1 . . .. M.r(2MS Sm sws s8 sms aw s ..s With the. lateft Advices Foreign and Dpmeftick. ' : 1 i2 '. ' V 1 ,. - " . . A . .; - - - .-v .-.-.-..".vr... . , .' .?;:: :-'jv-';r;'. 37."--.'I'v'.:-:: 1-77; . SEMPER PRO LI BERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. -:i88i 'ft- 32 v. LIB V i t ALMON'j PARLIAMENT ART REGISTER. HOUSE of COMMONS, &i. 27. : flmmMe -HENRY TEMPLE LUTTRELLY .. Speech m AmkricaV Affairs. -77 ::7: tON,(a former Occauoa i prefttmed '7 to ltate a few of my Sentiments to '"- the liouie, relative to the War 1m v rten'dme-- over the A wstfcA-H -v?7 it Ifrrny own, FeIingVA"I thought I could not. aafwer it to my - own Country, ha4 I n?le&ed, at : ?he. verylcariieft Mo ment that mjghroifcf, ?o declare m utter Abhor ' icncc of thole unconftitutioiial, Arbitrary and diav v bojical Projecls, deviled by hirMaJeyV -Mmii&nT for theT??itruftion of tnut unhappy Pebble; ' '?J flatter myfelf a certain ilJnOasCharaer may j iopn tor ; there leems to oe a.divine ticam;or Raarance CJtning round his Temples ; and .1. forefce almolV not altogether, as murvellp'us a Conwrlion into the riffht Path, as that which happenedn Days of Yore to tlie great Persecutor of the 'Chrilllan -Fol lowers on the Plains oi Damafcus." . To what Hack Storm in the political Firmament wc are indebted for this fudden Cha gev I, Sir, move in too contracted a Sphere to difee tt ; but the noble Lord will allow me to tender hir my hearty Congratclaticns, that he is at length 1 'akened to that Clemency, and to that;jujlic, wh .h. will beuV 1 jree With' the innate .Temper of his II irt. There is a long Line of Statefmen feated' in 'rm'Array not far frSra your Chair, who have, er r lince the Birth of this Pa Hamcrt, nniformly (hr.:ak (and 1 am fore their Confdenccs always mft . ' ik, what . foever their Politics or their Eloqcen kmay do) - - from the great American QiieAion ; tk; uvcwTIh ed to deter to the lateft Hour poffible, i' .DifculH . cms of this critical Topic, in Hopes, Varh hey " term r It, to Ifarn what Is a taaUv ('"" n tMXl&tTAl rifct not a Sua in that ll.-inifpVere but lets to fuch adlitiooal Grievances, and Outcries, as the moA - frothing fu'ure CnceJins, the molt exarftplary f .tare dAcrin:csoa ) our Part, will fcarce be able Ij 4 tone for. ' H Awcvj;r.grating lathe F.arof me Individcalr- the ab;etmay be, I Cull take the Liberty, with tne Ir.dulenwC of tne li;uf to aCi.ro, Out thefe s Miifures cf compelling the Aincricanv by Fcrre of " Arnn toacknowieJc.' 'he raramo'snt and uhlimitrd Authority cf j'arlumit "in ih; I'axaiLn vi their I'ropaty, a 'Pmje.r.'crc4ied li their Fa;u!;L;$, tni by tr't lni t.try, a-e n-r y'f, are not ?!itici a.c ct fn,1nlU, but a tri:eroj Infrlrgeincnt on ' the Cou;ti:a.ion of ihe Colonies, wh'uh rcits upon the fame fun iamenrii Pruuiplcs that uphold the Prcpcrty a.d urh!U ihr Franchifcs cf cvtry Native tnis I;U 1 J. JIr, 1 ever will contend, that tlia united P?.r!ia-' merits rJ li upland ai.d Scotland rauaot li'jally im- fMiV 4 Fa on the Su'.j .'ds in any o.her rart of the Jr'iii.ii D)inin;m, without the Couunt of fuch &.ihiiMt, ci btr by th.'infclvc in Pcrfon, or 'by ih.i- Kpprc!cntaue. Let the Champions of Del ' jm I n va I thcmfe'lves v( trnir Kr.uK'dge and S hutry, I ent arc to ir.aii.tsih ttis Propoliti-. cn, ft jt attonntly prei'uming en niy Talents rr. thi'l m mra- e it, but ou its own dear intrinHc Merit, and the Conviction that to tvery dtfyuiTi triitc. Miai ma:t titutally iif.de from i:s iuVcf. 