I Sir Jofeph Yorke,:at the Hague, witJLfome Intelli gence, which was immediately fent to his Majefty at the Queen V Pallace. . -, A Gentleman of Diftinetion has obtained a Grant cf working the Royal Minta in the Province of Newfoundland, on Condition of paying a Part of the Produce to the Grown, ; ' : N K W B E R,K; May By-eJfclrriwd4v J5W, wf iwitf the following 'very important Intel-- T N E W.-P OR TV April :f By a Gentleman fiomCambrtdge we are inform ed, that 'between 11 and 1 sr o'Clock on Tuefday Evening laft, V Detachment, confifting of the Ore nadiers and light Infantry, amounting .to 1000 or 1500 Menv as is reported, embarked from Bolton in the long, Boats belonging to the Ships of War and tafled Charles River from the weftern Part of Bofton, landed in Cambridge, . and immediately proceeded ' towards Concord through Minotamy and Lixington, at which Place lalV mentioned, they arrived before . Snn fet, and ;foufid;i66 Provincials under Arms- The 'commanding Olftcer of the, advanced. Guards " add tiffed 1 1 te m TnlKfm 5 ft ab li five eTmscal ling' thvro damned Hecis &c. demanded of them what , Bufinefs they Sad thqre $ arid upon being ahfw'cre'd th';y were exercifing, commanded them tocUfpeffe,. threatening tqli re upon them if they refufed. The on ' aforefaid, then : in y Court, : except dmtjfiki , exprefslys,refufed to qualify to the fame, being all of Opinion that fuch Qualification would be a das tardly Condefcention which would for ever have dif graced thenv: : ; v.-. . ':'';!'--. '-r Defired that MrrDavii print thejabove is fpeei dilv as pofflble. , y-; T: N. B. ThTFurtherProceedrngr ofthTDay to : be in our next. . .. ,: "a ..,.'';. bail to the chairman of a committee appointed by the mob, without whofc pafs no man can travel that country. , . - . ' . 1 Apr 1 l , 13, . - The following is the SubJIanxi- of Lor J Chatham'' fropofed Bill to he brought into Parliament, iniituU gUA-rrovxiionai aror lettung tne 1 rouoiea f S I Re in America and afferting the fupreme legillative - ? .Authority and fuperintending Power ol Great- ' " TrBritaivover ths Colonies;" .1- 1 " ' 1 Pleafe to give a Place in yoor 'Gazette to the foM .lowing Lines, and -yoo will oblige year cpnltant Reader..., 2 , ; : '. .- '-J" T his Seat, in this County, died, on'the 20th Inft. a m w 1 iTSm it H77Efhhodr1iisi'' moral and locial Virtues was univerlally and deferv edly lamented. His Remains were attended by a confiderable Number of refpcttable Perfons,' and on Friday was interred, as being a Colonel, with mili tary Honours. The Lofs of fo ' ufeful a Member of 7 Society will be very great 1 He was the kind Huf- " band, the' loving Father, and 1 the fin cere Friend. In all the public Chara&ers that he. was in, he aced , with Honour and : JuRicc, which" made his Funeral a Scene of fincere Sorrow and Mourning. ; : N E W - Y0 R K March 2 3 , On Monday afternoon expreiTes a; rived in town ; from the county of Cumberland," in, this provioct, . ( who bring accounts from thence of a very ejctraor Caotain of the Provincials not irnmcdiatciy com- J dinary and alarming nature. -On Monday after- the advanced Guard made two Fires upon 1 i plying, them, killed two or three, and wounded fix, whr died the fame Da of their Wounds, upon which ""tbdirledr-'.-.Tv"-'' CT'; ' . The ReiofarsTmarchedbnto .CojoH where : theeiiroyed'fomea the Trunnions of a Cannon or two, demolimed one ' or two Gun Carriages, and moft heroically cut down the Liberty Pole, which was erettedat that Place. .By this Time a Number of Provincials had colled ' ed, upon which the Detachment began to retreat.? Exafperated to the higheft Degree by the daftardty; mercile(sMa(Tacre of: "their" Brethren at Lixington, they purfued, and fired upon the Regulars in their - - Retreat. EaH Piercy, at the Head of a Reinforce ment of 1000 Men, with two Field-Pieces, met the firfl Detachment at Lixington, r. and fupported their Retreat. , The Provincials Hill collefting, took to the Fields, and from th? nc5.to.the 5idc of ihe Hills galled the Regulars fsveje,ly oh their Retreat,- and did not quit the Purfuit till they reached Charles- .