Numbers 3 84 July ii, 1777. R-84.; -!-:. I-CsR.OLI XV' r With the lateft A D Vi GS, FokemN i :. ' . and J9oMEisTic. SETMPER FRO-L13ERTATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. . a 'a. a y. A - 4. f . - j - j : Mm V - NO "- -.,1 'i - A- J w ! s f I 1 I 1 J i.ill ohhgln tbemaU white MaBitaitJ. of thateicf pnnylva- the certificate-' 1;!, tocivtfiffrrantet to tt:fukst and for other, fur- pofKfs prinejp tcfes tbirttn tj$entuntd. u'; nr- -TsriitKiiAS allegiance and prote ff.U Aim hwb n mw.i- rri intrlfil tf thf llnffi'S of "fore be it enaftcd by the representatives of the jU fci tyjri ccunty, thereto reniai frtcmn of ihe coinhionweai h cf Pcnnfvlvania, P"ze, until hej fhali take and fubfcnbe ia GcncrJ Afl".mbly met, and b. the aoihority of TK2t a'i V.ia..'e white inhabitanrs of this ilate,- above miii.'on or uciiirc tuc uy ui F 7 Lroicnidi ; may ,b fuTjcded" jojbe a fpy, and les iniciical to tb4. -united "ftatca,! and may be ta-1 VS. : t rf . ken bcroreonej or tne. juiaccs neareit to tne piace wnere iie uiii ttion 'are recipCP? -"c 7r'w,kw,' "V . V. ! TT ;r T TvC- t'ber--thc former ar-i-""'' " r..-" u ,Vc" -t . T the latter- There- cr aarmatioc c idiu juiuce isaii.uuRffiu aiatw uicwuiuiwu there to remain; wichouc baiJ or jnajp--!; the oath "or 'affirmation car:, and iabf' rita: the followir.e ojih or ath'rxnation before , of :h J jiticci Ji the Peace of the city or cocnty where they mail rifD'-divei, i :hab:t and the faid Juitice fiiall. give a certificate , theicof to every luch prion ; anu me azu oain or ata (hall be as fo! !owetb. viz. . . f . . t . u tJr. :crtrriit tbsi:Irdnsance and rtf'fei Ugiance 16 dore tbe , Tbirtt King of Great Uritain, Its heirs find Ijuccfjtrs; and that I ivTJt le faithful, and Ltur true allegiance, to 1 tbe ttMtnsn-wialib of Pcnnflvania, as a free and independent fate ; J end that I ivitt net at c?iy Urne do or cauje to be d. neany mtilter t cr tbiXT tent txuil be prejudicial or injurious to tbe j reed-m and mJs- 4 r ,. the fame, or popucp tiacatc 11c 4u direaujr-uyuc.iu.- . .. 1 j the age of f & tfimcledt bj tbe 'autborijy aforeaid, That Till perfqns next iake coniii.g i'roai "linv of 'the other u.u:ed itates into this iiate," are - fmn nnt nercD ruqujreu to appiy tu one or, uic iieaccii. iuaw,anvi v -. X r enters tan matron, itale and i take-.and iubferibe .the faid oath or afiirK,; penal. or ctjaj urciu. wiia as m . mv v-f.y iu ' 1 t upon jtii r nprinnft trvwinc- or removing out or tne citv or county in w . " theytiCialfy - nftiuc,' unieis he can produce. a certinjate chat he1- all al- as taKen an ca:n oramrmation or me u&e nature m ic from vkhciice hiUamc. I : tendcrtce there f, as declared ty Ccngrejs ; and a jo that I wu'i dif- f I over and mate Atisxvn to pxe one j if ice of the Pface of tbe jaid Jlat all tt fajc.tP tt traiUrcus conjfit aaet, nvbtcb'l new, cr 'tors afar Jball kuo v't be fcrited agdinjl this tr anj of tbe united jiaics if ALicrica.-.i : ' '"' ' And the fcra of 'hz f&id certificate fnali be aa follow? h, viz. butb voluntarily tanen and jtiv I Provided alWbys i:vertf;!ejs, That the prisoners of war, o.f5- cerj ana ioiaipii ia cne;cont;nentai army, mewtan;s .anu iaari- ners, trading ia the ports of this ftate from foreign' powers ,i a amitv with chelunhed lltes.' and not becoming ;reident. jure declared cot to be withm the' ititentand meaning otliis act. !M A D lX I D'; 7ai. 27. 1 ' .v RDEBtS are fent to ail our feaports to return the faIate$rof ihe liuuia'n Clip, g ua -for gun and to furnilh them with, every thing ttey may Want. - 1 J . - Feb. ip;'-...Jjur wdr-iedreparauons;- both by Tea. and land, cj aJietuance und Jlity; , as 'di. tcted Vg'i OI K'.Y ft . Vc 'Ifa,: tJ!00P ca.lhe fr0l-S actrfGeneral Jfembh cf namaJufed the r day .;" f.or -taw Kingaom are oauy reunorcing, ana praers natre, . 1777. iri'tne,s my 0nd and jeah the- day nt ta Car thgena to arrAvxtii II pouiole.expeduioi. one Tti'. o.l "vP C1 00 gJ"3! iwju.oi.7:;,xvur regrnicnis win rinuariv waj dir.; have 1 1 ny c ryn that And It it further enaaed by tbi authority afcrejaid, iiiat ne ":u?l'"v -It feY iu, uu4 icuiuiicuu -j,u.v.nua, w i.'