::-m:777M mm t -.- - . . - -tf - ; ,e a '4 c ""TV sd'dittb il 3 1 ro muiion' . dltto;- ' :K iWditto thtiittfc .- i .- no ditto !. . . R3y ofltuly, which Was at firft-of great x pence to the republic, now ii abundantly ' pro vbled,feKd web fpnrfs fuppU$s to the'treafury. It-is., the fatne.with the arrapes iiv Germany, ThefeocceffeSjthey infer, wlthoutaay doubt, ttiOft foon be crowned by the attiinbleni of an fconoftie peace. . ' " j ' - 'ijili: iL:tctuye Uirectory a? opqwence: . ,1 L to the ! eriefs of , the Hpoiracil " dfave Hundrci, lateJr crttajnefibrto theCith, Jon tiw nuaibe'r of troops heccffary io be kept " In uns raelia te Uirectsrs take sin ' en larged "view of tjieir tbfiner military eliablnh ment; taiuoaririff it with what it ) to be in. . future. , ','i Uej' Adniit, 4s fo nany ro.nts 1 , .mai iucj. titiyc jmicit iiiunj.ii ur H-' 11J" fecionty jivK) nt of ta5tlfyVan anHTtat5on vi which beyond the farmer peace veita,bliOa. ' ' n:tnl thev ccniSder " as indiiloeni'able ' . - Tl:e' , flying . artillery, which has; eonm vl:ir:r.s:t'fp;i:uch to-Xheir.iuSjth.'ftate,;' l).c ns y et f:ir rcraoVfoQ rfibhIti '; neceSsi'y;; they fay, .60th"' wxH ' the. analcJ liii.h U bears to the impe tuoiity of tKe jfreIi -charadcr. and from its adontion bv the enemV. .ihat't:vytieiA8 provement.. , . : . , . Theli: fortified plaireS, they add ;iif,lia;e .', been fuffered, under the old regime, to fali.into J decay, and yct'they have often laved Frapce, , as in the indance s were they fo happily- re 'tardedthw1 enemy itThionvitle,Lifie Dunkirk, Mabeuge,"Landau,Canibray and Ferpignn. . . To repair tbefc co npletely, they .therefore .conlider as the leaft executive mode of pre venting future wars. The new eilablinnnent of the army,hovve ver,they aref opinioii, may be lowered con- Cvlerably beneath the jbrnKX ihindari-yand for thefcrcafons., . 1 The addition of territory does not very ft hiibly add v to the opening of the frontier, and - the. new frontier, is more eafy tode fend. " . 2. Hie fupprefllon of the privileged corps, :id the abolition of ufelcll jdaces, will educe ' Very tonfiderably the ani.u. l expence. - 3. Twenty iive thoui'and men, to be main, ta'medby the Batavian Kepublic, will .anfwer : the double pur pole,-they fayy of protecting , their territory and defending our northern frontier, 'without adding to the expenfes of that a'ly. In Hne, confldering, that in a Picpnblican 'ihtc every mau is born a foldier, and that of . the whole mafs every perlbn can be l utceliive ly opf ofed to the forte of an enemy, the Di rectory is of opinipn, that the prace eftablilh. incnt of the army may with faftiy be reduced . to 170,000 men, not including the troops of 'i'he "maintenance of this force iheycflimate i c reception i : rr. V ' y r :' ' Hirbnaparte, commander in chief of the army '.' of Italy', to the inhabitants of the Tyrol 'ci6. ; . -' 'l Head-Quarters at Brifcia, 1 3 : . . Frucitdar. -jlwmlt oo. c army.'. If-you expect it ou mult new yourle'wes worthy of iu . Since the majority of yoi is? vell dilpoled, compel the fe mat contents who are among you to be peaceable. Their outrageous conduit has a teudency to bVing upon their' country die calamities of war. ; ' : " The fuperiorify of the French arms is now manifeit. The emperorfs" miniftersj bo?t by Englilh gold, betray that country. 