Lid pablicly stow her fcntimcnti, in fdpportingr the American; ofc, we but five mips of war in the world j would give ?r vote that inftant to declare war againft her, as thVonly repa Son which' could fatisfy the injured honour of a gfeat nation." f rtrnrhin concluded with movin?. That an humble ad- ,'.-. rfi.nfed to his Maieftv. molt dutifully reprefenune to Hi Royal Wifdom, that this Houfeis deeply penetrated with the rfimneiidinp ruin to this kingdom, from the continuation r .. .;nn.Mifil war afrainft the Britifh Colonies in America, and noil humbly to advife his Majefty to take the molt fpeedy and ef fectual meafures for putting a flop to fuch fatal hofiilities, upon t. a ;uft nd folid foundation : namely, the removal of accu mulated grievances; And to aflure his Majefty, thkt this Houfe will enter upon mis great uu uskcuijr and difpatch, in order to open to his Majefty,; the oly means of the affeaions of the Britifti Colonies, and of fecuring m Great-Britain the commercial advantages of thcife invaluable POu"tfSoni.. Fully perluadecl mat to neai, ana 10 reurcis, ww oc mere coagenitf to the gocdnefs and magnanimity of his Majefty, and more prevalent over the hearts of generous and free-born fub jffli, than the rigours of chaftifement and horrors of civil war, i'i.vK KlfKprtn hve ferved only to fharpen refentment, and if continued, nioft end in finally diifjiving ail ties bcWeca Great- Britain and the Colonics. . j To inquire Scrit. 2. j PHIL AD ELPH I A, Pk&fc to publifh the two following-letters, and oblige your hurri- 1 . . ble Krvant, s i. ox. v, SIR. - Philadelphia Augujl X-j-J- I I HA Vis fcen your letter to Mr: Louden, prclakory to that of Mr Li'ius to yon. Various have been the foments with re fute! to the concluding paragraph, but it has been generally fup-pof-d to contain ah insinuation that the officer to wham the de fence of Ticonderoga was committed was not traff worthy, and intended to convey mat iuca. inumu it nor to'put a forced conftrudion upon it 1 therefor! leac it to yocrfclf to explain, and that explanation, whatever it is, lex pettyou will be good enough to return me by tbd bearer, ine Ptctlemau ii one of my Aids de Camp, and wilt Wait for it. i ' Iarri, Sir. your humble feryant,: r . A R. S T. C L A I R. Thtlhn. Msicr General Sullivan. . j . S r R, ;' . Philadelphia, MgAl 777- NOTHING but a fincre dtfire to convince General St. Clair that I would no: wHh to fay any thing in the Gizctte way that might operate in the lead againft an officer wKo it about to have a trial by the proper judge's, would induce mc tO fxplam a gene ral cbfervation in my Utter which the futj:Ct ledj to,- and vvhicn mightwith asxhuch propriety be applied to one as another : but to iatijfy you on this point, .l had not you in idea at the time, aiid mould have made the fime cbfrrTations if Tfccnderoga remained in our hand, or had never cxilUd. It w.asA3tural obfenation, and the coi.ftruing it to pcint paitic'ulaily at you is doing- vioknee to every rule ol conrlruction that 1 know any th;ng about 1 " Sir, I am our very hurnbQe Servant, - ; JOHN b 0 h 1 1 V A N, Ye lis a. islajor General St. Clair. ; I James Invir, Efq of this city, (iate Co!on-1 ofa Pcnnfyl-j vaui bittalicn in the cociineuul Aim;,) ii aj ici;;tea a brigadier General of this State. , - t r n n n. u R S S. .7. 14.. J777- "Rtfdved, That the FLAG cf the Uiutcd Srajes wT H I R v i? m c T I? II P ; :1:pjna-e red and white: that the U- nnn be T H L.R tT EEN S T All S Jwhiti xa a blue held, ieprcientii a n w u'r.ftJllation. ' 1 tf-rtrafi frat the MlMi'lCS l CHARLli'S-THOMSON J;decretary. rn u r; r r s S . u?ufl 27, 777 : Ccngreff took" into corfidnatic n the'reurt tf the C, mmitteen on the mcocof conuecl.i.g ih-enquiry thecaufes cf the eva uationofTicondergaand Mount Independence, and into the cendua cf the j;ntral fiicc- in the Nci them department a: the time of the evacuaricc ; whea:u on, , , , r , ; Refclvtd, That a Ccmraiacc.of member of Cpngreis be . appointed and autiiciiuja to ccriclf ond wish cbhc Iwdcs, or private prfons, fJv JthcrW.fs, in this and the nrighbojr-y instates, in order to colled the cfeaicil and fAileft evidence of, the fiate of the army in the Northern department, and aUb cf the fiate of the troops, xrilitary ftores and prpvifions at the laid poits, before and at the time when the evacuation was determined up on. ; k : ' ; ' : L 1 . ' ' ' V"- ' j of the Council of War; x o can iur iuu vAauiiu- j- . , and to enquire what orders were given, from time to time, oy tnc Commander m Chid or tnat oepartaicn. . , a6, To inquire particularly if the barracks and ftores were deftroy- of the Ouarter Maftcr finpral. and Commlflkr HnpraL what cuantrtv of-Dro virion had keen laid un it Ticon-i deVoga, or ne;tr it, for the ufe ofrthe garrifon, and what ineafurea were taken or taking for throwing in farther fuppli?3. . .i To inform themfclves, as fully as poISble,- of the nuimbcrap4. pointment, and movements of the en eniy from the time -of their landing to this time of evacuating the fort; and a!fo,of the'nurnf ber, quality iand condition of the garrifon, and if any and what meafures were taken to gain intelligence of the ftrength ofthe e nemy, by the Commander in Chief,1 or the Comoadding Offi cer at Ticbnderoga. ' "M1 - " ' . j To inquire1 of the Clothier General what clothing, j from time to time, hadbeen iiTued for the ufe of the Northern department ; and from other public officers; into the expenditures of fuch ge neral ifTue?; ,' , ... . 