. . . ' 1 ' ' cu iii.r:pt;rin i.poa ciuigriuuv, 11.15 ucu bceii ii tri:nc.; :h;.rVfortbe !av cf the 3d li-uniairs;T:oes r.ot puhliih it ; the cxihifion from hoUing public uuces, whidi it pronoun. cc.agaiiiirtaemV ouly a fneafure of policy, in ; .imtY' ?t, lbs lame time a penal .tlii'i i-c- ..on, isoniy appucaoie 10 xac aiioou-. vU i.ike npon them to e.s.crcife pdb.ic funo. t'.uii:. ; v ". , . :, ' - : -, '. . Thcv.igH Paxifna jarors have declared lu.u there was no -coafpiracy in PanrUrVeti ursiairc 5 lV. declaration, which .according' 'Mlmav .al cvvJe may be only that pf three Turvi.icn out oft .velve, will not change the iiitucc.til'thincs. . vyitl- rartexinmat fi ' .rheo Ull VI 1'UlUlli.Vi imu iv:iinui main. iiv "latK'bouV WriT.de. its', character." . ' ' for the middle and fouthern ftatesof America, gives this public notice to the merchants, and traders, that he has received advices from his Maje Ity 'sjplpver n or and CommaiiderT in Chief, of t he ifland ot Marmujhai.jill foreign velfcls. belonainthTiubiecls of any rover or State,' in amnvwith hisMaieftyr--lnderr jwitn provmons oj every Kind, excepting my. ialted beet, ialted porkfc: buter ihall and , rjiay, be 'admitted into the pp'rt$oFort Royal, J: tv Pierre,"Trihity j Maria until the hrft day of Febuary rlext :. the importers thereof, paying the colonial duties, and.no other : and ihiill be allowed to take rum andinolafies, for their reflective cargoes 1 v : ration- of the 'Jurors draw:., this cdnlequeace, th ,t the ifttack cf Veadcmairc'was a chimera, tu.v deftiio a perfidy-,:' the victory; an affaili HJtion.' Even though the' fecYions had ' not ' ralfed the Irandard of rebellion, the coalition, their acts of iovfreignty wafior the purpofe oi eiiabtiihing a democracy after, the mode of 1 703, and of lapping, the foundations of the U'epvefeatative ; Goyerameiit If; among thoi'e arretted there were fome who were not guilty, there was lealt reafon to conlider rtaeavas fuipicious characters', Yes, I -main-, tain if, that the ,firlV article-of the law of 3d Brmaire, which only pronounces againtt thoie v.hb were arretted exclufiou from pub he piKcesy is a" true amncfty, and I recognize in it t!u- yifdonVand the moderation w hich ciiaricterizc ia'thjSvyioriouscavejttion. Ah ! it thele fcoitndrels had triumphed, what flreatns of blood would have been ihed ! "but . i'tkiiows how to coaquer, and not to abule its yicl:oryi . J . . . . ,' " " Your Commtfiion is of opinion t liat a moment is'atrjved for repealing the firit arti cle, aud this opinion is founded uA)wa the iol--low hg confideratioas ; ; - . ' ' , " 'J'hbugh the Reiolution refpeAing. the amnefty be riot definitively adopted, every underltanding diveftcd ot prejudice, every heart unacquainted with a thiril for V2nge'ance "is avreedupon this point. Your CominiHion tlWreior.c, lias reaioneu upoa taw nypotneus. "The :' amncfty of the 4th Brum aire it is irre coverable,' bat it ought to be complete It do;s n t apply to the events of Vendemaire. , We areol opinion, tnat Tab repeal of the lft. article is j nft and feai'onablew "', " 1 p.afstu tlut piepoution,' which lex traSt, 'word for word from the difquifitions which you have heard upon the lubject; no perioa who takes advantage of the amnefty can exercil'e public Junctions till the peace, unlefi rcninnciag the advantage of, the an. reriy,' lu is acq nttcJ by a Jury regularly .ioipjn allied. . - . ' 1 1 is aUoni.Ung th at fuch a poetical error couM efcape' the reprplcnt r.ivcs.. . Every found and jull notion upna the nature, the character and the advautages of the a.aacliy U