fT, f. Sim. :::li;'fe sir.? Jf'VXi 'ts '45Me SmSs( iN-r 'irv: .'ClaeTV- f.atf- oci fj'-i4. .. . iv. ;v..X; :';'.".'..: .V-.V, ' ; ' : ' . . .A: . ...1 TT:r't. 1 7 f '' ' N Axf-Tfr Ffff itesZiii 'fM4 fc- v i ipi44?.d 'on the Cn lent of t Great Brkak, Shd the Culcnles, than '"" S r i -7 . . ..V On thQnAution. of this Qceftion,' arid on the. Meaiute's wtich r- Refolurion' of it will likea haoDV Mother,'" 'faall behold her- Uhiufren flou'rifhing atound htr,; nd "receive the.nu)ij ? fuLRetuhns fbr hep-Protedioq andXoye ;.er, wriv thery like a Stepdame, rendered nvi!e;ab!e by her 'own unkind Condivdt, fiie ftfail fee thrir 7 fc.fk ions aheri&teai and herielr deprived ot tnois vidv'aa.ages, ". AvhA:a "milder Treatment her. , . - " , wouiu: ivc-en lured , The rkitiih Nation are generous ; thev love to- .njoy Freedom ; they love to beh61d j l avery s : their, greateft Abhor. encc ; -is it po:l:b t'ht-u tra.' . ihejf woJld. wiih themS tm the Authoi t of it ? A'o." i " .Opprefl!."in is hot a PL.L of the Britifh Soil ; a d ..: Xb;U'c. fevere Proceedings agaiiilt the Culonu-s .": niuft ha ''.arlfe'n from "thetietcikmle Stiu-nti-of in-.. rAH-MenrebrNatiir4,4 equal and free'r np "" t ' -- ' '-J- Si i . "... -.i--- i?nonty ever anctner iwful Government is fe' vhn 'ue fubieci to ItTTucnXbnTHt wT and.te,i3ereafe the Happineif of theGoverned; a- rjr I'Siftrhey couTd enjoy i'J art .independanc 'and; .:bl4w!ca State oCaW 'Ki. Cbnlequcnfce is,' tK'afrTie Happjriefsfl the" Society is The Viks r . . Law-of every GofeTnrrnt.' r T , - , I This Rule is-founded on .trie Law .of Nature ; it ;, -muiLifonrrou! .evcrpqlitifSlaxim' it nuut re-' vnfotn thh'l ."xA ftareTffeir'-,hltPe'ODrehave-'- a Righjf to 'in lift that this Rule be ferved ; "and are eniitjlcd to derniniT'a moral ecurity that the Legif latere will obftfve it; If they' have rjot .the: firlt, - " hfcy are Slaves.; if :hey have not t:he Vcccnd, they afeT' evferV " Mtfrttciit, expofetf-: .to- Slavery. . ; For . " civil Liberty is nothing eil'e b-t r!'aturaT"Eibertj dlvef.c'dor' that' Part whioh ' conltituted the Tnde perfdance of Individual? by the Authority which ; it rs on .Snvereip-ns. attendca witn a t'-sm ci by .the.People, arthMagtftrates of the People and."af e fega'nifrbjrrTteitiHafie 'ffr . thtt Honour and Confidence conferred upon them, to lUifJUecnojuAasylteej as a I&int of ' theTalfCbr. epcrj;ce ttt alL free Gq-, vernmeiils.wThe.f independent 5 Exercifa of that;-;-- I'ower is jafl'y deemed the llrbngert Bulwark jof the ; Bridlh Libfiriles fti it ha ejlwaye icen - an Objeft- of. great'. 4ttcnti6ri;to : ihd ' Lcjiditwt.;'-'' and is. exprtily ilip'ulated-vvitn the rVince'in the , Biir of Right". ' All tiiofe arc cxclude4 from vot- . 1 . V . , " " 1 -" VVT . lhdependant,; and mult therefore De WDject to tne .. , undue Influence of their Superiors". Such are fup - pofed 'to have no. Will of their own ; -and ,U is 1 . . - ' . -- -. -, '-' .1" r . judged improper that-they, mould -'vote - in tne .rc- , -pVifen tatirn j)f .a. free .State. . What can exhibit in a more rtriking Pp.nt of Vicwf the peculiarXarc whifchi has't)t:en taken, in Order to render tha Eleclion of Members of Parliament entirely free ? It was deemed ah Infult upon the independant : J4JiU V Ul iiaVv. 