mr- 'I i U-DA- .7, 19 V WtL NtS 570. : --' ,4 1 u " i VOL. "XI. 4 C O LOG N - Oil, i y- THE following are the conditions of rieuy ' trality j concluded at NeUwieoh ' the ; 39th ul't. betweta the French and 'Auftrian : generals. ' '. ' ' ' '('. . ; f . i ' appurtenances Scanhot, .be occupied by . any -ti-oops, cither r incb:oF- Auitriaow- 3. .The advniiced , nofts of the reflective. corps fhali be rem ovej from each other, one lindred and fifty pacesy. 4z. The French to count ironuhq iait houfe on .the right fide of the city," r.nd the Auftrians from tire laft houfe jto the left ipf the cityv ancl ? from , the fc'ifthc'cdartgatdenv1."; '. ":.:-.ti-:r-.; ';,'. In virtite ; of the prefent treaty vhe ; French'troops lhaft hot attack the tit nor; the . Auiirian generals conftruct offe nfive or i: de- -lenuve worics, wmcn. may damage the pndge ontnervmne. 4. There fhaU be -French and sn Auftriin . onir enaDiuJif d in tne city,- cnarged to an.: . 'fwer forxthe infringement of this article. , ; 5.!.Thelinei)fcentries in the plain ruled accordinxco military law and iri a 'iiiitni-. ner'ico'.npitible with thepofitionof the two torj-'S of troops. ' . , rr6'" A1 ! the fortification works confrrufted in the ckyi-hall be raz'e' uneihAinfeaioa " of tiic ning:ftrate. ' ' ; . ' '.. : t 7 , To avoid all fpecies of niifunderftanding ; it is- rnutuaily agreed that no foldier. either FrcnciiSr Auftnan-, fliall enter intb the citvK witnont ' an fxprels permiilron from- his chief. . The eltablilhed officers' at -Neuwied will take cirt jo Have thisarticle executed. ' A dOpli ?' ca'tc of tKe'refent'( treaty has been delivered vto the mjgillf ate of Neuwied ; , " - A H T S, oaoher to. ' The Dunkirk floating battery has perifhed. in the harbour, by the explofion of the pow. der on board. Afingleman, out of fifty, nine, who compofed its crew has alone been a faved. : ' -x- - , ., OCTOBETI 10. . j; ..OFFICIAL NEWS . : Army, of the Sambrc and Meufe. Letter from jourScn, CtnerelU Chief, to the ;.ermy oftheSmnbre and Me:fet dated Dent z, f Y Vinlemcrc (Sept J Infirrouies, caufed by the, multiplied fa tigurs ofthe, war, have obliged me to folicit my rt-treau , Accuftomed to regard you as ., 6iv children, yo'.t may judge of the . regret " ! bich 1 feci ht. feparating from you. , You have beea night and day the objecY cf my . fjlicirudts. y Though Went; you will ftill be b. My foul, my heart, Will follow you every where. . One thiilg alone alleviates my furrow on quitting you it is, that I leave you in the hanu's of an experienced ofllcer, . whofc virtues and yhofe talents prcfage the moil happy fuccefs. y . .. . General Bournonvillc talces thcprovifional ' jco.n naiid uf the army j fctonded by the brave gciuraU. by whom you havcleen fo often , tomliiclcd to vklory. I (lull earn with in. finite pleafurc, in my retreat, your glorious ; exploit!. Preferve your ellceni and friend. .i:p for me ; I truft I merit them both t and . ty'nie ih.4 I am obliged to be feparated . .. from. you.., , , . 11 i JOlJRDANf ' , ,. Extraft of a letter from gen. Bouroonville, commander m thief of the army of the Sam. brc and Mcufc. ' Headquarter Mulheini, 8 Vcn dftnairc (Srpt. 30.) The dmfion lately Marccau') provTorily ecumunded by the general of brig-ide Hardy ajittackcd the day before yeilcrday. by three columns of the enemy. One of the cohtt nut paflcd the Scltt and Siclic cn Loch and poftcd Itfclf on the Plateau of fVurllatt ; : the fecond pIlcd itfclf on Niderhulm, and - the third on Obcrcnldcr. The cccmy has been repmfcd every where - Qufon: of the 2d regnneiit of huflari ihe-i 1 uh; re giment ofchaiTeurs, aindthe 6th, of caViilry, 'dillinguiihed themfelves oti the tight by 'fpnr charges,' which forced the enemy., to repaiV the ifltz. Theyjiave loft many men,', and Ve. hameA9o prifoners In this, aitafk.; Coptaineiret did' wonders with two ieee)fgtorolle enemy, wo ot, which he tlilmounted. . I he 3ivLn of, the Gendarmerie conduced . themlelves well in thecentrel and the 108 th grenadiers, the 55th demi-brigades, . and the 9th light infantry did prodigies 6a the left, fbe ei-my being harboured id the village of-Nidder-Ingeiheini, we have been obliged to lit fire to it to diflodge them The cotnbaV commenced at five o'clock in thi morning, and did not end till the fame hour in the e- venmg .It was a warm one. : ,"-.' Yetterday evening about, five o'clock the enemy prefented themfelves to the grand guard Df the diyifida General Lefrbyrcj, and to thedivifion of Championet, anfa cannon ade took place. The enemy had twelve hun dred horfe, wp battalions and fix pieces of cannon Thev had feveral wounHfl rrt wT 1 -It f W officers killed, and feveral prifoners. Ifup. pofe that they have taken this meafure in or der to difcover a movement which. I made at that moment . ',. ' fiOURNOMVJLL!E. ftto officers iBd'"pivate.:'-f : -1 .-.. ' ; ; beP.uHf fo the firit' Auftrianpoft. he officers n!y upon tlirr parole, lhall be conduced whither-they Jileafe. To 1 be fufniOied during their-march viith viciinla and Jorage , : General, WurmleAto br in- Mormea ot its lurrendcr only after its com. I pletio. , 1 ;:y'r---T (Signed) . -rUCH.