AfTALT to, rtmtdy certain inconvenience t urunr me pre jcx: Land Unas. T7HEREAS-th.3 entVi takers are not re. V V qUirct byJtw-to infcrt the date cf the .try iu the warrant iifued to .he claimant; .A if.-., t . r.i i ..... - . . . ' cviiu iiic- uace oi tne SiHry aoes net therefore eppear upon the gra&t , and ir frequently hap pens that a fetond enterer of the fame land obtains hi grant-firft, and great injuitice u ijoue to the. firft fair and honeit purchafer : For remedy whereof,- I. Be it trailed 'by the Central tif Ajfembly of the Ji ate oj Nortb.Canlina, and it is her thy tnufiei by the authority rf the fame: "t har from" and aftp.- the Hi Jjy of March - next, i: Ih.ili be the !.: oi' the vntry-tdkerto in fer c th.T date or the entry in tne body 0 the warrant ; an 1 of ftate mall and is hereby required, in.iiiuing grants for land, in ali cafeiwhatibever: to inff rr in iV .body o' J u.h grant the date of the entry when I ...v. i.iui ..jjs.,!! uii me warrant reiuni ed into his cffr:e;'and if any entry tak r fhall ill'ur vvara:it contrary to the directions of face. the fame, Ahat tfc(? fjelJued under a duplicate warrant by.vrrtue; of this act'rand v liable to become null and void if at any tiature time it fhould, appear that a grant had been obtained on the original warrant Hated to have been left or deftroyed as afo'refaid. IV. And be itfurthefenafted; That in alt cafes where it fhall appear by the entry, taker's' books that warrants have not uTued by the eritry-taker,. the clerk by order of the court, is hereby directed to iffue warrants in the fame manner as by the firft fecTton in this aft duett -ed, . to the perfdn or perfons who may apply . for the fame ; and .the cerk of the court lhall be entitled to demand and f eceive the fum of four millings in full for all fervices in this behulf. .... Y- And whereas. lands tidw irthe counties of Wilkes, - Burke and Buncombe, were formerly liable to be entered, ; and may have . been. enteredwith the entry-taker of Vafh-" Sngtonand Greenemthe ftajte-ofTenneflee And whereas fraud may be attempted under colour of warrants from the Aid counties of vv jiningtou ana ureene : Jt ?r prevention lueior the l ime, and the other half to the ule of th $itc-. ; 11. Whereas diffitultiei'hive arifen in ob- tammg grants, under the operation of the nxm ieau n or an act, palled -t the lalt Gene tiiij. act, he Mail ioneit and uav the Aim Af ' uiiroi iaia counties at vv i l-m Kurt. , Rn - - p vi JLfUU- combe, under colour of . an entry made in AV-alhinrton or Greene, fhall f. making a' fiirvey thereof, produce to the. x t ' wuaui uiciuuuiy in wmcn the land iipth a.t , ,, mkd n,wd to theilTaiug f i Wirim and Make it appear by ll oh and IS ' lhaT ui,hf e,Ury- "od where u can L prkW I rt' ' ' .?l:-t mI tapre. .hat the purchafe money for the ta,ia claimed f 7?' 'U-Vf? " the entry.ker , ndS a, ddoto" where the . .,.! ctcrrr b u?oa the Jarrint IhaU be ifehSS7w oe,u or rei!W -wK o yut tac oath rtqiwcd the clerk, and ihereafter be held a 00"d war. ' yt.?:.. Pvclnever,helers: yraif"h :;-;"';" "; ? " ,"a w'6"ui lurveyslhallbe made agreeable" to th lociu. enurrr li dtaJ, orwkreih- ilamiant inav ... An, . - .,-,MS-i'fi' i,i.f....f 1 . any grant ODtain- r.u.ab,,.,e.. .f fini rooovtJow eddnawarrantcounttrrmnedasiP,;,) iil TlI fll rlira to V P. . t . 1 .1 11 t iauJw 13 ucrcoyacciaren ruii ana c-i tiic uate, it fhall and fuch cla;ni.t filinc un afiidavit lothat rtfrft in the kwretary'a onice, tor the fecretary of Itate 10 lifue gi a;its upon warrant fo return ed, for -11 eutties mcde pre'ious to the lirft d-ot J anuary, 1794; Provided the war rant torrelpc.ds iulucieiitly with the tranf cript returned under the laid act to'the lccre tary'i o:hc. by the tic rks of the county courts. 