NOKT H - C AROLINA G AZETT E. - "1 : J" M ..iin ... n Houfc of Reprefcntativcs. Thursday. nerrmUpr .m. LEISTER was received frontithe 5e cretary iltbe Treafurv. inclofinT a re- part and iundry ftatements reflecting" the Public Debt, in purfuance of arefolution of. expenditures ot 1 7 oO. Keierred to the com . 1 miUfe of Wavs and Means - :- - Mr...DwightFotter-fro':ri.' the. committee of claims made reports on the petitions tf 4 Henry Roberts, : George' Calloes, Georoe . Carnel, and James Rowland, which recom- " mended a difagreement to 'the prayer of their feveral petitions The houfe concurred in the reports. -:- ' -J.-; - Mr. Swanwick from .the committee of commerce and manufactures, -wade a '-. report 6a the petition of Francis Coppihger, irfWT half of ' i .i.r,-Lileitaj whicH rcomeacbd a d' frfgretment to the prayer of the petition. The hoafe concurred. Mr. Muhlenberg prefented the petition of - David Ha!l::3oule,"a foldier in the late war, praying for a full pennon. - - . .. . ... ft.' kpriggrji'n- pjefentcd the petiti on of Gaffaxny Watkins, prayingto have a land wu'r ant replaced, wh'clf had been loft Botii the above petitions were referred to the Committee of claims. .: On motion of Mr. Williams, the houfe re. folv'ed itlelf into a Committee of the -whole,' on thoreports of committees on the petitions of ftv.idry refugees from Canada and Nova i eoi.ia Tills bufinefs underwent fomp Hif. culfiort, principally upon.thebeft method of latrs:ymg the claims in queition. The fol low .ng refolution was at length come to, sia a committee appointed to bring in a bill -accoi d';ng!y. 4 rU'ulved, That provifion ought to he mads b . law- for granting donations of land to Ciuiian and Nova Scotia refugees, in con- - for ity to the refolves of Congrefs of the 23 d -of April, 1783, and the ith of April. '135." ' : . 1 ' Mr. Swanwick called up the order of the day on a report of tne comm ttee of com mcrce and manufactures, made the laft fe:ii on, cn a memorial from the ftate of Delaware refp;cting the kidnapping or negroes and umlattoes. The. houie accordingly rdbived itfelf into aconun'.ttee, of the wn.Me, 01 tlaL fiv- -jefi, when a coniiderable debate too, olacc. JVdponcd. , This bufinefs being difpofed of, Mr. IJo f ;t oud that the route inould go into a u -.lniince of the whole, on t lie report of ti c Ncr tr.iv of War, pn t'u petition of 1 f -gh Liwloa White. Th : houfe fu'ecrun". 1 v; .it .r.o . to ni.iittce oi the whole on tli.s r. ;, '.n.Ufter thcMubjct had undergone f ivi.faiionihecom.uitioerof., had leave 10 fit a i-n, an J the houfc n Jj turned December 7j. '1 h houie 1 curved ', U'U una a con-nff fp of:' Mr. Mulii.i;,bu'2 .11 theih. Oil l iTorr t ;h nv.iiiihtce of rtvnmr rce sn.i inannfi i ires, on the fubject 01 KiJ.up. ping ""ro- i rid mulatoi. . . '! liis rc ort w 1$ grounded on an applic.ui , o t fro 1 dite of Delaware, for fome pro. vifio-v to prevent the earring oi from that ftate Irrc 1 egrocs and muLtt55, by matters of vrc;Tclstoot!irr ft.itcs. '1 hs report to cute tiiis evil, provides tint every maftcr of a veTcl mould hjve ecnWtitc with ftuh ne. ftocsand mulatfossof their Iwingfrcc. Ko effectual reulitloti, ItwasOatcd, could be made cm thiifuhj?ab' the i.idivulnal Hates, as their jurifdUliufi did Hot extend beyond their tcrritorijUk;i;:s. Si me members con. temlcil, that the laws of the individual ibtei were fuir dent to pro ids agaiirit the cviU Jl h? rffort waioppnfe l ailnco nlcte, nd the ftihjcd was fpoken of; as of u delicate a naimetfiengrge the attnitijn of the houfc, as it bore an affinity to the fobjepferaana iiuu . , , ' . .uj-, ,' r . To this latter idea it vs'as well anfwered, -that jhe queftion Was by n means about mancipatihg flaves, but whether proviiibnsJ mould not be enacled to prevent freemen from . beipgtnade Haves,' becaufe they were black. decilion, and the report was recommitted 46 to 30, with liberty to the committee oi 'com merce and manufactures to report by bill or ptherwile. ' .The, Jioufe;;..ent.' 'into-- committee "ofithe whole on the report,, of the fecretary at t? 011 the petition of Hugh Lawfon White.. j. -'-X i 0 : v 1 petition will try the principle, whether the niihtia, which were called out under gen. Sevier, in '93 , to aft againit the Indians, are entitled to compeniation. : - - Thgyeport itates,that the titpeditipn wa undertaken without authority itoiif the ge neral government and for the avowed pur, pole ot carry.ho: the war into the Cherokee -country y-that the infirudtion from thewaY" department forbid offenfive operations. That however, it appears that previous to the ex pedition the inhabitants of Tenneflee were much hart aired by the Indians, who had kil led at two ftations, one within 7 miles of the capital, 15 per ions, and that it rauft reft with congrefs to fay whether the circumftance of the cale warranted the expedition as a juft and neceffary.meafure. In the courfe of the debate it was denied, that the expedition had been undertaken for the avowed purpofe of carrying the war into the Cherokee country : andftated, in additi on to the circumftahces mentioned in the re portj that 1 200 Indians before the expedition carried a ftation and threatened to attack Knoxville, . . Mr. A. Jackfon moved the followine re folution. f Refolved that General Sevier's expediti on into the Cherokee country in the year '93, was a juft and necefTary meafure, and that provilion ought to be made by law for paying the expences thereof." 