Sele&ed Poetry. 1 H AYRStilKZ POiVs DEAD. Ev'n ilea tuba mourn' fi the Daifft fait. i nsr me i& t lymr-na aipani amie ; Stern R ' TlbugHdurc drives, etate, 'r- . , J' . fuU on bf bloom", Jill crujb'd beneath the furrow's weight, -' ... Shall be tby doom. :. .- . PUKMI. Died, at Dumjrtis, Scotland, tit xip tf. Jtuj W in the tftk yctr of bit age, fLoittx Burns, the ce- l.U.ii.J Htntih harA- Animntrt An th ttt nf nature.' (for' be was a ploughman) be uttered Jeutiments which -bj their pathos tneltedtbe heart tt tender nefs',ot ' expon ded the mind by ' their fubltmiffi aJ d luminary emer ging from behind a cloud he arofe at once info noike f ana his works end his name can never die while foely ball agitate tie cords of the human heart. The bonefl pride and independence of foul, which are oft'' times the jmjeTJmtyovHfr-preait jorth-tn an his nvortf ana that fituafton, bubble as it was, tn 'which bf wooed the Muft, was not free from tariff and misfortune. We have extraScd Jrom bis Poems a dirge applicable to the Qccadon, and every feeling heart will lam n( that be bad caufe " to mour, v - Xf.JT llf jIQ lf AVV crTl 'HMClTTD XT ' rTTTHEN chill November's furlv hlaft YI Made helds and toreits bear, . -" One evening, i 1 wandered forth Alona the banks of At. Ifpy'da man whefe aged rtep . beeni d weary,; worn with care ; Hit (ace was furrow'd o'er with years, And hoary was- his hair. O ' ' " - - - - - V . Began the revVend Sage ) ' dies thirft of wealth thy ftep con ftrain " Or youthful pleaiure's rage ? Or haply, pre ft with cares and woes, Too foon tHou haft began, -To wander forth with me to mourn ' The miseries of man ,' The Sun that overhangs yon moors -Out fpreading fur and wide, Where hundreds labouf to fupport . A haughty lot dling't pride I've feen yon weiry winter Tun Twice furtv times return a And evr7eliaTddepfooft That Man was made to mourn. O Man ! while in tTiy early years, . How prodigal of time j Mifp!ding l I thy precious hours, Thy glorious, youthful prime I Alternate follies take the fway Licentious padions burn " V men l?nrum iuioo gts ntiuic jw, That aari jfaf made to mourn. The pobr , opprtflei,, . tfevsV-furV, been born, ,JX . Had there not been lome recompeDfe y,.' To comfort tW tta.t mounj l " -1 y O Death I the poor man's deareft frtenJ, -The kindeft and the btftl JlVerCpmeihe hour my gcd limbs . " Are aid wih thee at relt I " The; great, the wealthy fear thy blow, from pomp and pleafure torn . Pur, Oh f -r-bleft relief to thpfc : Tb t weary iaden mourn 1 TTHENthe late Drr Franklin wasdtf "VV courfing with a foreign Prince, upon the advantage denlefomconqueftshe threw upon the ground an oxs hide tanned ana uriea, ana puumg nisiooi upon inc cage of it, by prefling down one part, he raifed. up all the relt--then going all around it, did the fatne, fiftef which he , placed himfelf in the middle when. they yere equally kept down. "This (faid he) will ferve to fliew Kings. : that they ought not to amtife them-' felves iri conquering diftant countries, -thus" refide in the center of their own dominions by which means they would keep the fur-" rot- nding provinces fromTifing, and all lheir fubjefts in equal fubjecVlon,, RUaway' from-th fubferibf,- in the month of September, two negro men I.enc) An wrr.T. LrENO is a (tout mau negro, of a yellow complect'ibn, wuh a large Icat on one of his cheeks.- WJLL, is' a tall ftout made ne. -'grofldvery black. .the.Xmall of one of his legs is larger than theother they "are both " inedandbjte, heft information I can creek but a few days paft. ; Any perfon that - wul apprehend and fecure faid negroes, fo Jhat I get them, fha l beenrjtled to, and re- ceivea reward oiteivpbisTifivepotmd for either of them, and all reafonable en- - 1 - ; JOSIAH IJOVVARD. - Nevf-Rh,:'Oitfio'iO county Otfobfr look not alone on youtkful ptiste Or msfahiKxre active might j Man ththit uleful to his kiui, SurronTtD in his right j "ut fee him on the edge of life, With cares and forrows worn,'", ' Then age and want, Oh t ill matcVJ pair I Show man was made to mourn, A few feem fa voi ites of f atf, , In pleafurt's lap cars.1 1 Yet, thik not all the rich and great, Are likewise truly blelr," But, Oh I what c'ronds in tv'ry land, ' All wret'hed and kt1oct ' Thro weary life this l(Tn learo That mm was made, to mourn f ' m . - . It . ,. f . . - lany and fljafp the; nurn'rous W.t, . ' : Inwoven with our frame ! . Mart bointed ftill we inakt oorfelres, v Kegret, remnrfe and (hame t I The fmilfs-of loVildorp, " Alin sinhumaoitr toman. " Mkes cuuntien raoufands moarn I . m .