nuimg thm w.e might retvn Gfji. Latour,:. rar icfauhrafen j'this was 'necefTaiy -in ; order to divide the army incf piecet ia the cmraucerfthe road which led to thehricVe,' cvcrtheh. 'i hey drove the enemy with-" cut d fficnlcj-tPottsns, -atni -Verreated by i;prtenao, bchimHonTc fwarhps. WeVicrht ; have toed thuVbtKwiert them (till more, by making themUinkit was a retreat, in order to make . them ivaihe "next 'day. f :The. 2d complements r day ttes army took polt, the righr at Par, nt Grof hauten the left at Gemdelfdorl'; the advanc ed .gnards. forcrd.the enemy's flank s far as ir.heepetOTf-rwardwasortred' that afLer the retreat of'the ary of- the Sambre , " ;'' t:1 !,"v? v "aries naci qetinieq -a body of his army, .as we! 'as of the girrifoos cJiuj ii:u(ut ine coTjmu!iir:TTi:ir of th -rw..; ,. . J - v 1 miw. u ii y .ftratbnrg,- and that hs advance J guard had' .tmgncdi he expected this nianiu vr,iroaf theenemy, whkhdjd liotrive him ;fHch J nil i jels jbut thi s movement being iiiade with verr confjdifrah'fnrrMt -th-'mn ' gaducs might be Jenfrom us j l?regiiez iinTyimian being menaced bythe enemy, who then .had .taken- awav- fmm fW by the way of Conjtance, the' general lie'tcr.- iiUllCU 11QI in KPPn lrt tnr nit hin m . jjoftsfijore. clofe, and to approach prince ' Charles, in ordjr to give the army of the aiiu if.cuig tuc means or acting o5en!iveiy. r No other reafon could re. ; taw us In Bavaria, where "the enemy fought to amufe us, always -efcaping from us, and every time we wilhed ip tight then) giving 1 us the country. ' The general has chofen a IK)(5tba -.on tke lller, the right on : the; lake, of Co .ittance. .and the U ft at Ulm. . . y "' : ins poiiiKjn, it .can de ' tch.abody p tover oar communications, or to annoy the troops whk h prince Charles has bre and Mcnie aft plfenfiveTy, march the ar my back in a body and entirely ruin the enc. ny " .." , 'fbe.. 3d, the rmy Tat off in the "night to crdfsthe.Lech ; thc centre bf the right wing , croifrd the t .vo bridges near ugiburg, in - ordr to ga'n a pofition behind, the Lech and the V. crtboc ; the . left . wing Yrefled the , Iiain ; let advance guards trailed before the j.uu. .ven. u-atour, the clnpeot our two preved'rg days marchs and of demonft rations' ofSclu-obfnhaufen, believed that we were marching to attack hiai, " and retreated on his iicjrij this gave us a great advantage in the .: GcMr Monl.iK-hard left Friedbcrg with A Surrilrvp ail V reaiinents of rn-ilnr liv toedinarcWstb Ulm, to cover it, a:, the' 1 ridjres over the Danube, and r'epulfe the rncmy's poIU which were as tar as Goppin gen..;. - We leair.t, the 2d, vtbnt the divifions' vimb hidhren !eft,r the fot of the Tyrol' motSnuius t.ttNVRen l l.keof Conthnccahd Lcih, liad attacked by the Auitrians, who bad teen retreated into jhc mountains, rcinfbccd b. a party Wurmfcr's cav-lry, , who driven lnck by gen. Iluonaparte in T - ; n.i, andleinj of no ule there, had return ril into thHe parts. . 'Tint the -brigade of fen. Sirrcan had hKn ctwirch' Inrroundod nd.the enemy's parties had pnlhed as far as Gen; r criiw inned;a:cJy let rut nth the lirle-) of gen. Jordis, to inarch to Men:, mbpen, and gnve irdt rsto aural Abbattf. Mey to ttepart by forced marches from Land Ibcrp in order to fall on the rear of the rne v. V 1 ut ih'. had'be'-n bM;rn alrtady by gru. Tarreu, ftpportcd by the brlgrde of geu i'i'LV'nl, bocok one pieic ijf crnrep. We I'Ich if leann, the corpj wh cli vc haJ b-'rfftre'l b'.llif f.nirjt, h d fortunatt-ly reir'attdcnthe ipth, ir,totheca:rp ofKell, is he h.,J nrdtrf to do, fuperior tofs Jiqv.' in'?, pre'et ud thcml'clves 