T H E Number' -jS6. NOR TH-CR OL I Ny4 G AZET T E. !.-.. . With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. :. . . . I July 25, 1777. SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE,. ET BONO tico, ; P H I LA Exira3 of a kt it,' from Gen D E L P H I Ay ' July 2. K'ajbington to Cor.grefs, ' dated J'dbhk tozvn, June 25, 1777. HEN I had the honour to addrefs you laft,Mt wai r 1 J v . I As they advanced, they fell in with fome of oar light parties. camp' at and part of Lord Stirling's divifion, with which they had forae . j,retty'Ymar.t ficirmifning, ,wJhat:Tery lit'tle-lors,T. believe on r our. fide, except in threjrlield pieces," which unfortunately fell into the enemy's hand; but not having obtained returns yet, Ii cannot determine it with certainty, nor can we. afcerrain whati )oy, and of the meafurespurfued to the enemy's lofs wa5. , As loon as we had gained theapatfe, I, At the time of writing, the infor- detached a ,Jcdy of light troops, under Brigadier General Sco:r,j 1 received ref'-ecting their lofs was to -h'angjonTtheir flank, and to 'watch their morions; andorderedl but we have reafon to believe, from Morgan's corps of riflenien jto join him fince. The enemy re-1 that it was pretty malned at YVeilneld till yclterday atternoon, wnen about threei - : . m '', 1 ' -Jit- t 1 . 1 I ht infan-xo clock-tney moveu towarasjopanK, town, witn our ugnt troop! plundered all have the ho- 1 Washington; 1 . '' .1 ' ! aaiea oeaa quarters c affair at Princeton . j . - . ; - , o r r . . . fter tlic evacuaticn 01 nruniwi, x uskiwiusu, - . ' . ..I . vice of my psncral olSccrs, to move the whole army the x nave noc uccn o, ye,, wiui any Gegree oi; ..P vi"np and uncertain : ence through various channels iince, . 0 1 rather ! liteliig .kr'riKU 'aod tl! chieHvon tle grenadiers ana ji" ,L wh , formed their covering party. The inclofed copy pf a in their reSr, and purfmng. The enemy have :V' - j. ...:.u ,u,vLm rKU hpad. and with the before them; and it is faid burnt fome houfes. I liiter corrciponu " , , 1 1 .1-, v , .r,- : J.l. . Qn of th- nrmnnfs s'reJthat nour to be; I 1 i f Vj. .te 2 f f.u r'rv had not furred fo feverely fince LxtracJ of 0 letter from thejame to Ctngrefs, iHXIWCr wtit (aaiu fcv y y -j j " Aft ; the advi next mor my, ana . - -ix .k., .r.rt.sM reorcr h. frl. . orecilic 'miphtaa according," to circumftances. In this I VaS mifhes 6n Thurfday; tho vye have many. reafon. 1 to believe it ore vented by rain, and theyronly moved yeilerday morning; uu. " M6ta -PP"cu. 10 Pi It is much to be regretted, that an bprefs fent.off taGe- be when I had the honour Wfaddreffing you on the fujeft. nera! Maxwell on Saturday night, to inform him cf Gen. Green s As .? J affur ed by Lord Sterling that it was ' movement to vards Brunfwick, that he rriight &ndudt himfrlf trifling; and byTuch . defemrs k t hive come in, that they fawr "ccordihzly,. duTtiot reach hiai. Whether tne exprefs went de- but very few prilbners taken - It would have been certainl fijn-dly to the enemy; or was taken, is not known-;, but thee known befure this (that 1 the number not yet returned) had 1, reafon to b-Heve h fell into their hands., If Gen. Maxxvell not fome of the parties, and I believe the molt which were then iA received "the or, there is no doubt but their whole rear, out, joined the corps fince detached I have the honour to be; c I have following in 1 ' ruard would have been" cutbif. I his the enemy conteiied ttiem Telvcs; as we are well informed by perfjns in Bonam town. I By a reconnoitring party ju:l re.urned, it is reported as a vliattr of dnub. whether any of the enemy have removed from Amboy; though it is almdtt certain t hey have tranfperred a great deal of their bacase. I have the honour to be, i.c. A ifpleafejcur Excellency "1 ' . " . t thought proper to trouri- your excellency wiui mc itell;pence. received by threedili'crent. ways : That the greateft part of the.ileet from New Yvik harbour has remov ed to the Watering Place and Prince's Uzf, where the baggage and troops; paffing from the Jerfeys, arc ccnitantly embarking; rtnfnnrt at