... V:.. "5. ,:,". ' i '- '''. 4 ;" 1 'V. &f, HTte Premieri it ia faid, iraks wttfcTriafporV ind paGes many Encomiums on the CcnducYoi Gc-1 neral page, which it feems is exceedingly pleafing , to Government in neralTr?A";yWyMttaderab! v 'Grant of Lands, We hear is making out for him in -AmCTica. whichill iior be the only Mak he will" foon receive, perhaps, of hi Sovereign's Favour.. ; $tatt of PoliticaL Stocks tbu Daj at 2 o Clock' . ., Royal JJjurncebigh. J..- '''.' y . --7;'.-: . y7v Ditto Bank -flow. 77.T7r 7 v;;: '7y7r Minifleriai; Scrip m Demand, , : i . - r Patnotifm W Par. . B r "7 Juftice to Atr.erica?rfatf. f- Corruption tfr. 1 ..: .: .-- 7 , -- Magna Chamr rtitutg i-.r r Jp: India Bonds negotiating KiGoxernnunt Prut. i- mm - Ar-.s: .v. ; Sri&erf and tuxurjconUU National Honour no: Price. . ,7 riSkalkitv Bills At high Vieouxt. in w , - f , - - BkiitotrjMr.'.vf t .This Day the Sntiety of : Mercnanc Aavcntarcrs nc: ihii w vuu vi..- Petition to Parliament eledio'AAencaffairs;' : T-he Heai of t vcry(vunecceptipnablc coin mercial Petitibn web 'read, ?ansd .iftothet Tall ia, To be hetd 4narid your eery "pofllble Pifcouragementf for its evident I'eudency ts tore4te a Belief 'in the Pe.oplS;r that they ai'ecapabl&.ol'. electing Keafefentatives of q-. perior Powers to the Members fyour Houfe which ( if it can pdhbly obuink mult ltad . by olyious .Ccule- ? quences.tq the l)tlruition of the EUencer jjp:3iat the very Belag, of an . AJTemNy in this Prdyiuce, and final ly to the utter Dilfolutwnand Ovtrthrov of its e'fta-i blilhed happy Conllitution. ; This, Gentlemen, anving uiDcn i nave ocioc mentioned, iji one orvrne rar;u JExiWdierits employed in fome of the other Xolonies u'nder the Influence of faction and wicked Men, in tent UDoa Dromotinst their oWn horrid Puroo&s. at the , liaiard -oftheir Country's Rum. I hope tey havfe uccn jiuoica litre more irom optru or laucauon tnan : ill PrinipleSt7.iihdII that yoxiZ elearlyrdifcerninx, the ivincueis wim wmca iney are pregnant, yr.a ncarllly oncurjwithiie the nrfcDawniagsof-w O - i . , ;As 'an Object of tlie igreateft CtJnfeq : amcnthe foremoft oMut....MajeftyVSabje5hy to roCft. His baiieful Suu-esi and to repel the fcii Invader oiifjt iHippiJClasreattemca' yMpSz jreleem yjtfj 3 finkiu'" Opuntyy to' Profperity 1 tbas yaU wilt aouire to y v urre: ves iniraortai nonour ana rvenown wnitc a con ..traryCwftduct nfuiiiueviraoly plUAe' tniaace happf Lind in Hp.ror beyond alLImigmitian, wheApe'nQthlo'l'V'i; caa recovei:itj baxitlieneroiis iiaad f Vptaiiy yvi -tcrpol'cd to i'ae you trom your own DelU u-tiqn. Thu fai',. Ceatll-mcn, I have fet, before you, up Prihctv rplerof your. Duty to the Coilftiakioa,, a,ni thr Welfare i; , . ' of your Country, the blaccfliry .of duounging to tKe ' utmbftpf yvur Powcr!the illegal Meetings irtto.whic - the iamocent People have beenlWrrayedi'j ahd ' the mi- lawful titablilhments and Appotntmeats they have been led to rive their Saniort' tO,i : J .have al& ftated'td yoa 7 tiiat Mettipg1 to -which the. People have been" invited tc Jcnd peputies here at tliis Time j. aha I hive fully Colohies, IjyldcorjinteM "oh to employ your utraoft Care and Ai .thofe fatfe Imurcfiions.by which the' Ens on have lalioured to effetr, but too fucce&fully, ,a.mpft ttW'ataVDivifiorbi.eejti the Parent State and thtfe olonitifAVhKh'iSch.. her. proteg.&duigent' ' fof tcriuj; C5re . hare aftalidTo i- Degre'e of froi'perity . oeyona an .xampieN x ne, oaiett .flats ftavcDeen rac .. ,. ..., . 