N O R T H-C AROLINA GAZETTE. r VOL. XIH.] SATURDAY, Feuruaiiy 24, 1798. [No. 632.3 Unite ! St of America, 7 T vOrth Carolina y \ii/ HtiiL \S Bctijui'.iiii 1,0'jds, Efq. Di- ' V iirict Atioi iio tor tne Aorth Caroii- r.a Diltrict exhibited his libel to the L n. John Sarreaves, L.q. Uutriv.t Juvl^^e for the iiiuj Diilrid, letting torch, h^it ja.jies 1 ead, Ll’q. Collector of the Fort ot U'il* inington, on the i2ih day of January iiilf. at \V iliiiingtoii alorelaid, leizeu as torieited to the Uoiied btaitb, nine tier..ei and tAo barrels of i'ugar . for that the laid tug.ir iu/- ing been inqjoried into liie laid port of W iU iihngron, fiouiloine ioreigii port i.r place, was before tiiat time, unladen aiiu delivered fi'OT- i. ,=• vtilci or vtHfls, ill wlii^li me lame V. ,ii iii'i orced w uli.n tne laid port ot vV liming- ton, v.iti.oui a permit tro'i) the laid Collec- tor, for inc! unlading and delivery, contra ry o oit a., ot Longrtio ill lu.u cafe made and j-Toviutd ; and praying that ihe laid lu> £ .r iiiav he cc ndeiPiieu a;.o remain forfeited to the lad vanned cnate^. ; and tiiat a day -and pi .ICC- m > ot ap’oaued v\ hen and where bis no i»iir Ailid ..ec in the preinil'es. And viKt^i lie Knj jtinge hath ajipointed a ci'Ui't ^T^oe*holucn i ihe Luurt-i*c'Ule in r^ewb-f , on tne ioui ti. iViotidav'in Februa ry a (mu' lud Aii^ic the lad iibei will 'be lu'al ».t a; la , cd. 1 h;.-> :s t . rc'.ot a to g c retire to all per- fon^ ho havt O'-ci.n n ^ny intertiL i. tm- 1.. d hiaii . dt ap-.; ..r at t ie laid miie and place, .1 I'.ewV cani. it ny rhey have w hereti.re the iaine i-if>u!dnnt be condeinned and rem^ n ij iuneited as afoi eLid. AIjNEiI NLALE, Clk* K N 1 ICE I'^hereby gi^en, that Col. John l!atc!:, JL of Jones county is dtau—that he died in- tei.n.ie. ri'ui that adminutration of his tlfare v.-asto iniiiitcci at tlie lait court for laid coun ty m Jolui ! lio.iias Bryan, reiidi g at "i ren- tun, in Jone.- cnii'itv. All j-ei lons having ticuiarda on laid cMlate, are rci^uelted to pre- Icnc iliein witaai the tune innitted by law, or they v.i'l be barred ; and ail tliole who iivs indtbrtil to the cin.tc, a;c rtqueiUd to make p.iymcnt- J C- 1 1. Xj Adin’r. Ftfruii}-, I’/. i*;L i’ I ).lAoi ON • -ibl'E-'^ to info'ni the Cauies of i\e\v- : V beni. that lie Las reruri.ed from New- York. wnh a very hancddiiie allbrtiiient, and , of thene \eif t.unious, of ti.e following arti- ; cits, wile he.itend. to f, 11 at very low ; prices,lor ready nioney or ihort credit, at the {tore next door ifnive iVir. >v'. Taylor’s, on the county whar.'. / / Z. Tainbured ' ufim, Pla n j.conett clitt---, Main bo(-k ciitto, I'ambor d Apro is. Laches long wio^es, 214^6. Libit citto. ok Lai cikcrclilefc, all puces ; A very handioine rflioi tment ot chintz btl v l.s, ' ’ A le-w dur.ei! ot Ladies StecfLiixr.c. 3c rici.c- oi 1 oMilunus, A lew Ce iileniei.’s r eckcloths, i: D-'Zeii Vocki-1 iiandkerdi.ets;; A tew los. ot wvhite thread, of uilFerent Is. umbers. The a ijve articles will be fold chearter than any ever imported, a'l he only iiitencis toilay iicrebut a liiorc time. Feline.:iy 17. L L A A K S, O; all k’.nda kic i.d; lips Ufficf. PARIS, DfctmbcriX' Diredory publilhed, on the ptli -i. inltant, the ful!>)vving arret; The Executive DireAory, conlidcringthat tiie peace concluded with the Emperor de mands new diitrihutions of the forces of the republic, relblves provilionally as lollows : Art. I. General Berthier, Chief of the Stall of the army of Italy, is appointed Ge- ner il m Chief of the laid army. He is pe culiarly charged with direding the operati ons reiulting from the treaty of Campo For- inio, and the movements of evacuation, which are the confequences thereof. I he military diviuons ot the army of the interior, formerly lubjeded to the command of the General in Chief of the army of Italy, lorm no longer a part or that army. 2. 1 he army of Geriiiany "1.11 be divicled into two armies : one Ihall bcipalled the ar my of the Rhine, and the other the army of Mentz. 3. The army of the Rhine/i.all be com- poled of that pare of the actual army of Ger many which is no'.y placed in lije departments of Mont 1 errible, of the Upjicr and Lower Rhine, and in t!-e oppofite pofitions on the Right Banks of the Rhine. 1 General Angereau is appo'^ted Genera! in Chiel of this army- ^ j 4. The army of Me.itz Hall confilt of the reinaiiider of the abtuai ani:/ of Germany, wuichv)..cupies at prefent the|ontiueriet’ pro vinces on the right and Ief| Banks of the Rhine. General ilatry is appointed Gene ral in Chief of that army. !!e is particular ly charged with direding tiiJ military opera tions relative to the oicnnqvi''’. of Mentz, and to the execution of the treaty of Campo Fonnio. 3* ^ '‘£ corps V. hich is in the territory of the Batavian Republic, ihall remain under the orders of the Gc.ierai of the crivilion who commands it. 6. General Buonaparte is to tike upon himfelf the command of the army of England, as loon as his diplomatic million relpeding the execution of the treary of Campo For- mio, liiall be terininnted. In ilie meaiiw hi'e, Citizen Dela x iliaii tomiijand that army as General in Chief. 