. V7 ' - " - ' . - it . t - 7 i - - - . fc . . 1 - . . - t-- - J - . . - - - w 1 r . - - JN U K 1 H " CJ A K U Ll N: A",G A Z E" T T - : T 1 '' ' . r sat .u ;r t. a: V, Ko. 586. 1 v Newbern :rPoit-tJ'mcv Awit 1, 1797. !? 0 ? Ut ters rem Jnwgjri Jhe f J '.; 'ftrffigrfvW'bnf' tukruout tri three 7; mowMj, -mtl be fent to the'VaierJ PoLOf. 'fee as deud tetters- ' ;. : ' JOriN AnWUieacij Enoch Alexander. . , ' Wiliba-Blount . jUnah",Briitle John Bnrrus ; Henryf Butler Jofeph, Borden ' lohn EUr.ks.' - " Probate? CollieV , Cdpt: Cook ; Thoinas J ' Cheeke , John Clixbyiv James Carne John ; Coaft ;, J aiues C unrnnck ; - Thomas ' and i'l ; Collier ; 'ufan.ah h'arles y Ann Cbgdcll Chirlcs VV illp urn 'I f j ohiVCuihorda " ' - ; 1 ' Molts DicfcniovS, Joh;v Dwyer j Jjchn : ' DreV. 0."-'--STl' " ". .. John Eafton j George Everitt, j Martha ;' Erving; '. 7l;'::-, ; - Mp.or6e$;;B3nm;Fuinier. ; Micha- 1 et FciinfeflSn Fifiier James Fiflier. ? ' 7Tmf Kft&cdr " John" Ore"rJbf$H Green j James Ei Green ; li'aacM. Gomer ; ' William Gobd Johrt Gaynor klivy Gra, '""ElinaGiVDrfreteTpnfHhg. , ' . " Amnis Uamfon; " 1 rent bridge ; Joel Fenry,Svanftcfougl"i f-Mrs. Caty Harvey ; , John Harris'-; John rIomibiov j Bryan Hel len ; Steptjin.. Koopef ; William Henry j George J. Hai.n ; John Hbvard juo. j Jas. Kerriot. '" Thomas r . Irvin ; Amb's jolinfton; Town . creek. ( ' r . Jofeph Ke.itin ; C - U Kims, undrew. Le?are ; ucl Lipfey ; Phineas Latham ; Abner ton Jacob Morris ; Augnftus Manning ; Ar chibald M'Dride ; Tolm N'organ ;' Alexander -M'Call ; James M'Mains ; Uaac Ma'ckey ; Claudius Mafi'nnau ; Joliri M'Connell. Dmpfpy Tsja(h. Sylvefter r.ndleton , Willis Pipkon ; Ab ner afteur ; Dr Pauetu-; John Porter. James llobcrtfon ; Annct Hithardioa ; Bartholomew Rand. ' Mary. . Sava no. ; Enoch' Sawyer ; John Smallwood ; 'lh.iias Steel; Pilchard S:-u. ly ; Seath a.id I ykr ;"V lliam Smith ; Fran, dsblime ; beuja-nin tanton,; Wm. hmiih ; William Slade ; Elifa Smith John Smith ; Ja ne; Sunner ; J :m Stroi ;; Jimes Srew. art, Tar.r.vef; Su;:.i ; Anthony Senkt y. , ( Lucy ThorihVmfon ; Ja.l.ih Tik.-r ; Wil l:an l iUiniuii, care of Mr. .vloverjTho. mas I h'omis, I )r. LI. i'oolcy ; Z Iward 1 Jiik cr. M tthew W llks ; Bcjamin .Woods ; C. W iaiLwy ; Jh n W iLcv, Sliell CaiHe. I . X. MA.U1N, P. Mi ',- ;' JtJsT Published - Joleph Shute & Durant Hatch j V :', r W A X. S O r'-ri. APOLOGY " t: 77 rr o- a T h e -". B I B L Ei S t K E ,0 F A D DUE L ET TEE S ED T O ! fat&t dJccember2p . Juthor of a Both entitled, ' - The Age of Reafon, part the fecond, being . r; an inveiligation ot true and of Fa- " 7;- buloUS Theolog'yi . '- .'tfnd j,r Sale at the Pttnthg.0fj:e ? x ; N O R T H - C A R 0 L1 N A ALMANACK, For., the Yer 6t our Lord, 1797. And of American Independehce, xxi, xxiij , - Being the 1 ft after Leap Year. ' Calculated Tor the Meridian cf Raleig 35 Deg. 54 Min. North Lat. 3 Deg. . 36 Min. Longitude, Weft fromPiiiLADEL- Y O U N G MOUSE-TRAP TS now m high orutr, 'and(NvifU ilaud I JL eiifuing ieulbn at the fubfcrlbcrs plan THIS PAY IS 'PUBLl-NHhD, on, m Onflow C FIFTEEN; DLLA.iS ilEWAUD; Ran; v.iy trom th fabferis's, a'wiSlthc 4U1 of TtoTuary laJ, a likely ne rrofvllow, turned . T 0:,. ,N E Y,. about thirty-fi ven years of a'efive feet fc ven or ciht iichci. 