1 nee&'-jilHfc - i ' vf .. i terent iviriflutni In AHdstion tn thefe wowerfuLMo (Hduity to remove " t,vc.s' G.ent.ec I am authorfred tfay, v that tba ne L.aiiZ A, unvviii rafitanie Aieamre .r appointing JejBsatec to a 'tend a ConsrelVat Pkilaifckbia. wovt iA Aeitationi will; be highly bifcnitve to the KiiW j and tnis 'I cannot ,UVm.Ul Will UC AtaiDll WlUl Jf UU UI LUC giLLCib w tp to oyftffodan'gcrotos a Step. V. ' ; ; . . : , ' ' YoUR nexiHAttention,- Geritleraen. . is due to th partioilar State of this '" Country, that calls for .youf , egard; .- r: : on. monasT loucmuunc ! .hvk'.uihu tA .i -ujeaupon me itmgccnc recpie, ana tncv.pave been .1 - .'iHlrt.''; 'rf tin MereKifitfT: M'artMfaau'feV,irinaT"ri5dlw.lo: olrtakeln ctiiHt a wftlrt, hf.?. Vif :,ii.l-ltnctelt K -VfVadefmen.Vt - conteUedlraverfe r ahd,thotep by S they tTh? exfiauftvd orthevPub Tmfu 4 ' .Tolock. V. iU fce leducedTrom theirDuty, ' and all ie.&fs ' rgcDcmamb upon itthat remain -4&&Ar ' .;,,, ;r - ; : -'-.AV tFivil Socierybe datroyedl tte, or Wlfficerj: th i ' -.; v ; WOICHTE v 7;.;: V"5T?i . V v re' Soolied- -vTliiGerflemen''.ia'a elMicw iwv r your Attention to the ill Condition of Public Cre..;, V 1; rFfe.-Ml . wanbt foii to pay tlwtMard chrduetoiViiurs ; T; fc,: ".'tnat'lOWn, lOiercuco iu iw mwn' . as Ciuardians of tine conltihitiAnfl Kio-ht f" K P': 'J nwn-uVC,. 1 ucariiiy wmi, wita ivceom. ; ?g$'. fo mai&fUy - y ftHteS ceMddesX'T tP Ppnni; a ; teation'toitae. Admuwe- biten. ot .flew-ior .ana.--.-.-.- . -t, p,k. J bUQied .upon; tlie firMeft Hafis' but the Example of f' v :..r. ca, in oraer to cr.nuocr 01 , jii";' fJf ; ;pi?K.vigorouiiy to oppoie I'roceedi ' rlication to Parliament ar'the piefcht ciitical June- f lubvcrtlve of their Frttdora and Hapi : 1 . v.-"fc tutu, jc;mciiitii, iu uuueter at htre is alfb to be a Meeane:cw Monday ex I. he'Swan Jnivn'Dudiey, of the Tact wiiaTMa (kofaaorer of that Town, for the ratae Pufpyfe. T',;;N:TE W B E R Ni tyril , ' VThe G E-ii a a a L A a 9 1 m b lV be in g prorogued to tne jyth of March feyeral, of the Members met, . tut ttiere not beine a fufScieht Number to ruake a 'Houfit, his llxcellency the Governor was 'pleaicUtoj -prorogue: them fjmDay ;to,Day to thc th Inftnt, when a Number. fuffidieQt to form a Jioul'c met, ;; and .being duy, qualifiebMl' taking : the Oaths of 'Government, waited on his Excelfency to acquaint !hiia therewith. His Excellency then .directed them to' return to the HouTe and make, ChCiVeof a"Spea- " ker. ' Colonel John IIarvev tlieir Ute'.Speaker, ' ' iraii'tnen unanimouflv eleded," and condu&td to the 'Chair accordingly.' TfieKoafip then waited on Hs : Excellency, and pre.fented feir Spealier; who he " was piealea to approve, ana unn opcncu ucm-ju onpr Mi ' AUeH -lead them back from the dangerous ,,11,111 (JUIIIl Vl 14UUU uiviic; utc thtir Dutv : Set before them the facred Tie ance by which, asSlibieft,' they are bound to the State j iMonn tJu in.of the reciprocal Benehts which their WnSt Obitrvance thereof eh tides'lhem to-.and warnhem -of the Dahgejr tO;which they muft expofe their Lives f ahi Properties, and itU that they hold dear, by revolt- s in; trora it. . 1 ne.trequent uccaiion.$ you Ijivc had, m - your fevcral Capacities as Members of the Legiilature 1 and toajjiltrates, moft folemnlr4 to fa-ear thia Allfrl. - aiice wiuch is an. implied Duty upon every Sitbjett of every otate, wjiere ic xs not prpre:iea aua. ueuareti, . muithave broucht it home to' vour Confideration i aiid ;you,..ie ..heretbre. ccrtaliily vell (qualified,.to !explaiit the Obligatory. Nature and Imporfince of Itto th Pco- X y 1 with the following ornnv.n: v .. . 