'I't ' ; ;. j "i - riy-' . '. I. To inquire into the number, equipment, and behaviour of the militiaf and the term of fervice for which they were engaged, at and before the time of the evacuation ; into the fituaticn and con dition of the! lines at Ticondercga, and the fortincatiens upon Mount Independence. "What works had been thrown up by the enemy, what prfts they had taken, and the diftancfof their Works ; what ordersjhad been given by the Commanding Officer for di rccling and regulating a Vetreat,1 and the manner tn which the re treat was conducled j. what orders were given relative ,to the fick, and what cat taken of them. Whether any -Continental ifoops," and uhat niirnber. were at Albany, or in theieiirnbourhood, j how long they had been there, and why they wcte not ordrrcd to Ticonderoga. . j . : r. j " . -Jul. J- To inquire into the number and fxzs-of cannon, and whether i any were removed before the evacuation ; the quantity and fpecies; 'of military- ftores ; the ftate of the arms, both of the Ccntinentilj foldiers ahdjmiHtia ; 'whether the troops were fumifhed with bay- onets, and (whether there wercany, .and what number of, pikea . cr fpears proper for defending lines. , " - 1 r j " That upon fuch inquiry and collection of fadls, a copy of the. whole be trnfmitted, by the faid Committee, to General Wafh ington, and that- thereupon he appoint a Court Martial, for thiei trialcf th2 General Officers Who' were in the Northern j department when Ticonderoga and Mouut Independence were evacuated, a--greeable toj the rules and articles of war. - ,; ! ; j . Augaji 28. Congrefs proceeded to the election of the Commit tee uTcollea evidence and fads relative to the evacuation of Tf- cocdero2a,l &c. and the ballots being, taken, , Richard Henry - Lee, and Mr. John A- Mr. JLaurens, Mr. Jam; -!trV- Publifbed by order of CovgreJs , , , .ExtraQ ef CHARLES 1 I "V. rJtf, 'ft am d trinchaHlIoufe in.BUBoa, wh have dif- tiniuilhkd themltlves by their (zealous attachment to the Jfmerica caufe, ' dnd juccejsful endea vour to jerque it. isaie i,xuj . We iae only time at pre Pent to inform you of our having this day received permiffioh from the Court of Spain to land arid dift ofe eft' or fhip for any foreign porr, all the tobacco that may be con fig ed to us from the Thirteen United States, of America. As this if a privilege granted only to cur Houfe, we muft beg the favour of jour.having it inferte'd in your news papers;, that "may , Ka tnnuin ve 01 lucn-uas are wmme iu ictuwic u9 ri'.r;'4 l We are. &e. L JOSEPH GARUOgl, anu iNO. A- To all FORESTALLERS and R AISERS cf the price of ". 1 nnrtMctnT5 T'o Iri rk'At.fA thai W flnrm is hrp r. ing againt you. Warding tbcfirjl. -v :r. . j ! j .. ' ' ixr V v R1 F' R- N. October 1777. ; In'ourjaft, we gave an Account of the Randolph; Frigate hav ing carried a; large Ship int'o Charles-Town, which was firfl uk tp by the Privateer Nancy, "of this Port, Capt. Palmer, and after Jwards reltakcn by a large Ship frcm Jamaica; mounting 20 Guns; bv Letters from Mr. Stanly's Agent ln.ynaries-.awn iucuv- count 'U bonnrmed; the bhip is caliea tne oevern, roouuuug iu Guns, IfJm Jamaica 10 unuui, .oi w,ww Caut Palmer ' enoaged and took her at the head of the Jamaica f Fleet on the 4th oi Acgult lait. 1 ne omer venci iasen ur v. Palmer is a Snow called the la vermay,-from Jamaica to enuco- la, wiih iiumdSUvesVfaid to be worth 35,000!: Proc. Capt. Palmer conduaed her into Savannah, in Georgia j himielf , aad ij preparing: for another Cruize. , , ; i By a Gentleman frcm Williamfburg, 1 we are informed, that iuft befofe he fet out, an Exprefs arrived there from Baltimore, with an7Account, that General Howe having detached Party,, about ztoo Men, to take Pofleffion of thegreat Lancafter Road, which lay about 6 . or-8 Miles from hihv General Wafhington ;got timely Notice of the Movement, had a fufficient Party there ? ;. nsL fnrnxnAeA. killed and took every Manor them. iThis Account was generally believed,-and that from the Vicinity of the t woVArmies .they xnult, before this Time, have n ccneral Knaeement. i - , -i. cd, 01 left Xtandiu.

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