forgotten aud thrown A:Cc Ji you ad-.ai: that a ciuzen'may ret ounce the am.ieiry, ao pcrfoa will wiih to partake of the h;'..tfk rropofedby it, becaufeic will bctp.ae a wiforatc; accuilry as well as the innocciu wtlUora' Ixfore thetiibunals ; the .t favour v itncfl; j, a lucl y infcrinatidir of a jury, the .:ddr U of a very olliclous defender. j n lcnt them w;th very favour ble chances wh cl Jicy VAihcr clvofe to take th-n to fuppVrt the Maine of an amnciljr w hich. will became fcormil aua.lelptlcd. Let ui beware of tonfouadirg amneflv with p-rdoa. I he latter is the reunlhca o a rHaiilnneut. . The former is the renuatia i'in of a right which fo;iuy poHifles to profe cute bt fare the tribunal! thole who arc charg cd wi h a trime. Guilt then .rcasams in coa;cUiathelatifi cafe, and where doubt riiilj, ?!llr,4, divine and human, require that im.o' aice br prefa nf d. Let t-.nncity lc then lompletrrLct uno! pardon w'alilndircretioa, but Ictus not nin:;Ji' rciollcbus with our ohhviini Let ctry .nc.ai- br open torcceruili.niuu, ar.d Ihut every barrier againit revenge V M L A,D I.P li f A, 21. - ' -" " - I'M w vniti Uj Hi PBOND. , A ! L E :; X A N D R -1 A, s 'Ncv. 6. A renfleman arrived in tow n laft evening; from renneffe informs, that a murder was tommitted on the 15th mlt. w ithin 10 niiles ofSfauhton, .on :hh -i Chriftian Staley, mer chant, who was on his way to,. Baltimore. He had with him a large fum of money, which the murderer took from him. 1 he perpetrator of this crime is from Kentucky rouea g'rej'horle -had with him a mort ihot gUa, : a. pair of pocket piftols, and a fide pif tot. iJinirefs wa? a drah gieat c'O'at, a ihort failor's jacket and brown. o.veralls. . He was proceedir.g either to this part of Yirgmia, or probably Maryland aud has been feen in Albemarle county. It is hoped fuch fteps may be taken as, to bring him to condign pu niliimcnt. ; . , " NORFOL K, ' Decembe?j. Extra fl of a letter from Cadiz, September 2, 1796, to a merchant in this toitin , Yefterday the Spanilh fleet compofed of 18 fiiipsof the line, 8 frigates, and two cor vet res, left this port : 1; is believed they are bound to Cartagena, with an intention of forming a paction with the Toulon fleet in their wav th;therr " . xtracl tf a letter, dated NewYork, izdKo. vomer, to a vtnllcman here. " A gentleman of New-York writes to hishoule here, from Malaga, tinted 12th October, that war had been declared ..gain! England, and that the Spanilh fleet of 17 flaps, had chafed Admiral fviaan into tjibral tar and had taken two merchant efiels that were in his convoy, one loaded with fulphnr, and the other with lick Troops from every appearance l bckeve it true." V,e extract the followinir paragraph from the Dublin Evening poll, to (hew the pre. lent fuu.alon and the prefem temper of the Jiiln I'eoplc. The nroft fevere ftrokc made againft the tharacter and conduit of the Viceroy as a moral tr an and Firft Magiftrate of a Free People, v ho ought not to hold the fword in vain,, nor to exercile it particularly, has been in Fr.ulki er's Journal of this day'. :1 he hireling print is undeniably in the pay of his Lcrdlhip's admjniftration, and what admini. Itration he remits, it is fuppofed to prcnipt or to patronize. In that print, the blind fury of the banditti, which ufurpi find difgraccs the name of ( Grange in the North is applauded, and all their bloody cxccflcs jultificd. Mit .1 n i.. : 1 1 . r ir u-r in mi u ijuruu iormsr anamnations in co!d blood, the n.nr.lation of members, with- out reim port from-Oaend, where he had been for lome tysie detained