of Difficulty and great Importance, and that a mere Knowledge of Law- is not always sufficient, Reports, Precedents, without a clear Head, of Difficulty and great Importance, and that a mere Knowledge of Law-Cases, Reports, Precedents, &c is not always sufficient, without a clear Head, and an extensive Acquaintance with Trade and Commerce, I am astonished at such an impu- dent Perversion of Power, as presumed to ap- point a Person who could never have devoted any previous Attention to the Duties of such an Office, and who without a Miracle, can know nothing beyond the Detail of regimental Baggage and Provisions. But as an additional Misfortune for the Honour and Reputation of these Islands, Incapa- city is not the only objection against him; the any Judge. Your Lordship's thorough Know- ledge of Mankind will convince you, that the Creatur of a Minister invested with so extensive a judicial power, whose only Sup- port is an Office and Pension at Will, is as dangerous in that Office, as he is degraded by so illiberal and slavish a Dependance. How infinitely more dangerous, my Lord, is he like- ly to prove, who appointed to a Place of Trust without any salary in a Province, where he has Want of Property alone must disqualify almost p.1. 2nd column no social, no friendly Connection, for whose