1 iiti. - - Vh Cnertioa propofol millta'es aaint the Pri irilcgf cf a!l Emigrants cf their DtkiipiLn, from the Fi.uc cf the paiiiar.hal J)iijar.;iion w thJt . l S Caitract who carried i v& thtm (as their Ptuu.ii) certain inhcrvbt Rih: nitural to Man kit J, irnmd&Ve and uralieaablf; confirmed to '. then for an llnitage,. b) that blc.T.d Cuutlitution cf Sawn Cotre xturt uc J?r which they wer born, - Laws eaabliil.rd on hj ilNeceHity; andlrapotencc 4;:a thm and the prefcot State, cither by ex trefs or tacit ATcn were not cf an'univerfal, in- i- .1 .1 ... v.r . c j . XT . . tattle Ks'ivr cf Tmft ldanted to the comrara tivc State of the centreing parties, for the Pur f oft cf temporary Expedience, and muft of Couife aT tonfmitlc ta (uch other relative Alterations ts Lapie of 1 ime, and the VicUItude of human Af fairs may clTcct, ' Aft cf Parliaments, or ether diplomatic Titles, pay te ri rccd ta &i formal, and perhaps . vsccatcUciromptio ?f Towcx at feme givca Period of Time; but will nat.coim;ervail the prime val and indefeafible Rights' of Mankind whenever fuch Rights fliajl beall'erted by adear' major "Part c6f the Communvty: On l:V OijOund, and this Ground only relbour fpiritual Form underjiirry; the Vlllth , and that-molt clori lbs if all civil ' Re,. voluUojfihf1' B ffvAU4Vpff tfT' loft tnTTSrofle of thefe Rrafmsv'31i'U' J ' : ; - CT"hole rGentlemen h1f V Oninifence ;- of Parliaments, and the Inatlibili;y.of their Codes. ' ihould advert to the many abYurd; contradictory. Portions and Dbclrines laid down "daring the Con tention of the feycral Pretenders of the Plantagenet ; : Une,und. afterwards of ihe He cf Tudor. 7 j- 7' 7 ;; ;;. -. '7'::7.;'. ' j v; In Faft, "Siri your Statutes pofe""Daysor' rrojwedjtro -n47onKwha Uoever; Brow might'iiapFnrt6 be n -circled with the. regal piadeinVf la the Reign of iCih? Richard II. a Law" pafledfto tranifer7the - Power of both Hpufcs of Parliament to twelve Ba rons.: By an Aft "'under" one ofj'tlm" HennctheJi. King's Proclamation," with" the" Coijknt orms privy Council,: was thenceforward to arry wiih it the Force atid Efiicacy of a Law of tha Jand. Ai.d We all know that the Parliament of. 1641' -voted itielf ato perfuade he; felf that your numerous embattled Legion under triumphant Fleets fent to her Coafvs; were fupplied purely from Motives of parental Af feftioi, or fympa;hetic Beneyrencev :;:rHad, Sir that vaft' Territory been . planted J,vv.i th - Prtugut fe -v Scion s'i inftead of thofeTripm yotir own Stock, pou nder at ing as" the political Scales of Europe then were, would you not have afforded to a People, in theif natural and moral Oharafter as far from Umlca from yojrfelves as :.' iftordyis";' from"':;Haifeor.yV - .aft equal Supply of Men and Trcafure ? Ren.ember, Sir, )6iir Prowtis at the Eve ox that ' iaine VVr, pear the. Banks "of the. TaeVi's. .1 - " ' 7 ThrLove or Enmity of one People to anothi r. cannot be eflimated by their. occi(i jnal Aliiaccebi "CoroffaSs or (iuara o tes . s a Body Politic. , j t; 11 tuTa Century ago inat;ou;EneLi-.B'eadeerTe4 with uhpaial Idled Ardor in the. Army' of that arch Eneihy to civil and religious Liberty,- Liwis.7XiV of France ; the execrated Revocator'of the Edit! of Nantzj the Afpircr to univerfal Defpotifm, We fr..,A 'c:- ., : a a it, t ..u ..r. '! -1 . . 