o TV j 1- IVOL.XII.3 S A . ! - I " - - ' - " - .tTt- - . 1 vnon all f it in is to. . tion, tlieir . Congrefe of the United States... i HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES. t- .. (Continued from our left ) TT had been faid, if this bill were to pafs, Jl it would derange all the preterit military e, ftablimraent. It would do no fuch thine.- but would be engrafted upon ir. They were alfotbld that volunteer corps had equipped thenifelves at a great expence. -This he did not approve, becatile the public defence, which liijould be general, fell upon volunteer corps : v.iio might be more rich or more patriotic than others. lie hoped, therefore the mo tib;i to itriVe but would not pafs. V- '. .; Mr. Vvr. Lyman bbferved that the gen tlemen who condemned the prefect fyitem in tola, allowed that it was prafticate in : fome parts of the union, & that it could nbt be quite fo bid wlicWepefented it.SHc be lieved it was capable of improvement. -'-The greateit objection to t! -t, lyr 5 now in force '' was, that it did ; r dalles ; if "an imprc this refpect, one df it would be remove the citizens iriuft fc icady to d countrv when, in danger from attneks . ithbiit; or dilhirbances from within : if theprin"' ciple of a fetett corps was inuticed;." you ' introduce a diitincl principle, which will war againft the other parts of the fyftem; . In a rniiitary point of viewy it wai , impoSlible) he - faid, to carry this principle into operation, for the mon wit you introduce it, you will' have no other corps. He differed from the gentleman from S. Carolina (Mr. Harper) in fpeaking df the opinion of the people on the bill pnio'ed ; he believed they were wholly diifatisfied with 3t. ' Before, this bill was recommitted, he fliould propofe amend menu to other parts of jri ' Mr. Hartley faid there were feveral new members in the hdnfe who had not been pre fect at the former difcuffions of this fubject : and he thought it bed not to hurry the buii nels,. to gire-a little time fof thefe gentlemen to make thenifelves atquVrnted with the fub. jeft. If they now agreed to ftrikc out (the firit fecYton, ifwonld put an end to the plan proooied. He believed the (elect corps pro', pofed was not a new thing ; thefe was fuch. an ctbblilhmcnt in Svvitzerland, and fuch a corps hud frequently bent under confidcrati. on in the ftate of Pcnnf) Ivama ; "but. the grea. tell objecTion to it vas, . -rcat rubber of confeientious people i.i that it.'itc whd rcfulc iu ucai iirms. 1 jic , p..)t-.je tucJaltcrn ILws, he faid, were" armed bfcfore this po. J wrnnvnt was created; but this wsinot tlie caic in Tcnnfylvania and in the South. This ftle.l corps, he faid, were tube armed at the public rpencc ; if thut difficulty was go: oyer, he thought there -would be few left, he fuelled the propriety of the committee's r.Pn; in order to give time for confidcration o! the fubject. Tor h. oa ; part, he Jhouhl vote for it. Mr. Gilbert hoped the committer would rile ; uk he bdi: ved this fubject had not been tlikulfed during this Congrefs, a-id many membrrs were, gfcoiirfe, u..5tqua;ntcd with the bufintfs, l lic motion for the committee's riling was put and carried 37 ti - 1. I Mr. hivingiion f i':d tlu t there lia.l fcrcn a committee ippointcJ l.i!l fcil on on the lut. Ject of improvinifihfi penal code; but for want of lo ne nccrll.iry information, no tv fort h.:il been madr. That tntorm.