-town,-when the Regulars encamped upon what, is . called Eunkers Hill, in the Afternoon of the fame " Day. , By Order of General Gage a Proclamation was read to the Inhabitants of that Town, purport ingthat he would lay that Town in Ames if they ' cbftrufted the King's Troops in their Piffage. ' The f'-r;'" ton. The Number killed. and wounded on both j- " Sides was, not afcertaincd when the Perlon who ' brought this Account left Cambridge. A young I jGentleman, who came out in tfie 2d Detachment, ; - and, who was taken Prifoher,' faid, the Regular loll '. 1 about 200, and'the Provincials 40. A Number of 1 Provincials ftrrounded 13 Men, who guarded two Waggons, and took them Prifoners. On Thurfday i- - Evening, Five Thou land Provincials were aficmbled 1 '. .at Cambridge, a large Party at Roxbury, and a j large Body at Mvftick. i- Since the Arrival of this Account, we hear for ii3premacyrid.Anthority-i)jGreaJirBri4. tain are alTerted in the verr Words of the Declaratory At;, only that the Words in all Cafes wbafoever, zri omitted, and in their Stead the -: following inferted In ill Matters touching the gene ral Weal of the -iJuhoU Dominion of the Imperial Cronun of Great-Britain, and beyond the Competency of the 1 local Representative of a Diftricl Colony," el'peciall for the Regulation of Navigation and Trade, and ' . keeping a Uanding Armyj or fuch regular Forces in -any of the CoIbmeOTlme oFiyelce, &c.as his -' Majeity may think proper, without Confent of anyr Aflemblies of the faid Colonies : s-Nevertheleff that the Colonies fliall not be liable to any. Tallage,' Tax, or other Charge for his Majefty' Revenue, without the Confent and Aft of their refpeclive . Affgmblies;v:rr'?7''-' , t That it fhall be lawful for the Delegates from the refpeftive Pi-ovinces to meet jn General Congrefs at Philadelphia on the ioth of May next, in order . to-take into Confideration, and make due Recog nition of the fupreme legillative Authority, and lu- noon.vprecedmBt Court, leverai riotous and djfjrderly perfons, to the number of between 80 zndji affembled at the court-houfe, ! of . which they took" pc&ffion,. "wUh JftaVowedZintent jof i i being held the next" d ayrm irtf bt tire nf h Id " if fifi 17 an d thofe who were unp rovided, f or were colicti n g .1 both arms andjamunition with all pofiir?5 difpatch. . Many of the magiilrates having come to town, it was thought advifable that the (hfcrift fhootd niake . the ufo4i proclamation againft ; riotous aflt mblies, and demand the pofieiriob of the' court-houfc and gaol, which being refuted feveral times, about nine o'clock at night a party affeinbled, in order to difperfe the rioters:. Thefc preceded' with the fheriff, and fome .magillrates to the court-houfe, here proclamation was agaihmade by the fiierifF, for the rioters to difperfe, and fundry attempts wereiaJetQ get jnwithojiLj)fingre.arms i V-butl. mis proving meuciuai, inrec guns were nrca over the door, in hopes the rioters would, be intimidated,- and' retire but to determined were they in their undertaking, that the fire was immediately returned from the , court.houfe, by which one 'of the magi Urates was flightly wounded, and another perfon Ihor through his clothes. The mapiltrates- fecing the imminent 'danger they were in, : exerted imreivci fo weirtnat tney lorced the fidnt door, and after a very fmart engagement, wherein one of . the rioters !was7kllted7iand, many perfons on both fides wounded, proper meafurcs were taken to. pre fer ve the peace for that night. The next morning all was tumult and diforder; the judges, however, opened the court at the ufual hour, and adjourned till three o'clock in the -afternoon ; but by mis time the body of rioters, begin- mm mm k ' r mm ntng to aiicmble in large parfier, from Mew-rlamp (hire and places adiacent. and particularly from Bennington, in the neighbouring county of Alba- . ' L.i;i " ; ' - 1 . L' t. " qy, wun an nnmic appearance, ana inc court iurc- certainJthaithe-.Soldiersoa-their-Retreat. enteicdl.fceiog-nap.