11.4 . Let me now be permitted to afl; - Will iE-renfure Coid and chcrcafe the liappiheis of the.'.Amenc m Coid niksVthafthe Parri.vmc,t bf Great L tain mould po'Tef: a ' fupreme-, - ixrtfiiUb.e vunc'ui , .rmled.- Au- hrtriv AvfT-lifrh'? 'Is IWh an' Author, v confident '.".'terefted' iters' who have milicfortcd and nut- , w ri.'eTrT;.;l)erty-?' "K -tlrcy-a-nycurit)!;. that . Jed the ,Ic.;" A ReeanKfor that Nation, from - r 4t ill. b? 'employed .onij;Tr their buch a Jed the ' ,1c.' A Rega Whom w Have fprung, an', "from whom., we .boult o have . jrived the'..p:rif vhivh prompts' us to. ,' ppofe t:.ej: unfr' ndl Mea'ure?, mail ' if ad is to y.jmt this G9 iftrud'Jjm on what wo hiive lately Jceu , and experienced. When therefore, wiTihail' know ?nd conG-der.the Juftice of out Claim that c in ' filV bn '' upon being treated 'as Treemen, and is 'ff pejicaants of thofe Britifn Ahctitor?, whole -imnry-we. wm -twaj-tiiihoaaut-cy 01: r ijgnera i-r.-.i: .tit'-.nnnfl -Hfiif-hei t-L-Comnions of England, that their uninfluenced Su.f iiiintiiiv uwu mv,n mni4n w 5 v . - .1 . i'i"' 1 i j . 1 tt.1t t; ' fracren ftinuld he adulteratcdDV . tBoieTnxr-wero juniority. ".iu wiuwa otv.n; " i 1 : . ; ' , , ? r' 1 , 1 t . 1 1 "is rcaionapie to nope tnat rncy wiij ajipiove , o. --4-- oxx Conduct,.-and-beftow.. their l'ided "ppUuf j .. on our CAiipenial Ardour for Liburty, " ' Bi't if thife rrafonable and joyful ifopes fliould tally bet dil'apppintcd, it vviil at ieaji afTord us fome Satisf.iv.Von to know;iha:-thV Principles dn wkich. we h. founded our Opposition' to the late . .Aijof pu.;i:mcnt, ave the Principles of Juttice and '.''voni, .ii. i of the Pritiih Cm:ti:utica. - If our Tjnte -""iTgle 'hall b- attended with (Misfor , tunes, we u.i'J 4elect A'itH Kxultatign on the noble' Caufe of them ; an J while uuTerinfj uniueiitcd Oi;- -trefi-, thincourtJvcs.fuperLorJO hi p oudeit Slaves. , On the con.raryj if w'c Hull be ren!tated i tlie ' Enjoynjent of thofe Rihtsj to. which5 we arc ip , ...titled by the liipreme and contrpuiable L'iws" of Naure, ana the fu ulpmeiital Piincipl. of il.c 4iri , tii.i Con fti ii won, we all reap' the glorious Fruit . , of our Labours ; andy i '.hall, at the fame Tim?, ) C-ve tolhe World, and to Poltcrity, an inrtrudtivc X. Example, thai the "Caife of Liberty ought nrto . be defpaircd of, .and that a generous Ci)ii!eii;ion, - in that Caufe, i uot.aiw&yi unattended with Sue-- Vc(s" v: ... . . t,Th foregoing Ccnfiierarions have indurrJ me r . ,to publilh a rew Remar $ on the important Ojrili-. ,.oh, with which I imrcn iced this Eily. ' - , " Thofe who allcdge that tlie Parliament of Great , tJritttlri havoPowe.to make Lavs bindinr the A- i y , J?c",can Colonies, reafun in the following Manner: ! ' ."Tf'i'i.l'liat there is and mult be in every Mate hi-- preme irrrurilble, abfolute, uiicontroulcd AuthoV. ? . .. ty, in vhich the Jura fummi Imperii t or the. Rights 1 ' 4 of. Sovereignty reiida" -'(hat this fjpremc jower. is, by the Conftitution ot Great Britain, Telted. y. tne King, Lords and Commons Thjt therefore, the .ts of the King, Lo ds and Commons," or, in othlr Words. Act Par. ': liarnenf, have, by the Brijidi ConlHrurion, a bind-j . 