. "il , - w . . ' nnera! Sullivan, itis faid,. -has fflsrdicd to intercept t!itli4 irofi under M;Dacbafatt!ti and that three wore .Ihipt tre fitnftff. -Geiierai awavan. , t. .tiis cat far the fame purpofe; fa that the fquadron will becotopefed - dmnon- wi0 left Trenton a'w doctthh hW cf 19 fiiipt of the fifth rate, Iwho are to take on board 6 man ; ' - Agg tc heard a hear-firing, from Which it is : 2S& frovifioa Weareaffured' : Breft. Rochfort, and Ttoa. 60 ftiMnd frigates, aU lome the great and mighty George theTl Irmtd. and ready to fail on thefoortclt notice, who neveeard a gun fire in his life but at a (how, has1 app . t, c -p " r xr ed, in very' humble terms, to the Landgrave of Heffe, fbrare, r , B O 5 i CJ S tune 2. 7 ' , r : l. t...-.j r a ; Cant. Clonfton. in a brio-belonein 2 to this Rate, has taken U4U-V , . ,,, 6 x prizes, and was left in chafe of a feven th the i6tri of April; ilcedl . . ; ;.,;', X. . -;v 1 the fixth prize laden with (alt, bread, &c. bound from 'Ip- . 51 1 T a m S B tj R G, 7a 27 armi. oowdcr. cordape. &C a mow; irora icwwunuiduu London, with fifli; and a floop, front Lilbon, wltfc wine and 41 .lenionsi are hourly expeatd; Two brigs laden with herrings, from Scotland fir the Streigntsi. Capt. Clouftoh burnt.. We alfo hear Capt. Thompfon, in the Rifing State?; hai ta ken foar prizes', one of which he burnt. j. . Yefterday a brig arrived fafe in port in It days from Gua daloupe, with a cargo of fait. We hear lhe brings an accdunt Ot rnany captures oemgmzac du tcu u - i ,V An intercepted letter from a tory in :New ork to his wire in tfie jerfe.'si fays; ".You mult not cxpeft to fee me this fum- mer, as the plan cf going tJ Philadelphia is laid afide for this J campaign." . - -., 1 -J: , .1 I . - tir- I, rm TJrrtwrf roc, -that the eneMv were : ' ttnm iw i'v- iyi- - y T Uifcovered by an officer or the rangers, the z8th;ult. on the lake mg tpeir ; Snllt Rrtrk. wiiit two fchooners'. Tcven armed c:Ondolasj and warning. a large number of batteatt ; and as he heard their morning gun fired fonie miles below, fuppofes their whole array to be on their way to that place. ' ,.4 v . r Juke'TX. 1777- Fnr TMr TThoiId not have an oDDorrunity of writing va after! tedtayj for foroe. time to come, and knowing your anxiety for CurYafet and fuccefs, have fit'own in order to tell yCB what is on the carpet, and if tlie alarm guns do not fire befort ; k jWe have been encamped on this ground about 29 days, . naa j jii got an; our qiu w nw j ui a .i wjhuu , uyau w. live in a moU fbcial manner. . ; Sir-iWiIUani,; tfcac'tfiiturber.ot.- "man's pace. could not end'ire to ht ar of our happinefs ;hhe i- It fikplv to irive us fame trouble in a day 'or two, indeed I lolk lor it every moment. Our intelligence fays their waggons are iiow loaded, and every preparauon , making to move fuqUenlyj; frt m every circuraftance, Philadelphia is their objecl. We areiwatchv motions, and are. preparing to move at one mu uie t Our came will be to act. on their flanks and rear. and am mach miltaken if we ihalT not hang exceedingly heavy bh his Hands; .They, hive aliembled all their troops atjijronf. Wick,1 and' a formidable appearance they make. Ne York, VLorlg'Jflandi Statenjjliildi Amboy;- and the communication from thence to Brurifwick, are drained in a I great msa'ure of troops; fioWe has come over himftlf,1 and is determined to pat his much talked of plan in execution. ; If we can give, him a rap nvr thp fihaers. it fettles the camDairn. 1 have' the ercateii hopes this 'may be donej as our arniy are in the higheit fpirits, P H I LA. DEBPHIA, Jwu n ; ExtraS! of a Utter from Trovidthce, ddted June 2. T gv,.,.ir 1 nrrp hVi arrived at Boilon. taken in the channel of Englahd eight da, s alter flie came out:- She brings public intell cenca to the beginnmgot April, wnereoy we learn : .7" L, "mj. 7 ' : r' ruu,lb 1 "k-uvV r .i ? fe ;,r - i wli frinncl with everv neceTarv lmD ement for the DurDOle: that taev had received Uie account 01 our lucceisruF acracxs on - y . , . r i , ! Trenw aal Pririietori- Uft whiter, whiih ciuW ,he blood jit . n 4 well .arranged a, any army m the jn.verfe and ., - . M . - 1 . . nt09r.tr anrl hnnnur trt-hrlnnrr rn jr pvprv thine' .ffOffl OH thirftr Dirtof themimary Jor ometime to carry gloomy coan- ""ry;- , . " : :. , . ,,. '. j STTkedWi 7i giorievs for the noble American. s .with the grteitregular.ty. tr -ops we 1 clothed; well a med, ' ini nfr llni were refufed i ahy farther foreign fupplie.. which "d greateft abundance1 of ood prov.fions, the hofpitaj far ridJfOabaere previoa. to thi. agreed for. rfowe i order- h,'f accommodationrneaffary for the ficfc (of AhfcmiTcy:ip th l(e.fiet Carlton to retire which, thank God we have b few) the jWCOJ " r , ft.. r T-r... continent employed to atterid them. and. in fhort, io d fterent fcxcePrinV a fuffiaent number to aftdn the defenfive in Canada. re e circumltanced to vvhat weave beerj ufed toha xc?Piin?.,ucLcnKrir . -.rk:. continental army is. vifited and admired by thousand s5Tbitf all 1 Ar" f 't: 1 n: i-a o 4 -1.. oarta of the world; Sha II this vatt flourifhine; free; and mde- Mrs: comin? from iNewport ut a u ukuiuaj , x . : .. . ,, r .r . . v- f?1": r- ,K i- vifl-- n,- ..... 