.1- ' V T- , -, f " , . j G A 1 '-'. ' 'St? !- Af- 1 tU TXfU-my,&rA? Nmlern s I " L 1 he difarmmcfof the peafsratry. .v.- order. waiBerfVtolv-VMftahli he lOUnd thin ffSUDOn his firft frninrr Wn hrnrX t : "'ft .ivi.' 'J .or i.Jtw, .. ' D E C I S I 0 rN; 3 ; ' - STJrZ CF NORrfl-CJROLlWA, , CIRCUIT COURT or the U. STATED NORTI Lc AROL! MA DISTRICT. . . . IVito a Tablet' Cujt: and a cophas index. . . Pri-e 75 Cx: , aI rlTie fcuniihmeiit of thofe'who fet Gre to the houfe of the Con fist of Zante, ard the rebuilding of xhe'houfe It the expence 6t,the icnate ' V 5 The arreft of tl:e cohixnahder who fir cd on the. frigate La lVne, and the pay. rocnt of the .value ot the unrian convoy; :. hich, ; wiihoiir tHs act of hoCiility, would ljave fallen into the pow er of .the captain of the Syhille, commander of. the French ilo : tilla, - ; :.. )'". '." :" ''. ) j. ' i" May 6 ' Tne Recaclepr has publiflied'a letter from the minilier of dilice, to the Confui fGene- ral of- tle United States of ; America, dated "on il)C 23d of April, in jrply to a letter trooi .tlie Atnerican'Cohfulj'uho prbtclled againit ihe dscree of conhlcation ot the two ihipsoi , - . . ... F; Rabineau; ftwepi ort Pilf Anr.LPHIA. Tc; e Vnully informitiic Ladies nation, pronounced by the comaiercial fr,.-; VoH Ha .Vork. vi:h natural or L States. liToivfed ha:r : n'oiirnmtr -pirces for BraCc- - The reply of cur minUler is couched Fin lets 'liriil-phi! urUihigi, Hgurative to the ! nega,tiveVrcrnis, and concluded thus1: raucn betfer than lie cXDecled. aridiWtliviv - ?i were how as vreU W cpuldwiih; J 'epsi t $ rliacf their iails Joteijejayas Jtli, uoafc y V .!.'i'.-- -Li - ""'- w-)' jj-wjr o ivsL tcii u icq uya -tTlK - ." bunal, miUruud bv thfesmfen tVp ;or wucn is to tne loisowing- eltectv 'jrhat in every part yS his late cxmlu&rJiPu i b r the London njea of war he : c ;'i)acl?d J him- V 7 G forelree to re-allunie r the: wmindJMs : ihip. rr decline it. as; he thinkV Rronpr.'!--. . livery thing b aruicabJy lfedV : ' J v :h Sept; 1790; there have xHedde f I A 1 ... f J :".t'.v.s:;tx- the fi?n Ji'tlie EaoK Captain Do.wqsV vhere he wiii be always ready )o uitepd. . No LllCV.NFbS-NO X AY - HE alfd ropofes" to draw a. "perfpccVivc. View.- .for! what is generally calied -a land- , icape) itne- tcy.n, narocur, ti, ;,frAfl-? will be breaW the incomprehentible treaty , w hie: on the icth of November," 794; it tchel tided with our moit lmriacaoie enemies, aiig ;ucu , 1 ins is grave; news. -: V;r-::::: X ; .-y f X; V-v J We arellured that fheKihg'of Pjujia Is very MfjSd cahnpt4iyer lopgvThil cir. :'4. ".A:';'f )' "V'i&e cumftance makes theirecfcyvelry circum 2 '.- fpe ift in 4l:eir conductj Las'ihedoQ&Bvir .the ihtentiohs -c Hi$iuceel(Ibr.sX:;v" :X?y ,-"v J.-.v.;' l'', jv i-T' - u he JJuRe 01 iireifttter has f jgned a re?qui- rivers of NewbernV The profpeftlwiU be I.I ton a Jure you, be, made to. any tribunal a-. uUn -at "the entrance of the-harbonr, the. gainft injuitice. -4 ; Sryr-h r ' He flattSs- himieif that the ladies and gemt V SI uUMty WiforrtfM, , . ,t; will fnffici ntlv " that the Executive' L: rectory, aohonzes me inrji ui u t i u6lcribc, to enable h:m . and the gentleman, vhd. is to engrave .-the :late, to proceed, to . c'arry then plan into eutuiro.i. He alo takes t( ic prefumptioiVtoflapcr himfelf to execute. tl ie vi ork to the far.f aclion of h public, par-tU-ularlylrpin h&-Uovltuge, orking with the? Crow Quill, and, a's'is a ranger,- will dex nand ro pay uiitil the wi rk is do eji atid'. 