Earl of Dartmouth's MSS. [printed] APRIL 14, 1775. THE NUMBER 31g. NORTH-CAROLINA GAZETTE. With the latest Advices, Foreign and Domeftick. p.l. 1st column SEMPER PRO LIBERTATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. Bahama-Islands, New Providence, February 6, 1775. TO LORD DARTMOUTH MY LORD, It has been remarked by the celebrated Cardinal de Retz, that the most extraordinary Things which happen in our own Times, and which we see ourselves, do not surprise us near so much, as Quam longetu eum ub lrs rebis abesse arbtrare, quas non modo antia nunquam cogitaset, sed ne nunc qudem, eum eas ingredi- tur, qua & quantx sint suspicouri potest GINC.INCRCIL. very common Transactions we read of in Times past, and he is of Opinion, that when the Emperor Caligula made his Horse a Consul, the People of Rome at that Time, grown fami- liar with Tyranny and Corruption, were not much astonished at it. If we review in par- ticular Instances the Malignant Influence of Prerogative within a few years, and the conse- quent Unhappiness, Anarchy and Destruction which APRIL 14, 1775 THE NUMBER 319. With the latest Advices, Foreign and Domestick. Bahama.Islands, New Providence, February 6, 1775. TO LORD DARTMOUTH. Quam longitu ub bie rebus abesse arbitrare, quas non modo antea nunquain cogitasit, sed ne nunc quidem, eum eas ingredi tur, qua & quantoe sint suspicari potest GIC. IN COECIL. the People of Rome at that Time, grown fami much astonished at it. If we review in par. Prerogation within a few years, and the conse.