SclcSe'd Poetry, He trod an open, but unfrequented path to . Immortality. In the ardent and unintermitted exercife of -J ; Chriftian ' ELEGY, EXE R P.t N D A R OH TBlDtKTWtlmVrtTlr O I to the iron hand of late : My dear Statin, meek fiul'd mate, tieiignf er lunciui Dream. . Th lpck'd her teeth, her lips iho' pale, And blue each harmlefa finger nail, She's beautiful U death. ' Soon $ I heard the laft fweet fighr . . - -And faw her lovely clofirfg eye. UVW IMt www mmj f-m ..r . , Yet did i not with impious breath Arraign the fudden fliafu of death, Nor blame the righteous Jkiea Why do groan in deep defpair t Since flie'a a firft rate angel fair Ah t why my bofom finite t Could grief Statira'i life reftore t -IutJttjne.giacJijayinga o'trir . Whatever is i right. Reprefi thefadr and wour.ding fcream I cannot bear fuch grief extreme, x-nougn one mue Befides the wild uproar of grief In many a mind raile belief N That all our grief a a lie. ; Ye friends who confe to mburn her docm For GOD's fake gently tread the,room - Nor call her from the bled ' ; In fofteft fiience drop the tear, Inwhifpers breath the fervent prayer ; , r To bid her fpwii rtftr .- . .Goodpeople ftiroud my lamb with care, Her iimbi foft touching, kindly fpare, Hr mouth, ah I gently dofe Her mouth, the tweeteit tongue tnai neidr Whofe mind commanding tone compeU'd . To peace my loudtft woesy ', ' " ' '' "' And carpenter, for" my fad ftk .Of ftouteft oak her coffin make, . 1 I'd not be fneakii.g fure : f 7 Of Heel procure the ftrongtft fcrewi, For who would paltry pence refufe To lodge his wife fecure X ' - . t , " ' Ye mourners, who the Corp convey, With caution tread the doleful wayr Nor make ner precious neaa , Since fame reports a coffin toft . With carelefii fwing agiinft a pcfti , Did once difturb the dead. Farewell my leve forever lofl ; Ne'er troubled by thy gentle glitft That I again may woo By all our paft delighvs, my dear, Mo mere the marriage chais I'll wear Plague take me it I de. . May this Tribute to his Fame, Excite an emulation of his truly-glorioui Atchievements. ftf rArtST-Manufacluresnd-1. gQodstJuitablc for the lcafon ; confifimg of Commerce, have adjudged their gold medal "to Tames Denton, Lfq. of Brandon, for hav ing planted 50 , acres with acorns They have alio adjudged a premium of tw enty gui neas to Lewis Majendie, Efq. of Caftle He dingharn, for dibbling 15 acres with beans, and fowinp; the land the fame year with wheat ' :---rrS:: wilCia m hawley, ME R C II A N T T A Y L O E p BEGS leave to inform his friends cuf tomers and the public. -that helhas late- ly -returned from New-York, with a very handfome. and well chofen affortrrienr of R Beft London fuperhne' broad clotHTamT caflimer e s r rl a (tick cloth, belt fuper fine and mix'tcolonted twill'd coatings, a variety of e legant printed caflimer velt patterns, do. fwanrdoWn ; black fattinett, twiU'd thkkfettT and velvetsdouble mill'd drab ' ftfitabld , for great coats, cambletsfuitableformens cloaks, twill'd kerfeys, plain, red, white and yel low ftmneTs"reT ball fels and durants, tamboured, plain and print -d jaconett muflins, book do. black fattin fuitable for, lady's c loaks, jaconett and book inuflin handkfs. bandano and printed pocket dp.- plain and .tambour'd muflin craVats, men's cotten and worfted (lockings, role blankets, a few pieces or negro cottbrts. Alio- a variety of other articles, too tedious to mention.-. :V , ; ;v''-- Thofe gentlemen vho; wilh to furnifli themfelves with clothing of any defcriptkn7 r will find it their interelt to call on the above- V perforijr as they may rely on being furniihed ontneinoltTeaionaWe terms, ana vvitn tne lateft famionSi' Coaiffe' wartii" cl'othinv fiii't'able for Pilotl. and Seamen fumifhed on the loweft terms : fome will always be on hand ready : made.- ,' , . " , W ATEO IMMfifi! ATfcfcY, two- or three fober induftrious.' journeymen, to which the higheft wages will be given in cafli, paid every Saturday night. ' Infcriptian upon the jlatuc of Air. Howard, in St.Paul'jCrtbedral. , This Extraordinary Man Had the fortune to be honoui ed, whilft living, Jn the manner which his virtues deferved.. He received the Thanks Of both houfes of the Britifh and Iriflr Parliaments, For his eminent fervices rendered to this Country and Mankind. Our National Prifons and Hofpitals, niiyi uvcu uvii u cubb 1 v ituuiM Bear teftiraony to the lolidity cf his judgment, And to the eltimation in which he was held ' In every part of the civilifed World, WhenjbetraverPd to reduce the fum of Human Mifery. From the throne to the dungeon, His name wa mentioned with refpeft, ' - . . i 1 t . urauruae ana aamiraiion-i - His modefty alone Defeated various efforts that were made During his life, To ercft this Statue, Which the public has now confecratcd to his