3 Hi -aft delivered. -v , v Tfbe Itibicriptlon paper, Vrth co ditions,' ViU be Tent found m a ev days, and oneklL. atMr. Martin'st ilicc. ' - . ; ' t ' , ,-"' KvaniboVugji lofs tor iale." - ; ' TJIE fubfers will expofe to public fale, , on the t!y.rd Friday in September hextj undnTots of Sgroiind, adjacent to the feu thern extremity of the! town :' they will be " accunitcly laid off agreeable ro the plan of the ".V town , -and a plat therepf . will be exhibited at ' the t khe of fale.; Some of i them are bound . ed by the river, and good judges fay they are . V. better calculated fir whajrves than any -bthCiS hitheto jinj tbtcd i;i that ay, in smoch as the bo.to n h unifornily Hard; 'anc! r , VaduahV defcending to the channel. Alfa 7o 3crcsoflind r.dv:nlnsrfaid lots." Credit ' "vill be "iven on laid day of faleV y , geouge;-hazard.;;- ; - r nniV -JONES. . - his prelent hnnifters ' in co fentience his"' vv . I grace has ; been 'diiifiedTrdni hi place jp j:'SK'Xf' rianaperoiacei axiu-'iias reiiffneaniseortiiniaiia ; f 6Uhe::Kild-miluk ' Lorn O'Nei! :an a Mr.' Conollv'arVfaid to" have withdraw n their AippoitTrOi :to addrefs a roov of this letter to the. lri- H bunls of the Aiaritrne Jtfpartinent , ' J. r-i-JAu 1 Xim f :- j 'A'' -"- - r " 4M t. - 7 FROM AN EIVGLIH PAPER May 13, , f , - ' W ilson vs. PXckhouse. ' ' viitemameares;ofthpr : Tut. .4-. ni rt rah - . tnftion re Iriahl -dbiedionable - :'h-:r k j i he:.;i;etropis on ';i-;jun v:,.A ''KeibludaVery alarmm vt hole garrison w air csiitd out; ;ahd the leveT . v';- ;'i.-- i k ;vtude of 'PerJoh(lib1edJt -who. quietly ciifperitTd w hen the cofiin was v " ;: ' .'. .: 1 tl ''; 7 f deouted hf :bthj aniess chr ysrd Xh ;"i ;S 't -v?J J ':' crowd ias cer t?inJy prPijgibus;6; Jeifstn -'ri-, between ten ana' itweive tiiouiaiia per ions ' r 5 i v -'mp6fing .kf : V:; ;:r;itteenpriers .eftofted-D puard veVe brdufrht intorovvn f hhVtav fpfm ' f;v":v;:'i;l',: - J ' V tf -L-it was an. action !opoii .ii -policy of iuiurince nf.nn a veflfci-bound ironi Bcurdeaux to the Eail Indies. Upon the trial.it appeared that I : rm o.V tvr.c i r.-flr rnkn "in cnnifrrmitv'tn 1 VliO, V'J " w... ' -J . 1 the treaty. of amity aird commerce entered:; into oetween oreax-jorziam iiuAiuud, um ,j in vielatidn of the Uatute ot Charies l l - caU. Ied the Navigation Act. " V - Lord Kehyoiy at "the trials nonfaited the Plaintiff. - -.v. '' - r : ' v : IWr.: Erikin Taid, that : he wasndt pre-. pared to pontrovert the'law upon which' the . noble lord Iw'dnon-fuited the plaintiff ; for it was' clear" that a treaty of tpinmefce, en; tered' into ibv His maielty; cbuid riot- fiiper- t cede the reuratibns of pofitive'acij&f Par-'. the''-nor thy "recpm -sA letter was' villerdav filed iiV thnOWl ; : i . f 1 . 'A'R'I S, -May -.F v'e txty give' credit N to the; journals. 'of 1 Milan; "ancU) tne conuuionson ,wni2n queit. - - ; : ' . r.Jw.but repealino the 'ftatute :'6f CharlesjII - . , - ... t. - -- ; i 1- " DilVatches were yefterday rece ved-atjerd Grenvjl c . yhce cputaicmg in erice that- l' 3wo.iiirtewtU treat -with the rcpublicof the King .PrinTi-i had ottered to actasme. Venice, they-arc as follows': J : 1 - . T'diator .between Great-Britaih - andTErance; .'t'K-. -r;: r..A oil .rf,. v . I ...'-A iht Afftr hT4 hen accented hv this- n i.u ,- k ,47, . j' : ; Executive Dirediory L ; --y. . May"1! 3 i.'The fettinc at liberty all perfons 'cdh;- fi aed on aecourit of opinion, or for th'eirat- ta . chment to the French.- , 4 1, Thcf-evacuaticp of Terra Firma bj' al- : th. 5 troop's that lhall exceed Jthe numbcrhich 0 Our account? from.TrUmputh this morn iiig. itate tiutlEafi ;Howc i andel fnnoiifc ;;ExtraW-"bf-.-1eite ;vf;f The Glafeiim K ajfew days ago; prt account: of being Up -Mefi; ,wheh. they were erSeiied tb'-marehrefufra 4 - ' v; in " !" ih thexniblt pufitive mami an theh J - -Dragoons bad tabe'J;cidled command ; but when they hea:r tfiebuinel,e rlall,- to:' a- man Ikeathed their fw'brds ;hovVe.;: ; yer are re 8 - - - ton'' - ; Xr'V'::-.' 7 ' ' '" - ' I - ' '-. ,"; ' I ;:;' 5ir; tj -X -1 -

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