r . . , . : . .. . w r r 3tr. " . . - - . . - IN U VKi i L 7 P A Vx I S,'' Xov. 'm rT"rf E MePirnger fent to Lcndou by Lord Aaimel&ary-is-m u rned , and the nego : ciati.'ns ar: relumed, hey have at lalt made a. ftcp "-forwards : -for afcerii!dil1aly re. fufihjr to explain himfelf on. the" principle of "t -oaipii;tio:ir -let fortfrh Lord -iVJal.mlWy1-our learned Mimfter afiiimes in the moil poft i':ve mariner,1, enlightene'dno ' doubt; by a ' fortnight iiud, and alfo a little by "the 1 effort ' of the writer; who proved to him that there vas no impropriety in acknoA'le'dging . this prlnc'ple,,'and- tliVtii ttas' indeed- pledging oarfel vcvfyr - Jyry lktle : hecaufe referved Ufa tiij.i'i pywer'of ftcwsng .ourfelves as difficult as v. e pleale ';rc(ift'ing ... the. nature and the-'ii: of ,the exchanges a;id propdr-; tionate coiiJpenl;nns At ieliit the firit d.f iiculty or formality has been done aw jy, which ' is rtainlfomcthing,as the r.fHcLljdiplprna- tw. m ass win 1 new corps;? Ahd Avliat was thnence"of that f Tic appointment?' r . Mr W indham rcpiicd that ths ti)$ik al .... . Jt out Pier ipdtcntiafy, inftead of his laft '. y ':'. liuljj.:' ; ,.:iuAcr...jiau r-iurneu mar wn ra ; r.e 1.0W gives, and formerly admitted, as he' 1:0, doe?, the principle of compehfation he ' .vo-;id have accelera'ed the'ifibe of the nego tiation by a fortnight, and would have not. appeary-do " be a man who quisles and recedes, and pretends to have already faid, whit iii fadt iie lVi hn Tr CAA. Wi .V.!u ...... . ... .,w , r v lijiiim, uu u.tj. vji .iuM n Hiiic lcisuryncis ana al perky.o langua-r- ; 'byi his diplomatic educa : tioa cannote per'lectcd all at once. luded to was ioiportant as w ell as new that , n was penormea by a perion who held ano ther office," and that he was not prepared to " fay vhat wast he amountlof "the falaries. ' General Tarleton combated fome of the ftatemcnts in the eftimates, after which he went into fome general topics, refpefting '.the -ew a rangementsabout to be made in the iUajid of St. Domingo. He underdood, he faitfr that a corps of 10 or 1 2 thoufand men was to be fent to Portugal, and if we had fuch a nuiiiber, to fpare, it w-as. x a great hafdfliip to harralV every gentleman who kept . a horfe with fuch inconveniences as were felt from the cavalry tax. , He apprehended that it would be very difficult for any officer with fuch troops as cpuld now be fpared him. to gain any reputation in the defence of Portu gal and was afraid that they would fare juft -as Well as Holland Mdourallies ia -the MeHET terranean. - Mr; "crjcarrf moved the fum oFone 'mil lion nirfe thoufand pounds for the fervke of the Ordnance. . Mr. Fox aflced whether in that fum was included the expenceof arms for the addition al cavalry. A rumour, he faid, had gone abroad hitherto uncontradicted, that, either iioman alteration in the fituation of the BT 1 . . - J- V r wi miiyiiiw u. V i,ord M Jmthnrf ' snAvpr ulU ' miA .,U .1. .. .a T ' ,t ' - -- i-'..w,iuuii . c ivm s.vuuuuy, uiai iitt was loon to oe re do. r.ot fupfehe will fe d to his Cabinet by ) pealed, or, ' at haft would not be acled up. a Conner, .as the ou'eltnn addrpflVd H, ! n. - .nnr mliil h-itTa KnArt r.MAr i- it 1- . .: '"im.ni, wc man fee, whether he will alfo make ufe of mere franknefs in his ovcrrures wiicther he will reiinqnifh his perplexing ami dictating cmirfc v-'th men who dffpife and cannot patient! it. 11 r f 1 t Dear nicnei iyoi rorm u.tics required and the general who comtnand-; . td in that diftncl:, recommended itaffarthir G Tarletori thdaght erra 1 iooKW much for the