3 in. vuf: wui, gaiim 1 cupi wiiuia i ujerante &U(a Charity of Religion, whofe. whole Syftem and Free-, dpm of Government we at that very Time held iri cmuli'ive Veneration j a People. whofe Affiftanco we fupplicated and obtained, fcarce twenty Years after, to deliver us from monarchical Tyranny. . Such Coertion were highly impolitic, -becaufe it is from the Profperity, lVace and Conteniment, of htr Colonics, that Refources of Wealth and Laurels -of Honour are won to a Mother Country.' Hiftorjr teaches us that Populoufnefs and Affluence are th Produft of that Clime alone, where the People may reap in Security a full Harveft of the.' r Labour; where they have Affluence in their Leaders and Go perpetual never to be diflblved'or prorogued but by its own' Confent : and the Afiead b, an ho nourable Mi'mber to the Committee on the prefent Refolution and which he treated with fo much De ference, becaufe it declared the People, of ih a Maf- -' fachufctts-E ay irt a State of Revolt! was palfcd by this immaculate Parliament. Now, Sir; . let us fuppole (wht Jn thefe our vn-7 corrupt Days there can be no Realon to apprchenu) tbV Ouhod by aa Mrniftcr and Minion of the Sovereign, 'veitwetneT: alien Hand ; Where the munid oak if not the imi whole 'egiflativc,' as well as cxectiiive Power in the - j-pcrial jarifdiftion, toother with the Power of lei Crows, totally to . abolifli both Hiufes of Parlia-1 vying Taxes, are veJtcd in Si.b:tuutes of their owq .in?ai Ljvflu LU,nr h h,fa t n t lJ A4fxa the SiiKj-?tt throOghout Great-Britain and Amenta? All Pcrlutii have natural Rigf.ts, a free People have . legal "Rights, independent f t' Parliamentary Edifts, a;vj otwuicn no rorm ot Government whatever can diprive them. Laws no: fjunded on conllitiN iio;iai jumcc, are in incnuaves nuu anu voiq.n.oc are thrMakerrot thcm LcgtflatorS) but Uforpcrs. A"cry wife and learned. Writer (Judge Black ftonc) haiin his CVinmcntiries the tvllowing Paf fe : if the Sovereign Power aJvanee with gi gantic Strides to threaten Defclation to a State, Mankind will not he reafoped oun5f the Fee. ings ol H i.n mities, nor will ficriltce their Liberty iira fcrupulous dherende to thofe pvf.tiCal Maxims, which wcrs origiaaily eilablifhed to -prefuve that Libert;." 7 . . . ' .If the Powers and Pretenfions of a few Adventur- vymg 1 axes, are vev.ea vn iiiOiututes ot their owa -free Cao.curAppiobationA .' That laying of a Defpot, OJerint Jum tnetuant may be applivable to the Iw'art'r.y .vhs of the oppo site Diviliou of the Globe; bat, Sir, it will never a.cord with the Sentiments of cur hre.hren in A ncrica. :, . jj , Threats and Violence u fed again it Hearts"of the ers and Fuitives occupying about two Centuries ngo a fmalt Corner of a gracelcfs Defartv and pof felf.d of none of the good Things of this. Life, are to afcertain the Powers and Pa-tci fiuns of three Millions of-People, fprcadover a Land flowing with Miik and Hon.y; und 1 boo Leagues in Circum .ference, they mav, with the fame Jultice and Pro priety, hz brougktt'wflJCxuiuri hence TifafferTSTrT the Righis and Prettcftuhs of thirty Millions,' when the Inhabitants of thu diminuivc Ifle lhall fcarce ' reach a fodrth Part cf that Number j neither ,an I own f.ich Diiparity in the Calculation ofTncttafe to be at all exaggerated , if wc confider the 'arious fame fturdy Temper with your own, nult induce the moll calamitous Events 'o both Paries. There