1 nat uniortunate prince commits an error in evtry meai'ure he adopts.. 'VVou wilh for peace I The French, are fighting for that cbjefo We march upon your tcrrirory for the exprefs pUrpbfe of ob liging the Court of Vienna to accede to pray, er of defolated Europe, and to liften to the entreaties oi her people ve comcnorhere" with a view of extending our dominionsNaH ture has pointed out thelimits'ot France by' the fame manner as ihe has placed the Tyrol-! cfe as a line of demarcation for the Houfe of Auilria. " Tyroleans ! "whatcvcTyouT '"pall' con duft m.-y have been, return to vour habita- htions ! abandon the colours wh.vh have been fo clten difgraccd, and which you are unable to defend. " The conquerors of the Alps and of Ita ly arc not now 'oppolrd to an hoft of ene. mics. r hey are jn purfuit of a few victims whom the genero:ity of my country co.n mandi mc to fparc- Wc are fjrmidablj'm battle, but we are the tr.cnds ot thole who give us an hofp.ta- the contra, avapc in frpiit.of hwein- iim 1, on xne news of archduke Chariest havi mg whhdrawij his oops toppofe Gtiicral Moreaii. . 1 . :C :' v.. ' - t - - t.7 "... .... ...'. --1 - -" . J f ,-4. ' , ' ' "-r . . , " ' Two oidnfeliave arrived in this" port. A grearufDber'nre;are bn their voyage, and ate ejepeedo arrive every moment. . Since the laft fuccefsjof the renchj the fpeedy eftablilhrrAtof' the republic of Lorn, bardy of Italy' is fpoken of With great confi dence. Its limits on the fide of GermanV ; are mentioned to ' be the Italian Tyrolele,: " : " v"wu u4yc iicvcruvcu uu good terms wuh thbfe'of the Germaiiilyra- ; lefe. , -: ; V; ' .' '- ... The -tninifter Favoonlt vcflerdav 4t tint with two fecretariesfor 1 urin, ffo:u whence ne proceeds to the bead-quarters. Sou.e lay it is m order to ensarre tfrc kin?r of b dinia to declare againit tl.e Emperor others, that it is to demand new pledges of his good faith, to put it out of his power to commit a violation- 1 !' ' - ""'.' - - oepteniber 1. The, following is. a Itatement of the naval , forces in this harbour, extracted, from the , In the Roads ouns. , Ourts. l-.'unent, 1 . o Le '1 onnant, yo Le Formidable, 74' Le Tyrannicide, 74' I Le GemmapLe,74 i-e iviont Diane, 74 L'Aquillon". Le Mercure, Le Genereux) L'Heureux, Le-Timoleon. 9 74 74 74 74 74 If ! 1 i'ri 1 ii in 1 11 iiu-i . 1 1 r 11 11., . vi v " .ft ft 11 ; till . iiii.il fxfer.fe" is conj riled the augmentation 1 f the cavalry, .the; i uprovent of the li;rht aiiiiJei y, and the repair of the fortVud pla tes. ' Thrs frcV arid this expenfe a-e erranged , sreordiug to the fo losing cilimate ': , , Men. , Lhrct . Jr.farury , ,100,00035,000,000 . l'orie " , xo.ooo . 30,000,000 itiHn-v&Hnrla's 16.000 10.000. t . t J 6,oco 6,cco,cco v rtt ran : 5,070 2,cco,oco Cuardiof the I.rTifO htivc Hodits and ,000 r the Directory, j Stin',Comnindjntsl 2,000,000 MnotmnintJantSj j ;.!idCotWiflarics i,oco 1 f war, . j . Mil.tjry IWccanJ lniLru.lljn, i .- 3,000,000 I,C0C,0CO 1 ,000,OCO i. 170O00 I0,000,COO Tlii is f ffered as the ininitj jumjl' the peace . tftabliiJitiient. The Dirtolors rcCommrnd, ; lhjwevtr, n additio:i of 20 milliotis tobe"cx. ' j fnded in pcrfccV:ii(T the military art. 