protecW of a few fiftin boats; . ; ... - ' -' : .: ' : . CaptrBerkelf fenced hjnv that Dbver 7 was a great depot for ; naval and military . itores. ' , . in ' ' U . B L T N Dec 6; By a gentleman juft arrived ft cm PcPuft we arehuppy to learn, that the inhabitants of -that wealthy town are in a itate of the' nioft perfeA tranquillity ; that the purluits of com merce nd manufacture "were at floformer pe-; riod more feduloufly followed, and that every' thing carries the.air of peace and induftryv y 1 he whole of the county of Antrin we are pleated tohnd enjoys the fame uninterrU ;ted tranqviilhty; nota parifh Jn jthas-bfeett diO turbed, even for a day , of eourfe riot orve ha been proclaimed. , " : '!-. Thar ot the two Governments whuh 'uh- cut, Joung itfelf in thelubyrinth of formaihTcs llrili announce with precilion and moderation the principal condition upon vhicK it willies to negcKtate, w-.H prove the ti lct rity of its pacihV inteniions, conciliate the ger-tr.il opi. - r;on, and mcke it a 1 rrible w capon aguidt itsenemy. It would be orih. of the Directory to let this great and tine example of Lyalt) and good faith. L O N D O !r rECi- 2. HOUSE of COMMONS. . Df.c. 2. BUDGET. Mr. Pitt gave notice, he would defer what he intended to otfer' on the ways and means to Wcdncfday next. . Mr. Fox, o.ilidering that the Jubject of Finance would lead int j much dilution, was dcftr.mihat'cftiin.ite of the navy debt up to the end of November, (hould be la d before the litmfe. 'J hcprcleut acc)ui.ti uerctrude up o )ly to the end of ()ftobcr. Mr. Pitt faid ,t was hii wi:!i, that thofeas well as all other accounts, fi.oiddb nude up S to the Licit date poil.b'c.. bJlPi,Y. The Secretary at War having r.;ovcd the clli'intes of the army r. Grey wifhed to know uhrn the ex- trn rJm incs w ould be brought K.rwai d ? Mr. Pitt replied. tha.-armsfcrtheadditL onal cavalry were included in theprefent efti. mate. As to the rumour mentioned by tlie Right Hon Gentleman, it was the firlt time it had coife trjhheixsv He had indeed heard that fome dijfy-idties had arifen'in the detail of the provi;ioas, which may fender an ex planatory aft 'proper in the ctJlirfe of the fef tion; bu:he apprehendedi there w as. n thing that could obftruft the execution of a mealurc, which he comidered as neceffary at this moment, for the welfare and fecurity of the country, as he did when he firlt moved for xt Mr. M. A. Taylor expreffed his joy at hVdli g that there would be another oppor. tunny of dilcuiling this aft, the provifions of h th he pronounced to be abfolutely imprac ticb e. The gentlemen who attended tKe n.tetincsnpon it. interorerrd ir variAnflo . and he would defy the miniftcr himfelf, or any man that fat near him, or any man in :he king dom to conltrue it. . . Mr. Pitt ironically admitted, that if that hon. gentleman protend himfelf unequal to the conltruclion 01 the aft, h Would be hioHy prcfumptuoustohim, or any other perion, to arrogate the capacity to do fo. Still, how. ever, he hoped that he might be excufcd'if even after th s d.fiouragcment heDiould ven ttre to attempt it, Gen. Tarleton objeclcd to the fu np l",cccl. for lortifications at Dover ' and the plates adjacent. There was no part of the khv.dom fo wtll defended by natsre from an invaf.on of tnc enemy, as the coa,t of Kent j but ift were o.berwilr, every m.litary man inuu hc tnatuourcaltlcwafc little calmlat. - V PHILADELPHIA, Pdi i6: I h ttertetfthe United States l Ftbfuary i'c; ' On requeft the Vice Prefidenf of the United btates beufg excufed fromTurther aN tendance in Striate during the