-.tn bciii no'v arrived, tnd doubting not the honfe i. il.di-fsrtv.k of amchuratingthv pcn.d tmlc, he mould eg to lay the folio hg , refoiution on t!i; tall Ij f lolvcd, T lut a eomrn'ttee be appointed , tot ".qui. v.l.tthtranyand wht altenthm nit in u Li y In the pen .l Uwi t f the Un'tcd Sf-t, and that tiiey report bv bill or o;her Agreed. ' ' Mr. G-Ild'.in prcftr.tcd a pctitlcn from of Joans, nravin-; fnrWfW his Wnitaf; Mi., ilii ;"".r"r. V uFneiieventeen rr,rwii : WrAAIv : . . . ill 1ILJ ten days. .. . . ' - v 11 T A. F frorn the cmitteeof ett- ff S . ' Ported thatthe bill for the more ttecluat promulgation of the law of the U nited Stares, was truly enrolled, and it re-, Fived the fignaturef the fpeakcr according- ; . Harper;enqired if IrWould be m or- 5 move that the commi ttee of the whole be' discharged from a further confideration of the mihtia bill and, on being informed it was in order, he moved that . it be difchcrged for the purpofe of recommittinor it toaVeiectcnm. mittee. His object was, that the bill" might DC, fo modified as td ftand a better rhnnrP r,f ';pa&?g$ heaMc tf rhis'was not doiVei and the ' hrit K"crion was determined to be ftrtkk o "theplarf would be loft-which he thought of f great iniportsjnce. ' a ',. ' vAfter lbme objeilions urged againft rlie mo . tion by mr. W. Smith ror. Heartley, n-j-. W. Lyinan, mr. KitcheJl and mr. Heath, and in favor of it by mr. Harper and itjr. Craik, it was put and loit: . ; -Mr.; Heath fa d, owing to a want of ,fuf ncient energy in the revenue, of the United States confiderable fums of money . had beep -loft by revenue officers, as was feen by the report from the treafury department; 'lie'. thought it pollible for the laws to be fB a. mended as to prevent fimilar defalcations in future. . For that purpofe he wilhed the fij lowing refoiution to lie on the table: .. Kefolved, that a committee be appointed w enquire wnetner any and what alterations Week -fuch turn that pervaded the Aultrian ftates. Vv.,'' ; v cnioc, we learn. WJ the noble -rdour of patrio-. VOV- anH rrr11.. Ul'l. i .. ift-i; u. J ' 7 uy ucueyea mere. due from the varioUs reventle officers of' the United btates." Agreed; adjourned. L 6 N D O N, - Oer 19. r-pnHIS mqrning arrived the Hamburg Mail X due on Wednefdayi The details.which it brings are highly fatisfaftbry; The boalt. ed advantages of Bmnafarte beforfe Mantua, appear much lels formidable than they did in his reprefenta ion of thenv ' Field Marlhal Wurmler was, it is true, fiiitt up in Mantua, but this fcems to have been a voluntary itep, for the purpofe, no doubt, of reinforcing the garrifon, and taking upon himfelf the cvm. inand of that important poft. A letter from one of our Continental cor. refpondents, dated Bremen the ;th inft.up. on the authority of ajctter front Auglburg of the 29th ult. uifonnTus, that Uuonaparte. had b:en defeated, and having thrown him. felf into ihz f;n41 fortrefi of Sanquinetto, had been lurrounJcd, and finally taken prifoner This account .'a ants confirmation ; but thus we may prcfume from the filence of the laft French Journals rcljiectiiig the operations in Jtaly, and from the reinforccmenti m.irch. i.igtothc f.ilrian army, (lut the tide of fortune is a much changed in thai quarter -s in Germany. 1 R cfpcdii.g ,1orrtf.v, this maH bring little in addition" to the former. : He was continuing his retreat, but was frequently obliged to alter his rotte, lie was, aaftrd ng to tir. cumll.ir.ee, rrclTuI by the Autlrians, and harraflcd by th? Inhjbitjnts of the cotititr'es th-ouh whiih he was retreating From the caulei, thedlu.inutioiuif his forces mutt have been my f.rcn, at.d frotn the (lowniTk of h i rrtrc.it, vc'Kvy ca'.ily im.ig'ne the duTicu! fuulticv he l.a. to ertountcr. ' 1 he Kinj; ot N.