if V V r Seized Poetry, MORN I N A PASTORAL. ' .. - .- . -t- . - - . - IN the barn the tenant cock Clofc to pratlet perch'd on high, Biifldy crow the Shepherd' clock Jocuod that the rooming' nigh. ' ' Swiftly from the mountain' brow Shadow nurs'd by mcbtTetire t And the perpbgfun beam nowj "Pirmti with gold the Villagtipuei,. Philomel forfaket the thorn, .. . Plaintive where ftie prates at night - And the lark to meet the morn, Soars beyond the Shepherd' fight. From the low roofd cottage ridge, ; Seethe chattering fwallowfpring . ; Darting' through the one arch'd bridge, Quick die dipt her dappled wing. . Now the pine-trees waving top, Gentle greets the morning gale j Hrdling now btgin to crop, ' -Dailies in thedewey vale. .' . ' ' -. '.' . , .-;'.';. From the balmy facets uncloyM, Reftlefs till her talk be done j N-jw the bufy bees employed, : " 5 Sipping dew before the fun. Trickling through Ahe clifted rock, :' Where the limpid ftream diftills Sweet refreflvment waits the flock, When its fun 4rove from the hills, -r . . , , r ' V. - f " ' CoLtlM for the promis'd com, r Eere the harveft hopes are ripe Anxious hears the huntfman's born, '' Boldly founding drown his pipe. Sweet, O fweet the warbling throng, On the white embloffom'd.fpiay j ' Nature's univerfal fong, Echoes to the rifing day.- G. exempted frdmUabnity of payment of duty. . If fuch CTOff'or low wines be put into the other ftill which was elected to pay" duty on its capacity j it cannot exempt that lull from it monthly orlannual duty, though it ay , prndnrg fjn addition very fertous conle-. quences : font muft be further obferved, that the la Wj contemplateswoTH'anehes or the dii tillinff bufinefs.. One branch is the making from rawrrtaterials, (that is of the growth or produce riot manufacture of the United btatesj pnjwhich alone a licenced lull, as luch, canoe regularly employed. 'The other branch-is., the rectifying: of low-vines, and btherpirits Of . whatever .denomination 'lueahnefs, ftrength, Or Uavour, ai.O converting mem uuo lpints ui a new ftrength or navour or name. 1 hat is ; to fay., the making a new kind of fpirits, as to itrengto, navour or denomination irora fome previoufly manufatlitred material : not from materials as" they: were originally grows or produced, fuch as all kind of grain and fruit or ftriclly ratw materials, v . ' . ' ' : ; ' The Xlth" Section of the Aft bt the 5th of June, 1794, fixes a penalty of one dollar per gallon on a rectifier of low wines or other inferior fpirits which lie ihaii rectify, Without giving notice to" an officer of Inspection.' The words of the law are, " And be it fur ther enacted, That every rectifier of low -wines or Qx dijiillei fpirits, ar.d every dif- tiller ot cordials and ftrong svater therefrom, fhall enter at iome oiace 01 lnlpection, aH or -! on broad ftreet; near the Court-h'oufe, and anyfuch -.to or other drftitlrd fpirits, r0nehoufe and let, adibinlnc MrV Tbomaa 3 T O B E S O L D, FOR the payment of the taxes, sprceab'e to an act of afTembly, pafled at Halcigh in December, in the year 1794- Sundry lands entered in Carteret county, as follows, t4cTacres entered for ;iichard RlatUedgeTL. " 400 acres entered for Thomas Clackledge ; 400 seres entered lor William Blackledge, and 400 acres entered for' Benjaminjilack Tcdge.-i, All the above.was entered by Rich ard Blackledge, on the Sth day of May, 1 778, 6 tracts of 640 acrereachj 1 do. of 410 acres, l do. of 400 acres, "and t dc. of 420 : acresj entered by Jpfiph .Leech,' on the 5th day ...of. v February, in the year 1780, anil?? tracls or 646 acrHiiitcred foiJavidlIjfQnTn;' the 2 2d day of September, in the yearflff '. As the fubferiber has already been coin-" pelled to pay the public tax on the above laid lands to the treafurcr, they vvill be expoi ed to pub ic fa!e,rixty days-afrer date, at Beau fort in Carteret county, no one appears; to pay the refpective taxes due oa the lafn before that time.- - . v;-WIIXIAMTIipMPSOKVj Carteret county, . Q fisher iG, 1 796. ' r; - F O R SAL E, "-IJ THE houfe and lots, now occupied by A-pr? William M'Clure, the lots may bc?" baifeparatety or together. Alfo one let ' Supervijor's Office ' THERE has appeared in lome parts of thediftricl: of North Carolina, adifpofi tion among fome Diftillers of native materi als toputthemfelvesin a capacity to injure the United states Dy employing two stills j-one- which they defire to elect to pay duty 011 its own capcaity : the other to pay'duty on the Spirits manufactured. HavingAthus made their election, it has been repreiented that their plan is, to work the Still elected to pay duty on the number of gallons diftilled, and to make from thence low, Wines, . or fingle diftilled fpirits ; which they, erroneoufly do not denominate Spirits ; omitting to report them as luch to the collector of the revenue ; confiderinr them as not fo far manufactured as to be liable to duty : thefe then they pafs over to the other lull elected to pay duty on its capacity. there rcaificd or made into a hipjier proof t and are as they would per fuade themfelves not liable to duty : becaufe this lad ftill pays duty on its capacity? , Here then is the evaubn, upori which tor the in formation of diftillers. I remark That e very ftill actually employed in the diltillation of fpirits, is taxed to pay duty at the rate of 54 cents rer annum n its capacity ; out the law has given'to diftillers', a right of making a choice or an elected rate 01 payment ; it this is on the number of gallons actually diftill ed the quantity in gallons is to be returned All WW" MiiVI T W ft! I , The opcration of making lo w wines is truly 10 ProcUrc f j ..rfi i...