. - . ' ! I 1 "-i 'i"r.'p'p-.-' .. ' " - -:V . " .- - . . . V ' . . . . . -' '- .:- r '4 x n w jr. jl. n - a k U b J W A lG ALETTE. VOL. XII. A T U H D A j aspv 7, , t XECUrirt DJREC TO RT. P'U U:IC. A U D I EN C E, Of 0CTO3l I. '; bf tU Vijhr Pfcniyjfr.tlary ef the nuk'if'urttmbcig. - , T.;ur"ti I recV. r . . ' . ' JT1 a .ui. r llca;potcniar' of the T 1 f nt te ,t W urtenibcT comes to pre feu .m u trJ: ul;Jv aiut to pay you the I x.Mt the rctxU Joe to the govern iuy:if a very fcrea; natvi. He belongs to a or s.jtry fo hjppilycoa.l.tutc'J that it can. i. bufviifh well to the JPrcnch Republic - The lhikv of Wurteubtrg have proved th: r'ny kao iro other intei eit Iwit that of t.ic State, a hi jHo, that they vmIJ make fa cr&ej tor me country The late Duke Charted va the hnt who ?.t the in (lance of C tu c.i Mv.Ju fanaipTicd the principle 6f Jti ; xmh4-,,4 ifortjiw.alxcjdy at tbtt, t .'. t it by tiii aaihr s, ih'.v offer tf Nr Nat'jtVitot Aistibty wmi!d fcrve as a mm vf f a . 1 ti uc.!or, the late Duke Iahj sh y exhorted thediet of the Ger 4 i f ure tdot ile fyllem of pacifica t vn I. he j fife i date whole love for the yr rtetuHcf 'm rxeed that of all his pre--ix.T; t-t trrimrIe of a ftp-rate peace." f '. iy'rm i i po'scy and hi to:r.idcnce are fo Ur tth. Jti i. J-at da uot in the icalt altwT i t- .tr C?.. r 4v;r.vWri, "- tt- J t f ' p u j nn :htre of a(f.i;r that he J 4 V l ii c:c5t ea rernci's to no f tr ;h io io!cik.i of our ma. " . of iaab'a of hich he i tlte H; . r .i . tan lurth rged '.n proportioii t .autuu. H2wt'i!.ut docs not . ,l ir-ua-utofuirll .It hiif;ig.'ge:nent i V i. vrkjt y frin ible of the advautars w... i tu t tf.u'.i trn aclofcr uuto.i with Ct.Aiai'yreit jT, ' t I a -utr m.U'.f t. theexprefltan of his U ' ,i .t .;i. i.l.rvc h. n ins g-vid kill of f it l'.. t c u:Ttaury ; andafjr me, I an.e -ruur. 1 th Kfau'.igovenimentofcrrd iv-4...tiek t ,the Cvrin pruue whole Imaii , -i-'l i-l - iUo'Jtll proi.Kc$ i J 4rr in .i .lf-i ere, a;;rtco'y to the fct . ' ial A5tuoi) t r.o louder . : tU rff!it . Tle prime of wru d erg, ji, iLdcil, nd Utile had t': it vv .avtf pou'cutont ii the above I 'i u..r . . .' .! . AT S !V E . Rr .. 1 Cf.e Vf.ie..:tnthr Kciu:vc O'rtvlory. .t cr VLi,'r 'A tuir) ij ta Lfuke ".".: r. iuvj Oa-cory heard n hh a real j r Iw ni tt the 13uke of VVur. tc niwr fc.uio;:tt fur the Hcpublk. V.a. iuM not mi; Tty 01 a iiiucre r f.t tr,j.t,KMt ui i..e Ire.uh goven,. it.nf U ilrulx 11 a terrible cuciny, f . U a't - 1 U a t tuhf d ally .. i.w ru:i,! of tlw'e govcrnnienti x la j c iU'finMjh tou uie xnth uf in tl tail irx haant) encinWi, tu put an r ,.ia .r.4.a me have entire J bto, ii-ii.li''- ir' tue irarujuiht)' of the uorU i . t;, . ou. on ao l tu m i nt am imr In. d-p Jrwe ; a var vih-h, notmit.nUaJuig f- , aiJ it.tni-ry chak, titc ' 1. . ai'U i "i t tlw llrpabt 111 wdl V.U . t i i 't ii a t(uaanr a glorwui, s' !c K uhwU it j u.viuukcu U 'I he Kcutire Darcctcry rt! tipcnymir r;t Ur !yf t:i tlk farac manner at jua i ;'.f to rc!y m t'.wr-r ;o-4 ill and li aiik:uTw i i.r I . f c that rrtuk me at;uir.j;l u w til to tvitH e )a -.c a;id u.rtx of tne 'purity of Oaf Lutiinnv Jn-'accQuNt of thtllanks tftfswfyinilan&and ' - . theFifoery thetciiiu r 7 The banksof t'e wfoundiand may be rank, ed amo 'g the many furprifing and , wonder iuhvorks ot