'I hey add, tliat the ftatc owci much toiti defend, exs, and that inanyye?ri muft cbpfe before they ca.i expert to arrive at an lubitud peace The rcliuion.the cultoms. andthe nro- peny of the co.umuncs, whofubnut, Hull be rei'peited. ' . . .. ? . 4 IT e comxu:ics,vvhofe Tyrolean inha bitants have not returned on our arrival, lhall be burnt ; the inhabitants taken as hof. tages and fent to France. When 'a commune has fubmitted, the Syndics lhall be bound to deliverin one hour after, a lilt of the inhabitants who are in the pay of the Lmperor, and if they Ihould lide with thf Tyrolean inhabitants their houfes fliallbc immediately burnt, and their rel.iti ons arrcltcd and fent as holtages to France. " The Tyroleans vho lhall co.crate with the free inhabitants, and are taken with arms in their hands, lhall be inltantly fhot- 11 The gcncra!s of divifion are tlurged with the Hriileit execution cf this arr rt. ( igned) HUONAPAHTE." I'bc -bovc is an authentic copy. : (Signed) " A. UERTIUEn," General of Divifion', ic. .' " fi 'Hilary 6 ferclknttn Germany, ' BRUSSELS, 18 TrunLr Sep:. 14, Tlte Sambrc and Mcufe army, ur.dcr the command of General Jourdarr, i? not rctlr. Le Jean Jacques 74 : nouneau. Jn the ticro'M- . -' Four fliipsof the-linei three of which are old ones, and the fuptrb Vv illiam Telly of 90 guns, now on the itocki. - ' " ' L O N D O.N, "Sept. 22. Accounts from Manilla mention that an embargo had been laid there upon rice and .'all lorts of graiiii The' Government there, having received cdviccs of the opacification between Spain and frahce, were ipprehen. five that mtafure might lead to a rtip urcbc-' "tween Grcat-liritain and Sp..in ; ah cent that would ncullarily mVolve their refpeftive colonics in hoitility, hi wh'uh'cafe Lcuconia, and the whole of. the' Philippine Iflands, would probably cxpcriciicc a change bf Klaf. 'tors. ' Two vpanifk frigates had arrived at Man ilia, to protect the trade of their l(lands, and rived at Falmouthfrom Corunhain five days but without a mail. When (he reached Corunna, which was oh the 3d bF f ept. flic found that an embargo had been laid on all Engiilh veffcls. "I'bc Dutthefs ot York and Princefs of Brunfwkk packets, being there had their rudders t-kctV from them ; they were returned oPrhe, 4tru . The Grimaldi tpanilh packet bcrat failed the fame afternoon at 6 dMotk with the mails that are now due, and two . King's meflengen. At 8 o'clock the fame evening the Vrinvcfs Elizabeth re ceived on board a letter front Mr. Jardine, the Britifli Conful directed to I-ord Grenville, accordingly with which orders, Ihe immedU arely got under weigh, though withconfidcr . able difficulty, the wind being uniayourable. AM this it mull be confell wesrs a very holtile appearance. A fcwijays mnft certain, ly dctertnme the conduct on Cabinet means fo follow', "under all the circinn fiances cf the cafe. It is a cufiousfatl,1 that ever finccihe, nccedion of George I. to the thfof)c"ofthcfe rcahas j or rather lime the Duke of lit fry, 0 - -4 - ' - - ' ' " , ,. . - - . 1 . . . . . ' j 7-i. ' .. -'f i , , , ,,. . w ?,.) ' , . ' ;; il ; ' " ' 'I f..; ... 9l. ...'41 .. . . .' . .4f.it!, ar- .. . . .. - ;ki .... ' . . . .'"! " , "v :"T:: " I ; v - T -77- .--'"'l -X

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