; . . r r - ,,r; 7 ft f. y: 4- V r - it T ft I -their Lirrd'sr hd cheetfutf poured the tuft Ffuvts of their L;duftry into the Bofoax- of their Mother .Country"; You protected thcinin their infant State,. and they returned it byoJnfining to you the fole. ' Bcn?at3 of their Trade ; whatever Wcalth.they de- , rived from Agriculture and Commerce, ad centered -iwlti jou. You regulated their Commerce, for the -Advantage of this Country j and they never ditto vered an Uppouuon, vuuu w ww v : Exercife of it. Are thefe Evidences of a Spirit of. - Jpjhmto to Great Britain, or IhgAutuJe for its, '-Pwwaioa f Are they "not rather-Proofs, that if the ' fame Line of wiW and rf Government had been purfued'the .mtCordhdiiy $M?jw avc been continued?. - Every American; who loves Amwicawaft.aoi? . -'thcPrflperitfof England; and that their; t0 ,may ev fubfift, uninterrupted; If the- Parental - fi is injured the Branches mufUuiterwuh lU . ' A Subordination ob the Part of the Colonics eT ceflary'to this Jfow. ' 1-acknowledge, rSir, there : rrruft exilt a P .wwfomeWhere to'toiudw. " .to the Movements of the Whole, for the Attain ment and Prefervation of our common Happmets ; this iSttrtw fovrer ca be juftly'dadcqtcly ex ' erclf by &b LegiUftture of Great .rintam. Jn -TtMi Doctrine ihe Coloniecitly-acqmdced, and Vere happy: ..England enjoyed by. it all the Mvan tare) of . ah kif .with them, ;Wht THEff STRAIN THIS AUTHORITY SO, MUCH, as to render a Submffion. to it impoffiblerwtthout a, . Surrender of all thofe Liberties, which are moft va ' laable in civil Society, tod wereewr.acknow.edpd :..:mhl Uirrhrirht of EmiiCimeA I When Great Britain derives tromJier: Coloniils the molt tthichV tftoctgh a young Menioer, iwuv;uc u .a -aver, never haveasrd prgbabiy never -will dthAf the Expeitce of colkaing them ? . xr' The fixtadiency of rorrtf Meafure is ouch in filled on by lbfett who, I am forry o,fay. fcem to confider more the PiRres into wbch they wil lYivo ve tne Amcncam,-.-man "vr- 1 tirocure to this Country ,frdm fach vmdicVve Cun- duct, tlumanuy, uuwever,. w.w.r -x... r: 1m nijA over &-vmr&,. though, they may i .,.flW h and a trudetttJtatrMawJre- - Hid that the Colonies cannot pjify ffler, without In jury' to Grtat Britain. ,The Amencanj ate your Cuftomers i tney comumc JWif...ri - diftreffingthem; if you dtJnpt drive thbm to -..other Markets! you will moft aJTuredly difahh them ; from taking your Commodities; and from making pro- n rf. ahit fhev have takeri. . per icuuu vi , , -. x. that Mankind can be wWinto a Conviction of what is right I Will Severities increaie cnrc Refohed unantmtufly, .' Tbat-His; Convention moit heartily approve ofjthe Conduct and Proceed--Ings ofihe Continental Congrefsj That ye will faithfully endeavour to' can y into 'Execution the M3arures'ofCt1ie7Afociailourrentertd;into an commended by them, "and that the. Mvihber.s of that very refpeftable 'Body merit our war.meil Thanks, ? by their great and difmrcreid Labour tor the rreicrvation oi tne Jtugau anu i-iocrucs ut the Britifii Colonies. ' On Motion, Refolded unanimouflyr That it be, "'and h is; hereby recommended to the fevcral Mem bers of this Convention ,' to prom o tc and encourage Ynftniinns nr AHvice from their feveral Counties . "to their Repre fentatives- in - G eneral - AfFemblyr to-4 - procure a Jaw pronimung ibs ruiurc Ajnpuiiiv tf s!au intA -this Pitwinre, - - ' Rfolved unanimoufly, That in' Cafe the, Trade o. tne3Jity ana jL.iDertics. oi i'miaucipiu . fitfpended in Corifeqiience of the 'present "Struggle it is the Opinion of this Convention that the ieve iral Counties flrould, and that the Members of this. Convention will, exert theinfelves to afFord all the necefTary Relief and Afitftance to the Inhabitants of the faid City and Liberties, who will be hior in- mediately affefted jjy iuch.ah, Evnt. -' ' Refalvsd unanimcuily, lhat t ,any uppouuon - fltall begiven to