- Accounts from Britanny , received by the way "'of Jerfey , ftate that Geo. Hoche, having been ordered by the Directory, to march to- the frontiers, with the . troopiieoramana ed in that province, met with a formal oppo- liuon on their part, eitner oecauic uicy m fiftedr by way of a preUmmary-Xondition, that their, pay mould De oitcnargea in ipeae, nrr rA r a' war ." i'hch is . evidehtty contrary to thewell being - of the nation, and merely to the private advantage of tholf who bold the reins ot government. refiftance, advanced at the head of the Gens der marching orders to put itfelf in motion ; but the foldiers perfifted in their revolt, and killedfeveral of the ensd'Armerie. . Some of die laft Paris papers mentioned1 a revolt of the garrifon of Breft, which was quelled by a promife that the troops thouki henceforth receive their pay in fpecie..' Mr. Pinckney from America, was prefent ed to the King, by the envoy from that coun- uy -- - It is reported that the Court of Portugal has found itfelf obliged to prohibit ourfhips of war from carry ing any more prizes be longing to the Spaniards into Lifbon. 1 he example ot me corporation oi Lon don, on the late occafion of moving an ad drefs to his Majefty, thanking him for his ...r o i ....n -.UkK, gracious ipccui ivraruauicui., win jiywaujr,. be followed, by other cities and towns. , The Spaniih conful took his departure from XJlgiailUOn xuciuay idii. x lie rxiiiuaMu (till remains for inftructions from his court By the Corunna mail of Friday, it appears that the 1 1,000 men, ftipulated for- by, ithe ' I" 1 . - '1- Jate treaty .with r ranee, were on tneir marcn for, Italy, to reinforce thejtrmy of Buona parte ; and a fleet was about to fail towards Leghorn and Genoa, for the protection of the 5panifli, againft the Britim' cruifers. the towns of Abbeville and Amiens in France, have been recently purchafed by Englilh and American adventurers. ? To-morrow bir R. Aberxrorabie win iail from I'ortfmouth, in the Arethufa frigate, for Martinique. . i Captain Rowley, who lately commanded .W HnlTai" fritrat. of 08 trims ' is annninfpd " O i O ' to L' Unite, of 38 guns: and Capt. Jnman 3s appointed to the tfuflir. - B A L T I M O R E,', December 5. Yefterday this town exhibited fo tremen dous a fcene as to threaten deftructkm to a creat part of it. About 4 o'clock in the af ternoon, a fire broke out in a frame building.; on the welt fide of light ltreet, occupied es a. ihop by doctor uoodwin. . 1 he names im mediately caught Meflieurs Wilkinion and Smith's cabinet manufactory (another frame building,) on the fouth fide, and Mr." Haw kin's two 3 llory brick houfes. On the north they communicated to that ; magnificent Methodift meeting houfe. 'I he fierce element ' had now got to fuch a height as to put it out of the power of the citizens te Uve the lk buildings on fire ; and therefore, to prevent its fpreading Hill furiher, threw down the roof f the Rev. Mr. Reed's houfe, and' demoliihed fome back buildings : by which means the flames were got under. ' Mr. Bryden's Fountain Inn, directly op." i polite, was with difiiculty prelervcd by wet . if . r - 1 1 ting toe root, ana lpreauing wet Dianncit cy a gentleman, traveller on a ihtd adjoining the Inn, which wason fire fevcral times previous totWseperimfc , : It is reported the fire originated with Come . boys, who fet fire to fome fluviugi in the back part of the houfe. The lofi U faid to amount at leafl to 20 or a4,oool. and Mr. GecrEgento.Pe place of Mr IpeSler refigned) appeared and took their.feats. Mr. Davenport and Mr. Craick who took thririctta i on Monday were in the places of lr . Hillhoufe, elected a Se.' nator, and.otJVir. iraho reiignea. the mo 4i A ring in a bill to amend the act for -giYeral promulgation of the" laws Of the United'States-. reported