'ff :sFotct i,n the American Colonies, they compof- t t jag a.Part of the Britifh Einpire." - J, , ' 1 -'J ' I admic t'at the Principle, on which this , -gu-v ' ' .5nl " fu'inJed, ii of. great Jnporjance ; its Ir. "T .portante, however, is derived from its Tendtncy a i f .).', : to promcte the ultimate-Hod .f all Governm -nt. V- Application of it would, in ay InRai t e4 ' '.deiloy.'inlUad of promoting that Jvnd, it pvglt, ' in f-Itiltancc, to be rejected ; for V aditfit it," ; would be to faciifice the End, to the Means, whi;h . . . J ' 1 . y,4lJt ,VJ incy auvncc ic. 1 49- 4r'n it jr .... l' - 2t". V" v , . . i - -(. . ,. ; 4 I . SccurHv .is abioluteiy. ntceiiary. rarnamcuw aic ,o ir;fa'l;b!e ; they are fPOt always jult'i The Members cf.wh m they are conip.ofed,. are hviman ; and hcrcforc, ney miy" eir : 1'hey are ir.lhienced iy Intersil j an '-'iherefne,. they may deviate from: their Duty. . T. e Acts of the Body muit depend upon the Qpir'.c is and iJifprfitions of the IVfcm- L bers : -ttie Ail "'ifth Body inay, then,- be the,Re fu!tVivlvror,' a'rtd of V'H. It is no Breach of' Occcncy .0 luppoTe all litis thc-feitim (. on hm-. Hon fupp es it : ' Il.tppofes that Parliaments n My bekray their Truft, and provide?, 'as far as' J iu;p.ah Wifdom'can prov de,. that they rncy not be '. ab'e to do;fo long, without a funcieit Lontwul . rhout Provti'io'ijs for this Purpol'c, "the Temple f Eritlfli Liberty, like a Shu&arc of Lc, .Would inilauily. diilve before the Fire of Oppmlion and . defpotic Sw3)":, . ' It vvii! be vrry material to con fid er thei fcycral Securities which the Inhabitants of Great. tmt.in have, that th ir Liberty . I itot be dfi'.rod by the fiflature, n who. 'j?di it is-nliu. if i: 'nuirappcalar f-Se:uriJt.5l4reit,L' erijoied by the Colo. r ui'niablc Confc- qoencc will be, tha ;hu. Ccrotivds a,ji"not' under ihe lajnc Obligations ro c:i: it theX" Librj'ics into the Hauls of the i'amc Loi laiajer the Cplonilis ire entitled torl th TiiiHegr-'s (jf Britons. We have committed -no Crirr.-s to'torfcit t;icni;' we "have too much Spirit toV-,.gn. them. 7e will live our Posterity as''tr?e arcur Arrctlt r: left us. " , . ', "')' give to any Thihtiiat p.Uletfi in Parlismcrit.j tlie Force of a Law, '.he Ccnfer.t cf tl;we Kiig,.,-(r the I oids," -and uf the " Commons J', ,is abfolu'.wly .. ncccflary : . If,thfn, th: Inhabitants of Grct . Britain 'poHlCv 4 futRJent 'Rcltraint iipon okj of ili' e Ranches, ofthe Lrature, their LiUrtyis ' fecu're, -provider 'they P waiting to thertifelvei. ' Let di talte a, View of tl$ct!rainis. which they ,. have iipon the lloft eComa)brt. , They clert the Members fthat ,iloufe. u Ma- " iilratc, fays Montefquiei, ai"e properly their, who have the Nomination-of theni.','. The Mem bers of the Houje "of Commons', therefore, fcleclcd vot at Liberty to fpeak as: they though .though ' their Iiucrefts . and Inclinations were the. fame. v Britifli Liberty; it was thought could "hot 'be ef fectually feciired, unlcfs tliol'e who made-the. Lavsi were' fVeely, 'arid without Influence, - cleclcd-by " thofer fo; whom they were made. Up6n this Prin ciple is ieafonably founded' the Maxim in Law, that every one who is capable'of exercijfing hij .Willi, is Party, and' prefumed to. content to an.' Aft of Parliament. ' ' .' ' ' , ' " .for the fame Reafon that Perfon?i who live de pendant upon the. Will of others," -arc not admitted to vote ,in