1'rovideJ alio, That grants may iltui 10 per fons claudins budt entered i.i thecouniiesof Guillordand Chj hun previoas 10 the year . -O .1.1. I J 170, -iiuuu-iiuitTcmay dc no irankript with which'the warrants may or can be com. pared.. , 111. .Andwhereas warrants have in fotne inflinccs bet n loft, that have iifucd upon en. tries iiKide on the books no.v in polT.iuon cf the ch rks of the county courts, and others in-vei :!:u;d, ib'hat titles cannot be perfect; eu tathejaudsib tlajmcil: For remedy where. of, ISe W further ettdtlt J, That it fhall and may be lawful for any pcrfon claiming lands u-ider itich drcuui(lateb to nuke application to ihs court of the county in v, hole ofHce fuclt, IwoUs are loJcf , "for a f e o-,id warrant ; and if it Ibdl be iiiad-appear'to the fatUfaft ton of iuchcourrby thebjpedio 1 of the books that Inch entry vr. et md mat tlw party had l'ci!) 4.:.t;;!c hii!fir;veawairanr, and it fhall a!!o be nude ajwier by the oath of a fu. vnor or fWe c cJ blewitnefs, that fuch v ' h js been trti or deftroy ed, then it i,t-ll bcjVuu yofthe court to order the c!m turtle a ffCtnd warrant of the fame tt:.i?r arid d.itr ui t', e one (o loll or dell oyed, ftitmjr in the bnlv thereof th 1; the fame i$ a diif!;fjtr wluh warrant fhall Wdc unJrr t);s :cdcft i?xn,iritifths county, and the fame iVall be as valUl as if hfued by the entry, t.dffi tnd t;e fitrveyor making return or plat, lt d f ,f ryt jcr fuch duplicate!, it lf.41bejm hi y to note the the fame particj. Uy ihcrci.; ; an! the frirctsry hTnn;; a.,y ;ti.nrcr Mi r, -on. '!:?!! -etc in t-,c ... ' 1 H1IU void m cafe it fliall afterwards warrant had beenprevioufly ilTued and a 0 rant at any time obtained theVconv .Vi; And to prevent grants being iiTued won fcimied orforeed warrants: lie it k hat -it IhaU be the duty of tlic fecre ary cf. naic to nay tne timing of grants on a 1 war rants returned into his office, purporting to bj fignedby any entry-takcr of the "counties of Wafliington and Greene, wh'ercofhe may entertain any doubt of their being genuine, or not aftually figncd by any of the laid en-ry-taUers; and in allfucli cafes it fliall be his dutytol.y fuch warrants before the next General AfTembl, who will take fuch order thereon as juftice and the intercft of the fhte may rcr.cire. VII. And whereas by the faid aci, lands entered and not patdfr in a certain tiny therein limited revert aain tb the lbte, and may again be entered by any perfonon pro curing the certificate therein pi cfcribed from the rrcafurer, and it has happened h diver inft.inces from a want of a general publicati. on of faid law, in t sc to enable the citiiens to provide for the payment of their lands, the claims of many perfons have lapfed and become void 1 For remedy whereof, Be it endflcJ, That all entries of claim for lands which have been made in "any of the counties of this Hate after the8thday of Frorua y, 1795, and for which the purchafe money hath , not ixen rerctofore paid to the ftale, may yet be paid for at any time during the prefent fcihon of the General Aflcmbly, or within' twelve months sftcr thcriftng of the f mc t and the public rrcafurer fhall be and I crVby h required to receive the purchafe money for all fuch entries at aforefaid to grant re ceipts for the fame in Ule manner a he woul J have done had futh cniries never laplcd or become toid under the tjperation of the act aforciaid.' Provided, That no receipt of the of the r.urthdc nmnry