Selected Poetry. THE FAI4- OF THE LEAF. SEE theieates aruad yon falling, . Dry and wither to the ground Thut t thonghtieft moruli. calling. In a M and folemo found t . -- Sons of Adam, once in Eden, When, tifce us, heblitbed fell, Hear ihf, lefture wa are reading, Virgins much,- too much, prtfuming ' On your boailed white and red ; ' Vftwusf 4att in beauty blooming, " Number'd now among the dead t - Griping miftri, nightly waking, See the end of all your care j Fled on wings f our own miking, We have left our owner bare. Sons of honor,' fed on praifei, Flutt ring high in fancied worth j La, thefiikic air that raifes, . Brings us ddwa to parent earth. tewed fires, in fyfltem judged, Who for new ones daiiy call, length, by us perfoadd, ..' Fwni Uif mull hai't 1 fill. Youth, thV yet no l(Tes grieve you, Gay in health, and tria.ily grace, Let not cloudlefs ikies deceive you, Summer gives to autumn place. Venerable fires, grown hoary, Hither tarn th unwilling eye j Think amidft your falling glory, Autumii tells a winter n-gh. Yearly in your courfe returning, Mtlfe. ger of Ihoi left It ay j Thus we preach the tiuih concerning Heaven and taimi pals away. ' ' ' ' ' - - ' ...... V On the tree of lite eternal, Man, let all tfcy hopes be ftj)J, Where alone, forever vernal Bean the leaves that ne'vtr fade. '1 A N E CD O T E ' . Or Dr. WILLIAM HARVEY, The djcovcrer of the circulaihn of the bhod. The following circumftantial account of the death of this eminent man, I believe, is little known beyond the family, but is related on the authority of a clergyman ot the county of Kent, .who was allured of the fact of it by the late Elias Harvey, Efq. barrutcr at law, a defendant of the doctor's younger brother, of that name Dr. Harvey was ever afra'ul of becoming blind. Early one morning, for he always rofe early; his houfe-keeper corning into his chamber .to call him, opened the window Ihut. ters, told him the hour, and alkedhim if he woulJ not rife. Upon which he afked iflhe had opencd.tbe Ihut'ers : (he replied yes Thenihut ihem again Ihe did fo Then open them again : but Hill the effect was the fame to him, for he had awaked ftone blind. Upon which he told her to fetch hirn a bottle (which (he herlelf had obfc rved to (la id upon' a flielf Jn his chamber for a long tiuiejoutof which he drank a large draught, and it being ftrong poifoo, which it is fuppof ed he had long before prepared, andfet there for this purpofc; he expired within three hours after '' VIENNA, Augujtij. A PROCLAMATION by uii Imperial majestt. u We FranrU the Second, &c. &c. In theprefent moment when a coinci. dence of the roofl unexpected events favours the rapid progrefs of the enemy and calls for our redoubted care to afford allutance to our ftates menaced in this manner, we find this our refolutioa ftrcngthened by confidcrlug, nation, which has given us, on every occa. fion, the moft eilectual proofs of the great, rets of the teal to fupport the meafurcs ta ken for the defr nee of their country, of their laws, and of a prince, who returns to their . fidelity a lore lor every .individual. " Though Tear, and perhaps intentional report! .magnify the danger more than it iu reality is, and prefent it as near at hand, we mult not conceal from our faithful fubjefts that the fltuation of affairs is pre fling,, and does not allow us to remain fatisfied with or. dinary meafures, but impofe on us and all thofe who wih to fee the welfare of the fta'fe fecure, more thartraordmary exertions. " Much s as thej long -duratbuiblajwar, carried on under fp many changes of fortune, hasaffeded the powers of thenat on, yet the refourceslcTpow'prful a itate are far from bein exhauftedV ..Though aovernment con tinues to refrain with abhorrence from the , violent meafures which our enemies employ : Tor the fuppreilion ofour fellow. citizens and i. the deitruaicki or. Jburope, countries lo well popuIiteulbTeT and induit y, itill oiFer inruiuerable means of defence b employing which we lhruld liiid ourfeives to mectKvcry dagger. But we trull inthe juibce ot our cauie, nd the protection of tne' Almighty, who regards that jiiftice, that the luomei.t will arrive in which the nation ill be 'forced to have recourfe to u.e moil extraoycliqary meahs. " Jn this perfujlioi., We lhail always con. iae oiuitlvvonly to the .meafur e . 6: calling 1 1 ims thofe who are otherwue, agreeable to the nuUtary lyem,, exem. tid froai mi.i. lerv.LC ; u.tVuUiiig alfo ii foreigners' who have not acurrrcd. the rights or ctdi. ;!iip in, the Auh; an d min':ons by, reading in rern" for ten ) rs. , At the lame time we romile ;o uii t. ol'e who lliall willingly fol low this, cur call, an J who ihall offer to'their .i.u ,iccaiities,to ie; ve ia the army :-tft, x hat us toon as ever we Ihall have fecured to the nation, as gtfeeably to our wiih and defire, jn honourabiC and permanent peace they ihall be t the termination of the war. . id, 'l hat during the . war, they mail bz treated as volunteers. 