Selected Poetry From a MaJachufetti paper PHELIM O'FLANAGAN to his HENRIET; ; - TA. . ' . " - A 8 a lock of frefli hay to a cow, . Who all day bai been chewing the eld At a pailfull of fwU to a fow t ' T atoar at puddle of moj brthe mttnbcrtir mechanician, u hoTailed up the river Seine, from Havre to Parish in a veffel which," by a quite new conftrucYton, lie has adaptedfor this navigation, and at the Jame-tim rendered fit to keep the" leafy the ' v- r-wter to me it thy face. rr .-. tvu.i- -hilk and red ochre appear;. Where the liUy is rok-b'd of each grace, And the rofe it in bloom the whole year. : How lair, lienrieua, iay - Which alat ! all companion mocki j rru. .i mi attMTinfr. hat in vain. ' To rival the twiAkof thy lockt. The notes of thy fong far esctl v The bray of the mufical jack ----' Or Opheus when tripping to hell. To coax bit Eurydice back, I While lovers their. deftiny moan. . . That their laffis are colder than city. That their bofovu are harder than ftone, - Mini it fotter than butter or whey. Should Rett poor Phelim forfike, . The world into mourning would go j ..ji. And bull frogt would grunt at hit fate, And mud turtles Dine at hit woe. T ; . .FHELIM. . 03obtrt. 1796. - A BSE U C E. VE ftephcidt fo cheaiful and fgayj -Whole flocka never, careleisly roam j Should Corydon't happen to ftray, - Oh I call the poor waoderert home. . t. 1.. -j r.u ' AUOW IDC IW auu i , 1 Nor talk of the change that ye find j None once wut fo watchful as 1 1 1 have left my poor Piullit behind. ' Now I know what it h to hare drove With the torture of loubt and deiire ) WW.. ! a arlmir 9fll4 n lav. And to leave her we love and admire. Aht lead forth thy flock in the murn, And the dampt of each evViag repel 1 . Alaft. I I an faint and forlorn ; ' I hare bade my dear raiuit farewell. Since Phillit rouchfafM roe a look, I never once dieamt of my vine May I lofe both my pipe and cruk, If I knew of a kid that wat mine. I prix'd evero hour that went by, ' Beyoad all that had pleaa'd me before f Jut now they are pall and I figh And I grieve that I prii'd them no mere. But why do I languih in vain t Why wander thut penfively here r Oh I why did I come from the plain. Where I fed on the foil lea of my dear I They tell me my favorite maid, The pride of the vally, it flown Alat I where with her t bave flray'd, I could wander with pleafure alone. When fore'd the fair nimph to forego, , What anguilh I felt at my heart I Yet I thought but it might not be fo, Twtt with pain that (he faw me depart She gaa'd at I lowly withdrew j My path I could hardly difcero So fweetly (he bada me adieu, I thought that flu bade roe retire The pilgrim that Journey t all day To viAt fonte far difltnt (hunt, If he bear but a ret ique away, It happy, nor beard to repine. Thue widely rtmov'd from the fair, Where my f owi, my devotion, I Soft hope it the redone I bear, And my folate wherever I go. FRANCE. NAT ION AL INSTITUTE Of SC1INCES AND ARTS ' On the 17th Sept. a deputation from the national inftitute appeared at the bar of the Council of Five hunJred, and gave, ajrre. ably to law, the annual account of the la. boursuf this Icarnisl body. Among the difcovenes, improvements in genius ofthisfirft artift hascoafequentlyopen ,redan immediate communication between the- French ports in the Channel and Paris, which . . cannot Co be extremely advantageous to -ithe commerce of that targe city, . - .'