i .September; 5, 1777 THE Number: 392.' GAZETTE. NOR TH-CAR OL 1 r . - i With tht laft ADVICESj FoiiEiGN and, Domestic. -.!!' . ' ;. SEMPER PRO LIBERT ATE, ET BONO PUBLICO. BOSTON Vwv ana remain an juipcnce wijcrc wc iiiji ncAi tiwwttu. Y an exprcfs arrived here latt Friday nignt rrom ivian- laic wees, -uaojui AJtuWrti waw.., v. , chefter in the State of Vermont, which he lelton Tuel- at Khode iUand.wasDrougntunaer guarouvv uiuior, day the' 15th inltant, we learn; that the enemy were where he is ItaUoneay under .tne care 01 apiam x.Denezer, then in paSeSon of and fortifying Caftie-Town, fn-Qrantr - i ' - . . ! f ' the Hampshire ' .grants; fo called, and cutting z road KINGSTON (Efopus) July 28." We Jearn that fome thrbogh towards South Bay, in order to get to tort Ann; tnat: vnainous defigns of the enemy (befitting thebafenefs of their ( there bad bca a battle at Hugbarton5, between a body of our caufej tQ- b(; cxeCuted by their fecret . emti&riss,' in General I n4 fti mmmlmd ftf Colonel Ebenezcr FraRcis, of tns rir 'n - ,nc !tal,r HmrpH onA th ti&nvi tlriv,.L. ' .... c,. . ri of the Hamcihire btare, , r J . -. r 1 rof ,i.wm; esr I . P. M. " About noon the picket guard, of the party upon the le-retreared, being ("1- Mfvwt.. VV 8 ;overDOwercd bv ncjnbcrs; that the lofs on our liue wasjcpo.ica . , ' .... . . , LOTblbta ww.- , - ip be about 150 killed ar.d mifiing, amofi ttie tormcr were inc above-mentioned Colonels Francis and Hale; that there had o;en a fccond engagement at or near fort Ann, between Ano ther boiy of our troops under the command of Colonel Wrr.fr, iA k-,... .ortf th Vn, when thev were repulfed with COofidcrabU lofs ; tat it was reported end beluved that the c ' njmy in both aaions had between 4 and 500 Icilled, and muft fhavchad a greater, number wounded; and that Major S.ne !(for whom Mr.Lovcl was exchanged) had got to S keen (borough, , rr-.Kr f Tahm and fo'dier?. and was determined to ror'tify and defend that place to the lalt extremity, being ciTw-r- Fort Ann road, was attacked by favages and Britilh, trsops";. we drove ofTthe enemy and in 10 doing naci cne man .Kiixea and fcalpedj twelve more killed and' wounded., . live of itefa mortally.' The lofs of the enemy, on this becafiori, is'un-. but iuppoied to ue conuaeraoie. . . certain. b w.ww .w ' - . vve nave tin ij cd what affiftance he requirrd from the humav.e Lrcnerai wc. w . ;, . , ; T xr-7 Utter from a Gentleman st Paris. r!teJ May I, 1777- maniy, butchered and fcnJpcd. Two ferjeahts and two pri v All Eurcpc-ii on our fide of the que fl .ion as . far as aPPkufe . killedand fcalped, one of the latter had- and good wifocs can carry them. Tho c his hands cut off. Th.y took a young woman, Janey jrary power do nethtlels a?Povc. J'? of a houfe at Fort Edward, carried &tT9oft amile into the bulhes and ttoe Jcdled arid thVe talk of rcmo?ing,ro A-fcalPed her In cold blood. , They. have. killed and fcalped an- merica with their families and fortunes as foon as peace and.our otber woman near the lame place. - .. ., r . Independence fhall be cftablilhcd; that it is generally believed . jft Tuefday two men Were taken up and. interrupted in: Ufhil.I have a prodigious addition offtresnth. wealth, andats, their errand to General Howe. They, being bctti Cjrermart?,. from-the em i -ration cf Europe, and. it is thought thtt to leflen recommended to oneFreleigh, their countryman, a Cr prevent futh cmigrat:cn, the tiannics euaomm-u u.cy u.u ftaunch Tory, to d iredt, them trie . read, j 1 ney uiuuciy relax and allow more liberty to t nci r people ; hence i it is a com- a miftake by Calling on a Whig of the fame name, who mon obfervation here that our.caufc is the caule o. all mankind; their inquiries and found out their errand ; ; thinking and that we are fighting tor thcirjibcrty m defending our.mva. - thbm-pifs . without a further eXmU l??1 K Taft" veikinother of the W Gen.ah was ha5d U . lOr VJUJ. 1 ICltUi. aiium', . o , T-,. . ; 1 M F T S H - K - I L i;, Yy i. Frfri& nf a letter from Mofes'j Creek, July 26, - : ' We have jult had a brufh with the enemy.at. Fort Ed- lCUtClldlll V all. V tipikUI ,rtO illWil m.j.iw. 1V foiirlf fnrlpaveto come ud. and to have an interview ,. :k it,, rzrri ' rvbirh i3i notVranted. The bas-jrarre Willi lll.VI - ' O . 1 -V-- ccrwas received, and" next day the flag returned to Newv port. - . . . NnrVJ.nNDnN. 7 18. Lafl Saturday a prize wns fent into pert, taken by the iioop Trumbull, Cap t: Henry t ti T J A D F. Tr. P H I -A. Ausufr 6. Extral cfa letter rem an American Gentleman at Fans, dat- - i ; ' eamay 13, 1777 , . r ? ir -iiw information am able to obtain, our enemies fent into port, taken by the lioop I rumbull, apr. iienry fd tb niakc a tolerable appearance this cam- Billm. from this port. She has 5 or 6coo wcght of cof-. are- mucniprc W the . o ; , , . -j Daieil. . oomciuuit .ca jujuioi t . rr . , . ; ... ICWf Uliu 4 W 4a a w ww - - ; aiiu - r- 1 - in(r of Great. Britain to gratiry tne. maiigiwuwy - k-- Bv Capt. Latham, we learn, that all.Dutrn velieis, nay- L . moold this campaign faih in. American produce on board, bound, to Europe, Orelie. wrierc, are taken', by the Britilh cruizcrs; allcdging, hat all VJ'-ed frL him. It is certain he has ruchuceisBritimpro mTnlh der that pretence, were lately carnCd in,o nti0ja, iaacn u:,f v.e rteed not be much afraid 2- vrith rice and tobacco. f 'iWe went with about 200 men, one 12 pouX1" and - - m . -1 .. ... !' T"T-.r -Trrp 2 letter frtm London,. April i$ . ! b day, and had a long converfation with; ' . . -1 n i 1 nlZc Woll ;nftmd- rautious. ana lenwuic uwi, and thoukh ; conrieaed with Government, he frankly .6- t. ..j.jJTj Uv,. ;fth K n's forces werc noi auic ' x-t r ir n r 1 vv irit'iri i iff inc. mat. . ..... - i a foill fchooncr, and two .row gaiJies. i iy - r , o ; . d fea w the American army,- Vfcr Hamftraw Bayon WedneKay noo and. to down the river aain this morninc. x icy umt 4iv. -- r -jrji ,iftinn of indeoeridence; .Thev fame O near US H wuuiu uciuyumuiviw w-.."...---,- j l.J'-.aV line. i ncy came 10 ncai r rineftion of mdeperiderice; as to tempt us to fend them one ihotlytMat vvs m- w mSSm ffcaual. W-Q have not as yet t learncu urc wtwm; -. r : -- 1 ! ,.-:i-r-