-.1 V -U) '.''- ! , I t. if- i nuptorie j not entirely to difraantle ow FoTfs.and Coafts of Soldiers and Seamen feat to itnolate the Martyrs fo Liberty of their own Flefh and Blood,, on thelliftanr Continent-of -AmcricaV'S .:;r It has been made evident to youv that aDefe&i- ; on of the northern Colonies will foon bring on the . complete Ruin of your Weft-India Settlements, which cannot elfewnere ' affordably provide them- fel ves with CatilerLumbef ,7afld divers other M--. ' tides reqaifite for the Support of a Plantation. . Let us turn our Eyes ia nthe inland trading Towns here at home j ' thofe lafgc Iron i?ounderies which ; tfed to fuppiy the Anchors of Commerce frnd'Im- Jeraehtsot Husbandry, and theingenfoas Aru are': . pow fet at work ili jnoulding the Sword 'and the: , bayonet to-eriflave Amfcncav From Commiffions there accrued conftant Returns of fro"- t, and numberlefj. Comforts j from the laUeiy" Whatman be, expedited but rsoverty,;Dejeclioh,and: lourningT Peace with America - will make" your r .Thousands Of Manufacturers and Artifaos a tfrjiv- ing,-'obdient People f War with; America will make them idle, profligate and tumultuary". In &Ort,- the firft operi: Hostilities committed by, your Troo) on that Continent will, realize to the Race of Marti from one Extremity of the EartH to the , mhei, mdre fatal Evils than were even contained in the fabled Box ot Tandorav, ,j Xt is well - tion'i drawn and Roman Emoires. that national Societies, as -well as the rhdtViduaKMortals.cf whom tho&'bo-'. cieties are compofed, .have their Ngn-agey their -' adult Vigour, and their Decline. - WiYatfoever v Share of Indvilpence and indadenTGeSTBrt tain fhall . in t his iier JtOTta .tea at nie.tic. itag?4. ge "to make their Lives happy, in the JPoffefilon cf : which Liberty ... they !do n$W hourly invoke that Aing or Jungs, or to matce weir ueatn glorious in ft JUit iMlUWEi v What is the Aim and Scope of. Refcfation before -you f ljo lure lome ot the leis retractory rrovmces of America to difibciate from, and betray their , fellow Suiferers; to join in raifing a -Contribution throughout one Half of the fielonies to fupport your ' Armaments and Outrage againft' the otheYHalf with a View to annihilate Tirade, cut off every na tural Channel of Livelihood ,lnd Subfi fiance, and batcher the difobedlent "arfd how 'are thefe Sece- ders to be. fecompenced for fdeh fignal Perfidy I Why, by a temporary fexercjfe.df certain empty Forms and Modes o Taxation, confirming at the - feme Time a Right in" the Crowrti and Parliament of Great-Britain;, ?6 fix the grofs Amount of all the continental Subfidies whatfoevcr j 'that is, in Fact, -"they, are to be ilill fubjecto a miniP.erial.IvIajcrity in this Houle, which may leyy . Impfts qn them, not by any1 -fair Scaled of Proportion to the- Burthen laid oft thJ, Mother Country, but "the Dim and' may perhaps be' carried beyond their Abilities or tiey . v may be liable-to the .Difcharge of. an 'imrr.enf?; na-, tionai Itbt,. Way . of Et ncft, hovyever, againit jled Box , or randorav . -v. ; " - :;:: : -r -eil knownj; through ;rnelanchoIy 0 bierva iwn from the Fate of the AifyVian, Peruan-, Faith and ioiifidence in ' the' prefent iEet of . the ' lN?fl I "-Sit' rerouflv beftow on her riiW Colonies, they wiir, no Joubtram ply repay to her in -loin e l uture Ae neraxion, wnen ine is wcrgmg tuwaius iui' aiui Goal which muft clofe her Race of Glor r The military Coertion f Amecivawill be'im-raaableWha-iias been the Fati of yourBi: monrBills paffed in ihe latt Seffion of the deceafed Parliament i I meani Sir, the ,BoHon .Port Billf amd the Bill for altering the Charter of the MalTa- ehufetts-B ay. . America, as an eafneit of. her Tri ' omph over the future Labours for which Envy and Malice may referve her, has; Jike another Hercu : les in the Cradle, already grappled with thofe two Serpents fent for her Deftruclion. .Neither fhall we be long able "to fulla'm the . unhallowed War 'at .fo . remote a Diftince ;-unex('lored Dclarts, Wood-,. 