ver wrong, abfnr d, vmiifuve, and "contra dictory, boldly maintain the certainty of the foods of. the French in Germany. .They pronounce the Auftrian General in chief a hy, And all his raeafures as weak and defti tute ofvifdoin and Gwierallhip. - . , m.c uum opinions, aitogetner-independent of men, ' determined to have no guide . bu t ruin. W e eealure one party, when evident- tejctog' for -iJefenfc-:. and lelf government, France : hid'bur beiti.hes for iaccefs but, now Ttie Iks 'become mii ' of ths raife thefierrc cf Mantua or fall tinhn rhp rr)rw f c- r . . 7 1 V - . . ; v. r: A-'onnnrro: Tallica oc to be rearot OUOliaDartf: VrorrifnniPhmrin rnr . 1 ' . - i .. , - .. : . " r-i -v,n,.wc in orr to nrevent inv let- rants-r me.ot tn&gartiliomng prderscon 1 tendinis for' moreieri'Lor v Jot her 1 Vlf r rirW- i r it fi u.iia,. tne merits of the confctf. arc - totally changed,-a id good -men mutt dehVe to fee her nroTeets defeated. i -vut .iiuwui itgai uuig .iqb merits or tne cotroveriy. ierus examine the Drobabilitv. of tucccf to thepbns of the French Diret--. toryr vv e -mail loon knpvv the real itateor, V fate or the two coiite'ding parties;-.'. - :, , intention oi tne trench was, to puili -tn armies puuiy into lt.aiy . and Germany, -aim uy . gi-cpi. cuuris,'ienaer victory certain i in; f , t luppoieu , would compel tae xutcs ot. Italy, and Germany, into a iep.irute;'aCe,,'''rthus ' reducing . the- power. ot noitna, ; ana terrifying the bmperor" iniu a c-tc, un mei r , own terms, be- . j lorfe hcouid liaye; time, to tbrm new. Um, or m;;lorceints inro airion- It , was fthriirbjcdmight'luLcecd ;Ttlie"ihan- lait advices, this appears to have been done So far as we can yet judge fronj events, ai-d J uit j-uiiiiuiioi me armies, we may pic nounce the plan of the Arch Duke to te good genen-lllvp.---1 j inay prcye (btherwifeT; Fur at any; rata appearances are in favor of it. it hasbeen iuffueitedthata divMiou of Mo- reau's army may utercept : Prince Charles, and cut ort his retreat towards Bavaria. But this luppofes that Mareauxan ipaf e a ; large partoius-ajraylhiHj'iaf peror can fend no reintbrceme'njti! hejaL ters from reachirlor the XSWfinrv sf belore theirs,bjhewere difappoinud in their hopes.,,; I informed the-government as ' jooii as tney. On my arrival in tKis citv. I was 'arrrfl-ed' and conducted to the cattle of Ha, the mer chants of the city bailed me ; I met withthe moft d4ftigu:ihed reception : the whole, city can,e to meet me, the admiral's Ihip hoifted the broad nenrfmr m-hpn T net - 1 ,i' . . . . - " 1 he'liril bpii;ations of fuch .a plan- cduid -nraiy iui w weeeed 5 as the f rench had the advantage of timeini frcrccy ivery thmV i X -w V1UU1 V v . ; ' . 1 iiu, 11 v, 'is.ouvious tnat great' obitatles vyould prelent themfclves to uie e&ecutloa of. the deugn; 1 When the I're'ich Armies had broken through theAuf H V ; ''- .. 41.UUIC) nicy ind aconudcrable fpace c,f open country to 1 r j verie', in which few difficulties occurred. "Gut tae .right wing, under Buonaparte, had to cucouiuer very difficult roads .in Tyrol, i;i,d 'even lLould he pals all the mountains and 4.:..iws, u mm; dc oone oy hard fighting and " i.f.aier.ic; iois. The Auiirians difputing eve if of ground, retarding then' march, , and they retreated, drew nearer to the Amtriah territories,, where fupplies and re, i; icrcciutn;s' at: hand, while the French Were ubrclilag farther from their own" re fouTcesw v very sWp of the French ihefeafed their danger, andlcfleued that of thc-Aullri-an ; ' : : . .: .. j. : , . , ! ' Nloreau m th? centre7, and jourdan on the left! were for a tiuje ,eo1u.ily iVtcefsfal,- but i.s thty vK'dncTd, they. were fubject ro the -.ptV'??11!?"