prUbner, alTerts, that" at FiUiliiug, where he was landed by the fri gate by which he was taken, the'" French troops behave withthetitmoft JiaUtcur, and greateflmfojcncan 7Frechlrbpsln .ilolland are particularly " well cloathed and paid by the inhabitants, on r equifition cf the ibldiers. V bile he was a priioner he was feivt to PunkVk, Grevaies,, and Otod, front the latter of which, places . he made his efcape. V At all thelc places the French are making t he grea u fr jprepara tions jotv jhinvalion-of - -ftlibtttfTVeM lingular conftructioa, long and broad, fo as; not : to draw above 3 feet water. Thofe w ho are the artillery are made to receive field-pieces- 1 u...r. j. -1 .1 1 1 1 : --r rfwu uuiics, itnu ai ine dow aDnogeis nxeq. to fall on the beach, by 'hkU means the . horles draw the cannoti alho elmimediately. They are alfo fo contrived that each veffel will -receive from ari hundred to one hundred and ' fifty men with arms, ammunition , &c. and baggage ; Fifty thoufand ffcwd'of arms and a train of fifty brafs field pieces, from l a to fix pounders, a r rived at Oltend from the interior ft before he left -France. The; French ioldiery exulted mtjch in the idea of plunder ing this opulent country. Tins account was dt livered by the above gentleman at the duke of Porilancl's office immediately on his arrival.. 'dJifafthe Eleflhn ' of a Pre fide nt and Vice. . hrjidtnt of the United States, in thislate : 1 horn as Jeiterfon, 1 1 Aaron Burr, 6 J.nirs Ireuelli 3 Charles C. Pinckney, 1 i'homas Pinckney,' 1 -John Adams, 1 George Wafliingtoa, 1. ' ' . C3"- The fub fcribcrs to the Dancing Affctn blks are dejired to meet on 'Monday next at Air- Frilick's, to appoint Manrgers THIS 1)AY Al(,E PUBL ISHED AND FOrt, SALE AT THE PRINTING-OFFICE, (Newbern :J . PRICE 50 CENTS. A FEW CASES, Determined in The ' SUPERIOR. COURTS OF N O R T H.C AR'OLJ N A. Thofe Cafes, . twenty-nine ia number, have been copied from the notes pf the molt rcl pectable law char afters in this ftate ' ' ' v "a few copies of The M I N U T E S OF TlrE . NEUSE BAPTIST ASSOCIATION, " ' Tor fule at this Office. . Price if. Fon L I V ERP OOL, IP-' P111- reniarkable faft fail vnCv X mgfliip, the wfiiW-a navinc molt excellent accom modation 'for paflcngers, is expefted to fail from Occacock bur in three weekr. For nalaige apply at Waflungton, to JUlliN MMl oUN. December i 7. ' ut refpeft to age or fex, the firing of w hole ;mlets, Jo that when' the inhabitailts have born look rd after, nothine but their aflies were to be found, the atrocious cxcurfiomof furioui herdcara.rd with fwcrds, fire and faggot, tocxterml .ate a people, for prcfum- ipjr to obey the Divine command written bv the finger of (Jod hi nfelf I lonor thy father and thy mother,' and w alkintf in the rcl;cinn which Iccrncd gooil I t their eyes. ,(aThcfearc . iuc lugiijuu cnornmies wnicJi attract the merrinary applaufe of Faulkner's Journal, the literary prop of the Camdrh almiuiltrati. on ; the! c are favourite themes upon whkh it dilates with the copioufneis of i full heart. O Shame! where it thy blufh." N T. W B E U N, . Ur.ciMBr.it 17. HULL. A ccntlemaajult arrived in thi THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, And for falc -at the " PRINTING-OFFICE, (Mvbern 1) TRE ATI S E On the J U R 1 S D 1CTI ON of ' . . 1 . . JUSTICES or the PEACEL CI VI l'V.I) I T S, . ACCOilDINcTrJTItEivAWS or the STATE or N b 'R T H-C A K 0 L 1 A A. Dixcmbcr 17 n L A N K S of all kinds for fJe at the " Printing.Ofice. I H E 0 E L I5 R E V I S Hr ffle el this Offte. . A L

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