Elections;, thofe. who are under Age, and therefore incapable of judging ; thofe -who arc ' convicted of Perjury or Subornation of Perjury arid therefore ' I' n worthy -of judging .and, thoft who obtain, their Freeholds. by fraudulent Convey- fim nit 'ti Tit Right tf Sovtrligrttj it that of torn matt ding, lut iH Order to treevrt teal Ftlttity for tf nit'Lna is not obtained, covtrttgnty ceafci to be a It' gitimutt Auiho iv,, t JBuri..32. " f Tit .avj'cf Kature is fuf trior in Oblfytficn to Lyhtr, .' 1 BLACtt'sTONB 41. S U;Jert. on Parties. LrL 1 1 , 12, As iht Law it tht Birtbrivht tf eutri Su!nt3. fa i nvtferejvri'jr jbry goh they Js'.'U thfir Laws with than. . lWiu'u m'i Rertt, yif' 1 T ;: t f Comnts tf LriglanJ lave agrtat and ion- ' .fflentW' Rhht the Govarnntfit i and a $irt in Ue ivfgijimntrt, lyjrcqur n.nmi o ytw fan, , " ' . .' , 1 LotdKlcUQul't Utfortu-oQ, :Uons-i$ guarded ag:-mft . -hfe ftriaeft-rec - -y. and mou icvj -p.,. gv'ety. Uciiort bfeTrc he po Is, m.;. i Jei4an d by a Candidate;' -crb 0 torsake te Qath ainll Mhem ' Is. WLn?cd, b' - 1 - II. 0 2. Othcet. .of the. ,v,ie,:-y)t ttie wultoms, ard of the r.olt-Cfhcc.s . t . : .'.kcrs- concerned in the Duties upon Leather, v j ap, Taper,' Kriped Linens imported, Hackney Coaches; Cards and Dice, are reltraircd fam in- A terfer.g in'Eleclions,- undti U.n; IVifalty of Tcol. -and ci being ircapable" of eveivxerfTing any Of- fk'c oiifTrult 1 er theKing. ' . Tlius is thr ; 1 edom'of ffjeftions fecured from the "ff-T'fVjr,. the Ignorance, i-,nd the "Corrtien of .the Klcttor ;and trorn the Irkc'rpofitioh oi. Offers . .lcphding immediately upon the Crown. But this is not'aIl..NProA'ifion, cciir.ily falutary, hac Llen made concerning the Osua.'ic.Ticj tf hofe whu " fliall be elefted. sAllunagiKat!e?'Car2 his been taken, that the Ccmmo'nof Great Britain may be- neither atutdf nor ulUredt nor deetived, Into any . Isomination iiiconfirtent with, their Liberr-rs.' . It has been adopted, as a general Maxim, that the Crown will take Advantage of every Opportu- , nky of extending its Prerogative in Oppofition to the Prifilervs of tnePeop!c ; that it is the Jnterelt t'f thofe who h?.4.T Pinfioni, or Off.ttt a. Will, from , the Crown, teotii ur in. ill its Mcafures ; that . ivjanicina in. general . win rrcier tneir private in- -. ttreil to the Good of their pot n try ; and that, con Jc'juently, thofe who enjoy fueh Ptnfions or.Cflicesi '" arc' u.'.fit to reprefent a T.ation, and to have . the Care of their Liberies , committed to their Hands , ''All fuch Olliccis or Penfioners are de . 1-: . . Ihe AthtnianSflnJily 'nhut cf this Prixilegt funijltd, with Death, every Stranger who frefur'd li interfere in the AJinilitt of tht Pefiflt. f The En;Jijh f,rrdom mill le at an T.td nxltntxtt lit Ciurt in vades fnt Itcflicn of Parliaments, 1 if . v . , f A Right that 1 .Vtff ht to. give hit Vote at tht '". , jf M ZUitUtt tf a Ptn tt lb rifrefent him, in Parliament, . . ( ) 7 thot to (incur to tht'gtakig of Lotus, which ktd to) . . ) "".bind his Liberty r',,' P pertyi it a nfl iranft.-ndaml ' TLing, and ef.-n mure, . . ... . , , ' Lord It atmqkd'i Reports, t)t j. J" f J . ; J Thtre art aft: Ixcetient in tht CafeofOJif ' atirmr r '. . ' -...;:'.: ' . .'nbcr, ritZft; se 1 Ktf fin ! frvra" . . 1 . . - ? .f"-" : rr.