ioahe Committees of thi?. Province in ciVryingiJe Affociatiqn of th Conti ' rental Congrefs Into Execution; the Committee ..'of the .other Counties, vs wder to p. eferve the faid Aflbciatiort inviolate, will give ail the Weight and Affiftance in their Po-er jo the Committee who lliali meet with fuch Oppofitiort. , : , Rffil-vrd unanimo Qilyj That it is the moft earneft Wiih and Deiirc of this Conventifia to fee Harmo nyteltorcd between tircat Britaih and the.Ccloj " 'riVes: That vi will exert our utmeft Endeavours foe .the Attainment of that moll: deurable : Objcja i . . That it ir the Opinion of this Body .that the com mercial Oppoltion pointed out by the Continental Congrcfs, . if faithfully; adhered to; will be the MeanV of refewing this unhappy Country from the Evils meditated againft it'. But if the humble and loyal Petition of laid Congrefsto his molt gracious Majefty flioiild beifrearde, and. the BrTtiflrAdf" "miniftratiohV lnftead ofredrefling our Grievances . 'ihould determine by Force to effect 4 Submiihon id .the late arbitrarv Acts o'f the Britim" Parliament; Tin" TucFa" SituationTwe hold r ir 6ar Indifpcnfable -Duty to refift fuch Force, and at every Haiard to , . defend the Rights and 'Liberties cf America. WHEREAS it hi been iuded neceffarv for the Prefervation of bur iuft Rights and Liberties to lay a Rellraint on our Importation, and as the Free dom; liappinefs and Profperity; of a State greatly , .'depend on providing; within itfelf a Supply of Ar- tides ncceiTary fo buoliitence, Cloathing and De- . fence, a Regard ffr W Countryj as well as common ., Prudence, caM-aSm ia.,ja,encoarage Agriculture; 'Manufafturei nd (Economy : Therefore this Conv vention do reiolve ai follows : Co tin nfcquer.ee, fi;ou'Id our unhappy IMrcrJacicca' ii?- Avili"! iivM-sat Dcir.auu. . ' , o , . ' .-i - i -v i 5 ArstftfnnaniiMOu2v-Tht'we. are cf Ornicn the making pi Steel ought to be largely proftxuUd, as xncjjrcniana ior in is nrutic yiu uc greii. ; ' Rrulvcd uhaniaTou'lly, That we recommend the 'making of uifittrent Jiinda of Pap;r now in Life - amonir us, to tne icverai m.inutattu.rc ; Inu as- the auccels. et this Branch depends on a Supnly of old Linen and Woollen Rags, requeitthe People of ik'w Provinrp. in thcir refnctlive Hon&s. msv rsr- X W 2ke them more defirous of a ConnecTionTb .r fohed unanimoufly,' That from and after the ti0Mt and make tnem more "V . n... , . ... . fir(i nav hf Marrh nIt no Pcrron or Pcrrons mould firft Dav of March next, no Pcrfon or Pcrfons mould ufe ia his, her, or their Families, unlcfs in Cafes of Neccflity, and on no Account fell to the Butchers; or Itiliror tne marKCii any onccp unucr jwui jsj old; And where there is a Neteflity for ufing" any Mutton in their Families, it is -recommended to kill fuch' as are the lealt profitable to keep; keolvcd unanimoufly. That we recommend the . letting up ot Woollen Manufactures m as many air "fercnt Branches as poflible ; efpecially Coatingr Flannel, Blankets, Rugs or Coverlids, Hoflery, and coftrfe Cloths, both broad and narrow, ' Reolved uaanirooully, That we recommend the raifing and manufacturing of Madder, Woad and fuch other dye Stuffs as may be raifed in this Prb vince'torAdvantage, and are. abfolutcly ncceflary in'the Woollen Manufaclories ' , Rrfclved unanimoufly, That each Perfon, having broper Land, Ihould raife a Quantity of 'Flax, and Hemp fufneient, not only for the Ufe of his own ' Family, but alfo to fpare to others On . moderate TVriTit. tnJ that it be recommended to the Far- SuhieiVon and Obidictct of the Colonies, inflead of 1 mcrs to provide themfelvcs carlywith a fufScieiit Armlno them.