4 t. K.ir- Pendent continent, fall a faenfice to Bntifll tyranny. Krthe fMe iivi1 a tew dan oerorc inc muc wj, iub knun. - , ( - , . . 3 ; . "tt 1 ! 1 tae lay 7 UU4 - c .u. :: . .:ru want of men under thefe circumltances ? Avert it Heavens ! 01 ftfjr.-ionn miner, wuvvaw j-t bftht tones crying oat tbejig is over." -- 7-T 7;; . tm . . -! 1 . 1 : . w . . u te. i -mmmnmnm ruai luiu il will uui w ktaw vsiki rwawu-aaaj i j uis. u r m.wwwuw r" Or W. on he Miffifippl, has feized 14 or tj fail of teflels "ts; and your countrymeni now in the held, will exert ev.ry Wong of Teprifal, for feizing a ere to keep the cruel enemy at bay ull our "inforc flooo on lakeP9achanrane;ndfor g UP- The American fcale greatly depends on the events of i fh 3?Slh SSS"f particularly feizing a number of this campaign ; every exeruep ts neceffary to make it preponde- J l? V" 5 !r?..?7kJ rVif:RMs t.v var. Th ,vnof ha. rate." both in the cabinet as well as the field: ! Lofe no time alfo ordered V hV leQ of G-orge of Britain, or a. they are cdmplcting ypur deficiencies. We have fent.number, of peers ! medbW bis government on the reccing iervice; ifind them men by fomemeans or Jrmca dj mciuui , v -r r 0 otherd Bufiuefs m the fighting way accumulates. The, drum 1 immediately. . J . t . niL t - j fft ,r AHJ,? - ; .! Bv leiters from'the fouthwara, we learn uoj. ciocn V 7" - y V ;. ; jtrvsr. L P ftarJhed at the head of a fmall brieade againft the enemy in EaU Enttaa fa tetter from General Arnold, to General Mrffltn t PbU FIoKdSt wd thJt; from the wC,f kn0wg0 abilities of tii. Qenr ladelplia, dated Coryell's ferrJ , , Scloctat night, June ith. tjeman, great cxpc uu 7 - iAugulUne feeras to be very properly confidered by the fouthern ftatesasanobjea of great importance. At prefent it is the enemy's key to the Indians. It would be an excellent one in : tee hands of the continent to the Spanift fettlcmcnu. j ' -. f We are told that out ot Co laii or veneis, wun provmon ur -7- ; :.WV r . v A- ; c r" ' . Weft Indies f under convoy of the Druid. J40 of them were this is doubtlefs their mam: body. Their firft defign feems to 'tt Weft Indies,? unaer convoy , . . m . hjMr. An td CutofFOneral Sail van's retreat; and ooflefs thtm 1 " rr x ...b.Ai ik 1 irnniun rn if" inarii uv lul. xxuiti - v w - - - - a - miring, ob wmu. . 7 -; - " - felves of thii placet findirie that. General S.llivan had frUftrat-' ( ed their intentions by a forced march; they appear to nave gi-j l6m over theirjfirll defign- and now wilh to draw General Waft ington from his ftrong hold, which if they can effect, probably a Doav rrom orumwicK win ik.c puucuwu gi u. wcu 1777. ' Der Ueneraf ! ' 1 have received no intelligence frdrh General .Waihington fince 4 o'clock laii evening, at which time the enemy: were en camped at Somerlet court-houfe, fuppofed to be 7000 in num ber; under the command of Generals Piowe and Cornwallis j jrirt!7 f a letter from Sineuxent, dated June 4. On Sunday the Iftinftant thefchooner Hawke, Zephaniah h,idnccei oouna-irom ouhuh 4.u ou.umi tnis pi ace. 1 nc crr w .. "P,a55-' Ltoe"rjul . AV.. Aiu--.. rr:4-w ;rr.n w,ll driohtleft difanooint them as he remains aoiet itt The Hon. wonewis nave reioiveainasxaiDu, w--, ...6. ; - - - -r ' . , . .r-j r.. L?.1..:J "a u nni: be henceforward confi- his encampment; The mih:ia turn out m great numbers in the. rou.u.u..r ferfe. General Sullivan has eofle to Flemingtown, 12 miles uerea as.xoxmmg iac . . . . . ' u-" .t ..1; ..::r- t,-.- A. -m m mi m w nrr o rT- n n n x 1 111a 111. . ; -o fa . : B v a letter from General Sullivan, dated f o'clock from this ff the troops : why arrive here are immediatelv fent o Lz ,r.;nWd that the enemv are after him- I M very fearful the enemy will retreat to Brunf-- gf:': X two cVlcmas one by the way of Princeton to wick before you arrive with your reinforcements, and oblige us Zfand ToSey Grig's rill, and Lwerland'. meet- to f attackf them at diiadvanuge, for feght them we moft, when fcetier to come, as 7i. fuppofed by Cory eU's fcrr.j til our rexnibrcementt are m we caanot aroid it wi hcawr;

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