ilff; whkh;L was tviice read, aini committed to a commit tee of the whole Houfe to-morrow Mr. W. Smith prefentcd a petition from -olthiifortA on motion, bat that a" tee of .revifal and rnifiniftied bufinefs had been appointed in order to do away the prac tice. - ' . - . . - ' On Saturday laft arrived here, from New. London, the ichooner Two Brothers caot T) ; ti ji 1 ' r . xiciijamm s cuuicton ; in lair. 54 qo and long. capt capt 7 At 3i was hoarded by the brig Beil, Smuh; from Waihmgton N. C. whom r. lupphedwith lomehjroi'ifioiis. -. . N E VV B E Vtty Decembkr 31, Congrcfs of the United Stafcs. . itouif. OrRrPRtlNTATlVtS. . Thurffy, December 8. - Mr. Samuel SewaH, from Maflachufeui fui place of Mr. GKxlhu elected a Srnator) Thomas Carpenter, praying encour?genient . to the work which he has advertifed of are port of the" Congretfiorial Pieedihgsit6 be pubhfhed in weekly numbers. - 1 his petiuon was referred to the fame committee to which 1 homaslJoyd,6 on-the famerfubjetr-was referred-r . .. . iMri Dwight Fofter prefented a petition from Wiljliam Clark, for a penfion, and a nother from the Executrix of Jofeph Vhite for the payment of a Re ward which had been advertifed for the apprehenfiori of a perlbn who had committed a For perv . w horn the faid White had apprehended. ; j on' r were entitled to any relief, but would move that the petitions lhouid be referred to ,a Committee of Claims. The Speaker inform ing him that no fuch Committee at prefent ex ilted. he moved that a Committee' of Claims ihould be appointed, which was done accord, ingly. The above Petitions were then refer red to it. -- ' -.-1- Mr." Williams moved a Refolution to the following effect, which was agreed ito Revived that two Chaplains of differ ent denominations lhall be nomniated for each houfe, to exchange weekly' Mr. W. Smith moved the order of the day on the Prelident's addrefs. The Houle accordingly refolved itfelf into a Committee of , the whole on that fubject, Mr. Muhlen., berg in the Chairwhen the fpeech having , been read by the Clerk, ' Mr. Dwight Fofter moved the following relolution : RtjtA&itbat it Is the opinion tf this Com mittee, that a rcfpeclful addrefs ought to be prefented the Houfe of Reprefentat'wes, to the Prcjidcnt of the United States, inanfwerto his Speech to botbHwfes of Congrefs, at the com mencement of this fejfion, containing affuranccst that tlis Houfe.will take into confederation, the various and important nutters recommended to heir attention". j This refolution was agreed to, and Meflrs Ames, Madifon, Sitgreaves, Baldwin "and V. Smith, were appointed a committee to .1 . iif prepare tne aaareis. Mr. W. Smith prefented a petition from the Poft-Mafter of Charlefton, praying an additional compenfatkm to his prefent allow, ance. It was read and ordered to lie upon the table, until a (landing committee fhould be appointed for bufinefs of this kind. Mr. Thatcher, moved a refolution to the following effect i - " Reiolvedthat a committee be appointed to enquire if aoy, Mid what alterations are nc ceflary in the act for eftabliming Pofl-OlEces and pod roads within the United State:., and to report by bill or othcrwife." 1 he relolution was agrtcd to, and a com. mittee of nine members was appointed. Mr. W.Smith faid the committee of claims made a report on the cafe of Henry Hill too late in the laft feliion to be taken up. He wilted that report might now be referred to a committee of the whole houfe. Mr Macon had already obferved that 1 committee of revifal and unfiuifhed bufinefs had been appointed, and he thought it would be more regular to wait for their report, which wcud of courfe include this buiinefs. Mr. W; Smith did not fee the neccility of waiting for this report. He undcrftood that it n the iifmcfs of the committee