' promifect to HfS;liJ::3,iVb; Chii, iiks wiriia.i ci r-r-t-w , ,Viey wisto hum kno?v Thir e LiauTI in the 1 8t!i - Set of Wha-U; ;N!m. v J' JV; Cf Iv.inner, aiVotA'-: - of tii'ijre.:. v" "of. Aix-la-Chpel, (wJtwIJ ftipUuiod . -- lb liable o'- V'K' 4" '. J."-- i"ed" in half J.hc Woim of a certain Huni VC kxrxvwhkli huTiVia- ? Space, with"""! .'ijy. ;l DirrJicnce,. that it flvalMnove jeity,-as Liccior .of Hanover, ,has tpun the C ro'wn of Spain, muclv;i'wutfr J.e for. thcS4)vice of fix Hours, at ikould be,iuiiuwith faded in an amicabk LMaincr, by the Kate ot f 5 ' : 0lI"y vilh winding.itpj J her onnnih-tnest af pcinted-forthut Purpfc on-noth fctcesrtsrtu delightful t.lii J''fJ,tjhur!5crn thrrBird, as I may rfuch" other. Muni'ccl as heO:mght rrecu'tioi".,)iLahaRg . -Call.fVfuruk JJyt.'" !?V "a ticv , -a-i i d much more thc--a-exc:uT Electorate" lately ( lent - . ' Skill of.th r.o V I .:'uii:kr to imitate the beautiful oyer a Mc.i.oii.d to the King, praying his Majdlyaogtt . -DiverTity ci C( jjthtre represented ,'m, the this Affair terminated inCoiifeq-icnc'e- of wineh Ouius rfioft livvjJMa r J .c .olour"c;rilTfts oPAzure, have fnice Veen fc fit toflie AmaliAlor to make projjer lc-- . Goldbcj' J;JV.vns,-13Jue,'..;!iJ White, jungei'prcfuitai'-ous to theJimJVIinulry . .f '"- - in fuch btttinmK C? rdcr, :.icihe like was never An Exp.,, .rm Ivivin been iJiualvE'd, of the Court of leem "cJr, J'V idr iiyue-Paik. to Wind- Spain, in iicavaio'tlie Deitnution. ot her- Amu.uenu, iul 1 V3r'n-",tl t:...n cvo Hours, and Me Dutch U.izcttC3 tell us, that the iMuniili Aifmiier Jus for-LobV .propofes ('Ii;,1:,'',f:;,rl. u'riUiJy; to lit off .from the declared, that Nob ly need take any CLubracre. at thole Ar lop y tf.c 1,'. ;;.'.(' fj' J 'v'H o"Uocir, if the vmds nsament?, as h$ Court'nieaiis nothing more thereby thafi to ""andVcithr TutTr'of the"ui,Tte reHTTinirtri.e7 (vhTch nom: rnlyTfiow to bej - City ana f(. iT I Iydo-I'ar'c about Ekvcn. partly true, without being a-Conjui ji) and to eomrii.utc, He-f.t prcf 'rS'1;; , ; ?l i ioi"J of an emi iei in uthc r Refpes, to. conlohdate the Peace ; being lit n d v i e- Jevin Pwj yjl.'-'fi?.!,- his .lae;)iaj "is newly Cjm- folved to adhere collar. tly to thiu Maxi.n, fo long as the pleated J;., ;X v-Vm i;i any'Gartinan.thc Art and other Powers of Eitfonc do-not m.iiiilii any Difpofitions , Ufe ft uj.,J'?J X : r' "f ifty (juir.eas, provtaed th.;t may put them under a Neceihty to deviate tlicia'ror.rj they.do n Idy . .n,e of a Hundred and fifty j4, wliich Cafe'his Catholic Maicity would'r.ot have Rctouifs . ' i . j- -r - - : -: 1 . J " j V",.n Iro.l-Mi.l liVtr l ' i "."I . . r . L. 1!.., A f .. ' ii ..I.J. T . ' ' : I -. : -- w. i i uuuivu u iwiy vvliICii v.iie uu waiuoiiu vijjjeiiy vvovuu ;mveuvev.junc . . ' to any" other MeuluresHhan fuch. ;;s his lionour and Dignity . ' would oblige him to takei ' . - Some private Letters from the b'ou'h of Fraixeintimat:, MilesfromJjV?'!1 " ' v:i:Xl a fins hiru.. mentfor t,:A: U ; . Vi ' A..r-iU6.tvJ, brovidd.no U6ffwjiw -V - j.1 . iv'-i. i -jiiolona, that the celeDra-. that certain Mihtar'v Rmulations wt,l be qt'ucUv pubhihed, " ted JVLiis t.hj.jt:, -.r Uovio, -wha UiV jn orcjef t0 -hinder the Officers in his molt Chi illian Abjef- : - Year'iuU. -je,- .y..1 . ' f i'd jiohy in her Country, ty's Service from rumiiifl; into pnv iJiiatcCjlarvxneiice, by . ; Examn;, Uv i. .'( ; v!' Ii'jy, .?v p-.-oftifors,' Zanait: an.'ifciihers,wcrd' Knots kc. the i' opwt the' Solder linkt" r. Bccdani,jja ' . (!;;;0 ' inphilofcphy conferr'd Country .being irxompatibte,-C!nr!'4sr .- ' upon ri-',., ; r , -rf.:::,H . 5r. 28; ' Wc karn from Pcteffcurehrth.it Count-Ra- 1 he Cl- i t .': rit-In'diaLCompan7 lately Zarr,cuid, -the' newGeneral of the CofiacKS .has ordered cfUblnhrd try-ir- l vi'rX jy.gru. jyV- t' .,x.xe.mption from ail 'Duties m,Kks, .wUi-cxprfs Ordc'rsofive thenino. Qitart-. ; ';' and tot 20 U.i ' of employing in their Scr- as there arc feveril-BodTcs &f:Pcjhli.aOQps.uujuciJ .thctti Charter ;.t 1 i lit trading Bod, ,1 :; i'?;.y . 