1 X'CfnMcmen 1 Majefifs Hono;irdte QunCu,Mr. ' ' 5 VQT HAVE how met you ih General Ahembiy, in uppes T M that difmutn? severv Caufe of private Diliention JL rvrrv from Vmir Muids, -vou will calmly, unitedly,' and r faithfully apply yourlelves'to-the'tifchkge ofthe high ; : ;tnd important .Odice of Legiflation, irtiich you bear; 10 great a oHaie, accoraing 10 m-i vmuhuviwu Country, that'calls upon you for Re.ief at tlus- Twle ja aVoit peculiar ar.d prefling Mahiie. ,;v i Uentiemen, wmi tne ezcrr-'ucic nunwi aim m!T 11 lonx qi ms jiajeiiy vviu--.pnt, Where "h many places the'inAy- will immediately return to their lJutV' and Obedience the. Laws,- and gladly free thenifelves from that Ty-'T . ranny, which ill dir.cfted Zeal and lawlcfs Ahibition, y all. the Vrts of Mifreprvfentation and-Delufin, "are ' .courting them to fubmit to. .Iluve the high Satisfac- - tipiita tell ycru, Gentlemen, that I have already re. : -ceived fipxal. Proof jof .Othe Ociiy Loyalty nd Duty if great dumber of the fcood Pcoi-le of this Province; .and I have the fuilelt AMura'nce that many more will : tpllo'w their 'Iaudable Kxmple. 'Ihtfe, Gv'ntlenun, .are ycry favourable Preiiges, upon which I cohgratu late you, and which, I perlWde.iuyfelf, . your prudent Conduft will improve to tie Honour and 'Advantage of your Country.', j . ' 1 ... ., Tut State of the Colonics Yi aYthis 'Tim.e Uie 8ub of .the, DcliLcra:ioi)s of. tle Grand Council of the Nation, from whole Wjfdom and "Jullice they, have ' trjVTIij to fxre'confilttnt with thePrinciDles of '.. .... " -t. ... . . - L XUe tirittf conititution, and the genend Welfare pt tie Concern, "to tie CouiQUerices cf the Violent and un- "jaltihaple tToceeaj jues of this Cofitii cent, unwary, and ignorant IHirt 'of the Vcopl? , have. . ;mpke, wjiile they toitmue in the ,pu'ty they owt .to Jbecnriell5tJjciyaUnto 1 lit. rheconTctfed .gejierouf Chara&r of ilritai, .ana Sovereigh'and th ftate; hat Itrtid Imme4iattry; to nV . ,olvethera in the moil ' embarrahlng MlScultics-and-'. putrefies, and which, if purfued,1 muit intvuabTy pre , dpitate thefe Colonic! from their prcnt inparantlled ute of Prolpei ity into a Train pi Mifcries mjlt dread ful tb'cbntempla'te,'' whence Ages of Tune will not re neem them to their now enled Felicity. You, (k'n- tlemen," are bound by your Duty to thejTCirfg, to the 'State, and to this PtODle. as well as 1 by mine, to oh. S Viate the Ccntagion of thefe evil Examples in this eyery Qther Colony, with Regard to the latter Article J am lorry , to lay it is better, thai; has-been yet adopt . ed here. r;:4:": .. '-y' ;,'.'':.:-;'' ' . ''- :''lv - uore to; this Pro'yince, by a Law for the permanent Ellablilhmejit of Cdurts that. great : Store -'tif -'politicu 'Z, ."Blcflingi, 'arifirig fcoW a duc and rcuiar Adminillratl (Qii of Ju(iicei of which I haye Joig. lamented to fee it deprived. .1 bave,'receicl hts Jvlajelty Detennihaioa 'upon the .propofed ' Regulations with Regard to Pro-- teedingi ,by. Attachment',: which have been .the appa reat Caufc-of thjs- MislortUne This I Ihalltommuni vtate to you in the 'Coiirfe of your Se (Hon ; and I hops .;k1rwili obviate all thej'pinculties.that have occured oh .this bubjeit. - vhen the Eltabhfliment of Courts' wall pur tJonhdcrati?n,7 you cannot tail to lea )f makmz'Prcvifion for the fudeet ; and " the Prijorierv of that Provifion blcin? arleoiiate and ho- 'nourable,aud -fuitable to OftcCJ of lolilgh Dignity and Importance. . ' . - ' ' V . iAr.yMiFr, end GeniUmt oftUHuufe cJjimW, - I cannot doubt that 'you will (be the lame Nectffi. ty for fupdorting thufualEftablimment of Fort-yciv-:jtot founded updiiihe fame Principles of fcubluf Utltf ,tty, tliat )iav induced-you to maintain it. durins fo Jong a Series pf Years. . ;--v . . GestUtnen ofXf:t Mhjtflft , HoimrdiU'Ceuad!, Mr. . I tyeahrt. qnj tGtntlmc of tbt Houfe of -Ajfembl . , , I am finiUle that the advanced Seafon of the Year' requires your Atandance: oA voiif domeftic Affairs find I ihall be therefore glad tojind that 'ypur Unani. ou, are, 'Soye. met upon :afford me Opportunity'. to conclude your ScujOn fpec'dily,' and. happily. OA my 1 ,Part,.I do affure you nothing mall be w.-ntipg to pro ;note Uiefc goad End$ , . . . , , : . ; vb'r,W XC Xf AT? TTW' W ' V $ Vircugh Uievh;!er:oOrle oThis Retgii, has uniformly imatje the llappir.erijf hisVcbt.'e Jthe Obitcrof 'all his tVicws, and ihe.Rule f all .liis Adtions', infui-es it to thtra. . un this, rreat Arbiter--of Brittb Rijhts. It in tiecbmcS vo'u to relv thf. fulft-lt Conft. Country i and to defend it, if ramble., from the Rum . and Deftruftion, to which they pbinly la-d, I ite, ith u infinite Concern the unhappy. Influence .thVy Have al . 'ready had among us. -The Meetings to which the. Peoole have been excited i the 'Appointment of Com mittees the VirtlenVys tlitfe little, illegal, unreftrained, )uii arbitrary. I'ribunals, hav .imafefys Sulfas j the rbj lnO the have done to the lights of rrant and unpardonable alts they have oltciea to tne rugne.i uuioiuiej 91 State by Ibtne of tJieir Atls, which haAc been made TKlbliC j 'ana tne Jrtop xnai nas unit pui in lyinc yi liic . Counties to the resular Cotrfe of J unices in Imitation 1 tlwriefo d?ncr, and to defcrve. by a'du"tiful BchaviW, 'tis, fa- vuuiable Regard.- It a prett JenttouldXe wanting, as I cannot fuppofe it is, to fndqce yoU to fuclj a right Conuc, one of the rhyli l eipcctablc of the Colonics rlords it to you and you will fee, wkliout Qriellion, how-liighjy imprcjer.it will be, at futh a Cpnjunolu're, to.voumcnance any .Mealuies of a contrary Nature, lUhC l eouie o ths Lolony have. any Reprelentatio:-s to make to the fupremc Po trs of the State. , vou are the only legal and. proper Channel of their. Applicall- pni j and throu-h you ihe)-.inay be jaluired ot every' Attention to, their dutiful iXtitio'ns.; You, Gentlemen, Idar fay,' tender too highly tlie Rights i the People', r committtd to your Gtiardianthip,'. and know too; well the Limits bf'your owni Pcriver, to confirrn them tb afiy WMKr iiujus uuuuiuk io only- pc uiiquaiinea to . , xS'n Vue!3?y tft the; lion, the Speaker pfjtht lloufc orAffembly received a Letter frcm the Co Jony'ApctSu acquainting him, that thcy.had re ceived the Petition of the Continental Congrefs to the Kin?; which". throupALordt)artmouth. thrvhad , o' ,. , o f , r w - 'prckntcd ; ' that the fame wai moft'Rracioufly' re- .vcivvu uy mi ii4jcuy, who picaica to give ior Anl'wcr, that the Petition being ot very great Con , fequencc, he mould lay tne fame before the two nouiM of ranument. IT V r i t( the unwarrantable Meafures taken in other Colonies, but too plainly evince their .bantful Prpgrcfs here, , .