i July: 1 8, 1777. T H koRT&CJtkd'iil G&ZETTE -l it' i- ' With the lateft ADVICES; Foreign and MESTIC. V - 1 SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE. ET- BONO PUBLICO. L O N D O N, March 15 E T T li R S from Bilboa bring advice that there were -: V 0 O S T OfK, a 12. 1 triday lalt arrived in a late port the inow bally , a prize ta- ir fail cf American vefleli there taking -in cioa'rhihg ken by Capt; Harriden, in the brig-Tyrannicide, belouging-ro. and warlike ftores ; that they were expected all to fail this flate, having on board a variety of European goods, among about the soih inftAht ; j that they are ilout hips, and (which -are 'orj 4000 blankets. r.TMsveflei,; with the Intrepid, carried rroiii twelve to eighteen guns, beitdes t. 1c is almoft irnpo(Iip!c to conccd the injury. done to oor trade 'the American -privateers much longer. Befidcs 210 velHrh tM 'hv the Net- Snzland privateers, there, are now 70 more JlSng, cf which1 there is no account,- but yet are feared to have irA th- fame fate, The provincial privateers have taken to th'e.amount of Weft ndiaftiim. L-'1,009,000, - Newfoundland,, , - African, m. Canada and Nova Scotia, Tranfports, victuallers, -"and f:cfe (hips, Iriib, Mediterranean,' Sundry traders 5 b, 5 00 137,000. 167,000 3,500 14,00a 60,000' 1 r fwi- SalilbuTy,Jane and Anne, were loaded- by & merchant in Lon don, and failed in company ; theircargoes amounted to 22, cool, and configfted (to a Gentleman ihin (ebec: We hope Captain Harfideii will Imeet with thfe 6tfc three yeffeis, as we - under hand he Was ifljj purfuit of them when the prize-matter left him. The SUff'i cargoamounts to near -6000'!. fterling, and in arti cles as beneficial for the ftates of America a for Mr. Carlton; or any Briliflf fabjeclt at Quebec. ; '' We alfdj learn that-Captain Harriden has taken a traufport, bound from Ireland to New York,, with 63 Heffian foldiers on. bbirdi which njay be hourly, looked for. Capk Fifk. in the Makch'ufetts, has likewife taken a fhip with 84 Hellfahs on board, which" aTe-arrived in a fafc port. Thefe two transports were part of a fleet of 14 fail, ander con--voy-of two frigates, with about 600 recruits,- which failed from Ireland about the ioth of May j and poffibly haye arrived by this time, arid .no doubt we lhall receive a pompous account from GaineVlyinfrjeaZctte oa reinfofctment of as many thousands as there are iiunareds. mnc lau or traniports lauea at tne lame a r.-r-;zJLl :.,f" tnrmr! from makmp- tliii tour of France, is tent us tne loiiowing uuwc;. i;jum iuimi v --- - ...... r t -r i i Vavfe; lies ' and laly, through Lyons and Dijon 10 Paris, I Saturday laft returned ipt4, port a prize bri; bound from ict neither mn nor w6mc"n, in high or low itaiions, but we,rc hence for South Carolina, laden with Tumf fugar, fee. She riend, to tic "Americans. ; V-V." : . 1 shaken, on -paffage by one .theenemy's 'Cruizers, and aur&iC1' ExpreiPis re daily pafling. between Germany A4 afterwards retaken by the Tartar privateer of thw ftate.; , nVLondon from whence it. isUhought the little ilate of thar Sunday irrived fafe in port afp"e fcip' from Tin by, in moire '"who have articled to furriilh the troops for America, Wales, witk about one hundred and forty tons of coals. . She. V 1 Art 1.11 WW IMiUWUVl 7 , W hU10 uit vu.k. Jr.UAW& ive been fet on bv a certain court 10 uica. ucir sSa.w.iS, V ,k. -.r. ,K;r rrrufes. fTrik for not providing' tne