titled" An act to grant two irparate electi ons and general mutters in Currituck coun. To grant feparate elections and generaLraui- iters in Oranre. . - , xor improving the navigatioa of -.Tar-river. . froiiv'farborough upwards as faras ihe lanic can pe enecteu. .- : To grant a feparate eleflion and general mut ter to the inhabitants cf Wayne county - To prevent pebplerbm impeding the) free I jjauagc yi.uui up Lac rivers ana creeks 01 thisthte. , , r", ! -1 yjr An act tn authnri7j f hp ronnfu mnrts nV -Gates and Perfon toTay a taxTorThe pub. EdgcomS tolaaurthertax, for thepur. pofc of building a houfe or hxufe for the reception and maintenance olf the' "poor of, faid county. . Making compenfation to the owners of out- lawed and executed flakes, fof the counties of Bladen - HalifaGranvinetum. Tand, Perquimans, Beaufort; : - lif hnilHinrre - V , For altering the names or Certain perfons therein inentioneiU Making compenfation to the county court j'lws of New-Hanover, Surry, Stokes,' Randolph, Chatham and Buncombe. ;. -. Granting the inhabitants bt Bertie county fe- jcu iy guci di uiuucrs aiiu C1CC11UI1S. .:: Io nend an aft paffed in 1 794, empower- lay a tax for the'puVpdfe of deitroying vermis. .;, .'.. S- ; . ' . To repeal an aft, entitled " An ad to eftablim a co np my for the opening the navigation ule m 1788. , To nwke Hyes naviVable, &c Graining feparate elections; in Buncombe , county. . ' . , . : ' To appoint commiflioners to procure-houfe8 tor the poor, m Duplin and Camden coun. , wes- .. , .... , . . .. '.. ' :: To repeal 7ththefeftionofan aaftablilha feparate eledions in Montgomery and Kkhinond counties. - To ernpower the county courts to bind but the children of thofe who defert their fa. . tnilies. v 'vvun, wc uijpriiaiuy 01 , tnai oy jurv, and to dircft the judges in giving charges 1 50 pctit-iuries.. . . b oTutliorize the commiilioners of Eden:cn .to grant Dbdor Samuel Dickenfon a cer tain water lot in faid town To appoint commiflioners for the town of Hertford. T faciluate the navigation of Meherrin river. P0! the- county court of Moor to . ippomt a perfon to tranferibe the reRitter b oks. . 0 -w uum rt loJJ roaa tnrough the great fwamp in Camden and Currituck counties. 0 einpower the county courts therein men ' tmned toby a tax for deftroying vermin ofthonzethefecuritiesof the Jherift of Nafl, to collea arrears for" the year 1 70c. 1 o anex part of Richmond to Robinlbn coun. To alter the name of W. Lea to that of VTil. liam Donoho. To empower pbefon county to by a tax for the year 1797, &c. To eitabUHi at tow,,, for. hi Cafwell tottnty. 0aDtxint cninniiItwM.ir v' boundary luie of this ijt.fm,i ;., n I , WVUkliVllUa ma. . . To amend a,)d repeal an aft granting feparate eleftjons and general multers in Cumber Ui.d county. j . To .eaabliih a free firry in Montgomery county. . '' 0 ' To grant a feparate election in Sampfon coun. . eTrfting mm of the .. countiaoflyrreland Halifax into one county. For clearing cut the Yadkin rivet, from Fo red Mill-race, as far up die fame as may To eltjbliih a town in ,he county of Randolph onth. la.d, ofJefleHcnly, at the court houle in faid emmty. For altering the time of holding the county courts of dca and quarter fcllions for the .ttuntyof Ugcomb. To' -uthoriitliemfmnersdf the Epifconal church 111 the town Ntubcm to apin, nt For laying oft and c(t ablifhing a town and an mfjcftion, at or abouttl tonfluece of Drci) and Haw rivers - - To autlioruc die wardctuof tlic county of To direft the :mo&-f;'ctndf3ifpmed " cictnou5 minis ii ate, . ana 10 direct the niode of preferring petirious to the General Aflembly in certain cafes! ' ' To amencl the fixteenth feftionof an act, paf. rled in Oftobcr, 1784, entitled, " Ah, aft to empower the county courtrof -plelisand" quarter-feflions of the feveraljcoUnties: within this ft ate, to order the layingjout . public roads, eftablifh and fettle fejrries, and to dear in land rivers and creek's." To authorize Daniel Camp, former fheriff of , Rutherford county; to colleft all arrearages of taxes due him. . ; To appoint commiflioners tnlayott and cfta bliiha town, at the place fixed upon in Moore county for eftabliihing a' court houfe prifon and ftotks of faid county and for : lirefting the courts of tieas and quarter feflions to be held there as , fooa as fuch court houfc incompleted aL To prevent the obitruding the pfjn.g6 of filh jip Wicacon and Chincapen creeks in Hert ford county. , To facilitate the navigation, of the . Yadkin ana redeerivm, tr.om the riioudi ot U hary, kc , To eftabliiha Eenefal mutier'and eieci!bn in tle county of Craven, andtorepeal paitof an aft eftablilhing feparate geyernl multers and eleftionsiuihe couuties ui Craven and Beaufort. Better to regulate the town of Newbern; and to lecure the collection of taxes m the town of Halitax- For improving the navigation of Roanoke. ip paruon ana reitore to credit William Files. To enable Richard Whitehoufe, late fheriff or Carteret county, to colleft -. the arrears of taxes for-1 701. To fecu re property to religious cieties or congregations. . v . For improving the navigationof the Yadkin . river. ": . . To