reffiori, actdrefV led them as follows: "K .r ! GintUmen of the Senat:. . If, Jn the general apprehenfion of an in. tention to retire ia that molt enuncrft 'citizen-, to whom all eyes had been directed; its : the ceuterot our. union for fo long a period the J public opiuion had exhibiied any clear indica. tions of another; in whom our fellow' citi. zens would have generally, united j as foon as 1 read that excellent addrels which an nounced the neceinty-6f deliberation in the choice of a Prefident, 1 fliould have imitated the example of a' character, with which I hail co-operated, though in lefs cimfpicuous and important itations, and maintained aa uninterrupted friendlhip for lw:6 and twenty years. But. as a number of charafters ap. peared to itand in the general eltimation, fo nearly 011 a level, as to render k difficult to conjefture, on which the majority would f fail ; conlidering the relation in which I Hood to .the people ot America, I thought it moft rel'pectlui to them, and molt conducive to the tranquillity of the publicmind to rcfign myfelC with others, a filcrit fnetator'of'the rrn-fal deliberation and a pallive fubiect of nublic dif. ' v ' - Mr. I lit and Mr. Vjnilw,i txpla-nfd, I cdioicidtheatt.uk of an enemy, and if .t it watuUMl to make thcniuntoth. -jn Ill t it was ufiul to make them up to the 2 1 it c,i iciru ry, iTiore wjucn it couiJ iiot c..iiif it..our dtTanging the cuilomary buli. lnUrf tl cnJiicc. Mr. Cry ihen cxprrnVdhi d f.ipprobati. 01 of a ClKticclior ot the Exchqtnr nipc. vayf. and means lor the mining, Klcre I'C u.uUl nuke up the accounts oi (Ucuraiit Mr. M. A. T avlor wilhcd to know ulip. tVy landed . clfeuhirr, iuould make little cicteiuewhcii they h ould alla.l it in reverie. N r.J erjeaiifexpl-iiKd. thit the t.rtncth ening ot Dover Ucwne more ncictiary r.ow, .when the i rci.du by (lie je.lffii.ou tjf Holland, had fo extended a lit ,c co;dt. 'I heeneiiy iiiuU firit Uum.e maitett if the eai.le before they 4euM rnter the luibour, .mid the additional !. filiation, w Uh mtut 10 niore than uoool. vtre rccd.imiended irctari.t Var. thrrc waifoch'I by the noble lord at the he.d, ftlw 0rdnar.ee aycwc5ccraIturcaorGe;HrJnfDi,;;rant 1 dcpartmci.t, withallthe mui.i -w..tue cu'.l-ons. Deeply penetrated with rratitude to mv countrj-men in general, for their long con tinned kindnefs tome, and for their long continued flcady arid affefting confidence, with which thofe who have molt' intimately known me, from early life, have on fo many great occalions, entrufted to me, the care ot their dearcft interells : fince a majority of their eltftors, tho a very fmall one, ' have declared in. my favor, and fince, in a repub- hcangovrninient, the majority though ever fo fmall muft ot r.ttcjfity decide, 1 have de. te. m:ned at tvery hazard of a high hut juft rcfponf.bir.ty, ihonghwith mtith anxiety and d.ftidenc, once n.oie to engage in their fer vice 'Uieir confidence wluehhasbccn the thief conlolation of my life, is too precious ai.dfacrcda dcvofii ever to let'uifidcrcd lightly. As it has been founded only on the quul t es of ti e heart, it never ha been, it i cwrcan be,ucce.ved, bctrajtd, orf rlcucd b) me. t is with rduflarce, and with all thofc tn ot ens of gratituue and afTecl .mi, v hich a longcxptricnreot jour Joodncl ought o ir tpire that I now retire lr ni my le at id this I .u e ai.dtjkciny leave oi t.'.e iutii.Ufkcf tUbrnatc. - f v.' ' oupl-.t not to declare, fo'r jhe lull yctriijouruincat, before 1 have I'i'blluuti' I ,J ' i 'I A-1 i f .it . i. I , Is IV 7

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