?' country ,-and to''thiiiVcohmi'enctc ddficuh roads, whVli 'iivreafed as theyVa'puacbeJ Auilriaand Eo. hcaui. V' j ;;. : . ., . 4;Vi:at could, thr AtlHart Generd do. in the movent of uniyefal defeat J . t , was nc. ciliary fovTi'iii'to turft the tide ofi'uciel, lit inUr to g'Ae.cburagc to.ihe Auiirian forces, . w-s 00 ahern.Miyc.: i he Auitrian forces. by -a frric? of difaltors, were not co::i;-fem to i;i;ct thV whpfc of the three l;rencH;armiatonceJt wa iiecciTiry to wcAcn their focetn p.ic point, to llrengthcn' it m anc wt rt' and check m u log of the ad- t vanung wetny. , 'i he jrolicy oi thU fcttci to U jitd-iisd by.ihffe caumllanccs U Ka dangcx tculd accrue from Morcair . aiiv.'.ue'.t, as thatili'vilMofihe anuy wuit . tiuct a great boJy of rciiJorccments Jroai ' Audria and l!iMg-ry. ' On tb o.her wkr . a defeat of J(urdan,4f it did not compel Nloi ,t xzim torcutat, would give ue fplrks to the Adiirun, ; ... At that moihcntVa r 'vival of fpVltiamog t'.e AuUrki wa equal to a h?rt cf rcnfon.c' mcnt and aaua1,!) would be, the mjatn of r-ihngVolunucrai.wcU as nvv Iojci in greater numbers t , A fni of o 1 j win oTCxi frc:ich mi S tl o rtdutatheKingprNaplei to brc-k the VTf.idke, and Wauhjo or jo,oco trcopstd wiltproblbTyprove, t 1.1 trout, by thj month of Ottcb';r, Would ce i'uhy fuiticient to face Moreau andBuon 'i partej in Kavaria) and the Tyrol", With ah their forces. ""f ' 'A hefe 'conjectures fuppofe no interpofiticn of the Empreis and the King of rruifia. An interference ot one or the other, 'or both would "materially chance the ilpect of aftairsl After all, it is proper that we at this d':f tan'ce ihould be niodelt. in living opini. ns, on iiich great iandxoinplicated operations, in countries hot well known by ui It . is not fate to pronounce "politivcly ou plans or cha faclen. We have fnggeUed only th pro , bability, in our opinion that the Fi-eiieh Will be compelled to abandon Germany oa the Kight of the Rhine, and Italy too, before the dole of the campagin v. November i . ' . Capt. Pearfon, of the brig Mary, from Gutdaloupe, lalt from Anguilla, 24 daySj informs that the French cruizers capture all Americans that fall" in their way -that he faw two taken under the guns of the fort at Guadalonpe ; and was intormed that ab uit iiKty velfftls had been carried into ht. Bartho- lomews. AH the coatts of the French Ifiands are infefted with thefe picaroons many of them very fmall and mounting only a fwivel in their bow.' It is with regret we announce the csptute of our vcflels in the "Welt Indies by the French- The Britilh have,.. in compliance with the treaty rut aneiid to the Capture and The conttitutrd authorities, the of-t he-1 anohmd 1 erfnrtes 7rinvtim: ; and offered "me their ftrvxes", tbey told toe, 1 that, aitonilhed at my fetting otffor St. Dc 1 mmgo, with commiffaries ; J thev had ever v ' I moment expected my. return to France, tha:t iuty maue a great diltincUon between me and, tiioie raitals.- .:, "V; -'.:', - .. . I have been tyanfported fi-ona St. Domirt- to go, becaufe I AVijhed, to prevent the diforder ' and roooLrv v. hirK w' exerciu', becaufe I wiflied-tbf return of or der, becaule I fpoke in favour of the return; of; the proprietors; v. ho are : not emigrants and whole habitations a're MnriApreA V" t aule I was for transferring the feat of wr into the foreign colonies, and for eft ablilhing; 1 ctxc m our. own. . : f 1 he Diredlory x)f the Republic, afts hcrcF" "with iirmvefs, anditsftcps feci'ire a good cf : feel, it itrikes the terror ill, j-r-the late coh-J " , . n- u aty Oi Douceur has dlcoyered many cuiltv-: wanvnuiieA unu jue uianc are concerned in the plot .: this excites no Turprife, when we con " iiJer the plans they have framed for the to- " Ionics, and v l:at they Ay ill do there, they have drawn around them all the rafcals of the colonies, and of he old and new worlds I lliall give no details of Ojiir .fucceffes j ;our armK 6 continue to be triumphant. . 