- Uannftander of the ariion; Pdrto levnam. Sett. ' r-j. Head.quarters, Bols de StrAnnl . (ignedj , ; ; ; v ANGER EA0 L ET T!?, ft Written to. the Auftrian omMdeyy iteiur- If T l ." k . ' L . ave received the rhtvl SV' ,' 5on which you offer to capitulate! and Ifend "y cpiy io each article. ' You wai leC that I di) riot abufe my advantages'; butitis neceffary l ilxould teU you; thatfH is ufetefs'v -to quibble about it ; .wh i fferris irreca-. verable. I; wait your final arifwer half aa hour at moft. (Signed) "ANGEREAU.' (Counterfigned) BERTHIER.' LONDON. The following is the fneerh nf.rli- RSnrtv Horn the Speaker of the Irilh Houfe of Com mons at the bar of the . Houfe of Lords, oft prdnting the bills of Supply of this prefent feflion, to his Excellency the Lord LJeuten ant for the Royal aflent ;- 1 . ; f, mould teel a pnde m repeating fentiments of loyalty which dired the Com- mons in all their deliberations ; but the bills of fupply which , they now offer,' declare it -more ari'edually than it is in the power of a ny language to exprefs. - We.arca part of the empire j' we will ftand br fall; with Bii tain '; it is our repeated determined refolution, and this nation will exert all its powers, and will call forth all its fources; to fupport with her the common caufe, to Uphold the fafety ' of the laws, the religion, and conuitution, againft the overthrow which the prefent un provoked and unexampled, war attempts to threaten them with. Peace is an object moft devoutly to be wimed, but an infecurc peace is only a fmothered .war ; for a lalling and honourable pne (and none cart be lalling that js not honourable) we look t6 the powerful iinpreffions which the abundant relources of the empire, the vigour, and his majefty ex-. cTtions, . anu tne cordial caoperauon of all his fubjccls,-muft make on the common ene my We have, accordingly, with an unani mous voice, granted fupplies to the utmoft defire exprefled by his majefty's mmiften ; and in doing fo, we look backtwith grrat fa tisfadYion on the energy,. wfdora,'and econ dmy with which the very liberal fupplies of tlie Liftfeflions havi fun vltwIoIOl ,,mAm Kilmaine made his difpofitions, and attacked ' our cxccl,cn7 gorcrnmcnt. .Thedcfencd the two different points which the enemy ?f the mm due attenUon paid to evacuated al his approach, after a flight fire 1 iri The Ipirit of infurreaion has been vU gui yvuy, 1 upjreueu . wncrever it , appeared ; ARMY of ITALY. . Extradt oi a letter from general Buonaparte commander in chief of the army of Italy to the executive directory. , . , ' ' Head-quarters at Milan, the loth. , Vendemaire, (Oft. 1.) 5th year. ": After the battle of St. Geonre draw Wurmfer into a fecond engagement, in order to weaken his garrifon by frequent en. gagementa'outfideofthe walls, we therefore took good care not to occupy theSeraglio, in hopes that he would draw upon the fame We continued only to occupy the bridge of Covernolo in order to facilitate the paffage of of the ManicioO ' '' N On the fourth fupplementarj day the e nemy went with 1500 men,- cavalry, to Cartellecio. Our piquets fell back as they had been ordered. The enemy went no further': the ad Vendemaire they marched towards Govcrnolo, following the right bank of the Minicio: after a very lively cannonade, and feveral charges by our infantry they were routed, and had eleven hundred taken pri foners, and five cannon witft caiffoons com pletely fixed. General Kilmaine, to whom I had given the command of the two divifions which be. ficge Mantua, remained in the fame pofition until the 8th, hoping the enemy from a de fire to obtaui forage, would attempt a fally ; but the enemy had encamped at the Char trcufe before the gate of Pradclla and at the Lhauel before the gate ot Crtneft. General . The out pbfts of general Vaubois have PaYf..-Mrngefi htpe, from the. encountrrcd the Auftrian divifion which is . B'K"" et rninefir nd tpucilhting mo. to defend .iyroif and has taken ilo nrifon. 1 M"-MVM r " "v ujsrucayourcxcciicn. cr cf the enemy. ' .. BUONAPARTE. COPY or thb CAPITULATION, Opened by the AufkUni at Porl Leqnagit and the reply of fnrerrau. , The Auftrian garrifon demands to march out frctly with the honours of war.. . Anfwc r. They mail, and be fent ptifon crs into France. .. To prefcrve all the fiagi, cannon, and ammunition, waggons, horfes, &c. ' e A. Thcfa mull ue delivered to the French army I All the bagjige anO horfci belonging to cyTs conduct, hnce vour arrival in thi Lin uom, .that under, the aWiti6nal powers with which ihe laws of the feflion will have the armed nugiftracy, it will bo totally and fnee dily fubdued. : NE W - VbR K'Scvcmkr Ut Captain Coob, of the fliipHavn, arriv yclterday frbm udi., which he left the 9th Ot r, informs, that about the 20th of September the SPANISH FLEE F, confiil. inj; of near 40 fail Ict't that lur hour, and with the intention, ai wasfuprofed of join, ing a FRENCH FLEET, in the Mcditer- ranean 1 lc Briiini vclWU rcmair.eJ 1 - - : I J H '.1. J M. 1 1' S i I cd , 1 1 ft.Q 1 - - vn ' ) m -1 Jmm,f

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