n Sclcdcd Poetry. O N L I F E. " Irotn JDC jtcik oj rRouuirui. i " FREELY TRANlLATED. SrT inafter not what path we try, : X AH tread the road of Care ; Nor can fb.lolopny luppiy, Relief to what we. Dure. T- n '-..1.. fnnrt tlAUrflVPf v Fell d't fcprd reigns juound ; And Lawyers meet but to difplay JThewordyjvar of round. , -' : r" ' -- . "V " ' "; In humble cot the village fwain, " Feels miiery and Woe ; Nor lefs the fanner, toil and p$in, From adveife winds that blow. ; . , .... ' r. V" ' "'; '" The gallant ftilor heavei a figh, Fr Nancy left behind j ' "Wlien fea tempiittuous running high, Krtrtfi -rr-im,7e thfflP fill fid . , - Sutervifor's Cffce. ' fTMlERE has apparcdJ-Ju Ionic parts of thediltrict of North Carolina j a 4fphV tiori among fome Diftillersof native materi als to put themfelves in a capacity to injure the .; United States by employing twoStills : one which they clefire toelecYto pay duty on its own capcaity ; the other to pay duty on the Spirits manufactured. Having thus made, their election, - it has been reprefented that their plan is,, to work the Still elected to pay duty on the number of gallons diftilled , and to .make from thence low Wines, or fingle dimlled fpirits ; which they erroneoufly , do . .- ; -- - not denominate Spirits ; omitting to report them as fuch to the collector of tlie re'venue : confidering them as not fo far manufactured t as to be liable to duty Y thefe then they pafs over to the other lull ejected to pay duty on its capacity. there 'rc$ ified of "niadeiuto a -higher proof ; and are' as they-would per fuade themfelves not. liable to duty : becaufe this laft flill pays duty on its' capacity Here Till loft beyond all hope of life, Becomes' alalNhe'widow'd wife, f.- A inartyr to defpair. . The rich who biflcin Fortune's fmile, With all her gaveft (lore, Olin arena ucr iickic tmicc . Left changing they be poor. And thefe who join in Hymen's bands, Contented with their lot, Soon find fad care their time command!, And inak.es their b'lifs forgo'. For if with children bleft, thty find . The tenderneis they owe, So fills the anxious parent's mind, They live a life vi woe. . ... And if unbfeft (f goes our lot) The want of heirs they giieve, . , To think. the treafure t hsy . have got, Not knowing whereto leave.' Nor are the fingle more fecure Of hlrminpf fnmnlete 1 For who alone can life endure, And not repent their fate i Tn Youth we're giddy, wild, and gay, - . Put luing folly's train y In Ag, the buty worid furvey Where all things give us pain, -. ' -. Thus life thro' every age is found A fource of human woe , Then change the icene, ye fa.e profound, Or quickly let ine go. MoUHtANUS. then is the evaiion, upon vvhicH for the iu- tormation or diltuiers. 1 remark- I hat e very ftill actuallyTemployed inthe dUtillation of fpirits , is taxed to pay duty at the rate of 54 cents per annuuTon its' capacity ; but the law has gtveu;to diftillers," a -right of. making a choice or an -elected rate of payment ; if this is on the number of gallon's actually diftill- KUN.-away from the fubfenber, in the month of September, two negro men, LENO AD WILL, LENO is a (lout made negro, . of a yclloV complecnon, -with a large fear on one of his cheeks. WILL, is a talUtouc made ne. gro, and very black, the fmali of one of his legs is larger than the other, they ire both -armed, and by the belt information I can gather, are gone to Newbern, or Clubfoot's creek but a few days paft. Any perfon that will apprehend and lecure fald negroes, fo that 1 get them, fha'l be entitled to, and re ceive a reward of ten pounds, or five pounds for either of them, and all reasonable txpen ces paid. - ; ; JOSIAH IlbWAUD. Nevj-Rhcr, Onjlru cwnty t Oflobcr 4. FOR SALE, THE !Plantation and lands whereon the fubferiber now lives, containing about one thburand acres, lyingfitteen miles below Newbern, and onNeufe river and Sloconib's creek. There are on faid lands three plan tations all in complete order for farming, and 'every houfe needful for tarru or family. . The terms are, one third of the purchfc money in hand, one third in one year, and the remainder in two years, and it not fuld by the eighth day of December next, it will be put up at public vendue uporl the preuit. fc$. At the lame time and place a quantity . of houfuold and kikhen filrniture, plantation tools and ftock will be fold for three months credit Alfo a quantity of corn will be fold for ready money. . ADAM TOO LEY. , Ofaher 24. edthe quantity, in gallons is to be returned in a book and hvorn to. - ' The operation of riiakin'g ov winesls truly and abioluttly the ' pptraiiprt md procejs of dijillaiion.