1. D t rnrf-rn . ' r" i r v ( tt.o hvi n .r. ntn i - i i . .. ...... v j ...... . i 11 pendant An"" , )t "(k vcrr.meiit of :tHeir own. Aftyirs . jundcr Cohftderatkn of .Parliament,' tli'c Time ot ' tltcir lit-' ' ; both. vfceu rr'lk Authorises therri to puruftrthcir, ..t'ing.may be. longer than is gciicruily. cpcael. - . . 9'" f an- ' !; y h'y with cut Appeal. ; 7. Per- , V"e bear that feveral curious and accurate I "Vhivc been . lhitoU;nt-.:r:; vf-L .ui. jailors ht Ei.it Freifcland and inioofthe Officersvixiploy'd by - certain KoliJs, vvitrjr p the Dui-j-y '-'' r"" lk-fend their Settlements, and " ;heir knovvnSalarics " U nian.tl..-ir ' l-frv ;initaiiyn;- . 8. Impowcrs them witlrEtRniates of. the Expencc arifmg fro'nr the Pay and . toxKf. or iy 'V . i oTUclrncwcntsrtroTnTtmrTLTir?ermutit adtLJiy. .dene ;- " . ' . . - '.-.' - ... . ' .. -: . Utf.. ' 3, pf-'renewirig their. Hktvift, jt:js.b4i?ved they hardly mil. pe. aeofele.rable toany other . -It Is : curreinly.'Vcpoi ted j' that' fcinc ,nev Peer will be AlTl:fC3 them of his poweUul created in a very little '1 ime, and taat as "RVcTal-ArK irs of , 1 1 - 1 ) . . .... . . ' . : . . .... . Majriftr.u cv ' 9 S'te11 f : J to deliver them up, in what- from whence a Parallel may be "formed1 between -Public and vu 1 rt "s ,x inters ithoutExpence.paiiflrCEco r.cmT-aniomtr geed Hints taken: to rorrcci and t .. 'A !-t v( ods,.Shipsv Pcrfons, M?,rr.- -both, .1. ' ' ' " ; 2irts'if ; ' Convnany," from any Violation Orders are fent to" li-Majeftys Yards to keep the Men If rni .i:,c ' f: 'n olbcrs in Cafe of War.; yf Wa; laid up in fuch Ilepair, that they may be abb to ba ' : n. Ali jW.ij jj ... i.Ulittle SealfortheirDifpatches.. made reaJy for the Sea in a ftiort Time. . ; : I2.js , . j. y'-(Ji:cluded in alllMtit:s.madt; l7rlijf:L,trecht Gazette KefrJtht-fiUtwlni. Paragraph 1 bii ?Vi y) It' 'J. iV'Y.rs'4 13. Permits them to make .rJ Verfai'lcs, ;; September 25. . ' . r Treati : ' uv) M..;. ry Ki.; with Indian Princes,' for TheMarfral, Minifter. Plenipotentiary from the King of . the Exttrti Jo' th .; 'Trade. 14, Exempts from Duty prufiia, "frequents the Couft very afliduoufly, and is treated all MaioiiJ AM)rUi' fo fitting out their Ships. .15. there with the higheft Regard. Nothkgcanbc more gra- . ' Forbids ..r 111 tis iid Jhgift rates irougl;out Pruifcj, cidus than the Reception this Miniftcr-aiet vith from the from Porip .1 ?;od . J.n-ingtotheCon any. . i6. Per- King, vhen hehad his firft publTck'AnSience.' My Eord . raits ihziu ivfjp'x . :cv?r warliktStor." they tli?nk ro- Maflhal is no Stranger in France j he formerly refided a " per,- ?,i A t vfport vy a export Golcl and Silver, coinM cr good while in this Kingdom. Wc haye been furprized to , uncuLid, '.j out I, utitation or Duty.iy. Alligns them t(ccceruin"idle.Rcfo rh the Relaions . a C'jmncf.iif''t-li:v:.i Ifcufe. "without Charge i8"'A- of Londonof the Gazette of -L-i-(iio tlcv expref it, and . I, . 1 - .. - o - r-m - . - , . - A ... . ' Artizins of allkindsin their Service wc cannot - make it clear.) They (thofe fdle luflrc.fions) :o' n ": rrceiuen of tharCity. 10. Permits muft neceiTanlv fall to the Orcund, if one will but cnn- -. )bilin .r 1?;-. 5.. thislComoanv. without Impeach- ndci tlic Oualitvof the.Potentate by whent he is en.pi' rkT - ttf :.$:. J-jfures in. the ftrcngeft, .Manner and the Cnaraaer in vhkh Sic liss b-cn fcntt0thisC5-i.it. 1 . ita; "h' rds of Foreigners, notwithftsnding -Now with their Leave, wemuit obervc;that their ,fl'tvf Stwrrr'trm. oi ReauhfM tLkinT fn mm I Nnirf t( "idle : Ut fit tir.r.& rivts the Pi.blielr mrloy it limbdc;.. the Ni mcnt the Cap !.tlit Qu-alii . M.. rccvtors, cc wno'muft be all ablr, fume Rcafcn "tufciycct"ih;it they may r.ot be slt -tbcr -:V , . - 1 ' - ' . , ' ' iCunukfs' -. - : ' ' T ' " ,-. . '. fc. . ' ' . .. .. 1 w; . . ...... . .... ...... . .. . . - - '