SEMBBnPKO LIBERTAtE, ET BON O V U B'L.l CO. -r-- Niw EwotAKD Pumar BuuiareV 0tf LORDS, Afcrri 16. Set Np. j6. J O K U dinawicn in epi ooierved, that the Factt which the Evidence Julbeta celled to pro?? were fimpijr theflr. fits fri T&s$at were bred emy Year by .ttc bfitiUi Newloundlaud Filhery ; that confe- que tly in ten Year,, rwVry Twi rW Seamen we re addrd to the maritime Strength ot UMt country mat trm wat an urjcci 01 van Coafc (Ju?ncc , anJ if ; the Ncw-England Filhery crodcccd hardly atv e.?n;cn, it war too much to sacrifice the marrrne Sm'npth .of England to a People, who had tun mitred every Ou trar again It ith Sovereign Aui ho; iu ot thu tru;:iTryiri.:i: ik The noble LquL1 ui. ri , I,: it w:j illiberal to Cat.l at the Kvid n r ; M- I was t Merchant j with which Sir Huh VA6 wai intimately ac ad. of thrift ul..nnv inJ-.i: T M of cucadenlu C i.'mw ic: 4 .,1,4 rtat - VUh Jljrrrd the Imr.radiUpiliry tfpniuerI Inj'Lir.:.! a, the stable Loul who ipke laU could not te U 1 ut w!ien he qu. liioncd the; poWer of Great'Iiriuin in jhiy.K l 1 H i lo Lr hcra the In, Irr iotity of Number? Icing an (JblhuClion to the Suctf. uf the hi Sh Tio;w the contrary wat the seal Fait; 1 fcnutity of . Nuiubcri, however paradoxal it nii;;t.t feem, would accrlmu bucccfa there wa a proJi;ioji DiiKrcncc between difci p!ia.d Troopi and ' .V muiti'i.dinouv Rabble j if Via? (eft (hmiid be pu.l;! to Fxttcmity', the noble I'trd for hit Part wowU with jy lu3rMTltu 'mrrieaaT 'iKf oid fake ihc Field, n I fdWcnce -jatwmj 'riv i iheRealon wartliiiTTroiipi -; raullhe iuba iuaf, thf (rratcr Number of Troopi thtrefure, the rfia'cr will be the DiJKcuI-y cf pro ca iitghubiittriue, and'ennfequcntly the-Country. lfopU will fjfi'er ri cuter Dhtrctfei, whi.h will fmn Ifil ttfra to fevk. that I rotcaion Irum a trgal (16 Frununt which tticy feel to experience trofi A irthy and civil Iht' ord ; thui the Amerlnui wdUM uuqatr thtmfelvei by eating up their LSun- try Bt wai tkii not likely ro be the CzU, the noble , ltd Lai to Son if Opinion of the Bravery of the ilcericay 1 he thought them mere Olultereri, who frit boli only in ro;tion ai Danret vvai it a l)ilirin4 mhta u arptoorhed uuul'J Uy-Uuwa- isru mcri. ir fcncm.uicM. ana run .i th Sigt cf LotiiiKurrh t Far:y of thcL lrt A- ctriaai wtrt empl oyed, they talked ol the woo? 4ttn9 Peati they jjld perform, aud tompand zclrz to Jtmav bat todioj the Place likely la rztmt Elsace, ihele fuaeu very coora reoafly rra try. U4 tbaa they woiu4 co ca ever caatrrm Danm at tfJach:J. V.tea at a taact they would bU.U, rcfutvr, wn'x, jtu cil, aaiioractr. . With ntlpa 10 Tsdt.9t the leatue.1. Lord vh i fpckt lii hai ca.;!Vi,at thj Perton whn thvMiht " levels no a yranTiy. iofa danaun luuieu eJtltxh it nwTtanay 1 lur it it wai Ty. taasr tl3 wctt the raoft tjraar.itel uvcr cf aay i'ecU caau lUarco, fr they , weic the muA tndyuiri.M . Lcrllclbsrfte lomSated ttt bill that : , If it wai nrlat aiaCill wrrU'e thr i-wiei;, jMltimrnti. ty Ai4 wai totally unficirn tic ri;ial ten aatrvedtothr .;!(? )reprt!iirai weic uite . t t if the htU a t ate at at a voiuir.ifwi. aJ ItejcUtha, It lrrin titheTi rp t; to tk el tie Adrian-- fa; mJ accivf to the EritiOi tcwfmiaad irr. U Keaever the Rry tlaMuni cf ihiacf at; c.hvr Cnnih cf-CatomcriC Ihould czzJbzLtt that Ihiif, thete Wat no Doubt bat flat Atmtisa oJd be ptd which the Miitudc cf tit Qe3 re -j 4 'red 1 bat tSc oitte recol ki a Vnur, who romparrd the Maiei . t&4 Urtsmat ol Uninmc to the .4ui:ipHcity cf t!as3 loptnepuble fiiri with which the Body cf Men tbesairi. The cin uitowt Ccuria ol Trade il was izjzZlU tdtraa throih the frvcral Chaa. trlr, it tlzizi U kra of the haoan IntflUcI, at ill tzst Fitmcf the Code cerea ed the EiploratU . cz d d bria f ight 1 it retjttirtd therefore the ucsm$ Acatio to obuia even a feperia ej CtraUi c I ike car, the ocA tfilict at lafpee ix o ba tJeubly coareifant in the aer. ... VT Btfpt C to the f p pof4 A 4 an 1 1 1 f , 4e. tint! 6t3 the BrttiQl F.lUrr the n-W Lor4 tru tct tuUaaHe to atritl ttt tho6 Ad f O liJ uaUuti u a Biuch of quainted, though it would have been highly!