nature, being a mountain form ed under water, by the fhme that iscontinu ally waihlg away ffo tle continent. Its fstent has never yet. been Ufcertainea, but js generally reckoned to'beaoout 160 leagues ong, and 90 broad. About the middle oi k W a kind of ba v. called thr n;u . -ri. a.u - ater vares considerably, being in Tome 1 u r J ' prfiers nxty tatnom. U Kfanfy cv" to be dilcerned, a cold thick fog generally covering the whole atmorphcre, which renders it extremely dan gerous ; to a fleet ; for it is at times, in a ftate ot total darknefs. where ' guns or lnceflimt unite nf tK J;t,-.. -r . FPt the ihipAruiihi;foui oteachf 1 ne Wlnds around thefe banks are gene rally very impetuous, the conftant agitation of the waves, i ani informed, is occalioned Irom the fea being driven by irregular cur. rents, that beat iometimes on one fidp and lometimes on the other, .ftriking with rgrea f0K,aginft the borers of 'thefe banks, which are every where al moil perpendicular, and repel them with equal violence ; and yet,' 0:1 the banks themlelves, 'a little from the" coaft, u is as qnierarin bayTxcept there" hipnens to be a itrong and forced wind com 1H! tron ao-rpa? tWitm When e found we were upon thefe- I banks, which ic nrr-anr;i.i. ...:.u.. r 1 I , . ' f ltuis nililUUl IOUUU. ng, as, the water thxiges from an azure Slue to a vvhite fandy colour, we laid to in ord :r tovh:h for cod, the procefs of which is no lcfs entertaining than furprifing to Eu ropeaiis. After bating the hooks with the entrails of a fowl, in a minute we caught a fifh, when the Uibn made ufe of fome part of the en tra.Ii, as being a better bait, and then drew up the cod asfaft 3.S vnn rail nrtfllkln Ui. g.ne 5 for though we remained , there only. " taugnt as many as wonld lerve the (liip's crew tlie 'reft of the voyage. You tn iy wonder bv what means they are tertai.i of having ciught a.filh, with fo many fathom of line out. Vhen it has-been a little while in the water, they generally pull it with the finger and thumb, and it there is a l..h, the Itruggling of it occaliom a vibrati on ot the line, which is very perceptible", tU,High lo many fathoms deep. Then they haul iti , and as foon as the filh comes in view the water magnifies it tofuchafue,' that it appear almoit impollible to get it on board ; ai.d indeed requires fome dexterity, for on thj hauling them out of the waterthcy ilrug. rlc with fuch violence a frm r,tU. . i. tliciiifclvcsiiTtbchooks, by entangling the line in the rising before they can be cot up the Ihip's fide. . ... v Cut thofe veflcls whkh particularly follow this bufincf, avoid the intonvenicntc by ei. rrcting galleiies on the out fideom the main malt to the (Urn, and fometimes the w. inywi uiv. in Yt wuiuiare piaccu, barrels with the tops itruck out, and the filh tfmcnget into thefe to llieher thcmfelvcs from the weather. Then (by, I imagine, cannot be long, as the method of curing, is equally as exrr ditious as the catching them for as foon as te cod U caught they cut out ut tongue, ami give it to one who immedi ately llrikfi tf in head, plucks out the liver ami emrail, and giving it to another, the bone it drawn out as far as the navel ; it is then ihrown into the hold of the Jhip, where .t u faricd and ranged in piles. The pcrfon whn faltl it 1$ tareiulto leave fu.Ticient