.'" Before the revolution a perfon pretend. ing to fail from Havre to Paris, would have been taken for a madman. In 1 793 and cjA, there was no "longer any thing thought tm.. po(fible4andfthey fpoke already of making Paris a lea-port town. But at that time the whole projeft feemed but a fine dream to the calm obferver, for according to appearances, large mountains muft firft be removed,. fpa cious canals were to be opened,- and the bed of the rjyer muft be rendered dceperj this would have coft enormous expenfes, withi ut any great probability of.attaihiug the c'ellred objecl. But the republican artift, earner to ferve and not to ruin his country, roaitruA ed a veflel fit to navigate the river, wh3ll o thers foolilhly fpeculated on adapting the ri . ver for the already ej&fting veflels. An account of the, progrefs made by the republican aftronomers, charged to meafure the arch of the meridian from Dunkirk to I5.r telona, of that kind the molt important o peratioh ever undertaken. Kings attempted it in vain. It was referved for the Fremh Republic to commence this difficult operation during the moft ftormy t'nr.ri of the re vol u. tion, to continue it vuth rtxlcuWcd ardour during the years '94, '95, & '96, rrru!rrd famous by the triumphs of the rcpubta:i ar mies; and the w hi'.e operation, by' whkh the fundamental unit of, the new Kfirni weights and mcafures will be irrevocably tx. ed isexpevled to be completed next Septrtn. ber, w heri according to l apprar Aea, the French people will enjoy rra.e and brn to tafte theiruits of the revolution. "'New obfen'aticn and Kxai on the (in. ture and electrifying quality of ihr-ti-diion the organization of annuls and lai tv oa the flvflrtorvpf an enormous riailru)eJ foutU in South.-Anverica, ico fort otrp in tlie tu th, the fpeciet of which hat prolubly UI appear, ed. AIA cbfervatious on the no lon-rr r ifting fpeciet of cleplunti called mamrien a Sibe.rb, and mammoths in North Arrka, to whom belonged thofe booet hkh . ibe North of Alia and Amcrk a rrrfentt la th naturalUI atfo many momer.ti cf t rtat r evolutions whkh this terrctlrul gab L undergone. 1 he refult of the enquiries cf the Tnrh chyniUl, otferi an exact and fn't nxm t j anal) ling the air hkh we brratKe Nu merous experanentt on thofe -ir.l '.r l!a Jt' the d;fco try of which hat gncn a aju-t dJ. fcTtut turn to ckemillry. A new kind of fojp, hlth h prtFtsrd dlflolvin; wood in lye (made f e) and trijr ith advantage fuL1.:.rJ for the foap uird in m my rtetr mi ikt arts, and lot w aihki. r O II SAL K, SIX hundred :rd fa. tf attet V rmJTj t $ in the: date U I tV.-r.iVfi;- a4 14 t county cf Davj'ai, OT thrierrbI v ven Aiinndmthttdrif t.t 1 ' m purcftalef x 10 tmai -apr Noirmltr 19. Till $ P A v a. R ) r ij a t 1 i,u 1 1 mt u PUINTING Of !CV f?:rtwr',j - - -. ..I' - " " - 1 - i If tt-.t-- r 1 . it - ..- . . m i . .. NOHT UC A .i O !, I N Thofe Cafe, t c t, -r.. .- 4 U r' k been topitd Uotu n'ii.f m wbl r AitJjjr ,irtf f ;Jt '" r it the arts, and phtloiophical relearthes raen. tionedby Qwcn La PtAcr,thc freakercf nation, the following feem tlx nsuii b. depi tereuing. The details of the experiment made by ocr HE fubftribrT btrnJW ta rt lUt part of the flare. Ken jcth .r. T font indebted to k:ra torn, ke mrrrd Jir . rent cr by tlae ill diy f Jina-r uc.: He wi let to fell the tot ard rr-j-rv rr r..:t where be nowhirs trr Uk U wouU rt ceive one lulf the rorruf? erarn Q tnd jjve a rffunJ4e tit: &t t e a .rtt of tU bJx ir, the rariu!nr c w UJ with feamty,tJf 1 tt t-irci t.'-e p. & ,,u 7Xote trnrroerci:t re Ij;v4t -t jjaepf bma . 500, hbf, t p. i iatd fne yr-t t-lur trt J-ell't are n fold t rrin:f f le U .rt jtf , j t ... " j t:or tau lira t j r-4 IJl t D r. I, I.'a ' K t V I Sk L ilLANKti1iMu;C , NORTH-CAUOLIVA ALMANACI'I. For t!it Yctr ct:f I or !. 17,. . the 4lt rf"-f r rn. Clnd-ted icr the r i lUuin iV. e.t Via. Nor r 1 ,'.. j iiv. M huea .tuatuk ti.r M ti- I.- piCie vAu'ir ' 1 4 . T Dr. V4Ii-r .Urr,t lmmi- i p4fa?cf ,rf uxV.ut a?u . est bfnJ Crcrt. rejftW Cwart-Is... Tiu i tttvi.ifc, St c r fVe it I: TUEATISH oiminiiUlCTlOJ - ' $ justices i t rr.Aii, CIVIL $ U I T f , tit - s t r 1 4 e r 4 ; f g M I . u i 1: s n ul. ' i. r.f t .V r' a- v n . 1 u.. t r f - K . It . .' ' r ' f I I O It A I. 1,7" ' " T I V K I. T n f . m T.i. , t, ! ' i f 1 ? - ,. 1 r k a r.s oi ,