August i, 1777. VOR TH-CslR 0 LlNsl GAZ E T T E. With the lateft ADVICE'S, Foreign arid Domestic. SEMPER PRO LIBERTATE, ET BONO1 PUBLICO. ; PHILADEL P"'H I A. lam obliged to (ay, the Event-at .Jeaft have proved ; : rN . C O N. G R E S S, June; io; '. 1777 J -r the CaSition with.whidi I ought to have adopted that jExpedx RDdRED, that the Letters h:chhave pafl:d between Gen.'.ent.'; The Prifoners were . ready to, be delivered, .waiting only J XV foingtn and Gen. Howe, on the Suhjsci of Exchange for your' proceeding in the Exchange, which yo hp'ropofed lf.ner be publimed, and that the fey traj Printer of Newf- and 1 agreed to. ; : f t ti thjughuut the Cni'neot be rxquef) d ro infert theni. - I admit," that able Men are not to be required by the Party, t CHARLES THOMSON, Secretary, who, contrary to the Laws of Humanity, through DefiVn, or ton' of the 1 at h of April, to which the follow- even Negleil of reAlonable and pratticable Care, (hall fia 3c-. WiTteto t G n. Howe's ave Arrfwer, has been publiflied feme Time caufed the Debility of the Prifoners helhall have to joffer for Exchange: but theiArsumenc is not applicable to me in the G-n HOWE to Gen.- WASHIiNti I UiH. ' cjcunniiiinLc. . . ; t . j - S'T R ' ! ' Niw York; dfiilzt,, 1777: J might f, rally put this Queftion rlHow is the Caufe of Debx- - m A V ic-ceit ed voor Letter of tne'torh Lilt ant, onc-rn- Ity Prifdneis to be' .fcertained j But "as : we "differ ;fo: Imuch in ire h R quifiii n or Lttutenant Uolunci VVaJcott, a Copy uKP.rxncipie upon ni.n.your uujetuQui rc u-uicu, as iwiidk ; c'f hkh carrie end- fed.-1 ' '"- i thofe Objection s are un'upp'orted b Precedent or bqduy, and tnac your idiierente to tnem would or a direct ana aeierminea 7 . -Thou;h I cbkrre that Vitcet bSs '.meant tp infill very t -ftrsriglyon the Juilice cf .the Claim fcjr ih-Return cf Pri :r in yr Poircflj :nt 1 which was one ol the Objects 'of his Ap ito)int, I do not foe Reafon to fufpeil that anyperfvinal Inci. was intended ty iHe Terms in. which, his Opinion is ex- XeO: -.; ft- i i v ' r.-'. , Vithoot entering into -a needlefs Difcuffi jn cf the.Candour or berality of the Ssntimtnts-on which yoor Arguments are.found er, fjrice yru are pleafed to aflerr, that th TJfage of yoiir Toners was fuch as cculd not be Jellified, that this was pro med by the. concurrent Teilimcny of all that cime out, that ir A-pea-ance fancl:fi:d.the AlTcrtion and that , mtlanchoiy perience, in the fpeedy Death of a lare Fart of them, amp vith infa.ll.ble Certaintv.'?r Thefe, I ay, being what yco a afed to aflfame as Facts, I cannot omit miking fme Obfcrva as upen them. . , ' '- r ft might perhaps fuit with the P. licy of thofe who peifi.1 in :rr Exedint tncheiifh the popular Pelufion ; that the releaf Piif oners (hcnld complain of ill Ufige, or their Captivity. ht leally form a grievous Ccmp arifen with the State they-were bfue they perluaded. to encounter the Viciffi:ude of: War., t if their ucrt as great as jca think yourfelf autho td to aiTsrt, a difji alBor.aic Ccniide;a:i;.n of tha fcliowing in fputab'e and notcicus Fatis will point.cut the Caufe to which. ;y are to be in a great Meafure afefibed... , . " . All the Prifontrs were cc nilntd in the moll air) fiuildirgs, and i-Bard the largeft Trancits in tne F'.eet whch were ihe.yery :al hTeft Places of Rtception that couid pclSbly be provided for, itm. ' : v - , Tbey were fappied with the fame Prov'fions, both fn Qan ty and Quality, as were allowed to the King's Troops nt on ervice, fome accidental Inllances excepted, wherein however the Imiffion, when known, was immediately remedied. , ; Near one half cf the . whole Nua.ber of Prifoners, whefe Difear s appeared to require peculiar, Care, as well as Separation frorri le reft, wese at different Times received into tne.Britifh Hcfpi-. Is, and their own Surgeons, without ReflrittiqnJ fupplied with Iciicines for the remaining fick; until it was difcoyered that e7idifpute4 notJto difjKjfe of larj-.e Qjiantities by private Sale. 3rtm this Oiort S:ate of Fafls,' it is evident that your Prifoners re provided with proper Habitations, fuffitient and whcleforoe id, and Medicines. t Nor do I know of any Ccmr6rt or Affift 'ce, co ppatible. with their Situation s Prifoners, of which they treinWant, excepting Clothing ; the Relief to their Diftrefs U, and the Article of Money, of which you were repeatedly Wed, and they had Claim to receive fioci your Care, wasneg- led or refafed, while thsy were furniflicd with every other Ne- Jiiy I W3s in a Situation to fupply. To what Caofe the fpeedy Death of a large Part of them is to attributed, I cannot determine ; but. your own experience, wi ji N your Adherence to them would Violation ,oi the Agreement, it become, up neceffary for me to add more than to call upon you to fulfil the :Agruemeat forre turning the Prifoners demanded bv L eu. Col. Wa.'cott. " With Rcfpett to the of Mr. Lee, now piofcffed to be a. principal Vivtivc'for your Rfufal to continue the Exchange of Prifoners, it is comprehended, 1 mult infilt,, under my general ' and original Exception to Peribns in- hi Ci cumitances,- With due RefpecY, I am, iiir, your moll obudien: Servant, V ; ; ; - . . -SV;; . W. OWE To General George Waihington, &c. kc. r 4 s . i r . - EwiiypiiK.'jito i77. O T Jhavjngrfcceived an Aniwer to my Letter cf the z id of April, i am,'to ,requelt ybuf final Dccifion upon the 'Xemand I then. made or tn;; rrueners in our;roueuion, Dotn : Omcers aiitl Soldiers, in. EAchange, for thpfe I'haye returntd, and for yodrDeterminaioh rcfpecling the Prifoneis now heie, that I may make myvArrangements accordingly, .f; :,.;- ; ' -' It is with Ci.ncefh 'I receiverequent Accounts pfthe ill Treatment hill exercifed upon Lieut. Col. Campbell, which X had Rafon,to flatter myfelf you would have prevented. He has, ; it is true, been takfeh out of a common Dungeon where he had been:confined;with. a Degree of KigcW: that the molt atrocious Crimes would not have jultified, but he i fi;l kept in the Gaol . ers HoufeJ expofed to daily Iniuhs fiom the deluded Populace, This Ufage Being repugnant to evt-ry Sentiment of Humanity, and highly unworthyv of the Characler oii-pfofefs, I am com pelled to repeat my Complaint again It it, .arid to claim immedi- ; ate Redrefs to this much injured Gentleman.r Wich due, R peel, I ami Sir, your inoit ubedierit Servant, . , . General Wahington,. &c. Scz. S I R,. .' r New York, Juke c, 1777 S O many Iays having elapfed lince my .Letter to you of the iidof May was defpatched without an Anfwer, and left by any Accident it mould not have gotten to jour Hands, J am inT fend a Duplicate thereof ! and rto Rf quell for your final Pecifion upon, the Demands theiein cpntainedj WitH aue i.eipect. 1 atu, oir, vuux muu uwsuuii oiui, 1 j t Generall Walhington , Sec. &c. W. HOWE Gen. WASHINGTON to Gen. HOWE. S I XR, I , MtDDLi Baooic, June 10, 1777. YOUR fcveral Letters ot the Hit 01 April, 22a ol May,'; ana 5th Inftant, have been received. -J'r!; r;"'. . Havint1ftad my Sentiments in an explicit Manner, lmV ?creft to you, whether the Army under your command, in tne .ccr iuc yvi - . 7- -f ??.r.r f,ft rJmM;n. 7 frte from fuch calamitous Mor- and the Dilagrcement between- us, I thought it unneceffary ta j ui 1 vi a mw t ----------- . . tl - . - hy, though affiftcd with Refrelhments from all Parts of the rcundirc Provinces. - It is infiooated that I might have reTeafed the Prifoners before 1 of the ill Confcquenccs of their D;cction had tafcen Place. C trouble1 you with a Repetition of them. From the Complelioi of your's of the aitt of April, we appeared to differ fo jwideljr. that 1 could entertain no nopes or a voojpiumc or that an- Aniwex would produce any gcoa ago. 4 f