1- rfcVol3' -x9: '? No. 566.3 : - ''-U I) U B L I N September ; Vtt Ntlie bounty of Xrrokh;' "and In part of .' Down, aUirbarous and bloody perfecuaon con tinues to ravage without controuw dionva ing the brains out of unoffending and inckif- proltratinr houfes and tabb ns are -diiy and have added fire to fword, and. burnt ninS hoa. ill llii'i'uu v . ' - , . r-Ort'Tharfday evening taft, ' a number ; Icdmbbirtg btnaddoth weaversauemblfd on the Combe; armed vith fwbrds tmd bludgef oas, and having feized on. a few-ihduftrioas peaceable, rtieli'rwhbin be,! s, 01 Kilkenny men, tney cut auu aouicu .1 , ; them .in a noltiiiOcg fanner. We ;re L happy to hear tbnt vigorous weafures are i ; bout tobe adoptsd by the. Right Hon. ; the " Lord Mayor, to fuppf efs this dangerous com "bination f his lor dihip intends tailing a meetv ' A iihVbfthetn;ahuacVurer their co ' : operation to affcrd prbteilion and fupport to ' thofcuuh'appy.ir.en on whonj thete cbmbina . tors have wrecked their vengeance L P N D O N;- 'September 15. V ... ;.-fr;, . j-v'v , ;.,.:-.;,;,; " M' The ' MoVin'g oUervatiori's are ; takeri fi-O'ii theUedacteur, ? the;- paper of the lnth Diredory; ; l'heilatements we be- ' 'licvVtbbe incorreft. We give them only for; ;,tTie. pur'pofe ''fi, ihewing . tb et the accredited ' sge'nii from' th.-; country is' rot likely to n;eet , 1.1 the, tirft lftanc'e, with a favorable recep t':o:-tUl '.' V: '" . '; ' ' : llammohd. the cotshdent ofMf. Pitt has ben with the king of isrua, t?engage, T..n to n'join tne coalition. ; He propoleda hrge fublidy , and Boyd was' at Hamburgh for ' the purpofe of realizing the fFer.' He was ' authoriled alio to oifer the re-eftablimment f'i ! : : jl' u : . v. - Lin.: .'.': f U- tI lac v li.ain.oiacr, r.uu uicrciuiuuuu oi mc fifteen pieces bifcanhonand feipttod'-i.:- f1 Klnr jDettTefeah; of the linperial armv "-&J!tt- 1 which waVnot"fiuifhe'iuntiiTa'w.ia the eve-.' ' - t . September so; - ' : '; " . .;. ,.:,;bof,-5if, 1 8,' i 796 i ; jiQifpatches bf which the following are cd- pies'havl been received from Capt. Anftru - ill -foreVn affairs. t?a-"quartersof his royal highnefs the arch ; dukeChaHes, Zell:near V"urtzburg, bept. 4, 1796. . v :l ;y..'::'.r " ::;: My Lord,;,". yo,,;..: ": .Ybur Lbrdihip is acqiiaintect with the un fortunate circutnltaoces wh'ch have obliged .Colonel and Mr. R. Craufovd to remain for a lime at a diftance horn the fcene of opera? Hons'. The abience cr thefe gentlemen at a moment fo particularly interelbng as the pre sent, mult be, regretted, as a lols to the pub- v lie fervice j ;whiCb though at their requeftI now atten:nt to detail to your lordfhip the , ;-;lake "prbceedinffs of the aruiv, I feel myfelf inadequate tolupply . ning. : Genera! Kray remained'. at Geroltz- : ' ' hoften. : 'i - ' 7 General Stiaray, hi the hieatt time, udg- L Tmajeftys principal Secretary of State for render himfelf mater, of Wurtbourgembrai ced tneipifitecl relolutioiVotrather advancing' againlt him, than of vvaiting for,; him in his polition. The archduke proved of this i dea, and determined to facilitate the executi- on of it, by making a combined -at tack m the enemy, to take place early ih the mbrhingbf j". ,iiw ujtc;uiuuf .Y,, ..general . Stzaray Ihould move forward againfl: the corps : which was oppofed to him ; that the main body under the command of general Warten--Heoen,; pafling; the idge;;oiertlebach;v ' -iiiould attack te'jolLitr$''pjF.tfte cheiny 'Vwhilit general Kray, croiling-the river.-at the pbtnt I neareit Geroltzhoften, fliould ; tufir his left wing.',.' .'. .... ';,.7. 