'Land, Ambufcads, Latitudes to which few of our 6oldiery have been feafoned ;the fouthern Pro- ' iinces, fcatce to be endured in the Summer Months, the northerd Provinces nOt approachable . in the Whiter-Season ;Shipwreck$,leiUlenceFamine.j The unrelenting Infretiracy tnd. Carnage of York ind Lancafter, Will here be joined-to all the ele mentary Hard (hips and Maladies of a bigot Qrufade1: Shall not fuch dreadful iEras in our earlier Chronir de, ferre us for Beacbns at this perilooi CriHs ? Thofe1 rafh Expeditions indeed, undertaken by a . few martial Zealots on misconceived Piety; began ' to decline at the Death of the hot-brained, favage- ) hearted Kine. undefwhom they were firft enter- crized l aud the Sluices. of-kindrcd-Bloody .vhich ' lud bng inundated the Land in the red and white Rofes, were at length happily put A Slop to, by a Cngle matrimonial Contract. Now, Sir; who can look forward to a probable Epoch in the red-Volume of Time,' when. the Sword drawn in this Quarrel fhall be fheathed in Peace I I can fee no ' jind, - till Slaughter; Profcriptlon, Extirpation, ftall totally have znaihihted ther otie or the o ,thcr People. . , : Far be it from me tn anticipate, by Conjecture to tithef Country fo dreadful a Sentence 'K biirr Sir . without a Gift of prttcrrfa'tural Fore'agn't, I may ; remark; that there art Features in the Afpft of Infant America, which denote at micurcr Years a mofl coIofTal Force, The Helvetic" and; Flemifh Confedera'cies,have demonflrated what extraordfna ry ObiUdej a fmall Band of-Infurgenr,may fur . mount in the Caafs ofLibehty. Th Helvetic King's "Mi'nilteri at -Weftmlnfter, h reia'arkable'fof ' Coriiiftency, Lenity andWifUoiiiij. ' V - , t Thenoblc- Lord on - the other', Side of the HquiC jputs me in Mind of King Arthur, : in our modern "dramatic Mafic, where that firil Lthe Britifh Wor hTeTllandslialana n g beteehGrtaibatd ndiit- .ladel. Hc hasju;t caught a Gfimpfe of .'.the? cloven Foot of the infernal Fiend, by whofe daxzling nares ana''incaniation--nB--naS'DeenniUs,ioFjgiiitinaica.i and Js -turning to the fair heavenly Spirit", : who would guide him into the Ways ;of Ha ppinefs and Honour. Let him not "ilop mort, but purfue the only ..Track that can fave his Country perhaps' favc himfclf from Perdition. "" , r " ; -' rt i fhou!drberasflrenuou,s ah A the jpft Authprityf Parliament as any Tvlan j but I think. . we ought candidly and effeclually to Velincjmfh all vain. Pretences to fupreme Sovereignty, in Cafes where they re. not maintainable on Principles' of y Jufticei of found PolicyV or the Conllitution of the Land. V .. If yoii pctiiH in Pride and Error; what will ,be the Confequencfi r Intefline Enmities will be en creafedtevaftation and Havotk muft'enfue. -When Qedions of fuch Weight and Magnitude a thefe now in Agitation concerning America ' fhall' come before ycu, every Member, ought 'to rej -J?ftAlh"LtHe. Fate of a whole Nation may poffibly ; depend o,n his fingle Vote. ' : ; - ; . - AVhoToeVer gives the Power of Oppreflion.'is in Fact a I yr4nt--Vvbofcevcr gfves the fower of Mur der, is in -Faft an" Affaflini ; ; ; . ; r- : - --7 I am -gainll this Refolutlon; becaufe I think, that fq far from extinguifliingrhe Flame,, it will' only throw Oil upon it to aggravate it Fy ; and however fpecioiis, however conciliatory; it may feem at firlt'Sighr, when it comes to be analyzed rh tlijf other idcof the JValer. (fafhioned as it nov flands it cannot poIEbly have, any other Cohilrutti on put cpoh it, than that of adding Infuh to Ijuty. - Meaiures which nave oeen porfued, ma arenour. purfuing, to the Oppreffion of put fellow Subject . 1 in America thefe Mcafures are big-with all the t Ccnfequences which can alarm i free and commer : cial People. ' C ' :- '-f-yz,-'''r7r A deep, ,and perhaps a fatal Wound to Com- : i merce ; the Ruin of Manufactures ; the Diminution ' of the Revenue, and confequent Increafe of TaxeJ j the AlieiiatioB of ;tbe;Coionies your Mjefly's Subjefts.'. ' ' v, :"-.