num- McNeil. r next for the delay in not bciui? rtady to Ths Tcllo"inz .t .Ikiu mvm, ; - ..la 7 . .J .. r ...j7 'iiZ 'j !.. . terrer-Tvas received vy a Kjemicman . yamoriare jrom : ;(" perthrof char after and veracity ifi it i(fwn on the frontiers .f V'The favourite toaft among people in trade js Mr. Tempfe - tFeJlaepf ftew&a)xpfiiret -afouri sp luttrell; and fuccelV V bill tor manning of tepavy;; and j in Canada, vizi v j, . l;rT ' ' . :he fai!6r add tHerero, May ne wno w!.?. . , , -vuuu., .na.., w. Miji fiarve for want of flip, .of K: noaked L want of grog:", ! :i Oneof our fconting parties is Returned from.Canada this ; I Jf.rii The anfwer cflhe ot&tes vjencrai 10 me xuemu- uay, -wiim icycrai ficutumtH, wuu jwnr..iuoi;mvi.s v awu. llicd out of meaforer conducive to: heir intereft. .. They. Sr. John'i and 30; oty at Chamblej la number of others quar- .. . . . 1 ? - " . t. 1 ; If ITal o, ib bu VvV could mach eificr wife mer tnan pay ott taeir tnem lotrer ) Th fabric of cur public, credit is lo cxceeaingly cle- 1 fie Indians .v.-. t- fr.;ra firvn'oF an ciicinv mir'nt uiow it m:o tne Americans ; , tJ4t WWW 'r O warlike liorcs. ritated lerdan licate ruins. iave fcpplied and will continue to fuppfy,: the Ameijcahs with tered up and. dow throngh tlie country, to keep tne Canadians' :!-!. ' r... r ,r-k rrrAifnrt arc too numerous to be ir-" in order who" very generally refufe'. to take ur arms fome of vui iuuu . . , . . . .... t " T lmprifonment ratner tnan enter tne jcngtim iervicef too have determined npt to talce up arms, agamic. they have difMctcd; and gne-tot their homes Genera! Burgoyne arrived at Quebec the ibth of May-without f Ordert are fent to Ireland for getting ready provifions fuflkr- recruvtfj he; tells therthere are 30 fail pf trports wth troops. nt to load act' fail of tranfportt for America,' which are to be coming alter Bin; ; The liettian and Uritun foiaies iiave Deen U Cork by the 20m or April next. r "rv.',,"" i'r "7 r- 'j. 'r. s .. ' . Jti tri-A r tKp. rf rfiifc inr out of amfon. to flohti- alledinrr their 1 Jit raintuer at inc uc iuuiusu ... ...... :fc---t -,- - ----- --- o is laft niemonal, but the an Twer hath times arc out. x wp regiments were laxeiy marcnea on-, ror.vue bec,; ind another gofhg ; it is fuppofeoVthey have fotQeiexpeaa , tibn'pf a French fieet cotaing lip the river Sfi Lawrence..' Thefe are favourable drcim'ltances, and'T believe may be depended upon. jfpril 8 ity when he prefented h iught him a little more humility, ' . 'r mf Advice was yeilerday received in town from Cadiz of the fail ig of the'GlCrious and Subtile men of war from that port, with 000 troops on board, for Carthagena. . 1 A.diTabled fjdier arrived from New -York, whewas in the. lion at the taking fort Walhington, fa;s we loft at le ft 1000 They write from Ireland, as a proor o: tucir ocicnccici iiic aiargc part qi.uis arm, '""V"1-" Mhiscrifi "that fevcral American privateers have ebtcred their . encamped ar Somerfet; while there, 'Col. Morgan with 500 ri- Wand taken frefti water and protifions: What a placid flemen continually harhemand a fmaU rerencpunK :haviour to an enemy at open war. , v wcarc ioiu, kvu(ukw. - A rrlvfl? trtr rrfivPrl from Liflon brinpl advice, that an together with thcMefeftcrs, merican privateer cf 20'guns had put into the Tagus, but was gfeeable, that in few- days i: P H I t A D E L P H I A, W 25i In our lall we infbrmed o readers that General Howe, with;