-obibility-of-being. able to-pnceed to i ! t two or three Houfes. and mod barbarouflr . butcher ed feveral very old and fick People. ExtraQ of a CtHer. from Pr evidence, April iz t Tk! Mniiif nr hivr i vrrv rrtain Arm ant. that at 10 o'Clock 3000 Men afXembled at Mai fit- , field, and cut off all Communication between that Town (in which the Kingi Troops are) and the Water; and prevented then getting on . Board th; Cutter, difpatched from Bofton, to take them cff. "One Man was killed that was'in the. Out-guards of the Provincials. Lail Evening a Very great Light was feen by fevetal Gentlemen, who were riding in the Night, that appeared to be in or oear Mar(h field, fo that it is conjeftured here that either the King' Troops, or the Provincials, had fet Fire to that Town. We hare likewife further Accoony, and it may be depended upon, that General Gage has (hut up all kind of Communication with Bolton, . uo Perfon- fofiVed to go in or come out, fo that our Friends in that Town are in the utmoft Diftrefs." Ktwpert, Saturday, lb o'Clock. ,s The within is a Copy of a Lrtrer, and by an Exprefs that arrived in Town this Evening from Providence. As It came from a Gcntlctnan of Cre- . ;3it, the Fads therein contained may be relied on as . fuch. , At an Inferior Court of Pleat and garter Sejions held for the County ef Pitt, April Term, 1775. P- R E S E.N T, . John Hardy, George Mey, Dempfty Grimes, Willi an Robinfan, IVtUiam Bryant, Benjamin Bowers, Zdmund Williams, John Williams, and John Tyfon. ANEW Commiflion of the Peace was produced and read in Court, whereby it appeared that feveral of the moft refpe&able Gentlemen in the County aforefaid, whp were in the former Commif on, were defigncdly omitted j for which Reafon everv Gentleman Aonnnatcd in the new Commit. bufinefs. adi turned to next, term. The body of rioters, which Coon amconted to upwards of five hundred, furrounded the coutl houfe, took the judges,. the judices," the flieriff, the xlcrk, : ahd as many more of their friends 'as they could find, into clofe cuftod, and fent pirties out vfco are daily - returning with more prifoners ;" the roads and pal- . fes were guarded with armed men," who indifenmi nately laid hold 'of alt paiTcngers again It whom . any of the party intimated the lealt fafpicion, and the mob fti mutated by thtir leaders to the utraoft fury and. revenge, breathed nothing but blood and flaoghter , againft the unfrrtunate'perfona in their power; the only thing whidrfuTp "WPaiftefcTceo'pTiuos a. to thTmanner of deftroyiog them, and Iwmthe violence and inhu manity of the difpofition apparent in the rioters, it - is prcatly to be feared thatJbme of, the worthy men in confinement will fall a fc.ificc to the brutal . furv of a band of ruffians, before any timely aid - 9 w can be brought to their afiSIUnce; , March 33. An exprefs, lalt night arrived, brings an account that the inhabitants of Cumberland , county are in the utmoll cenfufion and ditlrefs, and that one of the judges, two magiltraiesy the IherilT, the clerk, and four other perfons (whofe lives'were providentially faved from the fury of the rioters by the timely tnterpofition of a ftrong party of men from New Himplhire) have been committed to the gaol of the county of Hampshire, in the province of the Maffachufctts Bay, efcorted by an armed party of the rioters that all the Magnates' in Cumber land, except two, ara exprefsly ordered by the riot ers to ceafe the further execution of their offices, and thefe two ire permitted by the mob to aft in crimi nal cafes only, for the Purpofe of figning