flu'.lopcratcjn bar of or . ? ?fe Prejudice of. anv entry or entries which . .may have MyS& for any of thela.ds of the.aforefaid cUfcripti!' .. VXH. And he it further fi ' . . all caf es of entries made Coce thefirft day of " j y ,yy4 " man oe tne duty of the perfon having n.ade j"uch entry, toeaufe the warrant and iurvey to be returned tb the fe cretary's office within twelve months after the expiration of the prefent ielhon of the General Ailemhlv nnA n nil r c . - 1 i ' J ' u trtlC! U1 entries k wnich mav hprw k. j. n ... the duty of perfon making fuch entry, to have the warrant and furvey re umed to thel lecretary.s office within twelve mo ,ths after the s paffingpf this axl orthe dae of fuch entry mall nT.inrdeCr f lhe W" fhalUn all cafesof entry fm.e the firft aSy of: Wb:lc trafuy wHin twelve month from the expiration ofthc prefent ftiWbVtSJ; AlTembly , and in all cafes of entry mJ$ hereafter it ihal be paid tothe public treaZ lurer withm twelve months from the date o the entry ; after, which; time ihebarhafc money fhal 0t be paid, fuaill.eSfe by thetreafureragainit lucfr enters ; . . he entry-uker's returr W in the comp. Uerfs officei fhallb J ttat fuch entry was made and the mbrieyui,. pad. provided Oway ; That it fhallbela tul for the enterer to make it appear by the. oam of the furveyor of the county wheJe thr lands were entered., mn in rt.:. 1 certihed by-.the clerk upcearaht'i'' no vacant land could be found, or only S of the quantity called .for by faid warrant, and' the enterer fhall ' then ,. have' cr Atl f eof with the' treasurer t and tU s-faud I warrantihallhefileds a voucher - S i. VHi d hereupon th4 treafurer lhall forbear, to bring fuit v and in all cafesT where the treafurer fhall hive bought foit; and uch. evidence IhattbeuTduponie'l' thedeidantfl,allpay,ofts,(altughS may be no recovery for the ftate.' : '; IX. And to theenaTthat tlie names of the tT,ir? j3"'1. ieveral counties within: u uaie; unce tne 8th day of February ' l795f may be known ; Belt enabled authority oreaid, . That the entry.'takers, of the refpeftive counties fliall, within twelve months after Che cxpiratibo. - of the prefett i fcflion of the General AOcmbly, furnifl, Jae treafurer with a complete return, on iii h of all the entnes made in their refpeOive -of! ficcs, fmce the 8th day of Fehruary, h'j7 either with therafelves or theirprccfecofc in offire, as fhall appear from the books in t'hd polftihon : For which fcrvice they fhall r ecef an adequats reward, to be fixed by the trea" furcr and comptroller, and to be paid out of the trcafurv on the delivery of fuch return . and annually hereafter they fhall makeri.r,,. ' uaui,nds eiucred wnh thieai as a part of their olficul duty, for which hey (hj dai.a no reward. And in cafe of 4 refufal iff t tire of any cntrjr.uter tbfurnifh returns by this act required, ,he or they fo rcfufm or ta.TInpflforfdi andpfuiSSg hundred poundMobc recovered, on motion in any court having cognizance thereof, X. And tdrcmcdv the ncgle.l, and abuft'i of furveyors iif certain tnflances Be it M (tistlci, T hat from and after the paffing. of this ail, whenever, a warrant of furvey fhall come to any furveyor in this ftate, he fliall as ufua) proceed to furvey tjie fame, and fl,all within thirty days after fuch furvey is roade deliver to the perfon or perfons for whoa! the furvey was Wr, utwn his or their ap. plication, nd upa his fees being paid, L warranr, together with two jufi andfa.rplats' of futh lurvcy, under the penalty of twenty poandi for each failure, to be recovered b-.'

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