--hov Vines like ill merchantable fpirits, have a portion -of water in them, but are nevertheki's abioluttly fpirits of -an infe rior jlrength 1 they are dutiable too ; ibr the law is guarded, in not beginning the fcale of dutied fxits at any fixed degree of tlrength : -all fpirits of whatever ftrength, comes Avith in the letter of the law , 'i he ' firit dais of fpirits are all thtfebrh-vo a certain itandard, viz. " more than 10 per cent ludow prorf." Here then, under 'proof fpirits taking thei whole range frotu- 'o per cent under,' clown to the very weakeft fpirits which the dirtilling procefs fh all have produced are liable to the payment ot auty at tne rate or leven cents per gallon. If a diftiller, to delraudhTstuf- tomers, cr his country, wul make lpirus no ft 1 1 ltronger tlianr, lie is neverthelcls not xenipted ti om liability of payment of duty. Ifluch grog or low wines be put into the other lbll which was elecied to pay duty on its capacity ; it cannot exempt that ftill from its monthly or annual duty, though n may produce in addition yery Jerious confe quences : for it mutt be further obferved, that the law. contemplates two branches of thedif tiling bufineis. One branch" is the making j root raw material (that is of the growth or produce not manufacture of the United States) on Vh.ch alone a IxemcdiHU, as fuch, can be reguWly employed. The other brapch is, the rectifying ot low wines and other fpirits of whatever denomination,' lueaknefs, itrength, or h-vour, at.d converting them into fpirits of a new ilrengih or flavour or name, ihat is to fay, the making a new kind of fpirits, as to ltrtngth flavour or denomination from fo:he previoully munufaflured material : not from materials as they were originally grow, or produced, fuch as all kind of grain ana fruit or ItricUy duin-tcrials. 1 lie Xltli bect;on of the Act ol the H of Ju:.c, I7;4, fixes a penalty of one dollar per gdloii o.iarcctuierot low wines or other inferior fpirits whkh he fliail reclify, without giving notice to au olficer of lnfpcJlion. i he wi-rds of the Jaw arc, " And be it tur thcr taaded, 'i hat every rcctitiv-r of h jj -Atnef or other diJiilltJ jph'its, and every d f tiller oUordiulsand ilrong water thcrctroin, dull enter at fomculiicc i;f IiifpcAion, all or any fuch Ivjj -,oincs or oihcr dij tilled fpirits t prior to the removal of tlictn to his duliiiery or rcctiiyinghoufe, andrVio iu I -ginning the rectifying, imprqving, or altering the quality, iLvour,' or proof tl.crrof, under the penalty of One HjiJt rJ DulLrj for every calk of one hundred gajto'u und fu i t pi oportioa for every greater or kf quntiry. " The devke for maVhij lew wines or other fpirits of lirt infcTTC"qtrihry it 0:1c il l!, an I thrr Arithcttt-prtKceding as a rectifier,- will appear irocv v hat 1 have oflereJ, to be .pal pably wrong-; for low wines, as has been before dated, are abfclately and in fact fpirits produced by aijt illation, 3c come wir&iUh 4ri4 dafs of prool' which confrfihcrids all dril led fpirits however lowv that are jo percent Jbelow pf oof, for fucb u e the words of the "Act otthe 3d of arch, 1791, cftabliTning the clulles. -. " ' - 1 .. f 1 L . V. l.r..-. . -I .' i-rt-t ' 1 uuti uiiiv iururcr qatroc, iliac U 3 Uliill- ler lhall omit to reportlur fpirits called low wines or other fpirits by whatcvername they r " w - - - . - - iv 1 1 1 v ii i it. j - 1 1 w - election had been made, to pay the duty on . the number of gallons diitUled; and lhall I iwear to thequantity diftilled, omltti ig the low, wines or other fpirits of inferior quality ; futh dutilltT vvill be liable to profecution, un- cler the ia-s tor ralle lwcrnig. . buch devices and;e'alioi)s are m their na ture litigious and corrupted : they are incoiW liitentwun -j.uitice ro the noneit citizens ; thev arejnvurious to the honelh and si.-ri,rhr dilriller"; abTolutely defraudina the U- nited States of their juif revenue, in 'which each individual is more or lefs concerned. InltruclionshaVe bcenilfud to the oificeers of infpection to ufe every lawful .means to detecVibuieof the forefroinE nature, and the: infractors being detecledA may depend ppoa" ' to procure punilhment. WILLIAM POLK, Sutcnnfo- of the Rl venue aJhiclofNorth-Canlirw. October 4th, 1 7 96. : ' ? , -. 1 ; I U IS 4 S O U D, l FOR the payment of the taxesj agreeable: lr Wttrtticmjiy, JUUCU UL. liaiClgll, in December, , in the year 1794. Sundry lands entered in Carteret county, as follows, 6ao acres entered for llichard Ul:irLlplT. - f 400 acres entered for Thomas Blackledge j 400 acres en tered for William , Blackledge and 400 acres entered for Berdamin Black ledge. All the above was entered by Rich-, ard IMackledge, ?n the 8th day of May, 1778, 6 tracts of 640 acres each, 1 do.'ofio icresr 1 do. of 400 acres and 1 do. of 420 acres, entered by Jofeph.Leech, on the 5th day of February, in the year 1780, and 127 trach of 640' acres, entered for, David Allifou, oa the 2ad day of September, in the year 1704- As the fubfenber has already been com pelled to pay the public tax on the above faid lands to. the treafurer, they will be expofed to pub ic fale, fixty days after date, at Beau fort in Carteret county, if- no one appears to pay the rcfpective taxes due on the fame, before that time. WILLIAM THOMPSON, fin.Jbrif Carteret county, Oclober 16, 1796. THIS "DAT IS 1 PUBLISHED, And for Sale at the Prinling.Office, NORTH -CAR O L I N A ALMANACK, For thcYtMr of our. Lord, 1797. And of AMHllCANlNOFPeNUPNCI,-XXI,-XXM, . Being "the ift aftir Lkp Yi a a. Calculated lor the Meridian nf 11 lkich, 35 Deg. 54 Min. 'North Lai. 3 peg. 36 Min. Longitude, Well from Phi Ladel fhi a. FOR S A L K,. SIX hundred and foi ty r.ci es of land lying in :le ftate of Tenncnec, ami in the vcr. An undoubttd right will be made the purctafsr i for terms pp!y to , , . THOMAS CUP.TIS. - November f y. rc&fying or ouicrvf'tf c altering ihe:n ut sr,vz N EWBER-Ni v. IMlNTfD RV F H A N C O I U .X. M 'AUTI N.

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