VMjegMgg8g3 f.Jf .. .tv---- m- r - r - : THURSDAY; October i 8, 1759; T H E ' ; Numb. 200. CAROL! NAGKm TTE; I: i - - I Wiihjhe ejl j Foreign and Do'meftic. . - V.ENICE 'May i-j.-' ' .v othcr Hand, jfc are ,totf tJnlroQlL -j. ,uc. -- :rnrrrNcceiTariesr.andTfti H E Plague having broke out in thefc- from Ppfch till the latter End of next AJonth ; an J, if be 7 1 vcral Place th$ ,Morca, and alio in true what we hear,' that a Jurgr Army cf Prufliihs. hatl , -5? the adjacent Parts of Rumelia, the OfR-7 entered Poland," going to attallc 'tfiehi; an linliappy cers of Health hive taken into Confidera- Blow may dirftroy all our Hope's," and friill rate our PLir ' - tioh the Danger of fnfccYion from thence anling ,to Corfu Zanfc, Zephalonta, Santa Maura, Preveza and VWrzta, and from thofe Ifland3 to this 'Capitalf and have refolvcd'that the ordinary Quarantine of l8 Days, whicrt Ships coming from the faid .'Iflands perform here, trial! be ificrcaieU to 40 Days complete. 3 of Operticn; ,7f he People here in ecnera! ?.rc very un- t'afy, our Affairs being but in a very different Situation.-'; ZO . i .. pT . , - ; :-; - Hanover, June, 1 9'. Our Regency ,afllrnbled,v and if " yas reforyed to fend a Deputation to intreat Prince Fer dinand W reinforce the Garrilbh of thjs,aftd fome other - and printed' Orders are accordingly publifhed for that 7 Towns of greatest Importance, f uft as the Deputies . Vurpo:'"T::'':::,r:::: 7 .":.7. " -1 , were fttllrg out, Advice came of the Retreat of the- -: Paris, Juki, 15. On the 6th, a . the Pleyade' and 7 Fenchr vho drew , back to join M. de Contades, and' . Oifeau Frigates were returning from Marftilles to lou ( advance with their whole Force againft the Allies. Ac-S . Ion, they' were difcovered by the Englifh Fleet j and 3 y- counts differ as to their Strength : Some make their Ships of the Line, and 26 Boats, were fenttogivc" iheuirrNunbcr ti . be about 74 or 75,000 j;but bthtrs, who Chace : After tjcchanoins fome Broadfides, the Win J appear to be better informed, alfure us, that it don't ex ceed 6o,coo. The fapgutrerAntieauicanralresdv mti- ' cip3te Prince Ferdinand's Victory i but ether People, tunicdLagainll the' Frigates, and (as they cuuU tut get into the Harbour of i omo) they ranalliore at the o tlcttejf under the ProtedUn"of-two Jmterics of 6 and "and '8 GEiehtccrrPoutidtrs. The EngtifV came up, and by a..very.brifk Fire fcvcral'T'imcs, difmount are in Sufyenfe between .HPC ar Fear j or rather are' afraid of the Superiority gf the French, and are prtpar-1 ine; to leave their D clliries on the firfV Notice of an v . ed thePatteriei ; ThSch being' as often repaired, main-'. Check received by Prince terdtnari3, who, by the tameu a inure r ire ror 5 riouc 1 wo 01 me rjieum . vice ct ir.e xwing 01 rruuia, is ocierruinea to nazara 1 fend for 30 Borits to tow them j 3 or 4 of thefc xtyr.Juni'.i; We are recovered from the Panic k into, J.' wre fanlyjJ5ur;)mb8.VVhen the Firing ceafsd, -which wc were thrown by the March of the French i ' the' Enemy flood out to Sea. Had not the Wind fa- As Prince Ferdinand remained, on the othir Side of the voured their Retreat, we,- fhould certainly hax taken cr . Wcfer, we were apprehenfive his Cmnrunication with, funk fjme of their VcfTels. . t , , 7 that Hiver would be cut ofF, "and that the Enemy would" juni 30. ' 1 ne iwuikcis mauc at incenncs, wr.itn enter mis cieciorare duc we are iniormcd that ne natvt 1 1 . rifih r.nfv Hnunda. carrv a IlJl ana faces, and