1 boon after day . break actbrdinfflv.' ren. Ybuf lordmip is already Jnfomed of the ! Stzaray advanced, and drove back the. potts rthduke 01 the enemy as however the pther two -" Movements cf his roy al hiehhefs the a up to the 2 1 ft .ultimo ; at which period the right wing of the army was aflembled in the plain between Fprcheim and Barberg ; and the left, confiding of upwards of twenty two battaliohs and fifty fqiiadrons, under the ebm mand bf lieutenant general Stzaray had reach ed Eberach, and threatened at once, by de- .' tachment, 'the points otVScheinfort and of W urtzburg , 5 . ' tc'rly on the 31ft; the archduke .entered Bamberg ; and from the information there received of the enemy, determined to pnfl on with the whole army towards Wurtzburg; columns had a contiderable marcK to make,V and met with much unejtpecl;ed ,delay : in the paflage of the river, he foon found himfelf engaged alone by very fuprri f humbers ; and was not only obliged to rtlinqulm the ground he had gained, but '.had much , difficulty lirtr maint. inmg his original polition. , ' . At this critical inltant, his royal highnefa fent orders to gen. WaVtenflebei, to ford the river with the whole of his cavalry, and' advance d.rectly againft the left of the ene. iln's judicious manceuvre hjUthe defi. red effect. ourdan feeinn himfelf menaced as beinp-the Doint rn the occuoationbfvhjth in the moftcii'ttitialbomtofhisDofnion. with depended .the poiiibihty of forcing J ourdan ; drew trom his right the troops with which he countries on tne left bank of the Rhine, and to pro.nile to the king . of Pruffia the poffelli. bncf Han burg, with whatever tcrritcTyhe may chuie tb appropriate to himfelf on the. j-icrht bank of the KHne. 1 " Mi'. Vitt is alfo to lend an Englifhmart, v hom he will endeavor to introduce into. ; France as an American, -and wl o is to dedr.rc thjt lie is veuedyiih'po Acrs to ncgoclate a r rac'e betwcea Great Britain and the French Herublic , : : . ' lie h..s alfd fent an emiflary iritopam, ho is CTinowercd to lurrcnder Portugal to ' t!.at tr.on.irchy, provided thai the C ourt of I ladr'l will agree to. dctitdi itfelf frbni its . now Chance with rrancc.". , '.'" St-pUmkr 17.- v Ypftrrdav. we received bv er.nrcfs the Pa- ris Journals to the 15th And thole of Brufl'els to the 1 2tl). By ai) artie'e hifcrted in the Jatur, we are led to believe that Jourdan in- tended to alfrtnble a'l h'S difierent corps at l'raijkfort, v here it p.'obahlc his hcd-quar ;n rre arrived bv th time. So.nc of the Uncr rvtCiid Uut.JoutiWs retreat is only ailr;.t.rru c:uuiatca to uraw t'ie Archduke i' o a r.orc fatal fnurc than that into which he r-ilhy jiirci-m's tt treat acrofs the Rhine at tcci't , in the bcgimvngof the Campaign. Y)i wedo 1 occor.Qur in uvs opinion. lour. to abandon the IV;ein, arfti take his retreat - through the' iCuhtry of Fulda, on the Lahru nis royal higrneis pr-oceeded in the evening to Bourg Eberacl 'CerT. Kray took port at Lltuian, and general- btzaray advanced to Klolter iichwartzach, I On the 1 It September the archduke inarch ed to Ober Schwartzach, general Kray, to Garoldilioffen, and o-emral btzaray to Kit- irigcn, where he palled the Meyn j-'hisad. ?ncd$uard, lh:der General tlotzef took pofleH.oiv cf the town of Wurtzburg, the xrtncii garrnon retiring mio iucuwusk In the mean time the enemy ftraincd up on eveiy nerve to f-cach Wurtbur'g before the main body of the Auftrian army 11 ould co ae up V and by for.