11 $1, lleadcr made, ve ry bkick, ha; a tly look, and fpeaks very pohrc : hc ha .oujy t o Hes with him, he t'.tTVrro".fTfte vi tin, it 1$ uvpolcd that he has a forced p-fs. Whofvtr will tAz up fald negro, and re . turn I'lim to.u, kcrc him in any gaol fo tint we get hut t.;i, ilia 1 have the above rC'Vai UAEt. & THOU WENTDLEYS.''' tl, 15.. All tn.L r of vefl'cU and cihcrs arc fa v rnf d ;Vj n hirbourirg of carrying him oti' it their. tcrd. the man- 1 1 ounty, on the loiiowino tern viz. fte dollars for the fealon, two and on !ialf dollars by the leap;, and ten dol lars toiniure : thole that pucby- ili lrtp it h ejected that the -money v ill be paid down, or elfe charges will be made for the fealbu: thufc that put by the feafon, may expett to have the indulgence of pay 'till the 2th of Di'ccmber next. - Young Mouse-Trap is a beautiful che 5 njutlorrel, five feet two inches high ; he wa got by the imported hi-rfe, Old Mode-Trap his Dam, by Old Fearnought, his grandam by Partner, his great grandam by Old Ja- iiU", nis great great grandam by Old Jolly Roger. ; - i he feafon t&begin 15th of March; and end the lit day of Augutt. Govd merchantable pork, or good found Indian corn, will be tuken in payment, at market price, to be delivered at the houfe of the lubfcribcr, or at Vr. Manning's fiore. h Kewbern. JEbbE' WOOD. Onf.O'.'t county, Manh, 1 5. ' i . BGood palt'irage, andjots flronoly enclofed, gratis; but f will rjtbeaniwer. able lor accidents of any kind. , March 5 1 lis ftxMctibcr wants to pur-ch,-,fe a cr.T.s'rtf el Oak bark, for hUh he wl! te "jf. per cord, delivered at Mew bcra. ' ; feb-iy sam. ris;E.i. NO T I C E IS hereby given, t all whom it may con. crrV that Edward Siiupfon, late of New. birti is dead, and that William Lawrence, who had been appointed adminittrator to' his t ftdte, is alfo deaaV and th 't 1 have been ap pointed and qualified as alnuViflrator de or,is non to the eiiate of the laid Edward Sunpion. ' AU perfuis indibud to the faid eftate are thcreloredciircd to make jrrymcnt, andthofe having Litnsagait,ll it, to exhibit them with in the time required by law, to F. LOW 1 liOhP, aim. ic Unitnin. frUtch 18 I THINK it incumbent on me tcrrelate o you the partkhlars fefpefting an engage-' 'pient which took place.the llth inft. between f Fr5n'"igate of 44 guns; called the-VdT- captainjjacques.i arid the Eriglifh fri gate Terpfichore, captain Bowen ,k which was Fought 11 leagues, to the fouthward of this , "The Veftale French frigate; 44 guns, is arrived b this harbour, completely dif." : mailed of every Ipar fiie had; after, having been taken, by. the ;TerplicHore- Englifh fri- , gate; rated ja guns', in ffn engagement whicli lafted two hours : this frigate failed trbhi Toulon about io or 30 clays agoj in compa-1 ny with 5 (hips of the line and two frigate upon a fecret. expeditidri":. commanded bv ' Adnwal ViUeneuvc liiilcueoce