oi revifal and unfiled bufinefs totak cognizance of, and to make report on fuch fubjccU as might othcrw fe fear the attention of the houfe, and not to preclude members frora bringing fnrv ard any bufinefs on motion. He believed this had licen the practice of ihe houfe. Mr. M'in allowed that it had Urn the practice ot tiie Uus to bring forward Lu.L-.tTi Died 6n Friday the 23d inft. hi the ci-J ty of Raleigh, the Hon. John Leigh, Eiq. Speaker cjf the houfe of Commons. ' - ,' " On Saturday following, Mrs- Catharine Hunley ; Conforr of Ga ptr RkferdHivleyi t" of this tow'n. AndonWedncfday laft, James Coor, Efq. . an old bhabitant of this town, formerly a member of the Leyilature; and lpeaker of the Senate. The Hon. the 'Legiflature of this ftate ad journed fine die oh Sunday Jail. . ad dress ' Of the LEGISLATURE of the v STATE of NORTH.CAKOLINA, To his Excellency Geohgr Washington,, : . Efq. Preiidenof the United States. THE-General Affembly of North-Caroli- na apprifed of your intention to retire fromi ' ,'oince, feel it a duty for themfelves and their conftituems, to exprefs the high fenfe theu entertain or tne yait advantages derived frou 1 your exertions, to the caufe of freedom o f Anierica, and of roaukind. To fecure-tlii j -national blellings of peace andindependence., to reicue a people' from flavery on theonj hand, and to guard them from anarchy and " taction on theotner, are the great objects to ' . which your efforts, have been long, and fuc. cefsfully directed, amidft the perils of wair and the cares or government, mthemoftdif-"".'. ficult, exalted nd important ftations. , Yoa have tinifhed the talk, and have amply dif. charged, every claim of your country, andi your fervices and talents. WeTegret howT ever, that your firm and experienced hanil mould at this juncture be withdrawn from the helm of affairs. But after you hate devoted the belt of your days to our felicity, it ill be comes us to complain of a ftep, which is ne ceffary to your own. We thei efore fincere iy , congratulate you onthenearprofpects'olT your return to the leifure of retirement and the tranquility of private life, which the voice and the diftrefs of your country firft tempted you to for fake. . We conlider your laft addrefs as having; added to the proofs of your patriotifm, and to ' " the debt of gratitude and veneration, which, we previoufly owed you. . It takes an affecti onate and parental leave of your fellow-citizens, its counfels are dictated by the deepeft political wifcioin, and its fentiments flow frouk a heart replete wi'h folicitude for the welfare: of i s country.. And well may you be inter efted in the happinefs of a people, whofc fate has long been connected with your own, and in whole toils and perils, fuccefsand glory, you have fo largely lhared. ' As to ourfelves, we devoutly wifhthat you may long live to lee and to enjoy thatnation al profperiry, for .which America is fo much indebted to your exertions. Retired from office, and divelicd of power, you will ilill reign in the hearts of your fellow citiens, . . . I, m . ana conuuue 10 receive a tribute or appuule from a grateful lution. Tie filio-xirg arc the tit it of the Atls paffed duriv. the lati lejfion An alt to improve the navigation of Cape- Fear riyer, anJ of Deep and Haw ri.erw To authoriie the Governor of the Hate to call a court- of Ocr and terminer at Wil mington. To fecure to Mary Barco, of Ca rtirlcn cour . ty, wife of Johii Barco, fuch ftate f nc may hereafter acquire. To3ppointCtinniffioncrsofiiavigit'o!icf'14 'l'op.fail Inlet in the county 01 Cr.xi. . To rqeal the firlt and lecoiul fedions of an act paffed in the year 1794, cnt tied An act for ti e better rrutaton of ih towt: if Faycttcv.llc." To confirm tlie na-ne of Darby Sw!iv , u rcjr-1 part yfu aCtj palTcJui l4, td I