-y.d " - loudly demand tjie.moft effetlual EScerticnot your re- .J5raSnirrg and cci reeling Powers, j,Yu aie now, Ccn - llemen.,of. the Ably, by vour Duty to yourl'elves , , 'ajad to your ConftuUeiiu, moft peculiarly called upon to oppofe a .Meeting o( Delegates, which, the People Jjivebeen invitcd,to choofe, and who are aptointed to " ''.afIrVaWe 'nt tlti ve'fy T!me 'and Place, 'in the Face of the Legiihture.. This i;jepal Meeting,. purfuant Ho my ' Duty to the King and to the Conllitution of this Coun v tryand from Reg? rd to your. Dignity, and the full H. Rights of the People, 1 have counter rfted 1 and I (liall J ctminue to rrf.ft it. by every. Means . in my. Power. What can this imSin, .Gentkn.en r Aie you not.tue crJy lawful Reprcicnuuvea or tr.e i eopie. in ina voun y nd lompctent to every legal Purpofe f . will yoa 'i then fubmit to fee, your. Conftituaiti)mi-.l to violate . thtlr dnrcft Privilcres, by'woundin2 your Dignity, ' ind felting ffp Riprtfectatins derttory to your jull Fowcr and Authority t ' This, Ccntlemeii, is an Inlult ferv.c U Ple- buwijl infallibly diveft you -of tlxat . ijimry anu joniequcnce, , ricu lx ihcV lawfuVRcricfentativtsV . v . Ltr me hope, Genilemcn, that laying afide aft Paf- ;Accord,r buruw fuch a Line of Conduct, in thefe "Point of 'geticral Concern to JticrUa, as may po hioft likely to tic:l Jth unhappy Diflcrencei now fubXvAine be tween Great'Britanndi htr Colonies.. .Conftder how ' 1 n. ... . . ' f great an vpponunty ypu now. haye to lerve, t to wvc 'your Country V to rnardfill your Loyalty to the bell . tof Kings, and to douonftiaV: yur Atttaghmtnt to' tlie ' Britib Conftitution the Vnoft free, the moft glorious, atid happieft political Syftem in the whole World. If - you confult but for a Moment your ownlntcicft and Welfare, and thellappinefs of this People, I canpot be duarpomtcd in my Hones that you will avail your. ,'ro record .to hutt Pcfterity, that at a Time whin the ' Mcnller,-Sedition, cUrrd to rear his irai-icus Head in . jimniza, uc rcopic 01 tono-k.firoiiKat miruea wiin a and aaunaltd by the Example of its LtCiturc, Rood yertbCrelina, C6u County, Jlrf 4, I77J Hp) H E .Committee met at. the Hoafe of Caj.t. - X James Sumner, and the Gentlemen appointed at a former Meeting Diicdlor to promote Subfcrio Utioni for the Encouragement of Manufaclurcs,, in-' forced the Committee that the Sum of 8oJ. Sterling . way fubfetibed by the Inhabitants orthis County for that laudftblt Purpofe. ' " M r ' .The Committee taking into Conuderauon .the Manner in which faid Sum may be applied, fo as to redound to the Utility of this Province in general; and to this County in particular, Xtfolved, '1 hat the Sum of 40 U Sterling, be paijl by the ChairmaQ of ; tlie Committee to any Perfoh whp Khali, in ejgh'eea Mentha frpm the t)ate heieof, firft make in this Pro . vjnee, or caole to be therein made under ms Uiree- uon, 500 Pair of goqd Wpql Cardi fuch as ufually cod 15 d. Sterling in GretBriuint and 506 Pair cf good Cotton, Cards, fuch as ofualiy colt 21. 6d4 Sterling in CrtAhBrittavtl which the Ccmmiuco hereby oblige themfelvVs to Vu'rchafe." and pay read t. M'oney For,1 at the Rate af 21. Sterling for the Wool Cards, and 3 1. Sterling a Pair lor the Cotton Cards : And it is expeflcd the Perfon intided to foch Pre miums (hill furnifh theni at thit Price. , The Qua lity ard Price thft luch Cards ofualiy coft in Great" 'Britain to be ful fliittrd to the Ccmmjttee", The Ccmrmttce alfo effer a' Premium tf 40 1. Stcilirg, to be paid by the Chairman cf tie Com 4 i v 1 t I IV

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