warrants for the commitment offucb perfons as they (hall bring before them and that there were 7 perfons, whom' the mob had imprint!, let out on giving : T ' -f 1 -' 7 -T"T rT T " 7 T , Voiomes, as atoreiaia -i nat the uonereis be re- squired, (over and above the ufual Charge for Sup port of civil Gbvernment in the refpeftive Colonies) ;to rnake a per- - - petuil Revenuer ' liament, towards the Difcharge of the national Debt. No Doubt being had but the juft free Aid ; will, be in fuch honourable Proportion as may feera me and becoming Irom great and flourilhing Co lonies, toward a Parent States, labouring under the , , heavielt Burdens. ' ' . ' Thatrafrcr the Delegates"t grcfi are fufficiently authorized by their , Conltitu ents, to fettle and levy the refpecYive Quotas of each Colony, for railing the propbfed Revenue, -that iii order'tff authorize and malct their Proceed -ings legal, it (hall be an indifpenfible Condition; jbatjy duly recognize the fupreme; legiflative . Authority and fuperintending Power of the Parlia ment of Great-Britain over the Colonies as afore faid That this free Grant of the Colonies to tho. Crown j is not to be underflood as a Condition of Redrcfs, but as a juft Teftimohy of Affedlion. For Maternal TiNDtiwiss l-.-That from the fime of palling this Provincial AGt of Parliament, the Powers of Admiralty and Vice Admiralty Court! in America, wall be rellrained wlthinthttr ancient Limits j the; Trial by Jury in civil Cafes relldred, that in capital Cafes, no American SubjecVfhall be indited or tried, except in the Place were the Faft was committed and by a Jury of his Peers of the Vicinage that the three Bofton and the Que bec Bills, the Aft relating to the quartering of Soldiers, and fuch Parts of feveral other Afts at were thought to be grievous, fhall be, and are here by fufp ended, and to have no EfFeft or Execution from the iJate of this Ad ; and from and after the due Recognition of the fupreme legillative Autho rity and fuperintending Power of the Parliament ver.the-Colonies,-then to be finally-repealed and annulled. . ' . That the Judges in Courts of Laws in the Colo nics of America, be appointed with Salaries from the Crown, , and to hold their Places, as in Eng- a m mm, m W land, during good liebavtour. That the American Colonies are jufily entitled . to the Privileges,' Franchifes and Immunities,; , granted by( their feveral Charters and Confiitutions, and that thisi ought not to be invaded or refum ed, unlefs for Mifuler or fome other lega Ground of Forfeiture. - " So (hall true Reconcilement avert-impeoding Calamities, ahd this moft folemn national Accord eiween G reat-Britain 4t n4-hr-Colon ies -ftand i everlalling Monnment of Clemency and Magnanimity in the benignant Father of his People, of If'idont and Moderation in this great Nation, famed for Humani ty as for Valour, and of Fidelity and grateful Af- fcclion, from brave and loyal Colonies to their Parent Kingdom, which will ever protect and . cheriih them." ' - We hear from Flulhing, Long-Ifiand, that oa the 4th Inft. at an annual Town Meeting, was chofen, with only one diffenting Voice, a Deputy, to meet the Deputies from the other Towns and Counties, to form a Provincial Congrefs, on the aothilnft. " We hive Reafon to celieve that moft cf the Townlhips, Precincts and Counties, in this Pro vince, have. Already elected their respective Depu ties to meet here on the 20th Inftant in Provincial Congrefs. We have already received Accounts of ' the Elections in many Places (which Want of Room prevents our mentioning particularly) a mong tefe are the whole Counties of Suffolk, O-ringe,- Ulfter and Weft.Chc&er. , In the laft of thefe Counties, it was confidently averted no De puties would be fent -but we bear, there wasa Majority f:r the Meafuxe of near hvc to cue. : -v. .v ,1( V "f. !' J : -- t ... . . ... r

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