0:1 the 27th b fere at liruchfall, pn-l that thecnt my UUI fmt ot-rpi from Sinter d to take poH'cli crj of the oftheKnubi:. Otnhe 4th, the tentre of ihesrtny tiwk a j-outlon brlnnd tlic Shutter, ri the road from AuMburjj ti Ulm, the left ving Idund the buiaUi-; Wcrluicti, the van reaiDedorTthe ljilUe-rarpH 01 general ixauenaortt, -who -pad gone to ; 0rFfc general Ddaixon thefideoffJurem-l fep'vcd "atponaert and;vpdlingen. ' - he 5tbV the anny took its polition be-' hind the toindel, the right of Kembal; the ; icu .uroieajjie ut polls on the Su." zam. , . Ji.xne Ut-Vereniiire f Sept." 22) on tne .uimtz, the riglrtl at' Waltenverfer ajid tfe left on the 15anUbe, th6utjoih5fin the Mindel. v t rTr:,fpr ph; eiieri clf tlie etat major gene. E. HEYNIEiU ThrVeitmi m tFelfJf ihe army of the 'Rhine and Wofelle, to tbetxecutive ireflory , Bead-tuaners. at Buhsuf the . ,rr pth Veaademair(Qil. i,) " Citizen Directors. . " y bn have no doubt received pnr 1 m r s account of the attack ef Kehl, and'of the uiecK wnich the enemy rec$ived.v J had lent ibme troops of the army to him, but they ar rived too. la. e by fomeclays for that affair. i have, not yet received the details. ' Nearly I U our couriers ire ' intercepted either by the peafants.or by the enemy's poits y. . General Seherb whom 1 lud ordered to, retreat from Bruchfali-to Kchl at jheaD. preach of the enemy, did' it a httl too late,' . as he found the enemy eftabliihed behind him K !ire? (r four places ; but he mawceurvtd with ability, and .the bravery, of the 6th dem'brigadeand of theJifwli-regtment of dragoons, freed 'hiinfrom allobftacles. Ti r pailage was .opened by the point of the bay onet, and this Imall body of troops arrived at its.xletthiation, with all its equipage, its wounded,' and -more" than '100 priioiiers, 'This 'cnrfduct .nferits the higheit eulooiei. v Since this 1 have learnt from the aitair at Kehl, that this 6Sth demi-brigade was the principal means of preferving tiut important poll. 1 , 1 l.have received no ney s from eitlier the army of the ambre and iicufe7orT'rom Stralburg: this is extraordinary, though 1 hear by the German papers and priv itelet tcrs, that Gen. Jourdan has been forced to repafs tty: Lahu, and to retue behind the '; . .'. .; ; At this moment the enemy has made an attack at ths Abbaye de SchaufFcried j Gen. . JJefaix is ai an equal diitance between the Fcderlee ar.d. the Danube. As my Utter will not be fen: till tomorrow, I ihill give you the details , ' . . Vendemaire i 1 th. After a briflc engage, ment, "the enemy h.isbcen rcpulfed at all points, with great lofs.--We have made a bout 300 praoners on the left, auiongtt .which are hve oliicero. As the enemy -are not tar from us. I Uu attack them a rain to morrow, and this is the more important, as 1 icnrn tuat tne corns of- general fsLucn. dorfl, .bout 7 or 8000 men itron, m.ches on to 1 ut)in'e,i. iiedthand rcff MOKEAU. Lxfr f a Irttrr fnmciihen Haufrnan, . m c vmimiuT 1 - gwrnmiyt, ivtth the, ur. pi iib( Rhine und M',fellittQ the Executive rtreflory ' ' j ClTIZKN DlRP.CTORS, J wrote to you ycflerdav by the ordinary courier ; that of the army is arrived, and has brought me tu o letters, dated from thehcad-ijuiTter atSaulgen, the 12th and the 1 3th. They announce that the Aullrians had Urn completely beaten on the 10th and nth,- in the etn'ucHis of Buthan. -Two colors, lix canron, 5,000 pr'do.jcrs, amongtt honiarc 59ofiiccrs, were already at heaJ. quartm, 2,ooc other ptifoncrk wen txxct. rvl in thccoiirfc of the day." J have thought it my duly tot(iAe)ou iccjuainird with this rc s by an cr tracn hirry tcuricr. 