fait between the rows of fifh to prevent their totKhing eath other, and yet not too much, as either excefs would fpoJ the cod. ' The right of filhing upon the great bank, by the la of nature, ought to have been rranct, bemg the only IInnw .S! Fu of k who from the ?Umbe.r monks and priefts. as well I L p,ng lCM Y the conclufion of the, lalt peacej-the entirely gaveupill ore- rKnrr3 the ly ""ions that frequent" imnl at"UdeS' - bth frigates con. ' dually crying to ' prevent the encroach- " ; ments of other nations, ' - - The produce of this filhery is certainly mf. haulhble wealth to both countries, aa it is no wonder they are lb very tenacious tell"' f,ffWhat a large-circuit voyage is completed; and the profit j refttltini1, rom this fift.ery returns toither; nearly . hrll inftaixe, they fail from their-, refpeftivb ports mLurope to thefebanksT from whence they proceed to the Mediterranean and Afrk. can iflands, where they difpofe of-their fifli the .Wrib nd;es, to exchange that ctrgo, and return home laden with iugar and rum' " tnat thele banks (hould abound with cod- and no other filh and that the greateft philofo. pners har never been able to account for it- AW. . ' This account is from a letter dated Sepv terser 1776; tlnce which another peace ha" introduced Amtrica, as au independent ftate", into a participation in this fifhery. SAVANNAH, December p. On Tuefday night, the 6th inftant, abouc 90 clock, this city was again vifited by a dreadlulfire-it broke out m the ftable loft ot John Glen, Elq. but whether by accident or defign has not been yet afcertained In a little while it communicated to Mr, Glen's dwelling houfe, where the families of Doftor iobleW Jones and Mr, W. Hunter had taken refuge, after the firft fire. Itfoon af. ter reached to the corner houfes on the Bay the property of Doctor George Jones, occvu- . pied by Meilrs. John Gibbons, Chas. .Tack Ion and John Craig-then to that owned by Mr. Harry Grant, occupied by MclTrS. Ken nedy ad Parker-from thence to R. Wayne's, Lfq. where Mr. George Auct ion s family had taken flicker then to the dwelling and itore of Mr. Saul Shnons ": A-. bout the fame time the fire reached the Bay it broke outat the houfe ot D. 13. Mitche! Efq. Mr. Miiek,- the new building lately c'h reftcd by John Cunriingham, and in which,' l ,Cufortlmalcfatl of the late Captain; M'Cullough redded. It then confutned the: houfe and Uore ofCapt. Doyle, and all the buildings belonging to Mr. Thomas 1W, In tne fpace of two hours, -the wholt tithing was laid in ames. This fecond ar.d afriiaing misfortnne, has not only deftroyfcd " as valuable a part of the town as remained, bnt thrown a number of families oh' the bounty of thofe, who have houfes rcmainim And let it be toid to their praife, that they have come forward with a liberality, un bounded. Nothing but great exert ions, Jav. cd the houfes facing the thhingon the W. & 8. W. fide, from being dcllroyed, to wliich, had the fire communicated, the remainder of the City, together with all the buildings on the wharfs, muft have fallen a prey to that deftrucYive clement. This fire tonfumed about 20 licnifes. be noes ouunoutes. BLAN KS fall kinds, for falat Owi ' IVinting.Offitt. s.:.. n . IJf, . 1 ' 1 j -rtj : 1 1 . 1 t .:u 1 1 t r ,

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