3d, That they Ihall be at liberty j agreeable" to their abiti. ties and capacity, to caule and name the rtfgi ment in which they with to ferve ; and that, 4th, as a jult recompense, ou their return home, every pol'hbie alFutance (hall be given to them in thetr employments and itttlino- j and that on all occauohs, they Ihall be pre ferred. ; " Though ve can promife ourfeives the principal opwi-atioii ot this proclamation, from the uneqiuvutal lentimentb 6t our faith! ul fubjecU, yet wthiiikii our duty to imprefs on their mmds,- that in ToUowhg will.ngly this hohouiaole call of their country, they : ntcwiic jruicti iner laiiiiiies), and private I pruiertjr ; ar.ti that,ii,ou the contrary, they iou.d iiefaleci to join us for the general fe-, cjri, tncy would be forced, in cafe of un-fortui.-:e events, r.o carry parricidal arms a. ga.nlt their nam e land, and as abufed organs vt the er.ciiiy, to promote the ruin of public order, t..c aanihil.aionof their fellow-citizens ana ol their fa-nthes, ai:d to alhit in the com! uion ccuruciioa". . , " Behold the itill fmoaklng ruins of Italy, and the excelled iid moil inhuman 'cruelties commuted there ! , behold ihe devallation which the once Houriihing territories of Ger many have fuifered, inundated by the armies of the enemy ! , and you cannot remain dubi. ous about tae terrible fate which threaten every country, and every nation, on "being invaded by luch enemies. "Done at Vienna, the ntb day of All guft, 179O." t - (FubhJhedin the Royal Gazette, Auguft 3) ' THIS DAY'ARE PUBLISHED, AND FOR SALE AT TUB PRINTING.OFflCE.Vrn..; PRICK 50 CENTS. A F E W C A S E S, DETEAM1VLO IN THE S U P E II IO It COURTS 7- i'-' or -'- - -' - ... NOR T II.C A R O L I N A- " Thofe Cafes, twenty.nine in number, have been copied from the notes of t)ie molt rel pcctable law'charactrri in this llate. B LAN K S fallkinds, forlilcaVtho ! , Prwung.Oiliec T O BE SOLD, FOR" the payment of the tixesragreeable ia December, in the, year 1794. Sundry laBds entered in Larteret county, as follows, 60 acres entered fpr Richard Blatkledge ; .1 J r rri .'ill ,.i."J - auu aires entered inr i nomas ruarKieacr 400 aaes entered for- William Blackledrc and 400 acres-1 Entered for BenjarnirTBIack. All 1 aril Rlnrl-li- 'Mvniwwk' v vtl iUW. ULIl UdV Ul ilHV y T M 6 tract? of 640 acres each; 1 do. of 4 10 acres, i do. of 400 acres, and 1 do of 420 .acres entered by Jofeph Leech, on the cth dav of Tebruary, in the vear 1780. and of 640 acres, entered for David Allifon. on inc- id xlav-ot- oeDtember intht ; As the fubferiber has already been com pelled to pay the public tax on the ubove faid lands to the treafurer they will be expofed ,v " "Aiy juyj aiicr mie, at Dean, fort in Carteret county, if no one- appears to pay the respective taxes due 011 the fame, Vurtent county f Oflober 16, 1796. ' r HE houle and lots, now occupied by u 1 c ""U1U xjurc iac lots may or hadleparateiy or together. Alfo one lot on broad Itreetnear the Court-Koufe, and one houfe and lot, adjoining Mr." Tbom4s 'l Ua .,1. iL ' ' ujc mc property ct Mai y Edwards. ' NATH&N SMITH. rN Saturday the 26th ?f November next wiU be lold for ready money in 'gold or fiiver, at Stephen Cobb6 in Wayne county, two tracts ol land, viz. one trad lying iu Nafh county, m marfh fwamo. contaSnW' twelve hundred acres, aud the other iS Wayne county, adjoining the lands of Ste. phen Cobb, cortaiiiing hve hundred acres, the property of Benjamin Cobb : taken to fa tibfy ajudgnient obtainedin the circuit court, by Robert Taylor againft faid Cobbi , JrlANb PATTEN, D. M. Caober . , ' Wncura my wite BEERSHEBA, has eloped from my bed and board, and being apprehcnlive Hie will run me in debt, Thereby give public notice, that I will pay no debts of her contracting from the date -her?i .;' And as ihe has a home of her own wt icrtuy lurwarn an perlons from harbouring her under the penalty of the law. i-fc VLN DICKENSON. Qftobcr iy : w - k ur ni U S A L E, TP Plantation and lands whereon the luwcnbcr now lives, containing about one thoufand acres,lying tilteenmaes below rvebernandonNeufe river and Slocomb's creek. ITicre are on faid lands three plan tations all in complete order for farmW. and has every houfe needful for farm or family. 1 he terms are, one third of the purchase money in hand, one third in one year, am! the remainder in two years, and if not folj by the eighth day of December next, it will be put up at public vendue upon the prcmi.: fcs. At the fame time and place a quantity ... . w.. -j LJUUlUUlUil tools and flock will 1 fold for three months credit. Alfo a quantify of corn will be folrj for ready uiotiey. ADAM TOOLEY, Cflsber 24. : TO BE L r. T. HE flore and 'dwcllinj! houfe. iatt! I occupied by Mr. John Sears. Enquii c of thf Prints. . - ' 1 . OAobcr 22. T NEWBERN: ' JRIKTED F.V 'FRANC O I S-X. M A R T 1 N. '

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