- inaeafed the 'turbulence ana Oiiintitv of Seed for the oroDofcd increafe of the VWMM. """J " tf. . ll. l l -P --;-- ' t'otthn, inflead of allying them; it may be hoped U above Articles of Hemp and Flax. . w . f ill- - A i . j at 1 it rim r I' nun, m - . . - -r -2A n.nAlfnee on the MOTHER Country I Is it'not, on the contrary. reafonable to conclude, that He im wUl be an Incfeafe Of Jealoufy and Dilcofl tent; that tW tvill feek all Pccalions ot evtg Laws impofed on tKem Violence that .they .will fVj i ST 1 1 sounder the YotCt, and think .tfienk felves happy in an Opportunity of flying to the Proteftion of any other Power, from theSubjeaion of.' a' Moth ir whom they confider cruel and ctfr'Jrve ? "Sir I would not be undcrlbod to deny the good intern, oi Adminiftration. Jte JbiUties oi the Minilter are, it fecms, univerfally acknowledged but I-muft add, Humanum W-.?1!, American, Sir, I applaud his Jealorf for the D,g hit and Juthcriy of Parliament, and think the Impolicy and Ueediency of the lateleafurcsmay be rcaibnably imputed to the Dificulty of the Occa. fion and the unfettlcd and Undefined, Nature of the ' Dependent! of the Colonies on the Mother Couni ' try ;-batfince, 'by fadExperiencei they bant bet found totally inUcquate; fince thiy hive widened .v-nr inilead of dofincr it, diminiflied.the J:a.;,nt Plan of Conduit will be rurfucd i and that fome Conftitution will be. adopted, , by. the Wifdom of this Houfe, which may fecure the Co- ' . Umijlt in their Liberties, whilft it maintains the jnjl 'ZnmaejtfParUamHt. ? - - .. ., i v , ; ' ' ' p HI L A D EL P HI A, Fibruahy i. Pt netEDINOJ of the Cohviktiok for the Pro v linct ef Pennsylvania, 'held, at the State IJouJe in Philadelphia, January i, 1775, and tontikued by Jdjsurumcuts ti the 28A. f THE Chairman of the Philadelphia Commit . tec opened the Convention, oy explaining 1 the Motives which induced faid Committee to pro pofe the holding this Convention. Jofcph Reed, ' Efq; was cholca -Prefident .pf.this Convention., ' Meflrs. Jonathan B. Smith,, i John Beh'czct and Francis Johnfon Efq$ were chofen Sees ctaries. On Motion, Rejfvtd unanimoufly, That the Committee bf the City of Philadelphia, and each County Committee, mil have one Vote in deter. mining every Qeflionthat may come before this, Coovcnuon. i der the rieceitary Steps "to be taken for prefrryiuij thefe. othefwife ufelels. Articles Refolved unanimoufly. That 2s the Cntifiimntr.n . -)f-Glaf is greater than the Glafs Iloules now efta - 'burned among.lt us can iupplyiwe recommend the ; : fetting up other Glafs Houfts ; and are of Opint - . on they would turn out to the Advantage of the ." Proprietors. 1 "3ciW"-unanim6ufly,That Twhereas' AVool- Cpm'us and Cards have, forTonie"Ttin,---berChju" nufaciurcd in fotne 01 the neighbouring Coloa.' and are abfotutely TiccefiUry for carrying on, the HofleryT and Cloathing Dttfmefs; we do recommend the ettablilhirig fuch i Mahuf.icTdry In this Pro- -: vince. , - ' ' ., " " ' ' r Rrohcd unanimoufl"', That wc alfo recommend- . the manufacluring of Conoer-iutu Sheets, 2ottor4is" and Ketcels. " " R.'folved unanimoufly; That we recommend, the making Tin Platcsj as in Article worthy thtf At tfention of the People of this Pjovince. . - -t , ; Pjclwd unaninvquilyi 1'hat as printing Types "are now made to a Cohiiderable Degree of Perfetli-' on bv an ingenious Artitt in Gerriiantown t it i . -' ' o . ... , recommended to the Printers to life fuch Types, in, v Preference to any which may be hereafter imported.'" Rtfolvtd unanimoufly, That, we recommend tl.e-r" erefting a great Number of fulling Mills; and Mills for breakingi fwingling, and foftening Hemp- and Flax : And alfo the making of Grind Storiej ; in this Country. - - . Refolded .unanimoufly, 1 That as. the brewing bf large Quantities of Malt Liquors within this Pror.; vince,, would tend to( render the Confumption -of Foreign Liquqrs lcfs""fieceflAryTit" is thcrEfore "re-.