-indelicate to have preited, him on tEa Subjccl. . : 1 he noble ilail paid the hi heft Cmpilmenti to Uiwh Pttfifer, both at w Cowi marker an moll (kilful Nf(Kiiir ) in the latter Capacity the noble l arl had tried him, during the Time he had the I ionour to bear a Fart in the AdminilUatiun of ,thii Lou n try." Sir Hugh had foiled the Guerchy in fo many Poiuti, that the Frenchman had UcfaibcU him to be l1 iur evtum eii LJ Chdthm." The noble Earl capreifed hit furprize that fo modi Atteitttou ihould now be, paid to t'uc New-, fundUnd Fimery. AVui if 1 i eater Obicd than that Bill the Territories of Newfoundland were io- Abrd,lytt luthIniViuccuK 'itVe aiV Ohjraion-to thAt Bili.7 That the New- . f 'undland Filhery meiited the Attention of Covrrii mtn Lvai certain , lor lit wai an Object on which -the'Counctli in King Wijliim's Time emploje'l their Attention ; and even fo early at Charlei the -bviimdrihe-Meafute of that Prince wcrt exc; rated, bcuufe they weiv Iraught with fjch pcrricioui To. Iky, a to permit the Fremlf to Cprc iu the New foundland Fifticry. , The Heiju)atiOn, therefore, of thit Filhery being in the Admiralty IDepartiocnt, the pre ft n t A ct raa' iupcr li uout 1 bur if it was de fipned to coerce the Americans Tinie would df covtr wheilicr the 'Fide of Popularity ran agiiult the Favourtrt or Oppofcxi of' that, and othci AcU of a 11 mi ur, Complexion." Lotd Suffolk, in Favour of the Billifaid, it wai not meant entirely to deprive the New.oglanderi of their Fiflieiy ; for the Faith of Parliament would be pledged to reftort the Fifhery the Infant it fhould appear tKat the Ameritam loA returned to heir Ootdienee. " 4 Lord Radnor dedarcH he never yet had been able to if.akc up hit Mind otf the Aftiirr of Amrriri, to give hit oic oh either Sid of the QiieAii-" on j, but what had fell from the I aft noble Lord had determined him to jive hi Voice eiiJl the Bill. For if the Newfoundland Fidicry wa a moft valua ble Btanch of Commerce to tbn Nation, he could not be perfuaded to pledge hit Faith at a Lord of I'arliamrntrfor the Surrcudcrot"tharTfid"to lhe Americtns The Duke of Grafton, in reply to what fell from LjrdCamden,lfaid,itcould not be expected that L-rd Chatham V conciliatory Bill mould pafi the IfouU, ai it fliu.k at. lha Repeal of no left thin t AcU of Parliament foot ti which were Money LiAnxQticM avoc4 hit ft If ihe-frqa out Friend ol Ahuiic, Imwrver Appcararicet inihr be :ga.ti!l him. lie wished to fee the IViSd when tlcTa.tiin if Ainnica would be dfpenj'cd with, ts an Amplitude of Taxet wa iticluucd in their purchafe of Lrivlifli ManufaAurei. N J.ord Abinvam faid that 'Reafon, )u!ice,' Con- f.icnce, Principle and lollinct, all promoted him to pronounce thr Bill a moll infeinaLand diabolic Mcafurc. I low the Rbht Rev. Buuh reconciled it m their Confvicncet, he wit unable to coaceive j fir hit Part he pit hit Tro I iu the Almighty, and iho'th he knew all he could wy wouiu avau noiouig f aiuft a minirterial Maj'rity, yet he clammed the l.i.r Jt .irairtl! InjulUie.-a in the judicial iGutioa ot PiuviJence it gieially fell heavy on. the Hcadi of th'tfe who phoned Iniquity. ' . ., . Thai doled tK- Dclute," and on a Divihow the Numbert aod thui, for tltc Bill, 104$ aaiiill the Bill, 19. , . one of tbnfe unhappy Invention!, to tthitli pi;. raent it driven by ihe-Dinrcolriei which multiply poo ui, from an obttinate Adherent e to an JJff Ooreramiut. W do not know maiy int iANtW--Kng land, ami the other Colon iev but we Ikiaowuhe Jutent it. wliih is kttktiLl, and iacludct all the Inhabi tanti.l Amongft thefe many are admitted to be in nocent and fcveral aie alledgcd by Mimilen to be in thdr Svnfe, eveu mtritoioui. '1 hat Govern ment ihich attempts to prefcrve iti Aiuljority by ' deilroyjitn the. Trade ol ttt SurjrcV, aid bv in. ApKini the innocent and guilty in a corhmcn Ruin, if u afi Irom a Choice ot ruch Meant, confeflce hfelf nworthy i if from Inability to rind any other. admit! itfeif Wh&lly'inid w" (11 tt itution. ' :-r:: - .j; -r-. y ' - ,7- viiij, ouiiviou, mc i,nriim