-plci had dctci'mined agVn to ai t w ith v, rr ofTcnfivi-ly He had dctjth. ctla roulidcrabie 1khK of cavalry and infantry fro-n the intrriur ofthctountfy to att vitli t!.c Arjlr'.in, and a part of his licet had - jiin put to lea. Uy the pecouni 1 brought by the mcu'tB'y r fro-n Vienna, wclem that the Emptier h.id ralfrd two hundred thoufr. d additi ial troop, that were tiurhui to the reinforce.. , Ofiober 2i. '.' 1'he three Hamburgh Mails that were due reached town .this moaning- TheJSingi ictyf intereffingatter, 6f whin! I endeavour to lay before our readers, a iatisfactory abftraft. C rcQcr 0!, importen. pare . l.i cm was pa in tmr paper of M. ; W, m a ; letter' ftoA. .cprVJt , -uH was tni; only account of ifc. v- n.ch came to this country. ' ' th"vHde,fT Vienna, of the'h, ftates hat utheraj VVurnifer had frequently at' tacked and repulfed the enemy with lofs. il 7r 0ni Hanau ofthe5thinft.fays t A C rw aZ?"es e. aflert, ; that Fli Marlnal VVurmfer had on the 23dv attached "CP defeated p.,, l0li ;pr ,5,-000 men, and this k further; ftrcngthened bj an article from. Hifto.f the 3d inft. which fays that V urmrerA after iix day fighting, had en tirelr defeWd Pm.n.., .u.. .. :. whole lofs k killed amounted to 6000 men, and in prifohers to 7000;, s Among the lattet was Buonaparte. f Mqreau Was continuing his f 1 - r j . - - .- 1 . -r. H4 vviuiuiuuiir jus retreat tntw aenecelfary to enforce the payrnent of money due from the various revntle offirrs nf: th ,1 mnU, tU',s .r. i - n&rr- ,1 . . uciuff ire-.' qucntly attackedand as often defor.5 uic rtuunan corps tnat 1 Urround him. We refer to the Variety of article . which e ' have taken froiVi the mails, for a particular detail of thecirdumftances of his retreat, andT thehtuation of his army. The Archdue Charles was continuing his route into Swabia, and General Petrafdnm advancing to the piack Foreft, to cut off tlie retreat of the French by that rmnA Tf feemed to be the jdefign of Moreau to get in. to Switzerland, but the Auftrians will doubt " lels follow him thither, nor quj him till h? 4 uc'iiriit r inn man rnmnipri ' " vv-vwv ' un tne Lower Khme, there had been fir n( atta;rs of pnftsj which Unifornjly cnded to the advantage of the Auftrians. nucd unabated, anil the troops of the rcut.cj army,- and the reinforcements of the N. nh had broke into open rupture. ' ' Gflokr 22i Weprefcnt, in our paper of this, day fome further extracts from the r'ianjburori Mails, and whkh the late hour of delivery of the letters, prevented us front g-'.vinjr jn oUP paper of ycfterday. . ' . On the ilk inft. th Anfrf. n . . . 1 7 : "'7"47suoriueuand carried the important pott . ihe Tete du r fech jho defended it rfonersofwar. Oen. Houe had pamd lhc Uhine near N.anhtim,.MthadctachTrcotof loop l2 O0o men. lhpropt,led6b'Caofthisman(ruvrc xjasfoppoftdtobca diverf hile the Arthdukc flioukl attack Kchl. Arrdes frem Milan of the 24th, and Venice of the 25th ult. concur in Hating, the obflmate action had tfken plate' near Man.' tua. J4iihciifta battle was foiHit in" which the Frctidi loft 4000 men, and a m eat qu mtity of Artillery j and it was comludcd that the tiege of Mantua mult be a frevnd time raifed. j . ., On the 23d tils the vanguard cf a rt-iu forttnicnt of id,coo Ptjltnank tad teathed Trcvifo, within 16 cr tlucc d.iyi tuarut of Mantua ' ' An article from Milan, of the 26th ult. ft-rcsr l c had given a iHwativc t