7. I'he preient arret Ihall be printed in the Bnlletin of the Laws. The Min i,cr at its execution. P. B AfvRAb, Prcjident. LAGAilDE, Secretary Gtn. The ratification of the treaty of Campo Formio, on the 7ch CAtober was ydterday celebrated with great pomp. Ihe members of ihe Diredory, in tneir grand ro//hme, the foreign Ambafiadors and Envoys, the Minif- iry, dec. being allembled in the great Court of Luxembourg, Generals Buonaparte, Jou- bert, and Andreofly made their appearance, under repeated iliouts of numerous Ipecta- tors—“ Long live the republic ! Long live Buonaparte! Long live the French nation General Buonaparte being prclented to the Diredory by the Miniiler for Foreign affairs, the latter delivered a fpeech of conliderable length, wherein, after h .ving palfed an in- genious eulogium on, his talents, virtues, and exploits, he ubfervetl that a new enemy was calling on hen. “ This euemy/^ he ibid, is celebrated for his haired againli: the French, and for the inlolent tyranny he ex- ercifesover ail the nations upon ear h. Let th-.' genius of Buonaparte make him loon e.x- piate his hatred and tyranny, dictate to the Tyrants of the Sea a peace werthy of the glory of the Frer.Lli Republic.’^ At the end of this fpeech General Buona parte delivered to the Ih-efideiit the Emne- ror’s ratification cf ihe treats of Campo 1 or- VVar is charged wit uiio, and addreffed the Diredors in the fol lowing terms : “ Citizen Diredors, i he p 1 ench People, in order to be free, had Kings to combat To obtain a conitirution founded on reafon, they had to overcome th prejudices of eighteen centu ries. Religion, Royalifm, and the F'eudal lyltem g verned Europe lor t .\enty centu ries pall; but with the peace whith )ou have concluded, begins the airaof Repreientativc uovernments. You have iucceedeu in or ganizing the great nation, wuole valt terri tory is circiimfcribed only by tuoie limits w hich nat ure herfelf has traced, "l ou have done more. The two lineft countries of Europe, once celebrated for the arts, Icien- ces, and great men they produced, fee the Geniut 01 Liberty rile from tiie tombs of their anrefters. They are two pedeltals oa which fate is going to place two poweriul na tions. I have the honor to deliver to you the treaty ligned at Campo Formio, and ratiii. ed by his Majelly the Emperor. 1 his peace fecures the liberty, the profperity, and the glory of the Republic. When the happinefs of the Fretich people lliall be firmly letiled on ti.e : ans of the belt and wileit laws, all Euri'pe Vvill be free” i hi.. fpee,.h was received with the moft enthuilaiiic i».onti of appL.ufe, .nnd anfwer- cd by lilt- Preiident of me Diredlbry, who concluded hjs harangue in the tollowingman- ner : “ Citizen General! Crown fo glorious a career by a conquelt which the great nation owes to its outraged digu ty. Go, and by t 1C puntlhment you irtii..i on theca met of London, itrike terror into all governments which liiail care to doubt the poAcr of a riJt- tion of freemen. Pompey d d not difdainto cruih a neft of p-r tes. Greater than the Roman General, go and chain down the gi gantic Pirate who lords it over the leas; go and punifh in London crimes which have remained unpu'.ifhed but too long. Nume rous votanes of liberty wait your arrival ; you will find r.o enemy but vice and wicked- nels. 1 hey alone fupport that pi rfidiuus government—Ifrike it down, and let its tiownfal inform the world, that the PTencli people are the benefactors of Europe, they arc alio the a\ engers of the rights of nations.” At the end of this fpeech the Prefident, and all the members of the Directory, gave him the fraternal embrace ; and after the ceremony was over the Directors, General Buonaparte and Joubert, the Minilters, P'o- reign Ambafiadors, &c. fat down to a fuperb liiiiner, during v\ h]cb, among other toails, the following was drank ; “ The liberty of the leas ; and may the republican armies loon rel'cue them from the yoke of that oppreliivc governn.ent which has lb lono" tvrannized the globe.” ° Lettf rs from Hamburgh fpeak of an of» fenfive and dclenlive alliance as on the point; of being cotit 1 uded between Pr ulila and R u li 1 a • 1 he bpanilh conful at Lyons has given notice to pcLons trading, as well by ica as by land, to Spam, that henceforward thev will be oliiigcii to make oath before him that the merthaiicize x^ liich they Inip lor expor tation are not of F.nglilh tnanufacture, and that then he will deliver them a teriilicate to enter Spain. "1 he Batavian Convention has refolvednot to cx::6l of the Public Funaionaries the O'th of hatred to the StaJclioideriiiip, Ar.imcra- ey, and Anarchy. ' ’j his oath was rejected by a grc,.t maju-it'/. c iirc allLii'ca i}._:t the number of nrlfun" CTt m tile 1 ci.iple aincunt;. to od.

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