ScIcOcd Poetry. ' From a late Eitg!ib fafer. . I TiiTiiryadiw K6; mince do rnttch credit to the talent of its jute utie Author. We cxtrad it from a Novel Much wild nd')ci-captyating ifTvaraiUr to gic us the promlfe of great things indeed from ib fame Pan. Wc mean TlW Itfook." 'ALOIJZO thb BRAVE AND f AIR IMOGINE. jrTght WARRlOXfa bold and a Vjrein lo XV- Convers'd, as they fat on the green j 1 hey gaz'd on each other with tender delight J Alonao the Brave was the lurne of the Kmght The Maid's w"as the Fair luiogme. . f '"And,ohr faid the Youth, " fince to-morrow I go. To fight in a far diftant land, ' 1 , Your tears. for my abfence foon leaving to flow, Some other will eourt you, and you will btftow Qn a wealthier luitor ybur hand I " ; Oh, hu(h thefe fofpicionsV fair Imagine faid, ' Offcnfive to Jye, and to rae I ' For, if you be living, or if yu be dead, . I fwear by the Virgin, that none, in your ftead, Shall Hufo.nd of imogine be. If e'er I, bluft or by wealth led afide. , Forget my Alonto the Brave, God grant, that, to punifti my falfehood and pnde, Your Ghofl at the Marriage may fit by my title j May tax me with perjury, claim me as Bride And bear me away .to the grave 1" To Paleftine haften'd the Hero fo bold j His Love Ihe lamented him fore i " But, fcarce had a fvelvemonth elapsM, when, be- hold. m w II 1 t 1 . J 1 J j tsaron, an cover a witnjeweis ana gwtu, Arriv'd at fair Imogine' s door I His treafure, hit prefentt, his fpacious domain Soon made her untrue to her vows : He daisied her eyes, hebswilder'd her brain; He caught her afoftions, fu light and to v-m And carried her home at his ipoufe ? While they drink outof fltulls newly torn from the Dancinr round them the fpeflrea are fee n Thtir liquor is blood, and this horrible flave, .1 hev bowl i e tne neaitn oi Aionzo ine jBr, ' And hit Confort, th? Falfe Imogine P. ' ; And now had the Marriage oeen Dtui y Prieftj The revelry now was begun j The tables they groan'd with the weight of the ' feaft i Nor yet had the laaghter and merriment ceas'd, When the Bell at the Caftlc toll'd one ? Then full, with amazement, fair Imogine found, That a Granger was plac'd by her fiue i His air was terrific : he utter'd no found He fpoke nbrlNhe mov'd net, he look'd n6t a round ! Butearoeftly gai'd on the Bride Ills visor wat doi-d and gigsntiJ hit heigHt Hit armour wat fable to view i AU pleafurc and laughter were hofh'd at hit fight, The dogs, as they ey'd him, drew back in afinght j The lights in the chamber buro'd blue. Hit ttrefcnre ill Kfifomi anorai'd to difimav t r II 4 The guefls fat in filencc and fear At length fpoke the Fride, while (he trembled" I . pray, ' Sir Knight, that your helmet afide you would It), And deign to partake of our cheer." . The lady it Glent t the Granger complies ; Hi i visor he flowly undos'd .' Oh, GoJ, what light met fair Imogine't eyei, ' What words can eipreft ber difmay and fu-pril'e, When a Skelitou head wat t ord. All prefrnt then utttr'd a terrible flioot All turn'd with difgull fiocn the fctne , Tbt Worms they crept in, and the wormt they crept out, And fported hit cyct and hit templet about, WhiU the SpeSre addrtft'd l4ogiot t " Behold roe,tb)ttFalfii Om jbehol I e I" he cried i V Remember A Ion so the Brave t God erant. that, to puailh thy falfehood and pride, M) Gnoft at thy Msrritgt ihoutd fit by thy tide, Should tat the t with perjury, claim the at Bridt And bear thn away to lha Graver Thus faying, his arras round the Lady he wound, Wlute loudly (he (brick'd in difmsy Then funk with hit pity this' the widtyawnipg ' ' grouco! I . . . t , , Nor cvtr agsio wss fair Imogine found, , " Or the fpeclre wh bote ber away. -- - - - Not tong!ivdhtBarMi,tn4tione finte thst time . To Inhabit tbt OH ftfom ' For Chronicles tell,' thst ay order fublime, The Imogfnt faffeft the pa'm fhi (lime, And mournt bl depUtablt dom. At midnight four timet U tsch year doet Ur Speight Wh morttlt in flombtr art bound, Arrty'd In het bridk tpptrl of white, Arprin the hall with the fkelettn.Knlghf, Aod thritk at he whtrlt Ur arwtid I LETTER FROM LOUIS XVIII To the Abbe it Simwd,. late, cznfcflhr of ' 7 is XV h whom he founded to the fcafi'oU Blactenburg, Sept. 19, 1796. ' HS i r, u;- '7. - f It i$ with the utmoft fatisfaCticai I have learnt, that vou huve at lalt efcaped all the dangers to vvhicli -yourruBirme- zeaiandjat-; - tachment had expojed you. J oner ap my fincere.Thankfgtving to Divine Providence, far having vouchfafed to prelerve in you one of its roolt faithful jQinifters, and the only truly frienoof the lalt fentiments of a bro- theri whofe lofs I (hall never ceafe to de plore, and whole memory w'.U ever-be bleiled by all good Frenchmen as a Marlyr,swbole triumph you have beenthe hrit to proclajui, and whole virtues, I hope, will one day or pV ther be confecrated by the Church 1 be mi racle of your prefervation affords me grounds to hope,; that uod has Hot yet abanuonea Franc et It is, no doubt, his will, that an unquelhonable witnefs-ihould bear teftimony to sll good r renchifltni or the arcent