hrt! - diepivedthtf r rtnf hs anii hvi maifrlv Sir.V nf r2n K6. i rimes in a Minute, were raventid by one Bordier, ralQji hath entered 'the Countv of Ribcrtr.1 without Aio tied 'Utah a f Juki fe. fhootine himfelf throuth , the Enemv'a d4rine to rtioleft his Rer. '1 he Later I thelkad," to be freedjrom the Chagrin" of his private from the Army are fa full of the Pr-ifcs of Prince Ferdi-. I 7 AffairsThoVevcrrt.c lift behind ' him his Secret:. In rand, that we are now almoft as eafy as if we had no" i fJch'a War as the prcfcr.t, in which the Liberty of Eu- Enemy inhe Field nevcrthelcfs, we are taken th nc- rppe is at btaice, the rowers that are lorced to act on ctUary precautions to guard againit a iurprize, the ra the Dcfenfive,' are authorised to employ ag43)ft thtir i thcr as there it a Want of Jfarmony amondt the Gene; 'ii .auiiemici ine moii ucuruuivc vvcapuus. it 1 niir, z 1 01 wnitn whc rccpic icar me vonicquenccs. - t - ..r . wncn ui lhyuc vw hh i umi m wmiii wi- j -nr z j. i i-ii"inu nave no xvcaion to I ... .. idinal Maxann thut up in the lsaltile an able engineer, be pfeaJcd with' their Attack on our Batteries the 6th : V vrith his tcrr blc Sccretwf making Bombs, each of which ' It is faid, that the Captain of the Jerfcy "was killed j fe-! ( rri . . 'i ..I Artri . L...7'J ' " J!fl n . - . . ,' i nc niinuicrs anu general vymccrs cmpioyco in pre wmcn wc canoiningmia xomewincers ; we have rcco- K . paring for the Expedition, fcetn 'infcnfiblc of the pre- vered three Anchors, and thtee" Cables, which they' ' -s , fumptive Srcurity affvtlcd by the Englifh, and continue were obliged to cut aw;y that Dav t iof them vnith ' L- thrir Difntifiticnj wiih as preat an Ardour at ever." The" ,ft Cwr. and the nther tt Purf7 nTVu ...... f O , - v v , . J 1 "Ivlll Comptrolhr.General wrote on the ltd to M. ds Ma " the Names of the Jerfcy and Guernf,v of 70 Guns. !. ztcre, Farmer General, to afSft in forwarding to Dri- and the Conqueror cf 60. They have ken carried to!,, taiiy 400 Boxes of that alimentary Powder which is ' our Arfcnal. 'The Englifh Fleet, to the Number . of""" rrepaxed it the Hotel Royale des InvJides, and bf which ' ai Satl, has appeared aeiin. k fmall funtity is fufjicicnt tojfubfift aJXlaiV lor 1 Day. 7Jy to. They write from ilefia, that the'Kiirj ' tiix Hundred liuxs more fet out the Day before Yefter- of Pruflia Is at laft in Motion ; and that Matfhal Daun, .j r. ii A. "! . iL. c.a a J. : .1 e .1 1. - , " t Jay for flavre de-Grace. fltnna, 'Juni 16. Of lite there Kas been a Coolocfs Wtwccn our Court and that of Vcrfillcs and, what U ; more rcmarkabk'.-we havs had no Minirter from France- for fome Tiniepafl: And, it is faid, our Mihilicr has Las we have received from the Weft-Indies :, We ha va left r ranee. .As to our good Ames cannot tell what to think of them: they have alfcady pencwattd into Sal cn the firft Advice thereof, thought proper to rttire. Parii, June 30. Our Advices from the Eall Ind are very favourable j and indeed we have Need of func good-Newrrtortake cfF i'littlc of the Bittcrnels of fuchT at we have received fmm'thc Wfft.Iii;i VV k-u. y . 7 - .vvnvwaw waiwf tm ff W ies the Ruffians, we loll Guardaloupe as unfortunately as the Ifle Royale '. : InJeed, it is faid, our Difgraces are brought"uptm us by Fatalities which ,! Silcfu 2 but) on the have phifical Caufcj, and which it ttliovcs thcG- i - -. I, Ttramcnttoprcbe - to thi Botttm, i

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