1 ou mr.y publ:w mv letter. ' . N O U p O L K, i November, 22. . ocean. PHIL AD E LPHI Afi7thNtv. T R A N S L A T.I O Ni Citizen P. A. Adct informs his ftllovci tkens, that by order of the Executive I)i. rccicry, he has to-day notified the becretary , cf State, the jupenfion of the functions ol the Minuler Plenit otentiary of th2 French Kc public, near the. United States ot America and that in confequcncc of the laid 0.1, they mua from this day, addrefs their deuiandi or claims to the Conful General or thc'psrticubr Confuls of the Rcmiblic. At Philadelphia, the 25th Brumaire, the 5th year of the French Republic, one and hidivifible, (the 15th November 1796, O. S.)' Ry the notification figned P. A Adct in this day's papcrlt appears, that the NUnif. tcr of the French Republic has by order of bis government fufpended hiv rhiniftcrtal funclidns here. Mr. Adet'i ncte comuuni. eating this dctrrminaibrt lus b;6n handed to ujforpubltarion. let length prcvenii its. 'immediate ptiblkation ; but to fatif the im patience id the publ:c we (hall give in a day or two aHrftch ot' jucontentsi The. duTatu. r facTw 11 cf the Fremh gocrnmcnt aj the ton. unci 01 our executive toward them u tli Juror. Yefterday arrived the fchoone'r Amazoa, - condenmauon (four veilels, except when Sept. 9, faw two brigs to the fouthvvardof carrviiin on contraband trade i fo that it is i TnKi thp,, Kln-,;,, . u c j . ,, a rare thing to hear ot their leizmg American J 29th, fpoke one of the brigs, -whom. ' veilels. A fewinllantcs occur, and this! formed that he lett the other with her colours hardly can be avoided, as neutrals are always i flying in dillrefs, being d ove infide of the employed mpre or lcls illicit trade ; and ; J anUer's-lllar-ds Reefs, this brig he expefted .... .h .W.M Ml II . T J UU Lilt. V' -IV I II III I IX III'TITITI I IAI. I III. ' J I . v " ."iijiiiwii wvn 1 1 111. n use npar- the Coxcombs, the floop , capt. jobe: Creen, from Kingfton, bound to Alexandria,, out 18 days Oct. 14th fpoke the fd;oonet Saily, oi New-York, from Kingfton, boundl to the Havanna the captain and tvo4lave4 . had died orf Cape-Antonia ; on chc 27th, fpoke'a fchebner from Havanha, w ho had ta ken out the crew of the brig Sally, of New. oi k, that had foundered olf Cane . Anthnta the khooner was bound for the Havannafar 17th, fpoke the fchoonr Eoiton, capt. Clark,, in lat. 36, ,20, from Cape Francois, lhjucd' to Philadelphia, whe fupplicdcapt. Chapman Vithprov;fionsI Lalt evening arrived the Icbooocr Three Jofephs, captain . Bramble, ip days from Oaudalour'e ; tapt Bramble inform tltat all i lhe riench emigrants, were ordered to leave ' St. Bartholomews, and it was fiippofed the French intended to take . poflcfCoi). The tngliih had made , no preparation for attacking Gaudaloupe all their naval force. cre coilctling at Matunique, butitWainot Mtun lur wnac cxpcuiuon.-, '1 he French capture ill American ; vcflcl botmi to an Englfli port,' who have French fupcrcargocs 011 board, or are addrtflcd to any of the French Emigrantii' ' : ground ot the mcafure. ''-'' Ndrmhcr iy t V rfrcrlbtedfnmth Courier French. ) ' Extract-of a letter from Gen. I). Rocham. Urn, t.t ere oThU fricndi In this city. CcjiU tfltitt Dturfaux, the 4b Cement. -1 am fafe arrived here after a palfye of 46 day 1. '1 he agents of the F.:;eiutive

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