( BiU your Petitioners, look with lefs Horror at the Confequences than at the Purpofe of thofe Meafures, not deceived by the fpecious Artifice ofalling Def ' potifm, Dignity- they plainlv perQeive. that the I "real Purpofe is to ellablifh ARBITRARY POWER.; over all America. ' . ' Your Petitioners Conceive tbe Liberties of the ' Whole to be inevitably connected ,with thofe of , . every Part of an Empire, founddd-itT-llie common -Rights of Mankind ) thty cannot therefore obferVe : without the greatctt Concern and Alarm, . the ton- Ihtution fundamentally violated in any Part of your.. -Majefty's Dominions. They" eiUem. it jto be an ' eflentjiii.1 - unalterable 1 Principle; of,. Li berly,- the Source and Security of all conltttydonal ''-Rights,. -that no Part, of the Dominion can be taxed without 4tlrtprefnte4-V-Pn tbis great, leading Prin- 7Plc LlMScC ar'cLeMw Subjects an America fecured in what tfceir humble ' Petition to your Majc-fty prays for-rPeaceLiberty and Safety,, Subordination in Commerce, under which , the Colonics have always chcarfully .ac- quiefced is,, they conceive, afl that this Country. , cugnt.m jqiuce to require'- rrom tnis ounoratna tion , "fucn .Vidranttgcs fluw, ' by . all the Profits of UieirCommerce centeringlvere, as fully corapen fates this, Nation for - the Expence. we .incur, to ' L.hicIi they con tribute in .Men" and4 Money," for their Defence and protection uvnng a general Vv an j and in their Provincial, Wars they.have maniteflei theirReadinefs and Refolution to; defend ' them--. Telvcs. r.To require more of thems would, for tii Reafoh, derogate 'from the, Juftice, and Magnani mity which have been hitherto the Pride and Cha- . racter of tbis Country.';, .... :' ' , ... . , It is therefore with the decpefl Concern that wc -have feen' the facred Security of .Reprefentation in their v AfTemV.ies wrelled from ihem ; , the Trial by Jury 'abolifhed,; the odious Ppvvers of Excife ex-, tended to valt the Cafes of Revenue j the Sancluary of their Houfes laid, open to Vibliitiar at the. Will and Pleafure, bfeiy Oificer aftd Servant of the tuiloms ; the Difpeniation of Juftice -corrupted, -by rendering their judges dependant for .their Seats sind Salaries on the Will of the Crown ; Liberty and Life rendcre1i7brecariousrby fubjedtinir them- "Confederacy cerfiflcd of. a few Hrigglmg PcaUijiS t bannered agair.il a mighty 'Prince; yet Firnr.cfs and Defoeration fupplitd that "Erieufv. w)idi the . befl difciplined hfumbers could not refill." , The tragic Scenes pf lcmath, and (f Sagurttum (hew to how Aire a Catallroph'e a fpirited People ZX- svill devout , thtiafeIvei;rf5onerthaij;fubmlt toan unjuft Dominion; It appears from one of the A .werican Letters of a late Date brought to your Ta" tie, that the Inhabitants o'f Bollon were inclined to Copy in Part thefe dire Examples ; that Ihey mc- dilated to abandon the Town with their Wives and 'Families, and, the reducing it to Afhes. "'- , Did hot we ourfdves give a very flriklng Proof at the Commencement of the 1 2th Century, 'to what an incendiary Height the Flame of Vengeance might reach, when ve invited over, and received . into the very Centre cf this Ifland, a whole Army cf Frenchmen to a'd us again ft a Tyrant Monarch an.l his iniqirtous Counfcllors? We owe rxThaps that fatrcd Palladium of ojr Liberty, Magna Char ts, as much to a Dauphin of France," as to a King of England; , ' The Americans alledge, that what they now con t tend for is that reasonable Portion of Liberty with which they were chartered as their Birthright, not ' ly ia earthly Potentate but by the King of Kings, LONDON; April ii. f .Yefliday purfoant to the refolatioA of the Live ry on Wtdntfday lafl, to addrefs bis Mrfjefly for the removal of thdfe per funs from his fervice, immtdi. Ately.atid for ever who advifed the late fatal niea- , fures reTptcling America, the Lrd Mayor met fuch ofihe Aldcrnun and Livery aj.ch ftt to atrend, at Giildhall, focn after u el ve o'clock. At abciit a qaarier fcjfore one the company was afTemblcd, and focn afterwards left, the Hall , amidft the fhouti of the popuhce.' Tne Lord Mayor was ia ' the flate ccarh, preceHtd by the City Marfhals, and followed by the' Aldermen. Bull. Sawbiidget Lei, 'Hay ley J and Newnhami with MeiT Plonter and Hart, the Sheriff's, th? Town Clerk, RcmVni- hrancer, and ab.