ojheijrr'; liagpeicn a,verjr Heavy gale ofwud "V in ,wbich this frigate arrU'd away.htr bovir; ' fpruythe captaminade iighais to theAdmi- ral of His diitrels, upon, which he w?s feat, , orders, wjth icaled inilru&ions- to make thW ' beft of his way for a port tp repair; and then' to break open his inductions and proceed- where hey direded him.: He made the beft of his Way to this port i in this cafe -me met the Englilh frigate; f and after 24 hours chafe -he. came up: with her, the i ath' ;inft.. exacy 1 at to o'clock at night ; the engagement laft-. ed until. 1 a, when the French frigate ftru'ik ..with the lofs of every iri aft and every foot of rigging, as alfo with the 16fs of the cap tain, firlt lieutenant, and 44 then dead, arid 50 -wounded: tiie action .being over,' .the captain cf ihb TerpfiehorC fent his boat with 7 men and ah officer; , to. take charge of the French frigate; -whilfe.the would prepare a cahle in order ici trt tier away ' the Weithef being very ftormy, they could get no rnbre men on board ; however,; they took but the commanding officer' of 'the French frigate with' a few men on board the Englifh frigate. The Terpfichbre making a quantity bf water, and haying a number of . men killed and wounded; among which was the flrft lieuten ant, Captain Bowen's brother,.-wounded mbrt'ally in, the ihoulder ; her fjpears and "rigging beginning to give way,' was obliged to make the .beft of her way for Gibraltar, and leave the French' frig ite with only 8 Englilhthcn on board, and upwards of aoo Frciuhmen.-The Enlim" frigate departed for a' port in the moft linking and diftrelTed fituaticn that ever a (hip was in to be kept above water ; however, we hear that file . fortunately, reached Gibraltar - After the French frigate was kft by the Tcrpftchore, day appearing, (he found herfelf vcry ueir the liiore, when' flic hoiftcd French dolours- and called for afliftance, wheh a great num ber of paniHi fiftjinp boat went to her re lief, and towed her into this place. ' ' We have had the moft ftormy weather 1 cfcr faw. I h'ave a letter from Algacine as, a city eppofite to Gibraltar, faying that there were in thcfelate gales, a great deal, of damage done in the bay of Gibraltar, a. mong "which an Engl'dh man of war of 80 guns, drove frun her anchors and ftrandeo! very. near Algoclncas, oh the Snanifli lines; bcfidcs fevcral merchantmen with rich car. gocsj thcEnglifii fleet m Gibraltar feeinir u wouiu noi 00 io lay 01 tneir ancnors any - a few toPir.s OTHE ;m I rs U 'T- E s : or nit REUSE BAPTIST AS OCIATION, Ftrfate at thUtfike: rriatj: longer put to fca. On the 17th; 1 j fhips Of the line, wah 3 frigates nd a trig, ap pear cd quite clofe to thij city formed In a' line and cut a beautiful and formidable appear ance v oue 6f the frigates came dofe to the .mouth of the harbour and tdok three SpanWh ffliinp boiti, and carried chem o the fleet. Their are .the (hips which left dibrahar in the gale, thed.iy before.- This caufedmu'eh trouble aud uneifincls o the people inthii city j however they were beat ro armi, anJ I 4 - . 0 1 - r"