Memo.7 ! He was born at Hackney, in the county of Middlefex, Sept. 2d, 1726 The early part of his life was fpent ut retire- ' ment, -Refiding principally on his parental eftate at Cardington, in Bcdfordfliire ' " Fcr.whkh county he feifved the oCce ot Sheriff, in the year 1773. He expired atChcrfon, in Ruffian Tartaiy, On the 20th of January, 1790. A victim to the fxnlouiftd benevolent Attempt to afceVtain the caofe of, and find m cl&racums remedy for Uie Phgue A few- days fince died, at Bath, in the lift year of hir age, Mils Lucinda. Bathoe, a young lady of great perlonal beauty and ac compTimments, and was intended to have been married to the Hon Mr. -Lmdfay, brother of Lord Balcarras, but a cold caught one rai ny evening laft fummer, produced fo icyere an inflamation onher lungs, as to render fruit- lefsthe belt medical (kill, and the tender at tention of her relatives, - ,The handfome for tune intended for this young lady, her father generoufly prefented, at her deceafe, to the gentleman to whom flie was betrothed. UN-away from the fubfcriber,'in the month of September f. two negro men, L EN O A N D W I L hf LENO is aftotit made rjegro", of a yellow complecxion, with a large fear on one of his cheeks. WILL, is a tall ftoumiade ne. gro, and very black, the fmall of one of his legs is larger ,than the other, they . are both armed, and by th' belt information I can gather, are gone to Newborn, or Clubfoot's creek but a few days paft. Any perfon that will apprehend and fecure laid negroes, fo that I get them, lha.l be entitled to, and re ceive a reward of ten pdbnds or five pounds for either of them, and all realonable expen ces paid. " . JOMAti HUWAHU. New-River, Onfiov) county, Oftober 4. 1 - THE fubferiber intending o remove from this part of the Itate. Requefts all per- fons indebted to him to make immediate pay ment, or by the ift day of January next. He wilhes to fell' the lot and improvements where he now lives, for which he would. re-, ceivc one half the purchafe money paid down and give a reafonable time for the payment of the balance, the purchaser giving bond with fecurity, or a mo: tgageoh the premifes. Thofe improvements are fubject to a mart gage of about 500, which is not payable, until five years after next June If they are not fold at private falc before the 1 ft day I r v r j of January next, they will be then fold at f.r ; e Ycr of our Lord, 1797. nWVvPnrl.iP f.Vft rn the aKnvP rnnHirinnc. Ana 01 AW.KICAN lNDErEMOINCI,-XXX,-XXH, W. ILL! AM OL,AUt. T O B E S O L D; FOR the payment of the taxes, agreeable to an aft of alTembly, pafled at" Raleigh, in December, in the year 1794,, 7.3 tracts -of land, in the county of Carteret, of 640' acres each, entered by David Allifon. . As the fubferiber has -already been com pelled to pay the public tax on the above faid lands to the treafurer, they will be expofed to public fale,fixty days after date, at Beau fort in Carteret county, if no one appears to pay the refpecYive taxes due on the fame, before that time- WILLIAM THOMPSON, jun.yJfrjf. Carteret county, December ' 10, 1796. THIS DAY IS PUBLISHED, And fur Sale at the Printing-Office, NORTH CAR 6 L I NA , ALMANACK, November 26. F O R S A L E, - - ' THE Plantation and lands whereon the ' fubferiber !now lives, containing about one thoufand acres, lying fifteen miles below Newbern, andonNeufe river and Slocon.b's creek. , There are on faid lands three plan tations all in complete order for farming; and " every houfe needful for farm or family. The terms are, one third of the purclrafe money in hand, one third in one year, and the remainder in two years, and if not fold by the eighth day of December next, it will be put up at public vendue upon the premj fes. At the lame time and place a quantity of hbumold andkitchea furniture, plantation tools and (lock will be fold for three months.! credit. Alfo a quantity of corn vill be fold for ready money. ADAM TO OLE Y. Oclcber w . ' tF Oil SALE, " A.nw T I CK.ET S . In the Canal Lottery, No. a. (JntketUn Jlmld be nude early.) THOMAS ELLIS. A'nwzfrr a6 Being the 1 It after Lkap Ykar Calculated lor the Meridian of Ralkicii, Deg. 54 Mm. North Lat. 3 Ueg. 36 . Min- Ixiogitiidc, Welt from Philadkl phi a. '. , ; ' . A'cr. 26. F O R SALE, SIX hundred and forty acre of land lying in the. ftatc of Tennefiee, and in the county of Davidfon, on the Cumberland ri ver. An undoubted nirht will be made the purchafer : for terms apply to" THOMAS CURTIS. November 19. FOR SALE, THE houfe and loti, notv occupied by Dr. WUi'um M'Clure,the lotsm.iy be; hadfepai atcly or together. Alfo oiie lot on broad ftrcct,ncar the Cotirt-lfoufc, 4nd one houfe and lot, aJjoinipj; Mr. Thomas The whole the property of Mrs. Mai'y Edwards. , ' Ofohr 15. NATHAN SMITH. N E W B E ItNi F R A N C O I S-X. M A RT 1 K.