-.u. WILLI AN' unu auiuiuiciy utc ij't utivn nu y rvics oi mutilation. Low wines like v merchantable fpirits, have a'portion of water in them, but are Revcrthclefs abfolutely fpirits of an fafe. rior flrenptK : they are dutiable too t for the law is guarded, in hot beginning the. Icalc of duttcd Ipirits at any hxed degree of ftrcngth : all fpirits of whatever ltrcngth, comes with in the letter of the law. '1 he firft tlafs of . fpirits are ell tfofe belw a certain ftandurd, viz. " more than 10 per cent beh-jj pwf." Here then, under proof Ipints taking the mm m . I TT whole rantre from 10 per cent under, down to the very weakeft fpirits which the diftilling . process Hull have produced j are iiauic to the payment of duty at the rate of feven cents percallon. If adiftiller, to defraud h!$cuf. 1 . , '11 ! prior to the removal of them to his diftillery or rectifying houfe, and prior to his beginning the rechfvmg," improving, . or altering the quality, itavour, or proof thereof, under the penalty of One Hundred Dollarfor every cafk. 61 one hundred gallons anu 10 in proportion for every greater or lels quantity." -The device for making low wines or other fpirits of an interior quality at. one ftill,. and rectifying or otherwite altering them at ano ther, without proceeding as a rectifier, whT appear from what i have otteredro be pal pably virongrfur low wines, as has been before lifted, are abfolutely and in fact fpirits produced 'by dit illation, Sz come' within the firft clafs of proof, which comprehends all dual led fpirits however low, that are 10 percent below prooi; tor men are tne words or the Aft ot the 3d ot March, ,.1 791, eftabhlh nr theclaffes. I (hall on!v further obferve, that if a diftil- lcr iliall omit to report his fpirits calleJ low wines or other Ipirits by whatever name they may be called or however weak, which he may have.diitillcd from a ftill, on which an election had been made, to pay the duty oh the number of gallons diltilled, and fhall fwcar to the qu mtity diftilled, omittlig the low wines or other fpirits of inferior quality ; fuch dillillcr will be liable to profecution, un der the laws for falle Twcanng. Such devices and evalions are inthcic, na--turc litigious and corrupted : they are incon-' ftftent with jtiftice to the honelt citizens ; they are injurious to the honeft and upright d'ftillcr. ; are abfolutely defrauding the J nited States of their juft revenue, in "which each individual is more or lefs concerned. Inltructions have been ifTued to the officers of infpedYion to ufe every lawful means to detect abufes of the foregoing nature, and the infractors bcii'g detected, may dqiend upon the executive emccrs ufing every legal means The whole the property cf Ms. Mary Edwards. ' " - . x . . Oclobtr 15. ": NATHAN SMITH. ; ON Saturday the 26th cjt" November next, will be fold for ready money in gold or Giver, 'at Stephen CobbsT in Wayne county, two tracts ot land, viz. one. tratt lying in,. Nafii county, on matfh fwamp, containing twelve hundred acres, ami the; other Jin Wayne county, adjoining 'the lands of Ste phen Cobb, cor taining rive hundred acres, the property of Benjamin Cobb : taken to fa tisfy a judgment obtained in the circuit court, by Robert Taylor againft faid Cobb. HANS PATTEN, D. M. . Ocloher 1. ' ' ' WHEREAS my wife BEERSHEBA, has eloped trom my bed and board, and being apprehenlive the will run me in ; debt, 1 hereby give public notice, that 1 will pay no debts of her contracting from the date hereof. And as flie has a home of her own to go to, I hereby forwarn all perfons from ; harbouring her under the penalty of the law. ' LEVEN DICKENSON. Cclobcr.li) - "" ' - LI AM POLK, Subervifor of the Revenue lijlrid of Norlh-Canlinj. October 4th, 1796. ' THIS DAY ARK PUBL I5HED, AND rOR Hit AT TH R PRINTING-OFflCE, (Smbcm t) PHICR 50 CENTS. A F E.W C AS E S, DETEtMlVRD IN T1IR SUPER 10 II C O U R .T S ... or - N O R T II.C A R 0 L I N A. Thofe Cafes, twenty .nine" in number, hve been copied from the notes of the rnoft rel pcclablc law characters in lhi. (late. tomers, cr hii country, will make fpirits no j 11 LA N K J of all kiml, lor file at the ftremger thanro, he is nevcrthdefs not Pr inling-Oflicc. ; F O R S A L E, THE Plantation and lands whereon the fubferiber now lives, containing about one thoufand acres, lying fifteen miles below NewbenijandonNeufe river and Slocomb's crceki There arc on faid lands three plan tations all in complete order for farming, and every houfc needful fcr farm or family. The terms are, one third of . the purchase money in hand, one third in cne year, and the remainder in two years, and if not fold by the eighth day of December next, it w ill be put up at public vendue upon the prenii fcs. At the fame time and place a quantity of houfhold and kitchen funiturc, plantation: tools and ftock will be fold for three rnonthi credit. . Alfo a quantity of corn will be fold for ready money. "; ' - . .- . ADAM TOOLEY. Cfckr 24 " ' Y T O B E L E Tf THE ftorc and dwelling houfc, lately occupied by Mr. Joki Scan. Enquito of the Printer. . . October 22 NEW K, KM: , -FRANCO! S.X. M'A R T I N 0 .

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