-ut 40 of ihe Common Council and , Liviry, the AlJermen in their fcariet gowns, the , Corflfncn Council in their blue -mazarinvs, and trie. Liver) n'.eh in their ufual gowhs.InChcapGdef Fiect lrcet, &c. the crowd was large ( but 'at Charing Crcfs it was immtnfe. The windowi, and lty,9..5f topj cf thehOufrt,' ere'dej!vjrhe,bdke2 . and Dutchcfscf Comherland furveyed the proceflion from Cumberland HquTc, ind were-attended by fevtral ptrfons of rank. AtKout twenty minutes after two the company left the Royal prefer.ee.' When they camein'o Pall-Mallthe fhouts of the populate tciliEed their approbation of the petitioners proceedings. Oppofite Cumberland Hodfe, the Lord Mayor , bowtd three times mcfl rcfpcclfully to the Duke, who returned the compliment with the molt manly dignity, yet graceful condefcention. To the KING'S Moll Excellent Majefly. Tbi huM ADDRESS, PETITION end . RE- MONSTRANCE, of tbi Lord Mayor, Alderr' men, rtaiTi very, oj ytht Citj tf London tit Cm ' mon Hall ajjmlui. t . k . , Moll Gracious Sovereign; . WE, your Majclly's dutiful and loyal Subjects; the Lord Mayor, Aldermen and Livery, of the City of London, , beg Leave to approach the TJixoac, and to declare of Abhorrence cf tit to be dragged over the Ocean, and . tried for Trca-. ofr orFdony here,-where the Difiance7makingitj-J impofSble ftr the mofl cuiltlefs to maintain his In- . nocence, xil deliver him up a Victiin to minifterv. s al Vengeance j Soldiers, and others in America; have been infliga;ed talbed the Bipod of the Peo-. pie', ,by eflablii;uag a Mode pf THal', which holds out Impunity for fuch4Murder ; the Capita of New; Eng and hb been punifhed with unexampled Ri gour untried.and unheard, involving the innocent ?Afpcinone5P2l!5 d inhuman Calami- ' y ; chartered Kiglus have been taken ayvay with out any Forfeiture proved, in order., to deprive the People of every legal Exertion againtt the Tyranny ot tneir nuiers ; tne tiaoeas corpus Jy. ana lriai by Jury have been fupprefTcd; and French defpotic Government, with the Roman Catholic Religion, Iiave been eftabliOtcd by Law over an ex'enfivc Par - " ofvour Mr.icnVs Dominions in America; dutiful . Petitions . fyr Redrefs of thefe Grievances, from all your Majeffy's American Subjefts, have been fruit lefs'. To hll tip tHe Weafure of thefe OpprefUonsi an Army has been fent to enforce them. Superadded to this,' Measures are now p!anne4 dpoh the mofl mercilcfs Policy pf ltarving our fellow Subjects into a total Surrender of their Liberties . and an unlimited Submiffion to arbitrar)- Govern-, meat.' . t . - : . Thefe (grievances have driven your JVIajeily's ' faithful Subefts' to Defpair, and obliged them tcj have Recourfe to that Refinance, which is jeflified by the great Principle cf tbe'Conftitution, aduarexi ' , by which, at the glorious Period of the Revolution, cur Aiccflors trankfemd the Impctial Crown of thefe Realms from the Popifh'and tyrannical Kzze .. the Stuarts,"' to ' the illuftriocs - and PrbtelTaM' Hbufe oFBrunfwTck. Your Petitioners are perfuaded that thefe Mea fures originate in the fecret Advice of Men,; who "are Enemies equally to your MajcSy's 'ritle'ahd the Liberties of your People. .. That your Majefiy'a M niflers carry them into Execution by the fame wicked and fatal' Corruption; which has enabled them to Wound the Peace and violate the' Conllitu tion of this Country. This is poiibning the Fou& tain of pubjic Security, and rev-derbj tW Body,, which fhould be the Guardian bi Liberty, a for miilable Inflrument of arbitrary Power. ' Your Petitioner's do therefoie mofl earneflly "fa . fcech your Majefty to difmifs immediately, and for ever, from your Councils, thefe Minif.ers and Ad Vv ltrU lhe firft SteP tow,rd fuI1 'drefs cf. thofe Grievances which alarm and afilid'your People. . So fhall Peace and Commerce be rcflored, ,and the Confidence and AfTeaion of all yctriMajefly! Subjvdlr b; the folid Supporters cf your Throne, ' V- I . 1 1 . 1. . i I i 1 v4 I f 1 I i