0 The committee rofe without coming to a decilion and had leave to fit again. A communication was received from the fecretary of the treafury on the fubjeft of the loan lor the ufeof the city of Columbia, which was read and ordered to be printed. h was agreed on account of the fhortnefs of tne lelhon, 401030, not to take up the Bankrupt Ifll. - '1 he followingrefolution was moved and ordered to he 01. the table. ' - r? n!rol?;ed at a committee be appointed to e,:qmrc if any and what alteratlbns are ne cedary m the act entitled an aft refpefting ug.tivesrom, and perfon, elcaping froHi their maftcrs.' r b Adjourned. f ' December 30. Mr. Dwjght Fofter, from the committee of claims, made report on the petition of Andrew Ramfey, and Nathan Smith, e. commending a noivcomplimce with the pray er of the petitioners. The houfc con. curred. . Mr. Freeman prefentcd a petition from Jrh-.i Mar ftou and others, praying for the payment of certain bills of credit ilTued by the United States In March 17 80, of which they are holders. Referred to the committee ot turns. - Mr. Gilbert prcfemed-a'petitiun from Lewis II. Girlrti, pf Ncw.York, praying for a rcmillion of duties on certain wines d-l troyed hy jhe late fire. Referred to the committee of coni ncrte and manufactures. Mr. A. Jackfon prefentcd a petition from George Calvert,, one of the clufi of the Chickafaw Nation, complaining of a tMm. perfornuncc of ftipulaiiorn; entered into in mfillr r -J Promued aiiutance afeUeywereattackedbythere Pr-ymg for payment on iccoiinTf Ae 0, JiadVmarched to their affiftare fromor Cs.wiihoutorder, mnmeiuReferredtotheco leufe, onmotionr rZl ?X TmUtee f the on the re port of the fecretary of war on the petition aW formation was necefTary to be obtained be wl! Cr i? wascometo thecommitteerolV Z refufed leave t0 fit again, and the report , rfel' -P"' wte referredto a leleft committee of five members. rltfaid that thcre d been feveral K W from reyenLu.c officcrs forari increafc of fahry, part of which" had been referred tc """"ftctures ' and others to the committee of compenfatiori. Lr7her althC whlegHt go into the " fZ " ' prPfed a 'ution to the fallowing eheft : Refolved, that the committee of commerce and manufaftures be inltrufted and reciuired 0 report whether any arid what alterations arenecelTarymthe compenfations allQwecf by law to revenue officers, and that tlie com: mitteeofcompenfation be difcharged frbirL the conlideration of fuch memorials as had relation to the officers of the revenue. A- greed. . . Mr. W: Smith calledfor the orderof the7 day on the "Pert of the committee of wavs and means, on ttofubjeft of certain balances." due from individual ftates to the U. States. J he houie went into a committee of ther whole accordingly, when a very long debate took place ; at length thecommittee rofe, and had leave to fit again. Adjourned till Monday. T AKE N O TI.C.E. " A LL perfons having demands on the fmV X a fenber, are requefted to prefent them tor payment : and all thefe indebted to him are deiired to pay their refpeftive balances. He will fell the houfe he now occupies, near the county wharf, on very reafonable terms. oa ,Vcrj, ood afltment of DRY GOODS, by whole falc at firft coft, or by rcuil unufually low : , ISAAC COLE. January 21. . , , N. B. He will alfo fell feveral trafts of land, in this ftate and the ftate of PennfyU vania. RAN. A way, a likely negro Ud, lately tbe property of Mitchell Dnvnt, Efa g ow of Mrs. Mary Bryan. His name is J O H N. . ht is of a middle ftature? and has a thin vi fagc. Wliocver will fecure him; f0 that he maybe got again, will be handfomcly re warded, and all reafonable charges, by DUK ANT HATCH. , . D. AU perfons arc forwarned front iDrbtmring or employing him, and maftcrs of vcllcli' and others, arc particularly cauti oned, not to carry him away, undt the pc nalty of the law. On Monday next U'illhe puWjhcd, end Jor file at tVu Cffice ; HAMILTONS vs. EATON A S ;E Latii t oiTiftMitttD i? thVCucuitCouit OP THI U. S. lrtCTI.C nITIIM Dlin', Prite co Ctmu viv; I

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