the Operation of the Non-Exportation Agreement would disable him to pay, and that he could not approve of a Conduct in a collective Capa- city, which, as an Individual, he should blush to acknowledge:that he thought it a Duty he owed to his own Sincerity to mention this Sentiment, but did not mean to obstruct the good Purposes proposed by an Union of Measures: that he would chear- fully comply with the Non-Consumption and Non Importation Agreement, ans should give a passive Obedience to the Non-Exportation Ar- ticle; that an Individual, as a Member of Society, ought to conform his Actions to the general Will of it, but that Opinions could not be altered without Conviction, or insin- cerely expressed without Dishonesty. In Con- sequence however of this Declaration, notwith- standing Mr. Macknight / expressly said, that p. 4. 1st column he desired not any Disapprobation of the Mea- sure to be expressed by that Body, and was only willing to acquit himself of his Duty, by declaring in Convention his own Sentiments of it, it was proposed and car- ried, that a Declaration to the Purport a- bove mentioned should be signed by all the Operation of the Nov - Exportation Agreement city, which as an Individual, he should blush to acknowledge: that he thought it to obstruct the good Purpose proposed by an Union of Measures: that he would cheer- Non-Importation Agreement, and should give a passive Obedience to the Non Exportation Ar- sequence however of this Declaration not with- standing Mr. Macknight / expressly said that Sentiments of it, i was proposed and car- ried, that a Declaration to the Purport a