will be Seeds of equal Courage and Perfeverar.ee found in the one Battle as in the other, with thia ; i'iti'crencc at the Onfetji that the Aim of the ag grieved is ufiially braced to bo'der, more dtfcifive Lfiorts of Rage and Defpir, than that of the Ag greilbr. Amlx uck gtnerunt Cblumlut" Let us, bir, rather rtjoicc that our Br ed has not df gt ne rated ; that thefe Colonilh have a Stnf- of raticraL Freedom, becHiing the Sons cf fach'hlgh mettled Piogenitors. ( .. Ill wJld it anfwer your Purpofe to brir.e their Bodies under a lhort-lived Sabjeciinn, and to leave iinpreflcd u on their Minds an unseating Ranccur and Aptnefs for Revolt. Jlevcngcis an uijchriftian Paflion, et how rarely cikSS. Cu,h-numftitjtnJuroiKlIcd ol alublinier "nictoiini, without this Alloy W . . .rMeiner, air, am i aitogetncr unacquainted wttft ,tlfc people of whom Iam now (peaking. ' CurioA- tytmculcd ifte tohavci many Hundreds of Miles: aiong tneir nounmmg ar.. hoip.tabierrcvnces. I found in moft of.rihem.the Spartan l emoranc. Drains from this Country, andthcdailylnilux ofPcr. J- in many -tiie Urbanity of Athens ; 'and LOtwilh- Jfons of both iiciccs.at the very Meridian of Life in- to tncWjinvitinc; icegions j Derides, new jettlers cfually tiftrift themfdves to Hunting and Agricul ture, to Toils which afford Vigour to the Body,, and Enterprizc to the Mind. They live on plain, wholcfome Diet; it 'Progeny Is' healthful, and of boundlefs IncreaJe; whereas in-Nations tha have reached their full Zenith of Luxury, the Mafs ,of the People Jtre occupied at fedentary Arts and Manufactures, drawing in from Morn to Eve, an impure confined Atmofphere, or brooding over un. wholefomr Furnaces ; hence the vital Stamina are hurt, the Appetites foon applied,, the Spri'ts eafily deprcflcd ; thev bciome enfetbled ere the Sand of their mortal Glafs be h,a!f run out ; their OrTtpring is faplrfi'and emafculate. America has hen loudly charged with Ingrati tude towards the Parent. Country, from whom flic received Protection during the I;.te Con (lift of War. 'Tis not uite clear how far the Balance of that Accotnt is in her Disfavour. However; (he lanno: tc fa ignoraat tf hc real Springs of "War ct Peace, ilanding the bafe and fcroundlcf Imputations, on thdr Spirit, which the, cankered T nu. of Preju dicend Slander has with (o licentiouia Virulence here poured forth againll them, they will, I tm confident, iffctto the Proof, evince the Roman Magnanimity, ere Rome fell under fceptcred Uftir pation. But, Sir, if a foreign linemy fliould ap pear at your Gates, and you need their AfHttance, will there then be found among them manya Co-" rlolanus ? He Hands fmgle as a Prodigy of Forgivc- nefs, in the Annals of a People whefc Attachment to their native Land was carried to the utmoft Height of Enthufufm. How foon that foreign Enemy may appear at sour Gates, I know nor. Accord ing to the horological Predictions of a moft enlight ened itate Sooth(ayrrwe have about fe'ven Yean more of profound Tranquil. ;y with the Houfe of . Bourbon to truil to j but, from1 the Symp on of our domcflic Diftracions, and the improved Su'e of the Government and Finances of our Neigh bours, I mould judge it prudent to be fomtwhat better provided than wc aie at pxcfcAt fvi au culy 1 1 7 'I f 1 , 1 v. , v . T ' . 'I . - - . . r ' . . :. 1 i. "v.--V . . jr- ! v.

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