tviercnanTi ara auuilheu tvithtiut any Ouilrrrealirpretendfd: oft their Tart. The People of the pioA riled Province!, : though f.iilini; iu thrii Duty to iiovcrnmcnt, ojght to le peiinitttd difvhaijje thtir Obiigsittons to. Commerce: Without their Filhery tnat 11 'imraflt-' bte. Tlie Mrrihanu oj Kngland enrei tain 110 Feai their Debt, except Irom- the Stent which are" atd robe taken in Their Faidur. Krght iiundic vl houfand Pound vi Luglilli Property, belonging s. io 'London alone, i, not to be trifled with, or facta teed to the PrytJt of tin ie who have conlbintly failed in every Kxprctatioii which thry have held Out to the Public ; and who arc become more bigot !fl to Methods of Violence, in -proportion to the Experience of their Jiicshcacy, and the ntifthievoua Lt nfequenrei which attend them. ' I niriy. BECAU.sE the People of New-Englana. . IJtU th Yi 4ffui al LlMim or Mankind to the (Jilu f Providence 011 their own CoaH, arc fpecially en titled to the Fiflicry by their Chartin, which have hever been declared lor lei ited. Thefe Charter w nhihtr(noiwithltaiTdintK'eCohtcmprw which . the Idea of public l aith hat been treated) of material Confideration. -The Bill therefore not growing out cf any judicial Procefj, feerai equally a Violation of all natural and civil Right. yltrthh,, BECAUSE we conceive that the At tempt whidihaTU;enh?adcorBRl BBlhTNatioo" Into an Acauicfcence in thit arbitrary Act, by hold I fig out to them (by Evidence at the Bar) the Spoilt of tht New-Lnglaod -Filhery, worth upwarut of 500,000!. a Year, to be a Scheme full of Weak nefi and Indecency p of Indecencr, becaufe it caay hi fufoeclcd that the Didrt of the Ccaimkn kss w wr thht wea n , oscauie 11 iunpci . . . 1 1 . 1 .r !l O D 5. P R O T E S T. il k K O V LOR w ww Pit SUrtitt tl Mori ii, I77J E Order of the Day being read for the I thud reading of the American Retraining FtSery Bill, and for the Lo di to be fammoaed, theftme wat accordiaily read the third Tune $ and fevrral Amendmentt Uiag made thereto, it wat amoved, ' that the Bill, with the Aneadmeiit, do raftM which being objffUd to, afur Debate, th Qoeftioo wat pat thercwoj it m lfioJo4 ui the A&rmttire. , Corittati, 7V NoaCoattatt, ... ai BECAUSE the Attriapt to coertt by We the whUcBodi a the liJudatuu of Itat audpopu- wkiiever it t.iLcn horn the Colonia .it of Couifr to be translrirctl to ot ih !vc. We may trample oa thi Rnlet of Juttice, but we cannot alter the Natura of Thingt. Wc cannot convey to Great-Britaia the Advitiitacct of Situation which New-England fioTcflei for Filhery. lljhcValui of the Commo- ' iity (huold be eahaiiccd at the foreign Market!, by the Excluuon ot lo large a ran ot me auppiy, w pay ei'her greatly injure the Sate of the Commo dity itfe!f, or put thr Coufumert on new Articlei of Confumption, or new-Methodt ol Supply, , to the YA Ruin of thole who, deluded by Avarice, have CHOSEN, from tjic vain Hope of aa enhanceJ Market, to dilloibthe nataral, fettled, and bene aci;l Courfeof Tralhck. Fifdlj, BECAUSE we do not apprehend that the Topic fo much infilled upon by a Lord high in Oft e, in Fax our of thit Project, nauiily, the COWARDICE of hit Majcdy'i American SubjcOi, to have any Weight Jtfclf, or be at all agreeable to1 the Dignity of Sentimrat which ought to chatar teriie tail Houfe. We do not think it true that aay Part of thi Subject of thit Empire are defective ia Bravery. It it to the laA Degree improper to aU ipon fuch a Suppoition, at it mall kighfy difgrace our Armi in Cafe of Mitfortane, and muA taae a wty all lioaour from them ia Cafe of Succefi. No thing can tend more efedually to defeat the Pm wolet of all our coercive Meafuret, than to let the feoplf , igaioft whom thev are intended, know, thai we think our Authority fouaded in their BaUne ft that their Refittance will cive them feme Credit, even in our own Fyei, and that we attribute their Obedience emit to tkeir Want of Courage. Thit il CALL for ReAftaac, a4 to PROVOKE RebcL lioa by thr atorl powrrfal of all Motivet, which ex ac epoo Mri of an; Degree of Spirit and 5IiUlirj. -4 .