-cd marches, arrived at Kornach, within three leagues of the town, the fame day on shich General llotzfc tqok polfeflionof it. Next day (the 2d) Jourdau attacked, with ihc utmolt impttuolity,' the corps' under general Stzaray j but tho he fuccccdcd in forcing fome of bis polls, he was not able to make any imprcflion on the main polition; and retired, in the evening to his camp near Kemacli. There'he rcfolvcd to abide the event of a battle and in that view po'.ted himfelf in the following manner 1 His right wing, to the Mcyn alitile below Wurtiburgi felted on a very commanding eminence', .in front of which a deep river rendered the accefs extremely difficult The fait line of his centre occupied a lonj narrow wood. Jkirtioo: the bottom of a chain of d nVlciU rs plainly Ibew that he has fulbined ' heights, 011 the r-dge of which his fecond Jevei nl dcU ats- Wc do not think it miprob. ' lino was pofted. His left wing confilting aU .tWi thV. cither the arthdukc will cut off moit entifcly. of cavalry, was placed in the hxhC. 4 rtiif.it, or Morcauwill cut of the fpaticus plain in front of Korfach ; but con. H" WSw'u N'oreau's army now becomes l liderably thro.n back, in order to receive the yi n:'rc!i objeft cf interell than that cf I more elficlurl fupport from the infantry in .. 1 .. l'l or.i the b.mks of the Kab to the dhtanec which Jourdan hak -vtrc cd iimetl-.canhv'ukccroQcd ttic Da." i.ubc at Iixr.ohladt, fully, 150 mlls. r An rkTiiilftier fi omGarrau, the French t iii 011 In Iia))! announces a vktdry gain c;ln i t'te 4-h tnitint, by general Malcna, v rt is faid, in t Ao attacks, to have made live tr tlwufaudf r:o.iCis, and to Have taken ipnort trom the m.ar.try the wrx d ' A numerous artillery was diftributed cm the mod tflcntial point aloflg his rout. H,c divifioii of Lcicbvre remained polled behind bthweinfurt, to cover the great road to Fuldt, and a Tinull intermediate corps tna'intaincd his comunicatloi witli the army. Hu roal highnefs halted the 2d in h caiip of Obcr bdiwaraskj wUdil abridge v as prelling gen. Stzarav, who thus gained t,me to rc-eltablilh himfelf in his poft. , The cavalry novv charged the left of the enemy, and drove it from its ground, buc, . the enemy retiring behlrid the wood the Auf trians remained expofed to a fae of inufque. try and grape, which obliged them to aban don the advantage they had gained. , A fe cond attempt of the fame nature had a fimilar fate ; and after fruitlefs endeavours to draw the enemy into the plain, his royal highnefs. refolvedto wait the arrival of gen; Warten Ueben's column, without which it was evident the polition of the enemy could not be forced. At length the infantry' appeared advanc ing from Detrelbach, and general Stzary moving forw ard at the fame time, a combined attacK was immcoiaiciy lornicu agamu tnes wood which covered the encmy'j front. - Eight battalions of grenadiers advanced for this purpofe, with equal orde? andimpetuoi fityj rcgardlefsbf Tirailleurs, who harr'aDcd them ; they gained the wood without fain a ihot, and in a few minutes drove the ene- . my not only from' thfcr.ee, but from the' 1 i. ti.:'. J .l appearance of general Kray 'a column on the right, decided the fortunate of the day; Jour dan made n6 attempt to . recover, the ground ' he had left, but began his retreat on every point, this he for lome time conducted with much regularity jhis cavalry prefervingcon fiderable countenance, and. formine repeat cdly, under protedlouof their artUlery, to clictk the pu r f uit of the Au ftria ns. , At 1 cngt h , however, continually harraffed by the huf fan, and overpowered by a prodigious frc -' of artillery from the heights, the confuGon bccjme general ; the cxccflWe fatigue of lheJ ; Auftrians, and the coming on of night, alone f fared them from total defijrufiion. , The lofs of the Auftrians on this oecafion, amounts at molt to 800 men,.amongft whom are no otlicers cf diltincTton J that of the ene my is by lar moreconfidcrablc. ,Tmo tliou fand prifor.cri ore tlrcady bro't jin, and the ntunber of kilcd and wounifcdcahnotjc froaller. One colour, fix pieces f cannon, and a "real ruimbcr if ammunition ai.d bug. - - . . . il