incorporate St. John's Lodge, No. x,' Wilmington. To improve the navigation of Great Cotent . riey creek. To provide for the appointment of clerks and mailers in equity, for : To amend thc feveral aftsfer the regulation of the town of Hilllborough. ' To author .zc , J Mekher to make a flope in his mill-dam. ' To explain the doftrinc ot pleas fince thelaft contuiuaitcein contioverfies at law. To amend an aft, entitled, " an aft for af. certaining the damage upon protefted bills oftxehangt." To authorize the executor or admSniftrator of Thomas Barret, deceafed; to colleft the arrears of taxes, and the fecuritieiof Tbo. mas Johnlton, deccafed, to colleft the ar. rears of taxes . To amend, flrenjben, and confirm" the fe" veral acts of this ttatt, againtt the eman. cipation of Haves. - , t For cutting a navigable canal from Roanoke river, near the town of Plymouth to Pun go river. - . ; j To autborize the rcc retary to iflue grants for military lands in the manner therein def. cribed, and to direft tb fecrctary and comptroller to UTue warrant in certain cafes. . Divorcing Thomas Smith and Syah pri wife. I'o autliurizethe'truitecs of LuiubcTfon aca . demy to I5v off and fell i pa of Cbe.T)n commons, toraifea fund Ux, the rAiffc of building did acadrmy. - , ;.;"! To add part of the county ol.StoUs.Ui.ibe To sutlrizc If4 Jones to collect tbe iBeL ment for the town of Sal fbinv. 1 ... - - , ' For amending the fevfal laws now in fart for the rtRUiatJon fcf baJilburv-. - 4 - - - j To amend an aft, for afcCTlaiatrttth method of proving book cltNs. To amend tne federal aftrrcfptflmglbe pilot age ol Ca-Fctf b-r and tivcr J empower WiUiam " May , late deriflT of ' J' Anfortjo colleft arrears of taxes, for the -ycar 1794 and 1795. '. ' To prevent any perfon from hauling two ".uiii uicjiamc place, in tne. aoanoke f61uirilvmina brancbwereoEr' Tc eftablifh a lown in Robfclou county, by " the name of Prince Anrie; ; . 7; -To grant a further time for the proving and rcgUterihg grants, deeds, &o ; To appoint cmmimoners to purcbafe lan4 " for a town in Rockingham county. To amend the feveral . afts" preventing any l.lfpttfiBoni holding any appoinrment 'der this ilate, - while he exercife any of ' fice under the United States. To empower Baz'd Smith to colleft taxes in Jones county, for which Thomas Williams, latc lhefuT, is liable. ?w Appoinringcommiflioners to extend the boun dary line between Bladen and Brunfwick , counties. ". v . '.; ; Granting a feparate cleftion in Brunfwick ' county. . To. amend an aft how in force for the reeil- lanon 01 juincointon. . , To eilablifl. a town by the name of Jefferfoii, in Chatham county, and infpeftion there .. at. !; .. - . . ,v To remedy a -certain incoriveniehce arifin under the prefent land laws. To amend and explain an aft palled in 1794, entitled, "An aft to prevent the further importation, and .. bringing - flaves or in. dented fexvants tf cDtour intdthiTftate." To enforce the duty of- infpeftors in this itate, and: for other purpofes tbejeinmen tioned. V' !' To rninim peffons for removing ; debtors out of one county to another, or out of the date. . '-"j" ," - . : Tb make further provifion Ut the wlidov$ of inteftates. ' . : To raife a revenue for tlie payment of the civil lilt nd contingent tharges of govern ment, for tbe year 1797 and to amend: tbe revenue laws in certain cafes. To amend an aft to eriforce the attendance of jurors, &c. - To appoint commiflioners to run the dividing - line between this itate and the itate of Tenneflee. To clear out the great fwamp in tbe county of Robefon. - .. To amend the militia laws of this (tare . A HlNT TO THt IIwmrBWSJTrm fmtncf - mmmm w wnvj 1UV 10 PROBABLY Or NKW-YoRK.) - Mr. Martin, - I WAS in Turks-Iflands aboiit tbe 15th & 20th of Novcmberlaft j at which place 1 be. came atauainted with a Cantdin Stndard.whn A ; w had commanded a Snow out of the port of New-York, one of the 'owhers names was Tod of New. York the other owner's name 1 have forgot but, the -particular circum fiance of the Snow, having failed from New York to Bermuda, thence to Turks-Ifiand 1 very wtllrecolleft to have been frequently told by capt ttodatd, among other things, that the veflel was infured, that flie was an old veiTel, and that (hevai regiftered as two years old only from a variety of circuraftances, 1 believe the veflel was wantonly thrown a .- "J .!!! .1 1 t I way idu mis is ik utvui cu upuiMju 10 me, of rapt. Archibald Graham f Turks-Ifland, and of many other people of information .1 " v.ui:rt. i 1 . mere uupc wwyuuiua mis cany in your gatette, that if, ai it conjefture, a fraud has been intended o be'hnpofed on tbe un derwriters they itiay avail tbmfelves of this bint. If my tcUimony ever mould be called for, my .refidctKC b near WalhmgtoA North-Carolina. .' ... J ALDERSON. V Deeemhcr ty, 196 rt-. jj Note Tbe Snow was call away in thi Tin-ks Hie raflaee, likely about the ill NoV vember j - - " H N ii'-y M U R k. At tbe fign of the SprraJ tiagU, In Middit (Irtrt, ' Has for fale, a thoke collection of BOOKS and P R X N T S, ALSO (A D I E 3 S li O E S. Davnitr 31

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