jourdan - - , ; ; N E W B E R N, NovF.MBER'12; " Hon.R. D. SpAiG!if, .Efq. ischofen an Eledor of the Prefident and Vice-PreQ-dent pf the Uted. State' fpr(. thls-diarifti . . Suf ervijor's Office. THERE has kpbeared in tome parts of u thediftrictof North C'iolina, a difpoii. tioh among fome Dhtillers of native (jiateri. als toput themfelycs in a capacity to injure the United States by employing two Stills : one which they defire to elect to pay duty on its bwn capcaity ; the other to pay duty on the Spirits manufactured; Having thus 'made'" Jheir election, it has been reprefented that their plan is, to work the Still elefted to pay duty on the number of gallons diltilled and to make from thence low Wines, : or fingle .diftilled fpirits ; which they erroneoufty do, hot denominate pitits; omitting to report them as luch to the collector tf the revenue ; " confiuering them as not fo far manufactured as tobe liable to doty i thefe then they pafs over to the other ftili elected to pay duty on itscapacityitherereaifiedor made into a higher proof ; and are as they would per. iuade then.itlves not liable to duty : becaufe this lalt ftill pays duty on its capacity. . Here then is the evalion, upo.i shich for the in formation of diftillers. I remark That e. very ftill actually employed in the diltillation of fpirits, is taxed to pay duty at the rate f 54 cents per annum on its capacity ; but the Jaw has .given to diftillers, a right of making a choice or an elected rate ot payment ; if this is on tne number of gallons actually diitill ed the quantity in gr.llons is to be returned in a book and fworn to. T he Operation of making low wines is truly and abfolutely the ration ind procefs of ditilLlhn Low wines l:ke U merchantable Ipints, have a portion of water in them, but are nevenhckisabroluulyJ);r,Vof an irfe. rhr ftnrtgth : they are durable too , for the law is guarded, in not beginning the feale of duticdlpirits at any fixed degree of (trcngth all fpirits of whatever itrength, comes with in the letter cf the law. 'J he tint dafs of fpirits are ell thote bfhiu a certain ltandard, vi. " more ' than 10 percent helrjj prvft Here then, under proof fpiriti taking the whole range from 10 per cent under, down to the very weakeft fpirits which the diftilling roccfslhall have produced are liable to the payment of dyty at the rate of feven cents per gallon. Ifadilliller, to defraud h:scuf. tomcrs, cr his country, will nuke fpirits no tronger than, he is nevertiulcfs not Vxrarjccd froiM liability of payment of duty. fc IfluJi grog or low wines be put into the other ttill which was elected to pay duty on its capacity it cannot cxc.npt that ftili from its monthly or ar.nu-l duty, though it. may prodiite in addition v try prim confe. quences x for it mult be further obfcrvcd,that the law contemplates two branches of thedif. tilling bulincfs. One branch is the making fnm raw materials, (that is of the growth or produce notmanufuture of the United States) m which atone a licenced Hill, as futh, can be reguUly cmploytdThe oUitr branch is. die rebfying.of -wines and other rrits f t. whatever denomination, llrengtlh, cr flavour, ai.d converting them in to fpirits f a new ftrength or flavour or name. - T hat is to fay, the making a new kind of fpirits, as - to Itrength flavour or denomination from lome previoufly .m material : not. 4rom touterials as they were originally grown, or produced, fucb as all kind of grain and fruit or itndlyr-u; materials. " ' ' ' T he Ahh Seaion bf the Aft ot the 5th of Junei 1794, fixes a penalty ; of one-dollar per gallon fan a reftifier of low wines or other inferior fpirits which he li iiil reaify, without Jl J2i!SSmlaceroflnfpcaion uA U3 ui me law are, . " And be it fur ther. enaded, hat; every reaifier- of 'Vbt ww,or other tytillei fphih, and every dif-: tiller dt cordials and ftrong water therefrom Thall enter ar fome office oflnipcclion, allbr any (uch hiv wbies or 01 her difiilled fpirits prior to the removal of them to his dillillery or leaify inghoufe, and prior to his beginning ' the readying, improving, or altering the quality, flavour,' or proof thereof, under the- penalty of tne Hundred Dollars tor every cafkl of one hundred gallons and lb in proportion fcr every greater, or lefs quantity." " . 1 he device for making low wines or other fpirits of an inferior quality at oheftiil, and reaityinjr or otherwile alterino- theA It ther, without proq eding as - a redtifier, will j eppear from what 1 have offered, to be pal iuj jow wines, as nns' Deen before ftated, are ablblutely and in fact f'piritr produced by diji illation , & come within the firtB tlals. Froot ' vbich comprehends all diltll ltd fpirits how ever low, that are 10 per cent below prcof, for fuch are the. words of the, Aa ot the 3d of March; i 791,- cftabliminti the dalles. : I (hall only further obferve, thai if a diftil ler lhall omit to report his fpirits called low" wine or other fpirits by whatever name they may be called or however weak, which he1 may have diftilled from a ftill, oft which an tkction had been made, to pay the duty or the number of gallons dittilled and fhahV fwear to thequantity tliftilled, . omittin g the? low wines or other fpirits of inferior quality -fuch diitiller w ill be liable to profecution, un der the la s for fallefw earing. Such devices and evafions are in tlieir n.i-' tnre litigious and corrupted ; tliey arc incon Cftent with jultice to' the honelt citizens they, are injurious to the1 hdrieft and upright' diitiller ; are abfolutely defrauding the l5 nited States of their juft revenue, ' in whicA each individual is more or lefs concerned.- Jnfiruaionshave been iflued to the officers of infpeaion to ufe every lawful means, to detcaabufesofihe foregoing nature, and the infraaors being detefled, may depend Upoi the executive officers ufing every legal mean to procure punilhmcnt.- - - WILLIAM POLK, Supenjf of the Rtvenue ujlfift oNorth-CanHr A October 4th, 1796. FOR S A L E, A LIKELY Horfe, Saddle anj Bridlr . 2 a for, terms enquire of Mr. Uhl a? M Grovcrs. November 5 IREDELL's R F, VIS A Tj . A L M AN A CKS for 1797. -; for file at th Cjf((t , ! TS the' copartn X fhip of HAR.f.KT zj Downs; is atnh:a. bly fettled to th fatUfaaion of the fubferibe r . FRED. IIARCE-T, " November S. OR SALE, A LfKELY NEGRO WENCH, I flit vrV .f-M. f . Y m, v-wa, nun, i. enquire of h'we'nler 12. THE P1UNTER. or 2