With the lateft ADVICES, Foreign and Domestic. D SEMPER PRO LIBERTATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. ' O N D O N," Jril 73o.y ; I ' B O S T O N, W io. Ejetr ad of a letter pom Boulogne, .u i Whereas many perfons . have believed it to be impoflible to that have been caft joiid, this matter is pall doubt, is at piefent in the park of .arti lery now in the . Li; " i it ' ! t " - r . i -, .mm uujivm., uiing viuiiku iu anbuu ui- tuu;iiicii, two pieces carrying i z pouna oaii, one-or orais, use' vine fervicei! left his wife at horn, who expected other of iron, which were both cait foJid at Titticut, and we e I to be brought to bed every hour, and a little boy bored folidj 5V the new machine .eftablimed at firid'gewater. pan 7 years old. viai man had no iooher left his houfe, than upon the model and proportions given by Louis Marefquelie, jwomn, who was a neighbour, came to vint his wife. After Colonel in 'the artillery and ichief founder of bfafs aha iron : ic firrt laluration was. over, the vifidr told her, that when Ihe cannon in trjis ftate. . i , : " J . I1 las made acquainted wi:h the rcafoii of her vifir, ilie imagined -By two "American failorsj. who made their efcape from a Bri- M tifli tranfport Jvinf' in Halifax harbour.1 and arrived in town laf ! ' O. : : ,7 j vou!J not be very, agreeable to her. s Alarmed at this, th( ocd woman afcsd .nsr what lt.was ihe wanted, bne-replied; , Tuefday from Machias.: we are informed that the Britifh birate sr money cr her l:fe.y Upon which the poor creature,, unable 'frigates Millord 'and Scarborough a in Machias harbour ; they defend herfeff, -gave her the keyi of her mone -, whuh ihe caiTi'e there with an intention vf compelling the! inhabitants to kk; but not being facufied with Lcr Woty, fne demanded to . take the path of allegiance to the tyrannic king and parliament into the cllar, as file knew there was. a qua .tity of piJded of Britain. The Milforu fent up Machias river a boat, with a 3r which fhe inlllted upon having. When fhe was in the lieutenant;, midihipman, and (eamen,, with an intent, it is liar, the good woman thought it a f.; opportunity to fec.uie her. thcughr, of making fome dif.overies ; but they faid as a flae. - cccrc:n;;ly ine lockta ner in tr.e cenart ana immediately del- i 4c ivlachjas patriots, ?i :chei the little, boy to call his father home frcm church. Jn liars words, 'thought pr: c mean time fhe fecured.the doors of the houfe, and retired to confined, in ithat tovn.L jr chamber. The little bey was nut on his; way to the chursfh bove nien:ioccd tranfport. to man her, from which they made their tfeape.-! . ".- : . . , ; J -' i,- r - j By thj: Hefiian prifbher; arriyed here Iafl. Wednefday, v.e. learn that- the recruits frbrn Hefie were forced ino the iervice. and th door, the woman being- above Hairs, looked out of many of them impri-bned before they embarked. This violence idow, anu siiccci wnat ne want-ro. lie inniieU upon be- occai.oned gifcat fermentations-and tumults amon? the peoxsle t thinking proper to ake luch noted er to fecure themj arid theyv 'are,.noAr Thefe two men .were fdraushtjed from among a humber of other. American prfforiers, on board the a- I the hcJb nd of the woman that was now confined in the eel r. He demanded of the boy where he ws going? The boy fd him, to call his father from church, as his motijer" was ill. 2 fiorcrd the bey, and took him back to the houfe. Knock- i at e window g 't into the houfe j but fhe refufed.. Upon which he threaten- which their knavifh .and arbitrary Prince was not able to lap- I IU rw4 jiui w;i pwi w.i iiiWiJiii la.u n naj iji c I a , W 1 1 11UU I . pdl CliniCUllV. It. tter the innocent child fiiotxld fuffrr, than ihe and her babe The Soul Seller. His fubje&s privately callXhim uhin hch. Accordingly the v;ilii;. with the barbarity that la 1 the car lei' arrived lie c on Saturday from Halifax, came 3u!d difgrace a favagf , U'k a Urge knife and inliantly cut the ; Captain 'Sampfon,. of the flkte brig Independence Lieutfhant ? head off, and held it up to its nuch afliiaed and unhappy Sanders, of the fhip Alfred of war, Lieutenant AfcCoy, of Col. other. The murderer then wii rcfolyed to fet his wife at li- Erving's Penijfylvania regiment, a' numberof other -omcers, irty, and murder the diil.