-pom mended, that proper Attention be given to the; Cultivation of Barley : And that, the fevcral Brew, -ers', both in. City and Country, do encOiirage it,t 7 h gtving a rtai'ont.bl3 j4d TucientTPncciTw'e: :fame.V 'x'H::y'''V' "t" "rs. ,. Reolve'd unanimoufly, That we recommend to all. the inhabitants bf this Province, and, do promifsi ' for ourfelves in particular, to ufe our own Manui; faluresr and thofe cf the other Colonies", in , Pre ference t'd all other. rr , r . Reolved unanimoufly,-That for the. more fpeediv Jy and effectually putting thefe Refolves in Execti!. tion, we do eameltly, recommend, Societies may ba : eftablithed in different Parts and are of QpisuQii that Premiums Ou?ht to be Granted in the feverit Counties to Pcrfons who may excel in the fevcral Branches of Manufactory : .And we do further en- gage that we in our feparate Committee! will pro' ttiote them-to the u tmoft of our Power '. . V . Refohed unanimoufly, That if any Manufacturer or. Vender of Goods and Merchandizes in tlui Pro, vincei fliall take Advantage of tlrs Neteflities of hit Country, by felling his Goods or Merchandize at an onuluai and extravagant Profit, fuch Perfon lhall be confidered as antinemy to his Country; and bi advertifed as fuch by the Committees of the Place where fuch. Offender dwells; J H . . ; Oh -Motion, Rtfolvtd uhanimoufly, That th Committee of Correfpondence for the City and Li? berties of Philadelphia, be a llanding Committee of Correfpondence for the fevcral Counties here, re . prefented : And that if it ihould at any Time here after appear to the Committee of the City and Li berties, that the Situation of Public -Affairs render a Provincial 'Convention ncceflary, that the faid Committee of Correfpondence do give the earlielt Notice thereof to the Comk'nteej of the femal Counties. - Ordered, That the Proceedings of this Conven tion be fent to the Prefs, &sd printed in Engliih ana Uerrasn, under the direction ot tne rrenaent, and Meflh. Jonathan B. Smith and John Benezet. Rttalved unanimoufly. As Silt is 1 daily and aU .tooll indifpenfable Ncceflary of Life, and the mak ing of it arnorig ourfelves muil be efleemed a valua blc Actjuifulon i we therefore recommend the mak ing' of it in the Manner tiled in England and other Countries ; and are of .Opinion Jcmay be done with Succefs in the interior Parts of the Province, where there are Salt Springs, as well as on the Sea oafts. , ' Reolved unanimoufly, That Saltpetre being an Article of great Ufe and Confumption, we.reconu. it may be done to great Advantage. Rffdvid , unanimoufly, That the Neccflity we may be under for Gunpowder .efpecially in the Indian Trade,, induces os to reenrnrriend the manu facturing that Article as largely as poflible, by fach Perfons who are or may be Owners of Powder Mills in this Province. . Refolded unanimoufly, That we recommend the manufacturing of Iron into Nails and Wire, and all other Articles teceffary for carrying on our Manu failures evidently in general iUjfc j and which cf 24. NTWBEITN, '.March -Mr. DAVIS - IWA S a' good deal furprized it hearing the late Houfe of Burgcffcs accufcd of being the Caofe of their own Diflblotion. I was flill more fo upon afterwards feeing the Refolves which are faid to have oceafloned it. One would sot expect to find fuch Difference of Opinion on a Matter which entirely depends upon Numbers, and is capable of the lleareft Demonftrauonv And leall ol all would it be expected betwixt two of the legislative B ranches of a Country. They certainly are in ill fuch Cafes pc He fled cf every Means cf Information, and are fuppofed to pafs no difinitive Judgment till after the , fulleft Inveftigation. Ai People whofe Purfuits are foreign, to fochThiegs, though equally interfiled with others, cannot be fuppofed to know theTrath, and mull now be at a Lofs how to conduct them-' fclvei j but more efpecially, ss it has in one of $e back County Courts become a Matter of leal En-, quiry, I have been ioddced to try what Lifeht the1 primed States of the Public Accounts w juli throw 1 J- i f l i.j

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