'i he pri. fotirrs rcj rrt that the emperor has not more n rcefc'inthe interior cf Auttru, nd tlut he hns fent to the army all the tnpi which he h:d iu 1 tferve or m U.c ar nfuaw HAUbSMAN. U O N, Cfoher xi. The diT n ine with vpain are now Ulrl to U brought tu n amicable tdultmeut. c nrrea believe-that the - detention of fo lnJ3V-rIs-' Vd 'tq profefllons of fnendjhjp, as the polhhle "means of their reuorauon ; Dut we trult that our Govern ment is not to be duped by artifice. TT.. PrV jJ . , 1 ,.-'-.- : '"iMUJMjon. vizi the JJianri. St Uorie, and Ctrberui '-finemtM 'ha carried into Milfonf, tVvd neutral fhips with fcpaniffi Pfcberft aTrerch trivatrir nf . andwtninrBra?il Ihin nf no, tnc and two .vpaniflr m?ps,-one from Lima for Cadiz, the Revna de ?-onifa with Treafnr.. and the; otheV the Princcfra.j of : 600 tons. "rOnThe 28th ulh arrived at CorkjhirMa jefty's ihip Cerebus, ;capt0few, ironra cruife.- Un Sunday The fell in with the Sea horle, capt. Oakes, having in tow a large Spanifh fliip from thelJavaf.natoyVarid another ftom theavannah tri Fprml .0)' h5h Hie captured off Cape Finirterrc 1 ncy nave an immenle fjuantity of treafure ..oxi boardv !. ' ' . .; ': u we inoutovnavea: war 'with Spain, the property pjreadaken by thelquadrbn un. der capt. Faulkner from that cpuiitry,' would make the fortune of all tliebflicers and men' N E..W B E II N. Drr Married On Sunday evening laft, at Mr. W jlham Anthonyrs, in this town, Ko bf RTWriiTEHURST Snfad, Efq. of Onflow, Clerk of the court of that county, tp Mifs HARRlETGltUSPlE. TlJE. Gentlemen who ar'e'vttilin? to pro mote ihe KewbernDmcinSJ(ftmHMthh ttr, are dejired to meet at Mr, FrUicVs hotel m Mgnduy next ut noon,, ' - - - I F any geprlfraan or lady in Newbem is in poflcffion of the mufic of the Farce tt-ti-kd, " THE AGREEABLE SURPRISE," they will oblige a number of their friends, by lending it .to Dr. James S. Cutting, Dr. f. J. Toy, ov Mr; Tbowts P, Irving. . v .. - December 10 : . WILLIAM H.AWLEY, M E4 C II A N T ,T A Y LOR, Tl EGS eat'C tn Infnrm Vile I- 'f r ""menus, CUI. XJ toircrs aiulthe public, that lie has late ly returned from New-York, with a very kandfome, and well .chofen aflbrtment of igoeds, fuitable for the feafon : cohfifting of Belt London fuperfine broad cloths and, caflimeresj.elaiiick doth, heft fuper iine and mix't coloured twill'd coatinfrs. a var?At f . Icgant printed cafliuier veil . patterns, do. hvanldown black fattmett, twill'd thictfetts and velvets, double raill'd drab fuitable for great coats, camblets fuitable for men's cloaks, twill'd kerfcys, plain, red, white and yel low flannels, green biixes, call'umncoes, ruf felsand durants, tamboured, plain and print ed jaconctt muflins, book do. black fattin fuitable for lady's tloaks, jaconett and book ntullin handkfs. bandano and printed (xxket do. plain and tambour'd muflin crarats men's cotttn and worfted llockings, role .......v., .m . jjj.u4. ui ucgro cottons. Alio a variety of other ankles, too tedious to mention. - ; T, TJ?fc gentlemen who wifh to fumi(h themfelves with clothing of any defcription, wdl find it thctr mtcreitto call on the above pcrfon, as tley may rely on being fumifhed on the molt reafonable terms, and with the latelt falhions. - . . Coarfe wan clothing fuitable for Pilpts rnd bcamcn, will be furnUIied on thebweft terms j will always be on hand read male. ' - WASTfD tMltl-nf trrt v three fober bduflrious Idurneynirn. . to r.jgnen wages wn ue gircn in cam, paid ever)' Saturday night. Aff.Wt01IFSOF THR M 1 N u r ,E s or Tits NEOSE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, hrftlcntthiiCffc" ? Price if