love with which their King contlantly felt for them, itiordcr that acquainted with the whole extent or their lofs, thsy may not confine themfelvcs to'che mere fruklefs regrets, but that by throwing themfelyes into the arms of father, open tothcm they may enjoy the only con Solution which their grief admits. I, therefore, exhort y iu. Sir, or. rather I re. quire of you, in tne moft earneft manner, to colU ft and publilh all that ypur holy miniftry f does, not oblige you to conceal, as this will form the faireit monument I can pofiibly ereft to the beil of Kings, and'to a brother mex prelfibly dear to me. " I lliould feel happy, fir, in giting you th moft efKcaciouspledges of my profound elteem, but can only7 offer that admirat L on and gratitude which you fo richly deferve. , (S.gned) V LOUIS." F O R? S A L ; T HE'Flantation and lands hereon the fubfcriber.hov .lives, con taming about on thcufand acrei, lying h'.teen;;:iles below NeWbem; and bnNeule river and-Sbcomb's , wcck. 1 nere are on iaiu wiius inrce plan tations all in compleje order for farming, and every houfe needful for iarra ' or f ami! y. The terms are, one third of the purchafe, money in hand, one third t& "one yearjjand the remainder in twoyears and ifnotfcld. by the eighth day of December next, it will be put up at public vendue upon, the pretni fe? At the fame time and place a quantity of houfliold and kitcfieii furjiitufeTahlaliohT" tools and ftock will be fold for three months credit. Alfo a quantity of corn will be fold for ready'money. t : : ADAM TOOLEY. Gttober 54.- 7- :.. RUN-away from the fubrcriber,' in the month of September, two negro men, LENO AND WILL, LENO is a ftout made negro, of a yellow compketion, with a large fear on one of his checks. WILL, is a tall ftout made ne. gro,, and very black, the fmall of one of his legs is larger than the other, they are both armed, and by. the belt information I can gather, are gone to Newbern, or Clubfoot's creek but a few days paft. . Any perfon that will apprehend and fecure faid negroes, fo that I get them, lha 1 be entitled to, and re ceive a reward of ten pounds, or five pounds for either of them, and all reafonable expen ccs paid. ' . . ' JOSI AH -HOWARD. NevJ- River, "Cnjlrj) county, Oflobcr 4 . T O B E S O L D, FOR the pay men t of the taxes, agreeable to an adt of airembly, pafTed at Raleigh, n December, in the year 1794, 73 tracts, of land in the . cotih ty of Gartc ret, of 640 ' acres each, entered by Qifvid AHifon. ' As the fubferiber has already been cotTt pelled to pay the public tax oh- the above fa id lands to the treafurer. they will be expofe d to public fale, fixty days after date, at Beaui- fort in Carteret county, if no one appeal s to pay the refpe&ive taxes due on the fame , before that time. ' ' : '.x WII:LIAM THOMPSON, un.herij Lcrrteret county f December 10, 1796. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, And for Sale at ibe ' PrtHting.O ffice, -'THE NORTH-CAROLINA ALMANACK, For the Year of our Lord, 1797 And of AmrricanImdependikce.-xxIj-xxtii, Keino the ift affpr T.fap Yk.AH. Calculated tor the Meridian Tof Raleigh, 35 " 'Leg 54 Min. North Lat. j Deg. 30 Min. Longitude, Welt, from Philadb l- phia. - , Nov. a6 FOR SALE, SIX hundred and forty acres of land ly fog in the ftate of TennefTee, and in the county of Davidfon, on the Cumberland ri ver. Arr undoubted right will be made the purchafer : for terms apply to j THOMAS CURTfc! November 19. THE fubferiber intending to remove from this part of the ltatef l equefts all per fons indebted to him to make immediate pay ment, or by the ill day of January next He wiles to fell the lot and improvements where he now lives, for which he would re ceive one half the purchafe money paid down and pvc a reafonable time for the payment of the balance,' the purchafer giving bond with fccurity,pr a niOitgagcon the premifes. 1 iiOie improvcaicwa arc luoieti 10 a inori hpgcofalwut 500, which is not ray able until nve year ancr next junc. ii mcy are not fold at private fale before the I ft thy of January next, they will be then fold at public vendue, fubjetl to the above conditions. . WILLIAM 5LADE. November 26. , I O'R SAL E, Arr. w TICK E.T .S . In th.e Canal Lottery, No. 2. (Jpptkat'm Jbouli be mode early) 'Ntvcmhcf 26. THOhUS ELLIS. . .. F O K' S A L E, THE houfe andlot, now occupied, by Dr. William M'Clure, the lots may be hadfeparately or together. Alfo oiie let oil broad itrcet, near the Court-houfe, and one houfe and lot, adjoining Mr Tl?otns Cox's. The whole the property of Mrs. Maiy Edwards;5"' " OSIober is NATHAN SMITH. rillS DAY ARt rUUL 1SHLD,' - AND FOR BALE AT THE PRINTING.OFrlCE, (Newbern :) PRICE 50 CEHTl A ' F E W C A b E S, DETEHMID IN THE " SU PERI O R COURTS or' . . . NOR T H C A R O L I N A. Thoe Cafes, twenty-nine itinun.bcr, have been copied from the notes of the - moH rcl pcibble law dwraclers in this ftate . B L A N K of all kinds for fale at the Printing. Ollke. I RE D E L V$ R EVISAL For fals Jt Ibis Ojfc'e " NEWBERN: paiNTr.D cy F R AN C O I S.X. M A RT I N. 1 .