-J - 1.1 VI L. ' are yonoer pwr 9 kumuvj u fijnn , Saabiecl. ntaiai and file- . . r " XVhobfpro-bej'of the earth " ' ' - To give blot lean 10 toil AsJCcs billot) 7 ullow waivr, : -The poof -petitioa fpura, , ; . . , Van-undful, tbV t werp'inj wife And belpleii offiprirg mourn. - ' : THE fubferiber intending to rembve from this part of the lUte Hequeits all peri fons indebted to him; tp make immediate pay icnt, or by the 1 11 day of January next. He wLl es- to fell the lpt and improvements where he now livesr fof ; which he would f e ceive one half the pu'rehafe money paid down and give a reafonable time for the payment of the balance the purchafer giving bond aidifcurltyrajngao;eon the pfemifes. Thofe improvements are fubjFcl6Talndrt gage of about 500 ' which is not payable until, five years after next June If they . are not fold at private falejaefore the l ft day of January next, they will be then fold "at public vendue, fubjeft to the above conditions , " WILLIAM SLADE. November 26. - , ' F O R S A L E, THE Plantation and lands w her son the fubferiber now lives, containing about -one thoufand acres, lying fifteen miles below -Nev.bernand onNeufe river and Slocomb's creek. There are on faid lands three plan tations all in complete ofdcr for farming, and .every houfe needfuPforfarm or "family. The terms ere, one third of-the, purchafe money in hand, one third in one year,, and the remainder in two years, and if not fold by the eighth day of December next, it will be put at public vendue upon the premW fes. At the fame time and place a quantity of houfliold and kiuhen furniture, plantation tools and ftock will be fold for three months! credit. Alfo a quantity" of corn will be fold for ready money ,' . ADAM TOOLEY. Odder 14. f A h - rt . ! it . ' - SIX hundred and foity acres of land lying in the Ibteof Tennefieef and tin the county of Davidfon, on the Cumberland ri ver. An undoubted right will be mide the purchafer j for ternnfapply'to 7 c - " r THOMAS CURTIS. ' November 19. ' T Q IJ E SO L &f FOR the paymenrpfthc taxes, ajScejaUe td an act of aflembly pafTed at Ralemh. : in December, in the year 17944 Sundry lands entered in Carteret county , as follows, 6 10. acres entered for Richard RlirH. . aoo acres entered tor1 1 hnm-ic m;-i-r-4 ; . 400 acres entered for - William -Bhckiedge, and .400 acres-entered: for benjamin Black! ledge... All the above was entered by Rich ard Blacitledge, on the 3th day of May, 1 778 6 trafts of 640 acres each, 1 do. of 410 acres' ' 1 Ho. ofiriftlirrpsr nnA r An. n? - entered by Jofeph Leech, on the 5th day of February, in the year 1780, ahdn? tmft. lf 640 acres, enteral for David Allifon. on iuc uay 01 oppcemDer, in tneyear 1794. As the fubferiber has already been com pelled to pay the public tax on the above faid lands to the trealurer. th'ev will lv vr.,i to pub ic fale, ftxty days after date, at Beau fort in Carteret county, if no one; appears to pay the refpeftive taxes due on j.he lame, before that time "-: " WILLIAM THOMPSON, un,fher!f Carteret county, October 16, 1796., ( ' 1 , THIS DAY IS'PUBLISHED, And for Sale at the Printing-Office, NORTH-CA'ROLINA ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord, 1797. And of AMiniCAHlwDirtwDiKcij-xkij-xxn,' 1 Beinf; the after Lkap V r.AR. , Calcujated tor the !crdian of R AUicir, 35 Dcg 54 Min. North Lat. 3 Deg.. 3d M'ui. Longitude,' Velt from Philadel phia. " A'et 26. . ' FOR S A L E, A. r w T I C KETS Indie Canal Lottery, No. a. (JtttUalUnjhiuUbemab early.) . : THOMAS ELLIS. Unxmher 16 FOR SAL E, THE houfe and lots, new occupied by Dr. William M'Clure, the lotsm.y be hadfeparately pr together. Alfo out lot on broad ftreet, near the Courr-Koufe, iivl one "hoiifc and lot, adjoining Mr. ' Thorn' Cox's. . , ' ; ' The whole the property cf Mrs. .May Edwards . - ' Oflther 15. NATHAN' SMITH. THI8 DAY AKIiKUBL I8UED, AND pOil SAU AT TKE : ' PRINTINCOFICE, (Nnvbern )j PR I CP. 50 CFATf ' A. F E W C A S E S, . DETKRMtifeb IN THE S U P E R 1,0 R C O U RT5 N O R T H-C A R O L I N A. Thofe Cafes, rwemy-nine in number, have been copied from thenotei pf the moA rel. pc&ble law characters in thb (late . BLANKS ofallkindi, for fale at die Printiog.OlIitc. - " : ; " I RED E L L' R E V I S A L, For fate fit Hit tffef. N K W U ER Nt PRINTED 8r ' FR ANCOIS.X. MARTIN.