.n; atvJ h.iorcvhom lucn oaih" or ahirmation (hail the pubiic tranqiJiiiity icems -to be iu fome dauger.of being ' 7 r -lLj a.-.iX .i rr;rt,.r rh f.-t,t .VhrnimM': tuibcd bi tnelocuplw of kh'e -cantons. Darticulariy finer they of the peitaos fo fwora or amrmed, and the time when j and eri armed aad on a military fooung. Befidw the troops now; mail on cr before the nift -y of Oclober in every year,? trani- or sa jncemuoaieu militia, a general nuitia ingoing m mit in writing undr hii hna indfeal,. to ths oaice of recorder bc r'Cdj ia jdiis capital; and .that they may aotAvaat Jnen, ; of deeds for tne fid city cr tojn;y, 4 true Hit of, the names and orders art: given to inh al! they can &t, even, if they arc three fjrname$.of ihofe uho within the fame year, .have fo fworh or lpcs montthan the blual height.. . , -:"r:..; , ' '-J affirmed, bjfoie them refpectively; and .t hi -laid Jufticts lhdl have and receive therefor, and for the faid certificate,- the funi ct and no more tor every pe fworn or amrsnedr Ffb.11. JThrouhotit the whole kincdonrfbch aniazine war-i ons are making,, that every one thinks we wuill ;.v certainJbe atrie.eve jof a war . . . H..; I . ? I i-' : -VlliiNfM, Feb. 8. VVe hearfrom Precop,' that the rebell- :. 1 ,nA fK- fiiH T.iH-m llhall lav tfleir accounts before the county r j 7 . .-'i , .cdznmiffioueri or any two. of them, from time to time;, to be f'v-rimea. a pi tae.x 01 5 ' examined and allowed ; and the faid commihioners foall draw Iww, arrd thcjNogai abd Buuziack Tartars,;.to aflafSDate alttha orders on th county treafurert for fuch.fums -ui Hull be foJ-" -Ruffians-iipoi. an approinted. day, and to take poiTeffion orthe- lowed, which orders the faVd tieafqrers ati .hereby authorized pl?ce they occupied ; hut .happily fome of tthechful Tartajj f 'and reauTred to oav oat of the ilate uxesV md the-recorders of dilcovered the plot to'. the Rulfian commander of: Kcrfche anoT rn J ..' - - '. i . . I 1 I . l . T- . ; rnv;r or,r rvral cntlnrtes of ,rni at. art herehv vrcucca;c,- wuu iwn. uicwuuuiis iu uicvcui u. enjoined to " record the faid lifts, in books to be prepare for . 'M l.he" !lait Pcun l iroai - Conftan tinople, tae.difFerences; be-! . ; that pu.pofe who Ci.U bepaid for.the fame, in the fame man- tween the Porte and Rulfia augment more and, morea the for-; ncr as the Juiliccsat the iW of- for eThtn- "w nof P t tne Kuiuan mipspais into ineacs- drea. names. . ; . 7- . - TTT pr.T. -V .: . -rrT "T i; "Tr U Ar rAr aV, bYthe authority afirefaij, That every- ; Jn .vvhich he laid betore him alj the complaints .fliCtt;, peW above the age . aforeliid, refufing.or ncgleding ta fake, hjs Court faa againj the Porte amongit a ,1UD1C11D: tne laia otn or amrmauon, ,uiau, uurin-jp mc r - ,," , J tT V- 7' ing any Crimea 10 au4waKfl tue vjrano. y iziar; very tpoiiy wiiwcixa;; s. elect- ' tbat theGrandlSignior, . r Hisi mailer, :dj4M otr thinte Jiirriieltlj 5 ;timeoffuch neglect or reiuial, be. incapable of hold f 4fice in this (tare, ferving on juries, fuiag fof any debt V ing or being- elefted, buying,, felling, or transfernngi ingi any oongea tOiaqncrera aitruie. agreements maac py tne licAjraiju, - Viziar,- who Was VJ fu per annua ted that he.did not know, wh4t ofdifcord he did, - i J e: . f. iV.-Sr'- "M al-orin- l he lame letters add,. that.tlie tjraad viziar was aepoiea tne: , Jiandi, tenements, o; hereditaments. ,i And whereas there is a danger of having the feeds . .mrtA-ttf&fn crcatlif ioredd. i hv rierfons whofe oolitic ; I ciples are, not known, removing, or travoUing from one partdf 5th of January,5 aad bani&to alipol.and from: t l i' 11 t-.. .ki it-..- f fnenee to'Cvnriis. ITeis fucceeded" bv MuftaDha Baua. ' : , i-.ney uiiixqntiuuerwsinine uim aui-; putting the'marine on a. reoecla.bleo6t-r: there are 8 men of i warj ready-to ail.-- Afc : - ?i.That every perft ahoyc the.age aloxcfaidf.vbol out ot tne county or city ra wmcn tne muauy renucs. wuuyui . u wiuv, ..-w 6".---';awTr'.TT.xrr 1 I r . ' ' . j

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