New York, cut down for a floating battery: has twenty fix 24 and l3 pounders, and lies off the grand bat-. neral Warning on upon his ba terv in the river; another;! which they have bee u fitting for the about his ersrif he ihrred an; fame purpbfe, is ncglcfted and unrinimea. ocn. tiowe amvea at New York on Sunday afternoon, the whole of which day they . . , nA V?.1.am rM-k Ka 1 f were employed in removing mc vuuutu iwuxij uuiu ww-v. to the hofpitals there, faid to amount to 500 men. Col. Camp bell of the C7th repimcnt of Britifli troops", garrifons New York, With the afSltance of the inhabitants, 50 of whom are &cl I- '.;, , ; rl i G. WASHINGTON. j Jims 30. ?. S. The prifohersl iaken by us were 13, two of which are light dragoons) the rt& infantry; :T- ' V- G. WASHINGTON. f Publijhed by order of Congrefs . . V , ; CHARLES 1HOMSON, Secretary. That the. defign jol" the enemy- was to endeav'our to come to Philadelphia, fays a cbrrefpc idenr;' is a matter too clear ta be doubted of '1 but it was necefTiry for Geri. Howe to make fome little movement, by whiih he might try the oifpofition of the militia incite two itates of Nejkv Jerfey and PennfyJvahiaj before he ventured to make his grand movement for' this city. His march from B.un f wick 10 Soikerfet was intended to procure this knowledge,' and he foon found that he ihould not only have Ge ek, but: the militia of both ftatea further. Finding this to be the cafe, 'he retieated to Amboyf hoping thereby that the militia would be annulled, and hkewife the 3000 meny ' which hadi been ordered f 'om General Putnam's cauip, counerm'anded. This Intake to be the true reifon of Howe's two -movements to Somerfct and Amboy. If Howe means to bring on a general action, why don't he march fbrTthe Delaware at once ?' When Ii his cblieed to do doty every day. I am, &c. , lay a general action, 1 mean his wboie jorce againit our whole, Ceticrn litter from General 'We&inzion to CoHrrefs, dated camp at force,,- and ; riot his kvhole againit a part ofourt, Which it 1 J J , . 1 Middle Brock, June 2S, 1777. . ! wnac lie is crying ar. riowe i a lieepy lKuiKing vjenerai ;t is difmified he comes back again ; and at this boo-peep kind of game he'll! go on till he getsjhis head broke, and then he'll be quiet. 1 On Thurfday morning General Howe advanced with his whole army, in feveral columns, frenv Amboy as far as Weft. field: We are certainly informed that the troops fent'to Staten f Ifland returned the preceding ever-ing, and it is laid with an f augmentation of marines; -fo that carrying them there was a f 'feint, with intention to deceive, us.. Kis defign in this fadden 1 movement was either to bring on a general engagement upon difadvantajreous terms. confiderine matters in any point of view, The privateer brig Genera Montgomery, from this port,j hall been taken by one of the enemy's Ihips of war and' carried in to Gibraltar.!-.- ; ;" i..: -. r:-'V- The following anecdote, being a lively reprefentation of the; blejfingi of .Britijb government is recommended to the ferious pe rulal of all timid, t cool-hearted Americans : On Monday the. a -n.- AT it linfir narhw. J.r A I a rd Sterlirif's dlVlfiOn. which was fent down to fupport them, rr to poffefs himfelf ot 16th of May laft, one Mr. Andeffon, a houfe carpenter, living fes in ihe'mouataihs on our left. The two in Chapel itreet; INcw orKiiaa a amerence witn a tops wno the heichts and nail laft feemcd tole the firft bbjeas cf his attention, as his march mfulted Mr. Anderfon as tie was going flome from ms worKV was rapid againlVthefe parties and indicated a Itrong difpofiti- with hi tools On hi fhoilldef, .and tauntingly faying to hitn r t 1 r-:- ; ...Iiav TJm rKan od with? vou So vou are obliged -"to Cafrtc V it va.K. .vip -wuv. . abfolutcly neceffary- that we mould move our force from the'ldvv yo j grounds to occupy the heights before" them; Which was effected. This nur xxc- Where is-vonr fun now that you ufed to carry.' - . i . w t . .t 1 t ' brought 3n a rurtncr: altercation, ana at lengm orowi en i

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