-iiedSit:im. He'iram.ediatelv Gt a failors, -'See. They all a'greei in one flbry that is, that eVer ddcr, nd "mountingthe loof pf the houfe; determinet logo fince j they have been captives, with thenemy, they Jiave been 3wn the. chimney. Upon whkli fhe went down itairs, and as treated in thelmoft fevere and inhunvan manner, that At is K: le chimney is wide; fa w him defechding. In a moment fhe yorid the powir of pen and tongueTo defcribe. And that they ' iled a coniiderable heap of ftraw (which was n-ar at hand) up- will not exchange eld countrymen ; but compel them, a?. the rt the hearth, and fet fire to iti Tnis hd iKe defutd ethil ; point of the bavonet, to pcPon boarfl their pirate fhips, as fea- 1 Tv:s rs the treatment which our brethren receive from their I and 'which the humane, polite I 'is Excellency General Wajhington) calls c dropped, very nigh fulfocated with the imoke. 6iie was as men. :cll prepared to receive him f as" her miferaIe condition implacable, hldod tbVrftj enemies, 'Ould aamit of. 5ne gavQ m .n fome blows, as ne lav upen the Mr, Hctve (in his Tetter to h cari, vitt a i.iv n.. , uji ouiirrving mm to revive; vu;namtj. y y;,- h:tlcj ine to. the Kinie r.-om his hand, with which he had july n.We have an acc nd cut off his head' Fia.ikliirhnmi before muidcred her irinoccnt child, a ocht that Weeks, who carried Dr. cut oft his head. I'la.ikUn home, had purchafad and fitted out at France a7 fma'l i i ' ,- I . . .... . ; . . . . . ... . i tn:s j ancture mauioui.u rc:urn:ng irom cnurcn, aw n;s -De- cruiier, with-an American commiffion, which came acrofs a ve ?yed child Jay on the, ground , a headlefs corps, and his dJor -fcl bound from England for a port in Germany, With a large eked. Raving and dinged hi- immediately, -with afiiilancei f quantity of cafh, and other valuabla articles, in-order ' to; pay roke open the door ; where he found his wife aJrhofl dead as the 1'iince of HefTe. &c. for the manv noor fouls th'e'w hav. InV i, r . J -e nad IwooncO, ana tr.e viaam upon the xicarth without his 1 he vecl'hailed the cruifer to know who fhe waijj the an Aver cuarion. After was, d fmusTpler. And after a fuffieient number ofithe crnjf r war-fo far. reco- ;ad. It is impoflible to form, an idea, of hisYiti rooer mtans were ufed, the unhappy woman w; rred as to give fdme account of what had happened. Accord-. igly thc cellar vas fearched for the acthorefslof "this bloody to the ended to be,' 1 m hands had got On board, they mufledl.her into a port in Franc. ..m.k-n. .....U Ll ! I- -l j r'tr ft t " is. - . y.iui wuoie Duagec tr irein ana new ;intei:!gc:u frohi America : copies of which", we- hear. - are fonva-dp I r. ivjiw huj ij .ui;uuu;u. j.j uwuiogiic jjjuuu, v. vugrcis. . : j. ; rriiiin amoauaaor, :we near, ..cijj fith the head and body of her lifeiefs hufband. luilice in this! cafh, which' hoivever-was "not 'del: ve're ' un. rin't- nt medom is.foon. rut ' into execunon. I mean to be orcfent at when our laitdvices raBwuW 1 ; i )e execution of this wretch, and ihall in a future letter give you , . The public are nor appalled; though extremely uneafy, at p account.ol ner trial, c Saviour, ficc." . - t.le news of the evacuation of Ticonderora and Mount Ind.-nr n- - ; : . , 1 dence. ;Th'e llate.s harefufneient refources left, a:,d the-fucceis , TOBAGO ( Scarbsrsub) . .W2. ' i ; Uf the enemy caere .miy Jnillyiturn out' 'to tlieir.'di'fadanrage. At a court of Oyer and Terminer and gaol delivery held here This . however' jean be no good reafon for a council of Genersl ' u day, came on the trial cf the Hon. PcterFrankl) n, Efq; officers ; to-determine to abandon it to the.cn'cmy, with 'all its he of the members of his Mcjelly's Council for this i 1 indictment for the niu'der of the late Governor Youi ifland, on ilores, and without refinance. Nothing fince the ' commence- oungc. nc men t- or tne war has created to general a a!fiausf2ct:on. Ws as, honourably acquitted, although uncxpecteclly deprived of would, however, avoid, any hafiy and partial concluiions. : Our; Sro material witneffes ; but tha evidence on the par: cf .ihe accounts at prelent are riot very particular.1. We fha!l foon ha'e. owq could not fuppcr: the indictment. . fuller ones, which will be , given to rJie pubuc Taetaifdid 3 I

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